The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1357 The unexpected person

Chapter 1357 The unexpected person
Ji Xiaoyan was actually a little depressed.

She never thought that she would be cheated by Cenarion just like that. As the titular master of Cenarion, the giant dragon, she had to find a way to climb onto it by herself in order to complete her life. It was the first time to ride a dragon, and in order to ride on Cenarion's back, she had to go all over the map of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion to find Xuan Mo who had disappeared to nowhere.
When I returned to Qingcheng and started rebuilding, except for the honest and reliable Brick and the little Mimi who had been hiding on her shoulders, the rest of them had disappeared to nowhere to play.Seriously, it seems that Ji Xiaoyan has not seen Xuan Mo and the others for a long time.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan quickly pulled a few NPC maids, followed her all the way to the place where Chief Qing Gong might be, and sought help from the Chief Chief of the City Lord's Mansion!However, when Ji Xiaoyan found Manager Qing Gong and told him about his problem, Manager Qing Gong was also stunned.

"Xu Mo and the others?" Manager Qing Gong looked like he had just realized it, and after blinking twice, he opened his mouth and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, I thought you sent them out to do something, so... I have never paid attention to where Xuan Mo and the others are going and what they are doing! Now you suddenly ask me their whereabouts like this, I really have no way to tell you!"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned depressingly, and said after a while, "Then no one in the City Lord's Mansion has seen them?"

Manager Qing Gong shook his head, and then said: "If there is, there must be guards who will tell me. But I haven't gotten any news so far, so it's not certain that Xuan Mo and the others left without being seen." Speaking of this, Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan curiously, and then said: "My lord, what are you going to do with Xuan Mo and the others right now? Aren't we going to patrol the city now? Senari Master Ao allowed you to sit on its back with Xuan Mo and the others? Is this unlikely? Or, after we finish patrolling the city, we will come back and slowly look for their whereabouts?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan gave Director Qing Gong a slight look, then sighed, and said to him in a low voice: "Do you think Cenarion is so easy to ride? I just want to ride Cenarion's dragon." Back, that’s why I was looking for Xuan Mo.” At this point, Ji Xiaoyan immediately told Manager Qing Gong about the thorn in Cenarion, and then said: “With Cenarion’s size, how could I climb it? up?"

Manager Qing Gong nodded, with an expression of admiration on his face, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, you are doing the right thing!! Now you can always remember your identity and dignity as the city lord of our Qing city. Your worries are right. , you can't let people see you making a fool of yourself. If it spreads like this, it will have an indelible impact on you and our Qingcheng. Yes, yes, yes, let's go find Xuan Mo. Can he Directly using spells to let you fly to Master Cenarion's back, no matter from what point of view, it is the best choice."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked at Manager Qing Gong, and saw that he also looked at him in a daze, and then said: "Manager Qing Gong, where can we find it now?"

Director Qing Gong blinked his eyes several times before replying: "Why don't you, Lord City Master, let people from the Lu Si'er tribe look for it?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "Why didn't I think of people from the Lu Si'er tribe? Manager Qing Gong, you said someone from the Lu Si'er tribe brought a three-winged and four-winged bird Come on the foot bird, fly me directly to Cenarion’s back, isn’t that all right? We don’t even need to look for Momo.”

"Master City Lord." Director Qing Gong looked helplessly at Ji Xiaoyan and sighed, and then said: "Your idea is good, but you forgot one thing, this three-winged and four-legged bird is also a bird, and the giant dragon is the sky. Do you think they dare to approach easily, or even fly on the back of Master Cenarion? It is estimated that these three-winged and quadruped birds have been frightened by Master Cenarion's dragon power before they even fly. Dare to move." After saying this sentence, Chief Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan seriously, and then said: "Actually, my lord, if you can, or you don't go out on the Cenarion lord! All problems That's all settled."

As long as they don't patrol the city with Cenarion, they don't have to worry about how to get on the dragon's back, where to find Xuan Mo and other issues.Just step out of the city lord's mansion, and it's over! !

When Ji Xiaoyan heard Manager Qing Gong's words, he felt a bit embarrassed, and after a while, he said: "But, I don't want Cenarion to succeed!! It just wants me not to ride him around Manager Qing Gong , since Cenarion became my mount, this is the first time I have a fair reason to take it out! This time, if I give up because of this trivial matter, I want to let it be this mount again in the future If it is, it may be even more difficult!! This is probably what you told me, the dignity of the Lord of the City!! I can’t let Cenarion look down on me for the first time.”

Director Qing Gong nodded in agreement, thought for a while and suggested: "Your words are very reasonable, my lord, why don't we send someone to inform the people of the Lusi'er tribe to look around the city lord's mansion first, and then we can Bring someone to look for Xuan Mo and the others in the City Lord's Mansion. By the way, City Lord, I remember that Xuan Mo is your attendant, can't you just summon him back?"

Ji Xiaoyan gave Director Qing Gong a blank look, did he think that Xuan Mo and the others were pets like Jiajia?Also has the skill of summoning!Of course, as far as Jiajia and Xiye are concerned, even if she summons, she can only make her summoning information appear in their minds instantly, and cannot appear in front of her immediately.

The so-called pet summoning is just that you can silently send an invisible consciousness message to your pet, and it is still a one-way message that cannot be replied.
"Can't you?" Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan didn't speak, Manager Qing Gong asked with some disappointment.

"Of course it can't." Ji Xiaoyan replied, then looked at Manager Qing Gong and said, "Forget it, let's not worry about these problems here, we will start to find out where Xuan Mo is now. Cenarion is still there. Where is the tower waiting for me to go back! I don’t want to wait until I find Xuan Mo, it will fly away.”

"Your Majesty, don't worry! As long as you don't tell Master Cenarion to leave, it will definitely not be able to leave!" Director Qing Gong comforted Ji Xiaoyan, and beckoned her to follow him in Qingcheng Find someone here.

However, after wandering around Qingcheng for a long time, basically searching everywhere, Ji Xiaoyan and the others still couldn't find Xuan Mo and the others!I don't know where they disappeared to.
"This Xuan Mo and Friesman don't know where they went. It seems that even Jiajia and Xiye have left with them!" Ji Xiaoyan complained to Manager Qing Gong with a gloomy face, "Manager Qing Gong, what do you think? Where might they go? Could it be that they ran out to hunt by themselves? I remember that Jiajia prefers to store food."

Manager Qing Gong shook his head, and then said: "If they go out, the guards guarding the city will see them!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan sighed heavily: "Then where else can they go!!"

Manager Qing Gong pursed his lips and remained silent!Because they are Miss Ji Xiaoyan's attendants and pets, usually, Yu Mo and the others are quite free in Qingcheng's City Lord's Mansion. They have never deliberately observed their whereabouts, so now it's time to find someone. No one can be found. No, in the future he must instruct the guards below that no matter where they go, they must remember it well.
To prevent things like this from happening again in the future! !

However, in the current situation, what should they do?Xuan Mo and the others couldn't find it, and the city lord Ji Xiaoyan wanted to climb on Lord Cenarion's dragon's back to make a good inspection of the city. Chief Qing Gong frowned tightly and sighed faintly.

Ji Xiaoyan next to him stood there in a daze for a long time, and after thinking about it for an unknown amount of time, he sighed deeply, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "Forget it, Manager Qing Gong. It really can't be done. , I’ll go back! I’ll go to the tower right now, let Cenarion go back first! Only when I’m ready next time, I’ll go find it.”

Manager Qing Gong opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't make a sound, so he had to turn around and follow Ji Xiaoyan towards the tower.

It's just that they passed through a few long corridors, and met two unexpected characters head-on.
"Ah! It's Xiaoyan girl, hurry up, hurry up and follow!! Old man, hurry up and follow! Tell me about you, how old are you, and your legs and feet are inconvenient? Hurry up, Xiaoyan girl is in front. "The taller and thinner man excitedly greeted the people behind him, and ran in Ji Xiaoyan's direction excitedly. Then, under Ji Xiaoyan's surprised eyes, he looked her up and down, and then turned his head. Looking at Chief Qing Gong, he said, "Boss Qing Gong, during the time I'm not here, this girl didn't cause any trouble, right? By the way, what's going on with you Qingcheng? I came from the teleportation array and opened my eyes. I almost thought that the guard of the teleportation array teleported us to the wrong city!!"

Ji Xiaoyan blinked suspiciously, and turned his gaze to Manager Qing Gong.Who is this old man in front of him?Why do you look so familiar with her?Could it be that Ji Xiaoyan's friend from before?Or, what kind of elder?
Manager Qing Gong also had a very surprised look on his face, and after looking at the taller and thinner old man several times, he said, "Elder Qing Mi, why are you back? Why didn't you say anything?" ?”

"If I want to come back, I will come back naturally! What else do I need to say?" The tall and thin man is the old man Qingmi who went back to Qingshimen to help Ji Xiaoyan get the treasure chest. After hearing what Manager Qing Gong said, Qing Mi Elder Mi frowned immediately, and said with some displeasure: "Director Qing Gong, tell us, what's going on with your Qingcheng? When I came back, I was still walking outside and found this But not only your Qingcheng has changed, even the city lord's mansion has changed! What's going on with you?"

"This is a long story!" Director Qing Gong said a little proudly, and then looked at old man Qingmi suspiciously and asked: "However, Elder Qingmi, how did you get in? I remember we The city lord's mansion hasn't put down the suspension bridge recently, how did you get in over the moat?" It was because of this that Manager Qing Gong was very strange and surprised when he saw Elder Qing Mi appearing in front of him.

At the time of design, they also designed two teleportation arrays in the city lord's mansion of Qingcheng for easy walking!However, these two teleportation formations are not something that Elder Qingmi and the others can use if they want.Of those two teleportation arrays, one is Ji Xiaoyan's exclusive access to the teleportation array, and the other is a teleportation array that other people can use after Ji Xiaoyan's authorization. After the reconstruction, he also came back.This can be heard from what he just said! !So it is impossible for him to know about these two teleportation arrays, and it is impossible for him to use them. Therefore, they can enter Qingcheng naturally through other methods.

So, what exactly is this method?Manager Qing Gong wanted to know very much.

The old man Qingmi smiled smugly when he heard Manager Qing Gong's words, and then said: "As far as your moat is concerned, isn't it just a barrier? Can I still get in? That's not a problem."

"Cough cough." Elder Qing Mi said a few words, and when he was about to be proud, two coughing sounds came from behind him.Almost immediately, the smug look on Elder Qing Mi's face suddenly restrained, he looked at Director Qing Gong and Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, then moved to the side, revealing the people behind him, and then smiled at Mr. Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong said: "I forgot the business when I was talking to you. This is my old friend. Xiaoyan, you should still remember what I told you last time. Go to our Qingshimen to collect the trash and do it. The one in the treasure chest."

The old man Qingmi winked at Ji Xiaoyan mysteriously, seeing her expressionless face, he just followed his words, looked at the old man behind him, then continued to smile and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Lord God When the ban was issued, he happened to stay at our Qingshimen for a while. Now that the Lord God’s ban has been lifted, he wants to come to Qingcheng to have a look, so I brought him here with me, girl, you will arrange a place for him to live in later Live. Well, just live next to me!!" Speaking of this, the old man Qingmi looked around, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked: "By the way, girl, where is my current house?"

 PS: Thanks for the two pink tickets to "Rain, Sunny"!Thanks to "Book Friends 150207193025958" for the peace talisman!Thanks to "freeadan" for the monthly pass!Thanks to "Ni Yun" for the monthly pass!Thank you "Demon Purple Star" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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