Chapter 1361 Cloaked Man

"Xu Mo, are you okay?" Friesman rushed to Xuan Mo's side at the first time, seeing his frowning and pained face, and then quickly threw an ice spell, aiming directly at the fleeing man Cloak man.However, Friesman's spell was about to hit the man in the cloak, but the man waved his hand and flicked behind him, instantly bounced Friesman's spell away, and then disappeared in the in the air
"What's going on?" Friesman didn't want to put such a sudden stranger in his eyes. He only thought that he bumped into Xuan Mo without even an apology, so he threw a spell over to teach him a lesson. his.In the end, I didn't expect that this person didn't learn a lesson. In a few seconds, his spell was dispelled like this.
"That person must be a master, or he has something on his body." Naturally, Yu Mo also saw this scene, and when he heard Friesman talking to himself, he said something immediately, then looked at the others and said : "Go, let's follow up and have a look!"

"Then what should they do?" Xi Ye glanced at the guards in River Water City who were standing not far from them, and looked at Xuan Mo and asked.

"Let them go back! Why are you still following us!" Xuan Mo Yigulu turned over and got up from the ground, said something directly to Xiye, then greeted Friesman and Jiajia and said, "Go, Xiye will follow you later." Come on! Don’t let that man run away. Just pointing at his clothes, he must be a bad person! After we catch him, we will send him to the City Lord’s Mansion to find Lord Bessa.” After finishing speaking, Xuan Mo hurriedly gave I added a spell, and ran directly to the direction where the man in the black cloak left.

Why did they come to River Water City?Or is it because being in Qingcheng is too boring?Now that they have finally encountered such a fun thing, they naturally want to go to see the excitement!Besides, in case that man just now is really some kind of expert, that's fine. If they catch him and send him back to Qingcheng to give to Miss Ji Xiaoyan, she may not be happy, so they won't be held accountable for stealing him from Qingcheng. The matter of running away, looking back at the things he wants to go back to Panchi City to see, it may not be smoother; of course, if he can’t catch it, he may not be able to find something, and he will have an excuse to explain that they are in River Water City. Don't you do something?
Naturally, the man just now is not a master at all, but has some kind of treasure on his body. Hehe, that's even better!While chasing, Xuan Mo was thinking in his heart.When the time comes, as long as you grab the baby and give it to Ji Xiaoyan, she will be very happy!This happy hehe, naturally it is easy to say anything! !
Thinking of this, Xuan Mo immediately smiled complacently.
And the mood of Friesman who followed behind was not as good as that of Xuan Mo!
Chase, definitely must.

It's just that he chased the man in the black cloak, just wanting to know how he could accurately sense his spell and dispel it.this point is very important!For his future magic advancement, so, he must chase after that man and ask him what happened.
As for Xi Ye, after hearing what Xuan Mo said, he was immediately depressed for two seconds, and complained in his heart that Mao wanted to keep it to arrange for the guards of River Water City, and then told those guards not to follow, they were going to Free activities, let them go back to the City Lord's Mansion by the way, and tell Master Bessa about their pursuit of a mysterious man in black.Afterwards, after watching the guards of the City Lord's Mansion turn and leave, Xi Ye sighed, walked directly into the shadow of a nearby house, and disappeared into it.
In a few seconds, he had moved the entire street
As for Jiajia, it is the most insignificant appendage in the entire team.Xuan Mo tells it to go, it just needs to follow, and when it wants to move its paws, that's enough!

The man in the black cloak seemed to realize that he was being followed not long after. After turning a street corner, he climbed up to a roof in a few steps, and then began to sprint in the air with great difficulty.

Because of his ability to levitate, Xuan Mo followed directly, while Friesman and Jiajia on the street below were not taken care of by Xuan Mo, so they could only continue chasing in a detour on the ground; In the shadows of various buildings, he chased the man in the black cloak at an extremely fast speed.However, just when Xiye was about to catch up and grabbed the man in the cloak with his shadow, it found that the man seemed to have spotted it, glanced at it, then turned around and walked towards the other side. ran in one direction.

Once, Xi Ye thought it might just be a coincidence!However, after two or three times, Xi Ye realized something was wrong! !The man definitely figured it out!However, it can't figure it out!It was the last to catch up, and it was always hidden in the shadows, without showing any traces at all. When it was about to catch the man for the first time, it was completely submerged in the shadows, without showing any traces at all. How did the man in the black cloak find it?

Xiye is puzzled!
"This cloaked man is a bit evil!" Xi Ye followed the route pursued by Friesman and Gaga, moving in the shadows, and said to Friesman, "I didn't show my head or claws at all, that The man will know that I am by his side and ready to attack him."

"So powerful?" Friesman glanced at Xiye, who was still half in the shadows, and moved with them, frowned, and then said: "Then who do you think he is? You said Master Bessa Do you know who he is?"

Xi Ye shook his head, and then said: "I think he must be very powerful! Our dark department is generally good at hiding, but he can spot me so easily, he must not be too weak. And such a powerful person, if it is A good person would not be dressed in black and wrapped in a cloak like this! He must have no good intentions."

"Then tell me, should we send a message to Lord Bessa?" Friesman thought for a while and asked.

"When I caught up, let those guards go back and spread the word!" Xi Ye frowned, and said to Friesman with a serious face, "I just think that we might not be able to catch him like this, what the hell? It’s not good, if we really face each other, if we lose, if something happens, we can’t explain it to Xiaoyan when we turn around.” As far as Xi Ye’s self-feeling is concerned, if something really happens, it’s their team The inside face is safe.As long as something happens, just hide in the shadows and you can escape far away, making it impossible for people to catch up.
However, Xuan Mo, Friesman and Jia Jia are different!

If something really happened later, and Xiaoyan went back to report it, he would probably be the only beast! !

"What are you afraid of!" Friesman said indifferently to Xi Ye, "He is very powerful. But, in the current situation, if he really beat us, he would definitely not keep running away like this without giving up. Let's take a hit. I guess he only knows what we see now, but his strength is not very good! Otherwise, think about it, Xi Ye, a master, can still run out on the road without incident and knock down others ?”

"What if he did it on purpose to get our attention?" Xi Ye didn't agree with Friesman's words at all, and directly refuted him.

"If that's the case, let's be more careful!" Friesman looked indifferent, and then said: "This is River Water City, and Lord Bessa is here. As guests, we are protected. I don't believe it." , if something happens to us here, Master Bessa can ignore it! Moreover, if he really deliberately wants to attract our attention, we can also see who it is and what he wants to lure us to. Yum!"

Xi Ye rolled her eyes, glared at Friesman, followed him for a while, and then said, "Forget it, I'll go see Xuan Mo."

"Go!" Friesman nodded, and when Xiye was about to disappear, he quickly asked again: "We are chasing right now, right? They all ran up and down, and our vision below is limited. I can't see the direction."

"Left ahead, then west." Xi Ye replied sullenly, and then disappeared.It ran with Friesman for a long time, thinking that this guy had some ideas, so he didn't follow the correct route to chase him, but who knows, Friesman didn't see anyone at all, and chased him around the city what.
"Go left. Go west. Go left. Go west." Friesman nodded, told Jiajia to follow him closely, and then continued to run wildly at the convenience of Xi Yezhi, and began to rummage through the packages in his hand to find food
And Xuan Mo, who had been chasing on the roof for a long time, felt a little impatient after chasing after him!
"Hey, the one in front!!" Yu Mo frowned, and shouted at the man in the black cloak in front, seeing that he had no intention of stopping or turning to look at him, he immediately continued to shout: "The one in front, the one in the black cloak. How far do you have to run? Are you not tired? You are not tired, we are almost tired!! Hurry up, stop!!"

The man in the black cloak finally stopped for a while this time, turned his face and glanced at Xuan Mo, seeing that he didn't stop chasing him, but kept flying towards him, so he immediately jumped onto a building Looking at Xuan Mo behind the roof of the building, he seemed to sneer.

"Hey!" Seeing this, Xuan Mo froze for a moment, and then shouted loudly: "What is your expression? You were laughing at me just now? Are you laughing at me for not being able to catch up with you or something? ? You wait, than wait for me to catch up with you. You bumped into me and haven’t apologized yet, how dare you laugh at me!!”

The man in the black cloak didn't respond, but continued to run wildly after laughing.

"I still don't believe it today, I won't be able to catch up with you!!" Xuan Mo murmured to himself a little fiercely, and after casting another circle of spells on himself, he hurried to the black cloak The man chased after him.Then in a low housing area shrouded in shadows, Xi Ye was suddenly seen.

"Hey, Xiye, you've come after them? Where's Friesman and Jiajia?" Su Mo glanced at Xiye in surprise, then looked behind it, and found that neither Friesman nor Jiajia appeared. He frowned and asked, "Aren't they with you?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Can the two of them fly like you, or pass through the darkness like me?" Xi Ye couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Xuan Mo, and then said: "They both honestly Just run behind, Xuan Mo, shall we continue to chase?"

"Why don't you chase?" Xuan Mo looked at Xi Ye with some displeasure and asked, "I didn't say anything when the man knocked me down, and ran away without even saying an apology. You didn't see it, he was still there just now. Laughing at me for not being able to catch up with him!! I, Xuan Mo, don’t do that kind of cowardly person, if I get bumped and ridiculed, forget it.”

"Haven't you ever thought about the possibility that he came to lure us on purpose?" Xi Ye couldn't help blackening in his heart.Didn't Xuan Mo just say that?The man in the black cloak still laughed at him, didn't he mean to provoke him?Among them, there must be some conspiracy! !If they continue to chase, they may not necessarily fall into a trap.
"Intentionally lure us? Why did you deliberately lure us?" Xuan Mo didn't react for a while, looked at Xi Ye and asked, then thought of what Xi Ye was worried about, and instantly frowned, and then said: "It seems that What you said makes sense!"

"That's right! What I said originally made sense!" Xi Ye immediately cheered up when he heard what Yu Mo said, and then said to him, "Think about it, how wide is the avenue in River Water City?" We didn’t block the road, so why did he bump into you all at once? It was strange after that, he ran away without even an apology!! Isn’t this leading us to chase? What’s more, you As I said just now, he still laughed at you for not being able to catch up! You must be using some aggressive tactics! J just wants to lure us all into his trap!! So, let’s not chase, Xuan Mo!”

With a pensive expression on his face, Xuan Mo looked at Xi Ye, then at the man in the black cloak who was jumping between the roofs, and after a while, he said to Xi Ye: "Xi Ye, what you said is very interesting. reason."

"Right, right! Then let's stop chasing, go back and find Friesman and the others!" Xi Ye immediately became happy when he heard what Xuan Mo said, and immediately wanted to pull Xuan Mo to turn around and leave.

However, Xiye couldn't be happy when Xuan Mo said the next sentence: "It's just, Xiye! Even if I know that he is deliberately leading us to chase after him, I can't help but turn back! As long as I think about it, I will let it go." After passing this guy, I feel very uncomfortable. So, I will continue to chase you, do you want to go together? If you don’t want to follow, go back to the City Lord’s Mansion!!”

 PS: Thank you "Southern Lion Head" for starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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