Chapter 1358 Master
Ji Xiaoyan was very confused, she didn't know who these two old men who suddenly appeared in front of her were.Moreover, it seems that she is not only very familiar with her, but also very familiar with Chief Qing Gong, who opened and closed his mouth as if preparing to live in the city lord's mansion. This is probably not a simple acquaintance.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately turned his attention to Manager Qing Gong, ready to hear what he had to say.At least, knowing that she has "amnesia", Manager Qing Gong wants to take the initiative to introduce to her first, who are the two old men in front of her, so that she can be mentally prepared, right?In the end, after waiting for two seconds, Ji Xiaoyan found that Manager Qing Gong just looked at her questioningly, and after seeing that she was silent, he asked, "My lord, where do you think it would be better for Elder Qing Mi to live?" How about? Do you still live next to your dormitory as before? "

Before Ji Xiaoyan could be surprised, Director Qing Gong immediately frowned and said, "I'm afraid that's not okay. One side of your current dormitory is occupied by Xuan Mo and the others, and the other side is reserved for Lord Bessa. Otherwise, let Qing Elder Mi lives next to Lord Bessa, what do you think?"

Ji Xiaoyan pursed her lips, but didn't answer!Now her mind is full of who are these two old men in front of her! !What are you doing, how good is your relationship with her!Why is it that Director Qing Gong, who usually looks very clever, just doesn't say a word?She didn't even know who these two people were, how could she agree or arrange where they lived?

"Girl! Girl!!" Uncle Qing Mi looked at Ji Xiaoyan and stared at Director Qing Gong expressionlessly, not looking at himself at all, and suddenly felt a little shameless.You know, the old man next to me, he fooled others for a long time, and said that he had a very close relationship with Ji Xiaoyan, the city lord of Qingcheng, so he fooled people here.However, looking at Miss Ji Xiaoyan's expression and attitude now, Elder Qingmi's face is a bit unsightly!Doesn't this make him lose face in front of this friend?What happened to this girl Ji Xiaoyan?
Could it be that she just went back to Qingshimen, so she didn't know him?
Sure enough, after hearing Elder Qingmi calling her, Ji Xiaoyan glared at Manager Qing Gong, then looked at Old Man Qingmi apologetically, and said to him: "That, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I remember who you are." After finishing speaking, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong, motioning him to speak quickly to relieve the awkward atmosphere.
"What did you say? You don't know me anymore!? Damn girl! What are you doing!" Old man Qingmi exploded in an instant. He couldn't believe it. Ji Xiaoyan really dared to say such a thing: "I That is to say, I went back to Qingshimen, you just refurbished Qingcheng, have you refurbished your mind and people now?"

Manager Qing Gong now finally understands what it means for his city lord to keep looking at him!It's not his fault. In recent days, they have been busy figuring out the affairs of the city every day. The city lord of his own family is studying and busy with him every day. No matter where it looks, it is normal , he almost forgot about the memory loss of his own city lord.Thinking of this, Director Qing Gong hurriedly walked a few steps in front of Elder Qingmi, gently grabbed the sleeve of the old man's clothes, and then explained to him in a low voice: "Elder Qingmi, Elder Qingmi, you Put out the fire. Our city lord really doesn't remember you."

"What do you mean! Is she going to betray the teacher and deny us?" Old man Qing Mi's eyes widened, looking at Ji Xiaoyan with anger on his face.

"No, no! Elder Qingmi, don't make wild guesses!" Manager Qing Gong hurriedly waved his hands and explained, "Didn't our Lord City Lord go to find the Heart of Eternity a while ago? She is now the eternal heart of our Qing City." The guardian is gone, and Qingcheng completely belongs to her. However, for some unknown reason, our Lord City Master lost his memory when he came back."

"Amnesia? Really amnesia?" The old man Qingmi had a look of shock and disbelief, but his tone fell involuntarily.

"Of course it's true!" Chief Qing Gong nodded immediately, and after sighing, he said to the old man Qingmi: "When the Lord City Master came back, it was Lord Besa from River Water City and Xuan Mo and the others. They sent it back, and they can prove it! Moreover, the Lord City Master didn’t know anyone when he came back. I followed her for a long time before she got to know me again. So, Elder Qing Mi, don’t blame me. My Lord City Master, she doesn't want to lose her memory either!"

Old man Qingmi frowned when he heard the words, looked at Ji Xiaoyan a few times, then turned to Director Qing Gong and asked: "Then she hasn't recovered her memory yet?"

Manager Qing Gong shook his head, and then said: "This is probably a bit difficult. I heard from Master Bessa, he has asked the eternal heart, and the city lord has amnesia, and no one can do it, including Lord God."

Old man Qingmi immediately pursed his lips when he heard the words, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with pity, and after a while, he asked again in a low voice: "So, that is to say, girl Xiaoyan doesn't know anyone now, Including her so-called adventurer friends? And her master Lin Qianye?"

Chief Qing Gong nodded.

So, the old man Qingmi rolled his eyes instantly, with a treacherous face, he didn't know what bad idea came to his mind.

"In that case." Old Man Qingmi glanced at Manager Qing Gong with a smile, and said, "In this case, I'll introduce you to the girl again. By the way, Manager Qing Gong, it doesn't matter where we live, you hurry up Arrange a room for us. You see, we spent a lot of energy when we rushed from Qingshimen to enter your city lord's mansion. Now we are exhausted. Hurry up and arrange two rooms for us. room, let's rest."

"This." Manager Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan.

"Who am I, girl Xiaoyan? Are you still worried that I will be bad for her? Hurry up, hurry up!!" The old man Qingmi looked unhappy, and stared at Manager Qing Gong for a few times, seeing him with a sympathetic expression on his face. Looking at Ji Xiaoyan reluctantly, the old man Qingmi immediately kicked him again, urging him to leave quickly.

"Master City Lord, I'll arrange a room for Elder Qingmi and the others to rest first." Manager Qing Gong looked worried, glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, and was about to say something, but was pushed away by the old man Qingmi. Slapped, staggered a few steps, then quickly turned and left.

The old man Qingmi saw that Director Qing Gong had finally gone far away, and then he snickered wretchedly, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan solemnly, looked at her sadly and said: "Oh girl, I, master, I I really didn't expect that after returning to Qingshimen for a while, you are still blaming Master for such a big incident! If I had known, Master, I would not leave you and go back."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at old man Qingmi in surprise!This is her master?

"I don't blame you for losing your memory, master! I'll just give you an introduction!" The old man Qingmi's expression was very regrettable, but his eyes were full of excitement and excitement. He tried his best to suppress his voice, Not letting this emotion show up, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I am your master, Master Qingmi. Master Qingmi! Do you remember?"

The old man Qingmi secretly wiped his sweat in his heart, and he almost spit out the word "Master Uncle", fortunately, he reacted quickly!

"Master Qingmi?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned slightly, the name felt strange.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The old man Qingmi rolled his eyes, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "You still have many masters, and the master master is the head of our Qingshi sect. I will inform them to come and have a look later. Look at you. Hey, I don't know how much you have suffered during our absence. But it doesn't matter, I will follow you all the time from now on, and I will take good care of you! Otherwise, the head brother will ask I, Qing Mi, don’t know how to explain my words!!” At this point, Elder Qing Mi looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a puzzled look on his face, thought for a while and then said, “You worshiped me as your master a long time ago. , and then followed me back to Qingshimen. The elders and heads of our entire sect liked you very much, so everyone became your master. When we first captured your Qingcheng, our entire Qingshimen basically came to help If you don’t believe me, you can ask Director Qing Gong and Xuan Mo, they all know about it.”

Ji Xiaoyan nodded clearly.As for the origin of Qingcheng, Xuan Mo and the others really said that many people helped.As for the Qingshimen, it was mentioned before, but Ji Xiaoyan didn't ask much about their relationship with him.Now hearing the old man Qingmi's words, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly realized!
"Master Qingmi! According to what you say, am I also from Qingshimen?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the old man Qingmi suspiciously and asked.She remembered that Chief Qing Gong and the others never told her which sect she was from! !
The old man Qingmi enjoyed Miss Ji Xiaoyan's words of "master" very much, and he tilted his lips proudly. After thinking about it carefully, he opened his mouth and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Speaking of which, you are considered a member of our Qingshimen, and you are not At the beginning, your apprenticeship was also due to your previous status as an adventurer, so we had no way to carry out formal procedures, so speaking of it, the matter of apprenticeship was only verbal, but we all recognized you as an apprentice, and wholeheartedly I will give you a plan and teach you kung fu! Girl, you have to remember this point!"

Old man Qingmi looked at Ji Xiaoyan seriously, afraid of missing any trace of her expression.He really wanted to say that Ji Xiaoyan belonged to them from Qingshimen, but after thinking about it, there was still a loophole in this matter.When Miss Ji Xiaoyan entered their Qingshimen, seriously speaking, she only had a name, and there were no formal ceremonies and documents at all, so she could be regarded as a member of their Qingshimen, or not.If he told Ji Xiaoyan now that she was a disciple of Qingshimen, if this girl was found out later, he might not even be able to be the cheap master now!

Looking back, this girl will never believe his words again!So, be conservative!At least, it can lay a foundation for the future, right?He didn't want Lin Qianye to show up to snatch Ji Xiaoyan's apprentice, but who could figure out whether he would show up?
Ji Xiaoyan glanced at old man Qingmi for a while, then nodded after a while, then looked at the person next to old man Qingmi, and asked curiously: "Then, Master Qingmi, is this also my master?" ?”

The old man Qingmi glanced at the old man beside him, shook his head with a smile, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "He, he is not your master. This is our friend of Qingshimen, Luo Ji. You just call him Uncle Luo Ji is fine, he came to live in Qingcheng with me to see the environment." Whether he can stay in Qingcheng in the future depends on Ji Xiaoyan's ability and his eloquence! !

"Uncle Rocky." Ji Xiaoyan's eyelids twitched, and he shouted in embarrassment.The old man in front of her didn't look like an uncle. She felt that he was more or less called a grandfather.

"Hey, hello, hello, Luo Ji. My apprentice is called someone, won't you give me a gift or something?" Old man Qingmi stared, looked at Luo Ji twice, and shouted at him: "What? , choose a few of those good things in your pocket and give them to this girl!!"

Luo Ji glanced sideways at old man Qingmi, then at Ji Xiaoyan, and then slowly reached out his hand to pick it up in his bosom.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ji Xiaoyan took a closer look at Uncle Luo Ji!The old man had gray hair and was wearing a black cloak. He was silent and had a cold expression. He exuded a very mysterious aura from the moment he came into her sight.It wasn't until the old man Qingmi asked him to get a meeting gift, and when he looked sideways at people, Ji Xiaoyan discovered that the old man named Luo Ji didn't have many wrinkles on his face, only a few traces at the corners of his eyes, and his skin was still ruddy , his eyes are slightly dull, but his eyes are a rare color, a beautiful golden yellow.
"It's slow!" The old man Qingmi looked at Luo Ji's slow movements, and said with some displeasure: "I said, can't you go faster? How long does it take to get something?"

Luo Ji didn't speak, and didn't mean to talk to the old man Qingya, he groped in his arms for a long time, and then held a small crystal ball-shaped bead in his hand and looked at it for a while. eye, handed it to Ji Xiaoyan, and said in a hoarse voice, "No, a gift for you."

Ji Xiaoyan smiled politely, stepped forward to take the bead with both hands, thanked him, then lowered his head and carefully turned the bead in his hands to have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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