The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1355 The main god is not easy!

Chapter 1355 The main god is not easy!
Guang originally wanted to tell Ji Xiaoyan that in this game world, money and wealth in the real world are useless to them, so even if she wants to negotiate terms with those game researchers, she should not choose these It's useless.Who knows, that girl Ji Xiaoyan actually asked him for gold coins directly.
He didn't mean that at all!

"Guang, you are talking! How many gold coins can you give me to fill my treasure house in Qingcheng?" Ji Xiaoyan saw that Guang did not speak, opened his mouth and asked again, seeing that the expression on Guang's face seemed a little unnatural. Only then did he look at him suspiciously, and then asked Guang: "I said, Guang, you are not teasing me, but you actually don't want to give me gold coins at all?"

Just looking at Ji Xiaoyan, for the first time, I felt a sense of lack of words.

He is the main god, and everything in this world, gold coins, plants, and even people can grow freely in his hands!However, now he wants to make this world an independent and free development city, rather than a toy world of his own, he can do whatever he wants!Yes, gold coins, how much the whole world wants, is up to him, and it doesn't matter how much he wants to give to anyone!However, if this is directly given to Ji Xiaoyan, will it be fair to this world?She was supposed to work hard to find a way to earn money to fill the treasury, but after he directly gave her a bunch of gold coins to fill the treasury, does Miss Ji Xiaoyan still have the motivation to work hard?

She lay directly in Qingcheng waiting to eat, drink, and die. Oh, no, she was immortal in their world, just like him! !
Thinking of this, Guang couldn't help but looked at Ji Xiaoyan and sighed, and then said earnestly, "Xiaoyan, you see, if I give you gold coins directly, won't you have no motivation to do other things in the future?" ?”

"You mean you don't want to give it, don't you?" Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyebrows.

"I think, I have to find some motivation for you to work hard in our world, don't you?" Guang said to Ji Xiaoyan quite patiently.

"You are willing to give it, right?" Ji Xiaoyan continued to raise his eyebrows.

Guang snorted for a while, glared at Ji Xiaoyan, and said, "What's the use of gold coins to me? It's not you who are useful! I don't want to part with it, right? I just think that some things are still useful. If you have to work hard on your own, can you still cherish it in the future? If I just gave you a bunch of gold coins, wouldn’t you just do nothing in Qingcheng and be bored every day? I’m doing this for your own good !"

"I understand! You just don't want to give it!" Ji Xiaoyan rolled her eyes and said flatly.

Guang took a look at Ji Xiaoyan, "What do you mean I don't want to give it! I told you, those things are useless to me! I only do it for your own good." Having said that, Guang looked at Ji Xiaoyan That look continued to roll my eyes, I don't listen and I don't believe you, so I finally had to curl my lips, and then said: "Forget it! After all, I mean it well. Now our world is also a real world. I can't do it for you. If I give you something special, I will give you gold coins, so that you can get something for nothing. I want to maintain the balance of this world.”

"Well! If you don't give me gold coins to fill up the treasury, the balance of this world can be maintained." Ji Xiaoyan said with some resentment.If Manager Qing Gong hadn't reported to her a few days ago, saying that all the inventory in Qingcheng's treasure house was completely used up, they would have no money in Qingcheng for a period of time in the future, and they might go to River Water City to borrow money, she would have Do not entangle with light here!She just felt that, instead of asking Chief Qing Gong to go to River Water City to owe Lord Bessa's favor, it would be better to ask for all the gold coins directly!
Light still owed her, at least.

Just listening to Ji Xiaoyan's words felt a bit wrong, so she gave her a hard look, and then said: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you. I can't help you fill up your treasure house, but since you Now that you are poor in Qingcheng, I will give you a thousand gold coins as a backup, and I will tell you that you will have to return these gold coins when you have money. Even if I borrowed from you! Do you understand?"

"Understood, understood, understood!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Guang and couldn't help but smile, and then said: "Don't break the balance! I understand! Later, when I have money, you can come to collect money."

Guang glared at Ji Xiaoyan again, nodded, and did not do anything else: "Okay, you already have gold coins in your treasury. I'm going to call those researchers now. You still have Is there any other condition you want to talk to them? If so, tell them quickly, and I will try my best to get it for you."

Ji Xiaoyan tilted his head, and after thinking for a long time, he finally said: "If I say, I want to know some things about that world, and some things about myself, is that okay?"

Guang glanced at Ji Xiaoyan strangely, nodded suddenly, and then said: "Of course this is possible. You just lost some memory during the data transmission. If you want to make up some things, you must It’s possible. I have some of the information about that world here, and I’ll ask those researchers to sort out some for you later. As for your own information, don’t worry, I’ll let them fill in all the information and give it to you. you!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and said with some emotion: "What do you think people are pursuing in this life? Wealth? Rights? I have all of these now, what else can I ask for? Even the eternal life that people can't get Got it, I really have nothing more to ask for. That's it!"

Guang looked at Ji Xiaoyan deeply, nodded, and told her when we would see each other next time, then stepped out of Ji Xiaoyan's bedroom door, and disappeared directly.

"Obviously it can disappear directly, but I have to go out to do so." Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyes at the back of the disappearing light, and then sighed deeply, sorting out his emotions, Walking out of the palace gate, I found a few maids who had been guarding outside but didn't hear or see anything, and told them to go straight to the place where Chief Qing Gong should be.

Because of the entry of players, no matter which town or city it is, the recent days are the busiest.Because the entire game has been upgraded, many places are different, NPCs have their own thoughts, wild beasts are no longer as docile as before, so players basically cannot adapt to the game after entering the game!
Then, if you can't adapt, you used to look for game customer service, but now you can only look for the NPCs in charge of each village.Therefore, basically speaking, the mayors, village chiefs, and city lords of every town are very busy.

Of course, Miss Ji Xiaoyan is an exception here.

Although the players who came to Qingcheng were not used to it, and there were many complaints, but no one thought about going to Miss Ji Xiaoyan!Because even if Ji Xiaoyan doesn't remember, the mastermind has erased her player identity, but all the players who know about Qingcheng know that the owner of Qingcheng was an ordinary player at the beginning, but he was lucky enough to get such a player. Only the city!Instead of asking her to solve the problem, you might as well go to the NPC directly!

No matter how high a player's status is in the game, can he still be higher than the NPCs in the game?
Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan was not harassed at all.If the players have problems, they can directly find an NPC sent by the city lord's mansion to take charge, and then report it to the general manager Qing Gong, and then he will solve it directly, or ignore it.
When Ji Xiaoyan found Manager Qing Gong, he was giving orders to several NPC maids with a sigh.

"What's the matter?" Ji Xiaoyan greeted him curiously, looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked.

"Master City Master!" Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, and asked, "You're up now?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded and asked, "What are you talking about? I look at you with a bad face!"

Manager Qing Gong frowned, sighed, and said: "They just came to report that the food stock in our City Lord's Mansion is running out. Lord City Lord, I thought about it. After we go to patrol the city tomorrow, we should take a look at those places. The house can be sold, choose a part to sell to those adventurers, or choose some shops to rent to them. I am thinking that it is also possible to sell some houses to the gangs of those adventurers as a gang residence. Like the one who entertains them The guild resident, because it is a gift from Qingcheng, so we can’t charge them any fees, including future maintenance and land occupation taxes, but other adventurers don’t have this concern.”

Director Qing Gong became more and more excited as he spoke, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with bright eyes, feeling that such a grand event had already appeared in his mind.

Ji Xiaoyan waited for Manager Qing Gong to finish talking to her excitedly, and then asked: "Then why didn't we sell the house before?"

Manager Qing Gong choked, and said after a while: "We used to have no shortage of money in Qingcheng! Wouldn't it be better to keep the house in our own aborigines? Why did so many adventurers take over our Qingcheng?" ? After all, this is our Qingcheng, we can’t let adventurers live here, can we?”

"Then I want to sell it now, just to get gold coins? There is no other way?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked, but thought in her heart: Fortunately, she asked for some gold coins after all the searching, otherwise They are really poor in Qingcheng and can only sell their houses.
"My lord, our current income is nothing other than taxes. The whole Qingcheng consumes a lot of gold coins every day. You may not have seen some things, so you don't know! But these money are needed every day. For expenses, we can’t wait until the shop owners in the city lord’s mansion come to ask us for the bill, right? It’s not good for anyone, right?” Speaking of this, Chief Qing Gong paused, and then said: “Of course, we want Gold coins, there is another way, and that is the lairs of Lord Nimonsha and Cenarion."

Manager Qing Gong smiled obscenely while talking, and then said: "Of course, I'm just talking."

Ji Xiaoyan secretly rolled his eyes at Manager Qing Gong, and said, "We'll have a look at that time! If it doesn't work, we'll go to Cenarion to borrow some money. As for the sale of the house, we'll talk about it later." ! When will our next tax be collected?"

"This month's has already been accepted, next month will be!" Manager Qing Gong replied honestly.

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said to Manager Qing Gong: "There should be a thousand gold coins in the treasury, you should go and ask for it in case of emergency. We can discuss other things after we finish patrolling the city tomorrow."

Before Ji Xiaoyan finished speaking, Manager Qing Gong sighed and interrupted her: "My lord, you may have misremembered, right? We have nothing in our treasury. How can there be a thousand gold coins?" Yes!! You have misremembered it!"

Ji Xiaoyan smiled mysteriously: "I said there is one, you just take someone to get it! That's all right, just make arrangements for tomorrow, I'll go to Cenarion and talk about the city tour, turn around Let's continue with yesterday's homework." Ji Xiaoyan finally felt elated, raised his chin and said something to Manager Qing Gong, and was about to lift his feet to leave, when he suddenly thought of something, he turned to him and said, "Yes Now, if possible, regarding the matter of gold coins, Mr. Qing Gong, you should not go to Lord Bessa and the others. If you have some favors, it is better not to owe them!"

Director Qing Gong stared blankly at Miss Ji Xiaoyan's spineless turn and leave, without recovering for a while.What happened to her city lord?Is this a way to clearly tell him that the relationship between her and Lord Bessa needs to be separated a little?Is Master Bessa angry because he hasn't come to see Ji Xiaoyan for several days?

Or, does the City Lord of his family have a new love?

Not right!These days, apart from Lord Bessa, there are only a few men they are familiar with in their City Lord's mansion. Isn't his City Lord always with them every day?She has no chance to contact other men at all!Moreover, she is still in a state of amnesia, and it is impossible for her to see or think of other men at all. Is this the rhythm of his city lord changing his mind?Or, where did Miss Ji Xiaoyan meet some man when he didn't know?
Director Qing Gong is a little confused!

"Forget it, don't want to! I'd better go to the treasure house first!" After being in a daze for a while, Manager Qing Gong clapped his hands and said something, and then headed straight for the treasure house with a few NPC guards!If there are really gold coins in the treasury, then the city lord of his family must have something to hide from him. He led people to clear the treasury several times, and it is absolutely impossible for there to be any more gold coins
 PS: Thank you "Xing Xiaoyao" for starting the currency!Thank you "Moscow Moon" for the peace charm!Recommend a book: Author: Hei Xiaoyan [Qin Gong]
  Introduction: On a whim, he wanted to tease the doomsday ticket, but he was reborn under the hands of the first emperor;

  It is not easy to be a pawn under the fence and bear the fate of the country, especially if you have to play a "flattering gift" scene;
  Inadvertently getting into the drama too deeply, the old love of the old country is against the first emperor, how can the little girl bear it?

(End of this chapter)

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