The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1354 Want money?Find me!

Chapter 1354 Want money?Find me!

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong suspiciously for a long while, seeing that the expression on his face hadn't changed at all, so he reluctantly nodded in agreement, then thought about it for a while before notifying Cenarion, and then we went back together Go outside the city lord's mansion for some air
However, Ji Xiaoyan was still thinking about what Qingcheng would look like two days later. She hadn't stepped out of Qingcheng yet, and an unexpected person appeared in front of her.

"You are. Guang?" Ji Xiaoyan was about to step out of the dormitory after waking up to meet Chief Qing Gong to see what needs to be arranged for the next day's city tour, but he found out that there should be no one in the dormitory Suddenly, a man wearing a white robe with gold trim appeared, with a blurred face
"Ji Xiaoyan..." Guang's voice sounded very pleasant, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be upturned. After nodding to Ji Xiaoyan, he turned his head and looked around the room, then looked at her and asked, "I didn't bother you so early." You."

Ji Xiaoyan gritted her teeth, feeling the urge to rush over and beat him up, but in the end she held back.Who is this man in front of you?That is light, the most supreme figure in this world! !Let's not talk about whether it is possible for her to hit him, even if she can hit him, will her life be better in the future?Her relationship with Light is not that familiar.
"When I wanted you to show up, if you didn't show up, now that you're standing here and asking me if I've been disturbed, does that make any sense?" Ji Xiaoyan held back for a while, stared at Guang Guang and said bitterly, and then Then he pointed to the side and said, "Sit down."

Guang smiled and nodded, walked over to where Ji Xiaoyan was pointing at, found a more pleasing chair and sat down, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "You blame me, don't you?"

Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows and didn't answer, but just sat on the chair beside Guang and looked at him with complicated eyes.

"I know you must be resenting me in your heart," Guang continued, "I promised you back then, when you wake up, I will tell you everything you want to know, but who knows, you woke up After that, I never showed up. After you came back to Qingcheng for so long, even the whole city was refurbished, I still haven’t come out to explain to you, if you don’t blame me, I won’t believe it.”

Ji Xiaoyan lowered her eyes.It is good to have such self-knowledge!At least these words don't come out of her mouth!There are some words in this world that have different meanings and flavors when spoken from one's own mouth and from others.

Just looking at Ji Xiaoyan just staring at himself but neither answering nor speaking, she sighed with a smile, shook her head and said, "What the hell are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at your face." With a curious look on his face, Ji Xiaoyan said to the light without joy or sadness: "By the way, why have I been looking at you like this and haven't seen it clearly? Is it okay to put a mosaic on the face?"

"Hehehe!" Guang covered his mouth and laughed a few times, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I am the main god, if it is so easy for you all to see the real face, how can you still maintain a sense of mystery? What do you think? , Xiaoyan?"

Ji Xiaoyan pursed her lips, turned her eyes away, and then said: "You are finally free, and you are ready to explain my doubts?"

Guang smiled and shook his head, seeing Ji Xiaoyan staring at him with a puffy face, he said to her: "I came to you with something." After a pause for two seconds, Guang continued: "What you want to know, I'll find a time to tell you everything, and now, I need you to give me an answer."

Ji Xiaoyan curled his lips secretly, stared at the light for several times, and then said: "Okay, then you can tell." If it is not important, it is estimated that the light will not appear so soon, anyway, she is now apart from the lack of Apart from some memories, she is still very familiar with this so-called game world, so now she no longer has the eagerness to know about Ji Xiaoyan who "used to be"
She is a brand new Ji Xiaoyan
Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan cooperated very well, she nodded in satisfaction, and then told Ji Xiaoyan the experimental data that the game designer desperately wanted her to enter the game, as well as some conditions that he had agreed with the game designer. Said, and finally told her that her body in the real world has been well preserved in the game researcher headquarters at the moment.

"Guang, why do I feel that you just want me to agree?" Ji Xiaoyan squinted a few times, and said to her: "Otherwise, you can just talk about the previous things, and at the end you have to bring a question about Regarding my body in that world, you are threatening me anyway? If I don’t agree to give the test data, are they going to throw away my body directly and let her self-destruct? "

"Xiaoyan, you think too much!" Guang shook his head at Ji Xiaoyan without hesitation, and then said, "I'm just telling you about the current situation. I can't just wait for you to say something that you disagree with." Afterwards, it told you that your body is still in the hands of those researchers, and then made you change your mind? It seems that that is the real threat to you, right?"

Ji Xiaoyan pursed her lips.

"Actually, if you have any complaints, everyone can understand. After all, you didn't know it before, and you became like this." Guang thought for a while, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "As a Residents of our world, in the previous situation, many things and words can not be said. This should be the so-called leak mission that the adventurers said. So, don't blame River Water City Bessa is also somewhat selfish, which made you a permanent resident of our world without knowing anything."

"Wait, Guang. What do you mean, Master Bessa knew everything back then, but he didn't tell me? Is that why I somehow became a person in your world?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Guang with some surprise and asked. .Why hasn't anyone told her this round?Lord Bessa's man has been by her side for so long, so it's fine if he hasn't talked to her, but this Lord Qing Gong has been following her all along, didn't he still care about her so much back then?Why didn't he mention this matter?
Guang looked at Ji Xiaoyan, nodded silently, and then said: "In terms of motivation, they didn't hurt you, they just hope that you will come to our world and become a part of us." Having said that, Guang After a pause, he quickly continued to speak: "However, Xiaoyan, no matter what it was before, you can see now that our world is actually much better than yours. Your social status in that world is very low. No one can save you from anything. But you are different in our world! You are such a beautiful city lord of Qingcheng here, and you have the special condition of immortality, so you can live a good life here."

"No matter how good it is, it will still be different from the other world." Ji Xiaoyan was silent for a while, and said something to Guang.

Guang really wanted to ask Ji Xiaoyan if there was any difference.Their world is much better than that of the real world, otherwise why would so many adventurers come here and even refuse to leave?Don't they just think their world is better?It's just that I just opened my mouth, but in the end I still didn't say these words out of my mouth!Everyone has their own different feelings, Ji Xiaoyan thinks that the real world is better, maybe it's just because of which world she was born in, and she has a special nostalgia for that world
"Xiaoyan is actually not important in the past, the most important thing now is, are you willing to share those data with those researchers?" Just thinking about it, I still definitely talk about the business!After all, outside of their worlds, those game researchers were still waiting for his reply!If there were no other restrictive factors, he would not want to have any interaction with those people at all!However, Miss Ji Xiaoyan's body is still in the hands of those researchers!
If he didn't help her take good care of her body, and if something happened to her body before she gave up her body, the girl would probably hate him to death.
He didn't want Miss Ji Xiaoyan to hate him.
"Give it! What else can I do if I don't give it to me!" Ji Xiaoyan said with some frustration, "I don't agree with it later, what should I do if they just kill my body? What will I do before I go back?" Like, how can I go out without a body?"

Guang nodded, with an inexplicable sense of loss in his eyes.As expected, Ji Xiaoyan still wanted to leave their world!

"Okay! Now that you've made your decision, I'll tell those researchers!" Guang nodded, stood up and said something to Ji Xiaoyan, ready to leave.

In the end, I watched Ji Xiaoyan grab his sleeves, and then looked at him and asked nervously: "Guang, I remember you said that you are the god of this world, and you are the god of everything in this world." You know, right?"

Guang nodded, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some puzzlement, wondering what she was going to do?

"I want to ask you something." After Ji Xiaoyan pulled the light and continued to sit down again, he said: "You said that when all adventurers in this world come in, they will have their identities bound, and you will know them all." Who the hell is someone in the real world, right?"

Guang continued to nod, and then asked: "What do you want to do?" Could it be that Miss Ji Xiaoyan wanted to find her biological parents?

Ji Xiaoyan tightened his fingers, and slowly withdrew his hands from Guang's sleeves, and after a long silence, he told Guang a few names with a complicated and nervous expression, and also reported about these few by the way. After obtaining the individual's home address and ID number, he looked at Guang and asked, "Guang, have these people come to this world? Can you contact them directly, or tell me where they are?"

Guang frowned a little, closed his eyes and wondered if he was helping Ji Xiaoyan to search, and after a long time, he said to her: "Xiaoyan, first of all, those ID numbers you mentioned don't seem to be something of our era! That should be the resident identification number that was only used in the old era. However, I did a search for the names and resident information of the people you mentioned. There are many people with the same name, but their information is completely consistent with what you said. Not the same, there is no match at all." Guang paused, sighed at Ji Xiaoyan with a complicated expression, and then said: "Could it be that you remembered something wrong?"

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for several seconds, then shook his head with a wry smile, and said to Guang: "Forget it, I already know."

Guang looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some puzzlement.

"Okay, didn't you say that those researchers are still waiting for you? You go!" Ji Xiaoyan waved to Guang, with a look of frustration on his face, forced a smile and said to Guang: "Remember to let They kept my body well. Don't let them have any bad ideas! You just have to tell them that my data from this experiment is in exchange for the protection of my body and the chance to go out in the future! You can’t make them regret it later.”

Guang nodded, smiled slightly and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Don't worry, I know."

"More! And more!" Ji Xiaoyan suddenly thought of something, and said to Guang: "Tell them, you see, my Qingcheng has just been rebuilt, and the treasury is empty. It doesn't mean that there are banks and the like that can be with me. Do they have the same currency? Let them bring me some gold coins to fill my empty treasury."

Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, he shook his head helplessly at her, and said, "Xiaoyan, you haven't woken up yet! You want gold coins, what's the use of looking for those researchers? Everything in this world It's all my decision, so why don't you come to me directly?"

"Can you give me gold coins directly? Then those banks are useless to us?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, a little confused.

"Comparatively speaking, the Qianzhuang is not for us." Guang smiled and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "In the past, our world was dominated by those researchers who used the Qianzhuang to make money. Those adventurers in the real world The wealth in our world is exchanged for wealth in our world. To be precise, our world has no connection with their currency! Their wealth is completely useless in our world. You let their researchers I donate gold coins to you, and how many gold coins will be generated in the end is not up to me? And their wealth is just a piece of data when it comes to us, and our world can't use it at all, so what do you think we use it for?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded half-understood, looked at Guang and asked: "Anyway, what you mean is that it's useless to ask them for money, just ask you directly, right? Then, Guang, how many gold coins can you give me to make up for it?" My treasury?"

(End of this chapter)

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