Chapter 1360 Escape
Ten gold coins, not too much, not too little.

For an NPC like old man Qingmi who never carried money with him all year round, one gold coin, let alone ten gold coins, was quite a lot of money.So, when Manager Qing Gong said he wanted ten gold coins, the old man Qing Mi immediately thought, Damn this is cheating him!
However, Luo Ji next to him was very calm, with no expression on his face. After hearing the words of Manager Qing Gong, Luo Ji moved his fingers. Before the old man Qingmi could speak, Ji Xiaoyan Looking at Luo Ji's hand, he did not know when he had already pinched a few gold coins, and then handed them to her at an extremely fast speed.

Ji Xiaoyan was stunned, and the old man Qingmi beside him was also stunned. Only Manager Qing Gong smiled dutifully, took the gold coin directly, and then said to old man Qingmi and Luo Ji with a smile: "Then since The gold coins are also given, even if we Qingcheng sold you a house! If Elder Qingmi and you have time now, why not let us choose the location of the house immediately, and then the city lord and I will leave to patrol the city "

Rocky nodded.

Old man Qingya is still a little unhappy!That's ten gold coins. If Director Qing Gong really regarded him as an acquaintance, he should not ask for a single gold coin. Besides, if you want to be interesting, at most one gold coin would be appropriate!The same is true for this Luo Ji, he gave ten gold coins as he said, and I don't know if he is happy in his heart.It would be fine if he was willing, but if the money was given, something would be blocked in his heart, who knows if he will do something in Qingcheng to retaliate?At that time, if something really happens, Miss Ji Xiaoyan will definitely blame him for bringing him to Qingcheng.
Thinking of these situations, the old man Qingya immediately scratched his head sadly.Did he do something thankless again?

The matter of choosing a house is very simple. The main thing is that Manager Qing Gong took out a plan drawing of Qingcheng, and after showing them several houses that met the requirements that Old Man Qingya said, he asked Luo Ji to choose the house himself. up.After the selection, Miss Ji Xiaoyan nodded, stamped the document with the seal of the city lord, and printed it on Luo Ji's permanent resident certificate, and then the matter was over.

"Okay, I will accompany Luo Ji to look at the house later, if you are going to patrol the city, you should leave quickly!" Seeing that the matter has been completed, the old man Qingmi said something directly to Ji Xiaoyan, and then Thinking of something again, he asked, "By the way, why did I only see you, what about Xuan Mo and the others? Why didn't I see them?"

Director Qing Gong immediately sighed when he heard old man Qingmi's words, and then said: "We were also looking for Xuan Mo and the others just now. We didn't pay attention for a while, so we don't know where they went. If Elder Qingmi sees them later in the City Lord's Mansion, please send a message for us to tell Xuan Mo to come to us immediately!"

"Are you still afraid that if they go to patrol the city, they won't be able to keep up?" the old man Qingmi asked with some amusement.

Manager Qing Gong shook his head helplessly, and after briefly talking about Cenarion, he sighed and said: "Now because I can't find Yumo, the Lord City Lord has no way to climb to Lord Cenarion gracefully. We have to leave Master Cenarion in the tower and go out to patrol the city by ourselves."

The old man Qingmi frowned, originally thinking that if Miss Ji Xiaoyan didn't mind, he would just throw her on Cenarion's body!Later, when I heard Manager Qing Gong's words, I knew that what Miss Ji Xiaoyan wanted was image, so I quickly swallowed the words that came to my mouth, then nodded to Manager Qing Gong and said, "Got it, then you go! If you see Xuan Mo and the others, let them come to the city to look for you."

Director Qing Gong nodded gratefully, turned to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and asked, "Then, Lord City Master, are we ready to leave now?"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.Anyway, she doesn't have anything to do, it doesn't matter when she leaves!
On the other hand, the old man Qingmi looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some concern, and opened his mouth and said: "Girl Xiaoyan, we don't know about your amnesia, and we will definitely help you find a way to get your memory back later! Don't worry, don't worry about it." Mental burden! If you really remember everything and have no way to remember it, then that’s fine! Just treat it as if you re-acquainted with the world and people around you! Got it?”

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked gratefully at old man Qingmi, didn't say much, followed Chief Qing Gong, turned around and left the door, took many guards of the city lord's mansion, left the city lord's mansion, and officially stepped into the work of patrolling the city.

At this time, Cenarion looked around under the tower with a displeased face, wondering why Miss Ji Xiaoyan would come over after she found Xuan Mo, but there was no sign of anyone for a while.It really wanted to leave Miss Ji Xiaoyan and go back to its dragon nest, but it is still Ji Xiaoyan's mount, if it wants to leave, it must have Ji Xiaoyan's consent, otherwise, it must not leave of.So, at this moment, Cenarion is really irritable!

You said that girl Ji Xiaoyan, if you come, you should be fast; if you don't come, then say it too, don't let it wait in the tower for nothing.
Cenarion, who stayed in the tower depressedly, was thinking about how to deal with Ji Xiaoyan in the future. He didn't know that Miss Ji Xiaoyan left the city lord's mansion without finding Xuan Mo, and started patrolling the city.

And where are Xuan Mo and the others at this time?

Perhaps all the people in Qingcheng did not expect that Xuan Mo, Friesman, Jiajia and Xiye's four servants plus pets were no longer in Qingcheng at this moment. They were happily in River Water City at the moment, following A few guards sent to them by Master Bessa wandered around River Water City together
"Hey, I said Xuan Mo, we just ran out like this, Xiaoyan won't be angry with us, right?" Xiye thought of Ji Xiaoyan only now after experiencing the impulsiveness at the beginning, looking at Xuan Mo a little He asked uncertainly, "No one knew when we came out, what if Xiaoyan wants to find us? The adventurers have already appeared, and there must be times when Xiaoyan needs us."

"Okay, okay. I said Xiye." With a look of indifference, Yu Mo looked at Xiye and said, "Why didn't you think of this when we came out? Now that they are all out, don't you think about everything?" Did you run back before you finished seeing it? Then you found that Xiaoyan still only does those things every day, never leaves the city lord’s mansion, and we still have nothing to do in Qingcheng? And then came here again?”

Xi Ye didn't speak, but frowned and glanced at Xuan Mo.

"Okay, okay, it's too late to worry about these things now!" Xuan Mo waved his hand casually, and then said: "I have to worry about it when we discussed going out and planned to leave the City Lord's Mansion at night. Now We have already arrived in River Water City, so we just have to have fun. As for Xiaoyan Qinggong, who is so strict with her, she will definitely not let her go out of the city lord's mansion to meet the adventurer. As long as the adventurer is not seen, no Going to kill monsters to get blood, Xiaoyan doesn’t need us at all! So, we can play with peace of mind. I also plan, we have enough time here in River Water City, and we will go back to Panchi City to have a look.”

"Panchi City?" Xi Ye frowned.

"Well, I'm from Panchi City!" Xuan Mo said to Xiye with a face full of memories, "Since Xiaoyan brought me out of Panchi City, I haven't gone back. The last time Qingcheng was captured At that time, the two city lords of Panchi City came. I thought about going back with them to have a look. But Ye Shan’s attitude towards Xiaoyan was not very good, so I didn’t dare to speak. Now that I think about it, I still want to Go back and have a look!!"

Xi Ye and Friesman looked at Xuan Mo in surprise, and after a while, Friesman said, "Well, Xun Mo, when we come out this time, you are actually just planning to let us get used to stealing first." What does it look like to run out, and go straight to Panchi City when you turn around, right? You actually took us out, and the ultimate goal is to let us follow you to Panchi City?"

Xuan Mo grinned, but said nothing.

Friesman immediately looked depressed, glared at Xuan Mo, and said, "No wonder Xiaoyan didn't believe you at all when he woke up from amnesia. So you are such a black-bellied child!!"

Yan Mo smiled triumphantly, and then said: "To put it bluntly, if you are willing to run out with me, isn't it just that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, and everyone is willing? Don't say it as if you were all brought down by me. Same! I brought you all out for your sake! I don’t even think about it, who told me in front of me every day, oops, this Qingcheng has also been renovated, why do I still feel very uncomfortable and boring? what?"

Friesman stared, not daring to refute Xuan Mo.

They are Miss Ji Xiaoyan's attendants, and every day Ji Xiaoyan goes to study in the city lord's mansion, so they can only find work by themselves.In the past, when Ji Xiaoyan was still a player, Friesman and the others could follow her around to do tasks, or do other things, just to see her.But after she became the permanent city lord of Qingcheng, all they can do every day is find something to do in the city lord's mansion!It's fine for a day or two, if it's like this every day, they can't stand it anymore!

Therefore, when they thought that Xuan Mo could levitate, and when Xuan Mo suggested that everyone go out for a stroll together, Friesman and the others were all tempted.As for Jiajia, it didn't complain at all, it was Xiye who dragged it away by the way when Xiye was about to leave.

"Let's go, let's go, let's stop gossiping. After visiting River Water City here, we have to go to the City Lord's Mansion to tell Lord Bessa, and then we will go directly to the teleportation array!" Xuan Mo's eyes rolled , said something to Friesman and the others, and then teased: "At that time, Friesman, if you still want to go back to your land of the dead, then there is no problem!"

"Forget it! If you want to go back, I will let Xiaoyan take us back together!" Friesman refused without hesitation: "I don't want to find that we are all gone when Xiaoyan looks for us." Thinking of this , Friesman suddenly asked a little strangely: "I remember that we couldn't leave Xiaoyan too far before? Why are we all in River Water City, and we can still walk around? Is it because of the city alliance? 禘Mo, you want to go back to Panchi City, have you considered this issue?"

When Xuan Mo heard this, he frowned immediately. To be honest, he really hadn't thought about it!He had already forgotten about how far away Ji Xiaoyan was from the country of Java.
Friesman immediately knew that he brought them here without thinking of anything, so he immediately said to him mockingly: "Haha, fortunately, I reminded you. Yu Mo, this You really have to think carefully about this question, otherwise you have planned everything, but you are about to leave, but you find that you can't go at all. I think, about this distance, we can consult Lord Bessa later, I I think he knows quite a lot! If we were able to come here, it was really because of the city alliance, then if you want to return to Panchi City, Xuan Mo, you have to let those two city lords come to form an alliance with us in Qingcheng up"

However, among the two city lords Ye Shan, it seems that they are not so easy to talk to.

Friesman said something secretly in his heart.

Xuan Mo bowed his head, with a displeased expression on his face. MD was only thinking about how to bring these people back to Panchi City with him, and when Ji Xiaoyan found them later, when the Dongchuang incident happened, someone could share the guilt together.In the end, he didn't consider the issue of the status of this attendant and the distance Ji Xiaoyan could stay away from. Mistake, too misstep!
"Hey, are you still leaving?" Xi Ye looked at Friesman and Xuan Mo, one was proudly watching the other's joke, while the other was depressed, and immediately pouted his mouth and looked at them He shouted: "If you don't leave, I will leave with Jiajia first!"

"Go, go, go! Why don't you go?" Friesman quickly moved his eyes away from Xuan Mo, looked at Xi Ye and said, "We are all here, we must take a good look at River Water City It's over, I just went back. When Xiaoyan lived in the City Lord's Mansion, we could only see the three-acre land of the City Lord's Mansion."

Xi Ye nodded, and after seeing that Xuan Mo had also moved, he called the guards who led them to move on.

However, not long after walking, a man wearing a dark cloak suddenly rushed out from an alley, knocked down Xuan Mo who was in a state of disorientation, and knocked him to the ground, while the man in the cloak staggered After stabilizing his body a few times, he ran away quickly without even looking at them.
 PS: Thanks to "Zheng Fu" for the safety talisman!
(End of this chapter)

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