The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1353 Be the City Lord

Chapter 1353 Be the City Lord

"City Lord Ji" amusing himself and looking at the City Lord of Qingcheng on the seat of the palace with a slightly different expression from the Ji Xiaoyan they knew before, couldn't help but yelled in a low voice, and then heard Qing Gong The manager smiled at them and said, "Two adventurers. By the way, just for fun. You are no longer the librarian of Miyushi Town, are you? You don't have the status of a semi-aboriginal person?"

Amusing himself, he turned his head to look at Manager Qing Gong in a daze, nodded, and said: "Yes, I have already told the mayor of Miyushi Town that he has already removed my identity! "

Manager Qing Gong nodded, looked at himself with satisfaction, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan, and said to her: "Then, Lord City Master, I will report to you now. These two are people you knew before. Two adventurers, this self-entertaining librarian from another town, got a chance to set up a gang in our Qingcheng because of some chance, as a support, we will gift him a house As the guild's resident, you told me about this matter before you went to Mochen Town West Mountain!"

"Hmm!" Ji Xiaoyan on the main seat had no expression on his face, but still had a serious face, sitting quietly like a puppet.

Self-entertainment and Hand in Hand Baitou looked at each other with some frowns!
Ji Xiaoyan is not like this!According to the scholar outside the city gate, even if Ji Xiaoyan loses his memory, it is impossible to change his whole temperament?Now this Ji Xiaoyan can't find any trace of the past. Could this be a certain mission requirement in the game scene, asking them to find mission clues or something?

Thinking of this possibility, Hand in Hand Whitehead couldn't help but secretly rubbed his hands with some excitement!

"Now this self-entertaining adventurer is a free man, so, Lord City Lord, he is considered to be a permanent resident of our Qing City. They have already received a permanent resident ID card from me. , you see, if you agree with them to enter our Qingcheng, establish a gang, and get a free gang resident, you can print it for them."

"Print what?" Hearing this sentence, Ji Xiaoyan, who was still in the shape of a puppet, immediately turned his head to look at Manager Qing Gong and asked in surprise.

Manager Qing Gong glared at Ji Xiaoyan, with a hint of warning in his eyes, seeing that she sat up straight and regained the puppet appearance just now, and then said: "It's just to brand them with the identity card that the city lord stamped on them. Just a moment. I'll take care of the rest of the matter." At this point, Manager Qing Gong hurriedly added another sentence, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master City Lord, do you think their house is going to be given to that place? It's up to you to decide!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded stiffly, and watched Manager Qing Gong hand over the identification cards of Self-Entertainment and Hand in Hand to the front, then took out her city lord's seal and lightly stamped on the two cards, and then I saw two big Qingcheng characters appearing on the two white wood identification cards.

"The next step is to choose a house." After the maid asked the maid to hand the sign back to the self-entertaining and hand-in-hand whiteheads, he took out a plan map of Qingcheng, handed it to Ji Xiaoyan, and said: "My lord, Where do you think it fits?"

"What kind of house can we give them?" Ji Xiaoyan asked Manager Qing Gong with some confusion.

"Because they are the first and second permanent residents of our Qingcheng, and they have abandoned the city they stayed in before." Director Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan with some embarrassment: "If they can only choose our Qingcheng Relatively marginal, old houses. But now that we have renovated all of Qingcheng, such houses don’t exist anymore. In addition to their current identities, you can consider giving them better houses, Lord City Master. Well, two or three The kind of room in the room is fine”

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked at the map for a while with a face of contemplation, and finally chose a room, and said to Amuse himself and Hand in Hand, "Then this is it!"

Director Qing Gong looked at the map, nodded without expressing any opinion, and then asked the maid to whisper a few words, then said to the self-entertaining and hand-in-hand white heads: "Two Adventurers, your location has been chosen! A guard will take you there in a while to have a look! The rest of the matter will be resolved by yourself! Regarding the establishment of the guild, you will follow this maid to register later, you The name of the guild, the name of the guild leader, etc., will do.”

"Okay, okay!" Hand in hand nodded excitedly, then took a sneak peek at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said with a smile: "Master Ji, thank you."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded her head twice reservedly, but said nothing else.

Hand in hand with Baitou rolled his eyeballs, a little unwilling, thought for a while and then said: "By the way, City Lord Ji, last time you said you were going to do missions in Mochen Town, have you finished all missions? Reward got it?"

Ji Xiaoyan moved his mouth, looked at Hand in Hand with some puzzled eyes, and finally squeezed out a few words: "It should be finished, sorry, I lost my memory, I have no impression of you."

"Adventurers, you can leave!" Qing Gong gave a displeased look at Hand in Hand Baitou, and said directly to Hand in Hand and Baitou after Ji Xiaoyan finished speaking.

"Amnesia?" Hand in hand with Baitou giggled twice, ignoring Manager Qing Gong's words, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, if you lose your memory, then go out with us for a walk. Not necessarily After going out with us, will you be able to get back your memory? You see, you are here, so I’m afraid you haven’t lost too much memory.” If you really lost your memory, you still know how to play games and know that you are from Qingcheng Santo, he doesn't believe it
Well, it must be that the system gave Ji Xiaoyan, the city lord, a task scene, and asked her to act like this, for the next task.But, how could he accept the task of restoring the memories of Lord Qingcheng?
Hand in hand with white heads is a bit of a headache at the moment!
Manager Qing Gong didn't know what was going on in his head, but when he saw Ji Xiaoyan yearningly looking at He Hei He and entertaining himself with a look of excitement, Manager Qing Gong's complexion suddenly darkened a lot. He directly greeted the Qingcheng maid standing next to him to drive out for self-entertainment and hand in hand
"Ji City Master Ji City Master. We will definitely help you restore your memory." The voice of Hand in Hand Whitehead was still echoing in Ji Xiaoyan's mind after the others were kicked out of the main hall.

"My lord, you can't trust these adventurers!" Director Qing Gong saw that Ji Xiaoyan was already looking lazy, half lying on the table, looking eagerly at the door of the main hall, and said: "Mr. , image. Didn’t you agree to show off your majesty as the city lord like just now? Why are you lazy again! If you don’t pay attention at all times, this temperament can’t be improved. Look at what you just did The performance is very good! You are the Lord of the city, you just need to have a feeling of being superior and not getting close to strangers."

Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyes at Manager Qing Gong speechlessly.

Ever since she agreed to accept Master Bessa's suggestion and design and rebuilt the entire Qingcheng, her life in Qingcheng has been difficult.Every day, in addition to running back and forth between Ruifu Water City and Qing City to rest, he also has to supervise the progress of the reconstruction of the entire Qing City, and learn from Chief Qing Gong how to be a good city lord of Qing City. He also needs to learn various interests, tone of voice, and expression , how to enhance the majesty of her as the city lord, etc., and so on!Ji Xiaoyan felt that she had never been idle!
Especially recently, I don't know why Manager Qing Gong has been poisoned by Master Besa. If there is nothing to do, I will help Master Besa to say good things, or I will actively organize her to go somewhere with Master Besa. Ji Xiaoyan was prepared to slowly get along with Mr. Bessa, but she never thought about asking Director Qing Gong to intervene so forcefully!
To be honest, no matter in terms of appearance, temperament, or strength, Master Bessa is definitely a super wealthy son-in-law that she has never even thought about before.However, no matter how good and comfortable she is living these days in Qingcheng, and how real this world feels, every time she sees Lord Bessa, she will feel a slight sense of rejection.

In her consciousness, she still felt that they were not from the same world.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan politely refused Manager Qing Gong's initiative.She wanted to go for a walk outside Qingcheng by herself, to see what the world was like by herself, and to get in touch with it by herself.However, in Manager Qing Gong's daily homework schedule, she has no time at all, not to mention that Manager Qing Gong seems to have the intention of helping Lord Bessa look after her.
Fortunately, those days didn't last long, and they received news that adventurers were about to appear.

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the good news, she didn't even sleep well for several nights.She even thought, after those adventurers, that is, the players, came, would she be able to find one or two friends she knew?Not sure, she can still find one or two classmates among those players?This can prove that she has not traveled to a new world, but is still in the original world, but something happened to her, so I don't know that the technology in her world has suddenly advanced so much
She is eager to meet the player!Eager to see the world like ordinary players!

However, they didn't give her a chance.

As long as players are mentioned, Manager Qing Gong's evaluation only has this sentence: Those adventurers are greedy and hypocritical!They do everything for a purpose, even if they are very attentive and caring to you, it is all to get something from you.
Ji Xiaoyan didn't believe it!
She believes that no matter how many bad people there are, there are always good people!
Manager Qing Gong couldn't persuade her, so he acted directly, finding many, many things to help her every day until the player had entered this world for three days, and finally let her see herself entertaining herself and working together to grow old together!However, in the middle of this, she was strongly urged to show the style of the city lord and then she did a good job. Later, when she went out to patrol the city, she was asked to go in person.

For Ji Xiaoyan, this condition is quite tempting.

"Master Qing Gong" Ji Xiaoyan glanced feebly at Manager Qing Gong who was still admonishing her, sighed, raised his head from the table, and said to him: "At this moment, there is only Let's get together, okay? Besides, I didn't expect them to help me restore my memory!"

She just traveled through time, how could she have amnesia!
The most depressing thing for her now is that it has been so long, and the lord god alone has not come to her yet.Didn't you say that after you have settled the affairs of this world, come and tell her something she wants to know?How long has it been! !
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sighed deeply.

When Director Qing Gong heard the words, his body trembled immediately, and he looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some excitement and asked, "What's wrong with Lord City Master? Why are you sighing? Did you miss Lord Besa?"

Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyes helplessly!She doesn't have this idea at all, okay?
"Master City Lord, don't be embarrassed. Speaking of which, Lord Bessa has also been back to River Water City for three days. He just sent someone to bring over your favorite food every day, and he didn't come to see you in person. Manager Qing Gong said with some minor complaints: "This adventurer must have appeared, and there have been more things in Refu Water City, so Lord Bessa didn't take the time to see you, Lord City Lord. Lord City Lord, can you Don't blame Master Bessa."

Ji Xiaoyan continued to roll her eyes, she was really speechless to Director Qing Gong.No matter what she says or does, he can always understand and hook up with Lord Bessa. I really don't know what that man, Lord Bessa, did to turn Director Qing Gong who was so wary of him at the beginning into what he is now.
"Oh, that's right!" Manager Qing Gong glanced at Ji Xiaoyan as if you don't need to explain, I understand, then suddenly turned serious, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, our city patrol time is set at After two days, when the time comes, you have to tell Master Cenarion that you can go with it in the air! We have a lot of adventurers in Qingcheng recently, if you go with us, you will definitely be killed. Many adventurers who collided will definitely gather around and flirt with you, just like the two adventurers just now, pretending to be familiar with you."

(End of this chapter)

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