The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1356 Giant Dragon and City Lord

Chapter 1356 Giant Dragon and City Lord

When Ji Xiaoyan and Cenarion had just agreed to patrol the city on the second day, Manager Qing Gong rushed to Ji Xiaoyan excitedly holding a few small boxes, and stammered to ask what happened to the gold coins in the treasury. What happened!Later, after hearing that it was given by the Lord God Light, Director Qing Gong's admiration for Ji Xiaoyan is beyond words.
It turns out that the relationship between my city lord and Lord God is already so good!

Thinking of this, Manager Qing Gong immediately felt a gossip!Speaking of which, in Qingcheng, apart from being with them every day, the other men Ji Xiaoyan can see should be Lord God!Only the main god is so elusive, and even if it appears, no one knows it. For example, in the current situation, when the city master of his family met with the main god, he didn't know when he asked for gold coins. Isn't there any connection or something?Speaking of which, it's understandable that his Lord City Lord doesn't want to get too close to Lord Bessa
Thinking of this possibility, Manager Qing Gong looked at Miss Ji Xiaoyan in a different way.
On the contrary, Ji Xiaoyan didn't have any self-consciousness at all. He turned his head and spent as much time with Cenarion as possible. After watching it fly away, he looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked, "How is it? Is one thousand gold coins enough? If not enough , then we may have to find a way to sell some houses." She wanted to ask for more gold coins, but it's a pity that they didn't give them all!Most importantly, the thousand gold coins will still have to be paid back in the future
"It's okay to deal with it for a few days." Manager Qing Gong said with a smile, "It's better to have a thousand gold coins than nothing! At least it can solve our urgent needs, so we don't have to be so anxious to sell the house, right? But, my lord , why don't you let Lord God give us some more gold coins?"

"I think so too!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed!Then he looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked, "How many gold coins do we spend in Qingcheng every day? This thousand gold coins can't be used for a month?"

Manager Qing Gong shook his head, took out an account book from his pocket, handed it to Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Master City Lord, you can take a look at our account book and you will know how many gold coins our City Lord Mansion has to spend every day!!" Director Qing Gong sighed, and then said: "In the past, we didn't feel embarrassed at all when we had so much wealth in our treasury. Now that there is nothing in the treasury, we realize that life is hard!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, isn't that the case?

Director He Qinggong talked about Qingcheng's expenses for a long time, and Ji Xiaoyan and the others finally discussed some solutions.The following day was almost spent quickly in eating, doing things, studying, and sleeping.

The next day was the day Chief Qing Gong said he was going to patrol the city.

Ji Xiaoyan got up early and waited for Cenarion under the tower in the center of the City Lord's Mansion.

Speaking of which, Cenarion was depressed for a few days after becoming her mount, and then he may have resigned himself to his fate. Then he flew to the City Lord's Mansion to exchange communication methods with her, and then he has been squatting in its cave, usually not at all. Not coming out, just urging Ji Xiaoyan from time to time, when the adventurers are more or less used to it, follow what she promised it back then, go back to its former lair and slaughter the dragon.
Ji Xiaoyan always remembered this matter, thinking that after the matter of Qingcheng was almost settled, he asked Chief Qing Gong to issue the previous summoning order to slay the dragon again, and then organized people to go directly to slay the dragon, at least Senari Ao's heart knot is untied, isn't it?Ji Xiaoyan even thought about it. If possible, it would be best to capture another dragon alive in the future and give it to Lord Bessa. It would be considered a favor.
However, this matter still needs to be discussed in the long run!
Standing under the high tower, Ji Xiaoyan, who was thinking wildly in his mind, waited for an unknown amount of time before he heard the sound of a dragon roaring in the sky, and when he looked up, he saw Cenarion's pitch-black body It slowly landed on the high tower, and after buffering, it gently landed beside her, "Xiaoyan, are you leaving?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked behind him, didn't see Manager Qing Gong and them, frowned immediately, and then said to Cenarion: "Let's go, anyway, we are not on the same road as Manager Qing Gong, so let's fly to see them first. Look at it." Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan felt a little excited for a moment, and asked Cenarion: "Well, do I need to bring anything else? Like goggles or something like that?"

"What is that?" Cenarion frowned, staring at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"It's just to cover my eyes! After you fly me into the sky, the wind speed must be incomparable to that on the ground! If I don't wear a goggle or something, how can I open my eyes in the sky? No wonder Ji Xiaoyan just remembered that she wanted to ride a Cenarion and let it fly with her before, but they refused because she was free to work!So, to be precise, this patrol is the first time Cenarion has worked as her mount.
Cenarion opened his dragon eyes expressionlessly, and after looking at Ji Xiaoyan carefully for a few times, he said, "Do you think I'm just an ordinary dragon that can only fly and only have brute force?"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked in confusion, with an innocent face! !She has no previous memories of Cenarion!How to answer this question?
Cenarion looked at Ji Xiaoyan without speaking for a long time, just stared at himself innocently, and immediately breathed on her unhappily, before saying: "I, Cenarion, am a dragon of the magic department, don't you know , When you go to heaven, will I open the protective cover for you?"

"Oh oh oh oh!" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, then narrowed his eyes excitedly, and said to Cenarion, "Hehehehe, I forgot about this! Cenarion, don't be angry Ah, isn’t it that my brain is not working well and my memory is not very good? Don’t argue with me.” At this point, Ji Xiaoyan quickly looked at Cenarion, and asked apologetically: “That, Cenarion, Do you think we can go now?"

Cenarion raised its dragon chin arrogantly, looked down at Ji Xiaoyan contemptuously, then threw the huge tail behind Ji Xiaoyan in front of Ji Xiaoyan, and said to her: "Follow me Climb up with your tail."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the black dragon tail in front of him, and then at Cenarion, the expression on his face gradually cooled down, but his body didn't move.

"What's the matter? You're not going to patrol the city?" Cenarion didn't understand why Ji Xiaoyan, who was still excited just now, was unwilling to move, looked at her curiously and asked: "If you don't come up, I will go back! "

Ji Xiaoyan didn't speak, and the excited smile and expression on his face just now were completely restrained. He looked at Cenarion and stared at it for a long time, until Cenarion flicked his tail uncomfortably. Afterwards, Ji Xiaoyan said: "Since you promised to stay in Qingcheng as my mount, Cenarion, you have no way to regret it, because you have accepted the brand given to you by the Lord God, and become a forever My mount. After listening to Ni Mengsha's words, I can understand that you, as a giant dragon, are now humiliated and unwilling to be my human mount. Therefore, I have always tolerated you. Get along the same way, make jokes without hurting Daya, and some things will be taken away."

Cenarion's eyes widened, his nose puffing.It seemed that when Ji Xiaoyan said about the mount, he was extremely displeased.

"But, Cenarion." Ji Xiaoyan straightened his body while talking, "As the lord of Qingcheng, you can also be regarded as your master. No matter how angry you are, you can't flick your tail in front of me like this. , let me climb on top of you myself! Besides, you can’t just say something that threatens me.”

When Cenarion heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he immediately glared his eyes angrily, and stretched out his huge dragon head in front of Ji Xiaoyan, almost touching her face, and then said: "You are dissatisfied with me now. manner?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

"Hum..." Cenarion squinted his eyes, stared at Ji Xiaoyan, exuding the aura of a giant dragon all over his body, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "As a giant dragon, I am willing to be your mount. You have made a huge concession, now you are just letting yourself climb up, do you still think I insulted you?"

"Cenario, you need to know that we are not just friends now!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Cenarion without showing any weakness and said, "Seriously, we still have a master-servant relationship! Even if you don't admit it , this relationship has also been approved by the Lord God! Moreover, even if I don’t care about these things, since I, Ji Xiaoyan, am the City Lord of Qing City, I must be worthy of my identity and dignity as the City Lord in everything! Cenarion, what do you say? I followed your tail and climbed onto your back, and when the word spread, I, the city lord, not only lost face, but more importantly, I lost the face of the entire Qing city!! A city lord who can't even keep the face of his own city , what use will it be in the future? What do you think?"

Cenarion didn't speak, just narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ji Xiaoyan also straightened her back, raised her head and looked at Cenarion.On this point, she will never give in!You said that if Cenarion then rolled her onto its back with his tail, she would actually be okay with that.After all, Cenarion's size and height are not something that a small human like her can easily go up to.However, if you really want her to climb up its tail, that is absolutely impossible.

If she was just an ordinary person without the status of the city lord, maybe she would happily start climbing right away!In short, as long as you are happy!But, she is no ordinary person now!She is the lord of Qingcheng, just as Manager Qing Gong warned her every day, since she has this identity, it represents the shame of the entire Qingcheng, not her own, but the entire Qingcheng; the honor she earns is not just her own Yes, that also belongs to Qingcheng!
Why is she standing in Qingcheng now? Isn't it because she is the city lord of Qingcheng, and it is permanent?

Everyone said, for the honor!She also has to think about Qingcheng all the time!

Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan just looked at him, Cenarion didn't say anything. After thinking for a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "Since you don't want to climb up, then you can find a way yourself!" After finishing speaking, Cenarion said He turned his face away, and instead of looking at Ji Xiaoyan, he went directly to look at the sky at a 45-degree angle!

After Ji Xiaoyan said such a long speech justly and sternly, he thought that Cenarion would be the same as the picture he imagined, and he was very moved by his words. By the way, he said that he was indeed wrong. and so on, and then I put myself on its back, and then promised myself, expressed my determination and so on, and talked about how I will work hard to become a good mount for the city lord of Qingcheng in the future, and reach the level of the giant dragon. However, Ji Xiaoyan did not expect that he would be moved by his words at all, but why did Mausenario still have such a cold and disdainful expression and attitude?

This is not scientific!
Isn't it touched by itself?

Ji Xiaoyan was a little depressed!The co-author is playing the piano to the cow, is he playing the piano to the dragon?Well, there is no need to worry about these!The important thing is, what to do next?superior?Still not on?If this is not the case, Ji Xiaoyan can guarantee that Cenarion will fly away as soon as it is sure, and return to its giant dragon cave to lie down comfortably. But, if it is, how will she go up?At the beginning, Manager Qing Gong and Xuan Mo both said that she was a sorcerer and knew spells, but during the period of rebuilding the city, she basically ran around with Manager Qing Gong every day, and she had no time at all. Find someone to learn how to recover this so-called spell
She must find time to solve the problem of this spell in the future.
"Hey, Ji Xiaoyan, do you want to come up? If you don't go to patrol the city, Ben Long will leave!" Cenarion obviously saw the embarrassment on Ji Xiaoyan's face, and looked at her with the corners of his mouth curled up. He said proudly, "Didn't you say something about the dignity and image of the Lord of the City? Then you must remember that when I sit on my back, I must have a more graceful posture, otherwise if I spread it in the future, I will lose it." It's the face of you, the Lord of the Qing City."

Ji Xiaoyan is angry!This Serrario didn't play cards according to the normal routine at all!Moreover, when did this guy learn the skill of taunting?

After holding back for a while, Ji Xiaoyan snorted, and then said to Cenarion: "You wait here first, I'll go and see other people. We are going to patrol the city, not alone. I'll go Call Manager Qing Gong and Xuan Mo over here, let's go." She remembered that Xuan Mo seemed to be able to make people fly
 PS: Thank you "Little Lili" for the monthly pass!Thank you "Phantom Maniac" for your review votes!

(End of this chapter)

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