The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1359 Selling the House

Chapter 1359 Selling the House

For the game after the update, all the functions of some abnormal worlds have almost disappeared.Some of the functions and interfaces that players most often use to check their own attributes, equipment, purchase potions or weapons, and to check the names of items have disappeared. Everything is to prove that Guang once and As Ji Xiaoyan said, this game should become a real world.

Therefore, due to this situation, a profession that had never appeared in the game before was born in the game world, and slowly began to emerge and become scarce in various cities and villages.

This profession is appraiser.

Speaking of which, the technical content of this appraiser is actually not high at all!If it was in the previous games, what the appraiser estimated to be able to do, that is, when the players got something that hadn't been unsealed, or didn't know the purpose, it would be a little bit of business.But the current game world is different!No matter what weapons, equipment, or even food potions the players are holding, they cannot see any names, attributes, or introductions!

For example, if a previous player has created a piece of equipment from a monster, he can immediately check the name, attributes, and introduction of the equipment, which is very convenient!However, if a player knocks down a piece of equipment from a monster now, it will be completely different from before!Players can still hold things in their hands and observe their appearance, but that's all there is to it!If you want to know the name of this piece of equipment, what color it is, and what attributes it has, then players need to take this piece of equipment and go to a village, town or city to find a special appraiser. Ask them to give it a look, and give yourself a certificate of appraisal for this piece of equipment!
The equipment attributes that could be directly checked before will all be recorded in this equipment appraisal certificate.Players can take a look at it at ordinary times, or when selling equipment, they can show the appraisal certificate to the buyer together, and finally trade the appraisal certificate and equipment to the buyer after the transaction is completed
Of course, these appraisers are not free.

This can be regarded as a small change for the NPCs in this game world to generate income again, and it is also a means to promote more consumption by players.

And after that, because many players didn't want to spend money to do some appraisal, just to know the name of this equipment, some NPCs called "gamers" appeared in the game.And the original prototype of this so-called game master was the NPC named Luo Ji who was forced by the old man Qingmi to give a meeting gift to Miss Ji Xiaoyan in Qingcheng
The crystal ball that Luo Ji gave to Ji Xiaoyan, Ji Xiaoyan can't see anything except that he can hold it in his hand and watch it!So, out of politeness, Ji Xiaoyan praised the beauty of the thing, put the crystal ball into the bag, then stood where he was, listening to the old man Qingmi enliven the atmosphere, and quietly waited for Manager Qing Gong to come back
Until Ji Xiaoyan felt that if the old man Qingmi had found a topic to talk about earlier, there would probably be no one to cheer him up, Manager Qing Gong finally trotted back.

"Elder Qingmi. Elder Qingmi. The room, I have already arranged the room for you." Panting heavily, Manager Qing Gong said to the old man Qingmi, "You and just need to follow us The maids in Qingcheng just go straight there!"

The old man Qingmi nodded in satisfaction, and said to Manager Qing Gong with a compliment: "Okay, Manager Qing Gong, your speed of doing things is very good. Then, girl, let's go to the room to rest first. Wait a while Let's rest and come to talk to you about business."

Ji Xiaoyan was about to nod, when the manager Qing Gong next to him immediately said: "Elder Qingmi, this may not work! Our Lord City Lord is going to patrol the city with me right now. As you know, our Qingcheng can It's not an ordinary city. After the renovation, we have to visit every place. It may take a day or two. If you don't have any urgent matters, we will wait for two days to make an appointment. is it okay?"

"Wait for two days?" The old man Qingmi frowned when he heard the words, looked at Luo Ji beside him with a face of embarrassment, then shook his head and said to Manager Qing Gong and Ji Xiaoyan: "That's not okay, girl, just Let's talk about things now, Luo Ji, but I don't have so much time to wait for you in your city lord's mansion. Well, let's talk about things briefly now." At this point, the old man Qing Mi immediately Glancing at Luo Ji, he continued to say to Ji Xiaoyan: "Girl, do you still have any vacant shops in Qingcheng? After the Lord God's ban was lifted, Luo Ji, a stubborn old man, finally figured it out and planned to open a shop. Then, by the way, we can collect some disciples and settle in another city! Our Qingshimen is not suitable for him, so I thought of you here."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Luo Ji with some surprise.Old man Qingmi's words mean that the mysterious Luo Ji in front of him is going to open a shop in their Qingcheng, take over the shop by the way, and then settle in Qingcheng?Did she understand correctly?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately shifted his gaze to Manager Qing Gong, and seeing that he also looked at him in surprise, he said, "Master Qingmi, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is, just find a shop for Luo Ji!" Qing Mi said to Ji Xiaoyan unceremoniously, "It's best to have a shop with a backyard, so that after he finds a disciple, he can There is also a place to teach skills. Anyway, your Qingcheng used to have a lot of places, and now after the renovation, it seems to me that it is bigger than before."

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned, and then asked old man Qingmi: "Then how big a house are you going to buy? The kind of house with a backyard, we seem to have built a lot when we first built it."

Director Qing Gong originally thought that the matter introduced by the old man Qingmi would definitely not receive any money and would be given away for nothing.He didn't expect that the Lord of his own city would directly ask the price as soon as he opened his mouth. Typically, he would tactfully tell Elder Qingmi that they need to prepare gold coins to ask for a house from the shop. Thinking of this, Chief Qing Gong silently ordered for Ji Xiaoyan in his heart. 1 likes.
"Girl, what are you talking about? What do you mean you want to buy a house?" The old man Qingmi said to Ji Xiaoyan angrily when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words: "You can just give one to Luo Ji! What do you want to buy?" What kind of words!!" No wonder the old man Qingmi would be angry. At first, Luo Ji was going to leave within two days after he walked to their Qingshi gate. Later, he encountered the ban of the main god, so he stayed in their Qingshi Door!In those early days, he was always thinking about Miss Ji Xiaoyan's Qingcheng, so he kept bragging to Luo Ji about how good his relationship with Ji Xiaoyan was. If he wanted to choose a city to settle in, he must choose Qingcheng. At that time, he only needs to follow him to clear the city, the house and settlement and other matters, Qing Mi will solve all of them for him directly, no need for a little gold coins!
But listen now, before he even brags in front of Miss Ji Xiaoyan, this girl ruthlessly exposes his guilt. Buying a house?Just kidding, the people from Qingshimen, who went out with gold coins?Besides, when Miss Ji Xiaoyan attacked Qingcheng, the one from Qingshimen didn't come to help?How long has Miss Ji Xiaoyan been following him?Don't you want a room for yourself?
Thinking of this, the old man Qingmi suddenly looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some displeasure.

Director Qing Gong looked at old man Qingmi's expression a little uneasy, his eyeballs rolled twice, and he quickly spoke softly: "Hehe, Elder Qingmi, you are right, you are right. What are you and the city lord? It doesn't matter, it's no problem to ask for a room." Manager Qing Gong said while observing the old man Qingmi's face, and saw that his face looked better after hearing what he said, so he continued. : "However, there is something Elder Qingmi, as the chief steward of Qingcheng, I still want to tell you something."

The old man Qingmi raised his eyebrows and looked at Director Qing Gong, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd!As long as the house is given, other things are none of his business, and he won't care about it!
"The two of you came from outside the city lord's mansion. Naturally, you saw that our Qing city has been rebuilt, and all the places are completely new. You feel that it is full of vitality, gorgeous and flawless, right?" Chief Qing Gong looked at old man Qingmi and Luo Ji, Seeing that they were all looking at him, he continued: "Elder Qingmi went to the treasure house of our Qingcheng with the city lord back then, so he naturally knows that our Qingcheng has a lot of property."

The old man Qingmi nodded, and interjected: "That's why I told Luo Ji, if he comes to Qingcheng, he will definitely not starve to death!"

Manager Qing Gong shook his eyelids without showing any signs, glanced at Ji Xiaoyan who was staring at him expressionlessly, and continued to speak to old man Qingmi: "But, Elder Qingmi, there are many things you don't know. The treasury we used to have is empty now, and we can’t find even a single gold coin.” Miss Ji Xiaoyan said that the gold coins given by Lord God are now lying in his room
"What? Where did the box full of treasures go? Was it stolen by a thief? Who dared to be so bold?" When the old man Qing Mi heard what Director Qing Gong said, he immediately raised his eyebrows and asked: "Damn, Who is so rampant? Even dare to steal the treasure house of our city lord's mansion? It's so clean."

Director Qing Gong looked at old man Qingmi with a bit of dumbfounding, and then said truthfully: "No one has come to steal the treasure house of our City Lord's Mansion. Those properties have been used in the entire renovation project of this Qing city. Elder Qingmi, you can imagine how many gold coins I spent in the renovation and reconstruction of Qingcheng."

"It's all used up? Not a single gold coin left?" The old man Qingmi looked at Manager Qing Gong blankly and asked, then suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, stared closely at Manager Qing Gong and said: "Boss Qing Gong, you If you say so much, it’s not just to tell me that the gold coins and property in the treasury are all used up. If we are in Qingcheng in the future, we will have to pay for our own meals. You will not cover the board and lodging for me and Luo Ji, and you are going to let us go back to Qingshi by ourselves door?"

Director Qing Gong looked at Old Man Qingmi in surprise, that's not what he meant at all, okay?Even if their city lord's mansion is poor for a little food, don't they know how to go to the city to pay on credit?Can't afford to support the two idlers?How did the elder of Qingshimen grow his brain!
"Elder Qingmi, what we are talking about now is about the house, not about food!" Chief Qing Gong sighed silently, then looked at old Qingmi and said weakly.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes! The house!" The old man Qingmi nodded immediately, staring at Manager Qing Gong and asked: "Then you just said that there is no money in the treasury, what does it have to do with the house? Don't you all spend money?" Have you built the entire Qingcheng? What else do you want to say?"

Director Qing Gong rolled his eyes at the sky helplessly, and then said to old man Qingmi: "Elder Qingmi, what I want to say is that we have used up all the property in the treasury, and we will use it to rebuild and build Qingcheng. It's time. Now we don't have a single copper coin in our treasury, and there are so many people in our city lord's mansion who want to give you a house. It's no problem, but if you give it away for nothing, our city lord's mansion is really struggling .do you see?"

Hearing this, the old man Qingmi finally knew what Director Qing Gong meant!

"Director Qing Gong, is that why you're asking me for money?" The old man Qing Mi was surprised.

Director Qing Gong sighed, with an apology all over his face, and said to old man Qingmi: "Elder Qingmi, you also know the character of our city lord. In the past, you would not only want a house, but a street It’s absolutely no problem, I’ll just give it to you for free!” Chief Qing Gong paused, seeing that old man Qingmi’s dark complexion had eased a lot, then continued to speak: “ However, Elder Qingmi, we have nothing to do now! We were going to patrol the city today, and the city lord and I were going to see what houses were there. After we were going to sell them, our city lord’s mansion was going to maintain the livelihood of our city lord’s mansion. It’s really impossible to turn around.”

"How much do you want?" Old man Qing Mi stared at Manager Qing Gong gloomily, and did not answer, but Luo Ji, who was next to him, raised his face hidden in the black cloak, and looked at Manager Qing Gong with his shining golden pupils. He asked, "How many gold coins do you want, just tell me."

Manager Qing Gong took a look at Ji Xiaoyan and saw that she didn't have any displeasure on her face, and she seemed to want to leave the matter to him to handle, so he thought about it and said to Luo Ji and old man Qingmi: "Just I said this to Elder Qingmi, we can’t ask for how many gold coins, we just need to make up our minds, and give ten gold coins. What do you think?"

 PS: Thanks to "Ni Yun" for the two monthly tickets!Thanks to "Janpo" for the reward!whee!
(End of this chapter)

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