The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1362 The Reversed Plot

Chapter 1362 The Reversed Plot

Xi Ye really wanted to scold Xuan Mo, "You're a lunatic!" Then she called Friesman and Jia Jia, and ran directly to the teleportation array in River Water City, and went straight back to Qing City, back to Ji Xiaoyan's side Continue to live that kind of boring life, but at least I can have a little peace of mind.

Just, can it do that?
When they sneaked out from Qingcheng with Ji Xiaoyan on their backs, they were all one, but now they want to go back but leave Xuan Mo behind and leave by themselves?Moreover, knowing that he was in danger, if he really went back, when Miss Ji Xiaoyan asked, they were the ones to blame! !So, either, go back together as a group; or don't go back everyone.

"How is it? Xiye, are you chasing after me or not?" Xuan Mo glanced at Xiye impatiently, then looked at the man in black cloak who was still running unscrupulously on the roof in front of him. , looked at Xi Ye and asked a question, and then said: "If you don't answer me, I will leave first!!"

Xi Ye glared at Xuan Mo, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's go! Chase and chase! When something really happens, don't blame it on me! I warned you .”

"Cut!" Xuan Mo gave Xi Ye a white look, and after scolding a coward in his heart, he raised his breath and went straight to the man in the cloak to continue chasing after him.After chasing for a while, Xuan Mo finally came to his senses, called Xi Ye to his side, and discussed with it while flying: "Xi Ye, I remember that your spell can bring people directly. "

Xi Ye glanced at Xuan Mo, wondering what he meant!
"Look at us chasing like this, doesn't that man know that we have been following him?" Xuan Mo rolled his eyes, frowned slightly and said to Xi Ye: "But, if you take me away If you enter your spell, and then you come to chase him, then we are not in the light, but in the dark? Maybe we can track down what he wants to lead us to? What do you think? And, one more thing, you can take both Friesman and Gaga with you, so we don't have to chase after them so scatteredly."

Xi Ye looked at Xuan Mo several times, and had to admit that he was so stupid just now! !What a good tracking method, why didn't it think of it?

"How is it? Xiye, you should say something!" Seeing that Xiye did not respond, he just followed him all the way and asked a little irritatedly. After a while, he saw it nodding, and then relaxed He took a deep breath, and then said: "Then you hurry up and take Friesman and Gaga into your magic barrier, and then come to me and I will follow that man first, or if he really runs away in a while, then it will be a disaster." Depressed!!"

Xi Ye disappeared into the shadows and returned behind Xuan Mo a few minutes later.

"Both Friesman and Jiajia are here?" Xuan Mo was a little surprised at Xiye's speed. After seeing it nodding, he breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the surrounding buildings, and said to Xiye: "Then we met If there is a place that can be covered, you immediately take me in and give the man in the cloak the illusion that we have all disappeared. Then we will follow him secretly."

Xi Ye nodded, still a little worried.

When it wanted to catch the man in the shadows, the man was vigilant.Not sure, he really has the ability to see through its spells. At that time, whether they hide in the shadow of its spells or not, it will be useless!However, Xuan Mo's suggestion is still very good for normal people's sight.
It's better to be concealed than not to be concealed!

Sure enough, after crossing a roof, the cloaked man quickly changed direction.And Xuan Mo went directly into Xi Ye's shadow at this time, and then hid in that dark space with Friesman and Jia Jia, listening to Xi Ye's live broadcast and the cloaked man in the next When I turned around to see if Xuan Mo continued to follow, I immediately found that there was no one behind me!
So, the man in the black cloak stopped, turned around and looked behind him.

"I was still following just now. Why is there no one?" The man in the black cloak murmured in a low voice, stopped and waited for a while, and finally frowned after seeing that no one was chasing him: "Is it true? Stop chasing? Go back?"

No one answered him.

Because Xi Ye was hiding in a shadow not far away, quietly observing the man in the black cloak, for fear that he would be discovered.

"How is it? Xi Ye, what is that man doing now? Will he see us not following, and go back to find us?" Xuan Mo asked a little excitedly.He suddenly felt that this was like a hide-and-seek chase, very interesting!

Xi Ye shook his head, turned to look at Xuan Mo and said, "That man seemed a little surprised why we disappeared, but he didn't have any intention of coming to us. I think we may have guessed wrong, and he definitely didn't mean it. They came to lure us. Maybe they just bumped into you by accident! Xuan Mo, if that’s the case, should we still chase?” It felt that it was just an accident, and there was no need for them to be so persistent, right?

However, Xi Ye thinks so, but Xuan Mo is different!
"Didn't you lure me to chase it on purpose?" Xuan Mo's expression was a little surprised and disbelieving, "If he didn't lure us to chase it on purpose, then we should follow him to find out! Xiye, think about it Ah, this man is so hideous and wretched, he must not be a good person!! Xiaoyan just signed an alliance agreement with Lord Bessa! This river water city is equivalent to our ally of Qingcheng, if they are in the city What happened, we in Qingcheng will come to help when the time comes? So, when we encounter a suspicious man, we must go and investigate clearly. Speed ​​up, Xi Ye, keep an eye on that man, don't let him run away, Don't let him find you!!"

Xi Ye looked at Friesman with a face of reluctance, and after seeing him nodding, he pursed his lips and continued to stare at the man in the black cloak.After standing there observing for a while, he turned around and crossed a few roofs, then found a small alley and fell down. After a few strokes, he found some remote streets, and then slowed down a little, put the cloak on Pulling the brim of the hat, carefully shuttled in the alley
"Where is he going?" Yu Mo asked Friesman after listening to Xi Ye's report.

"I think there must be something ulterior about this man!" Friesman said to Xuan Mo with an affirmative expression on his face, "He is definitely not from River Water City!"

"That's not necessarily true! See how familiar he is with the buildings here?" Yu Mo shook his head, unwilling to admit it, "No one ever said that people in River Water City can't run around wearing black cloaks, right? What if he was planning something and just didn't want people to recognize him, that's why he dressed up like this? Didn't Xiaoyan often do this kind of thing before?"

Friesman choked, curled his lips and glanced at Xuan Mo, and then said: "Xu Mo, you chased him for such a long way, didn't you realize that he was basically running like this? I bet , Except for this area, he definitely doesn’t know the roads in other places, so he only runs around here, ready to get rid of us at any time, and then return to his usual hiding place.” Speaking of this, Friesman immediately looked at Xi Ye, and then said: "Xi Ye, watch carefully, and tell Xuan Mo later, am I right!!"

Xi Ye looked at Xuan Mo, and said, "I don't know if it's the same as what Friesman said, but that man did enter a room."

"And then?" Xuan Mo frowned, a little unhappy.

"Then I heard under the eaves that they seemed to be talking about the fox clan." Xi Ye thought for a while and said with certainty.

"Fox family?" Not only Yu Mo was stunned, but even Frisman next to him was also stunned, and then he looked at Xi Ye and asked, "Did you hear wrong, Xi Ye! Are those people from the Fox family here?" After the ceremony, did you continue to recuperate? How could it be possible to appear in River Water City? It’s not so close to their Fox Clan! Xiye, why don’t you go in and have a look?”

"How do I know how they appeared! I want to enter, but their house is under a barrier! I can't get through at all. It would be nice to be able to squat under the eaves and overhear the news!" Xi Ye pouted, saying yes Friesman and Xuan Mo said a word, and then continued: "Besides, I just heard them talking about the Fox Clan. As for whether they are members of the Fox Clan, I haven't seen it, so I can't prove it at all! Not to mention What are you talking about, why are the Fox clan here? These things are none of my business!"

With a look on my face that I knew it was useless to ask you, I gave Xiye a look, and after ordering it to continue observing and eavesdropping, I looked at Friesman and asked, "How is it? Friesman, what do you think they Could it be people from the Fox Clan, or is it a group of people who are planning to take advantage of the Fox Clan?"

"I haven't seen the real people, and I'm not the Lord God, how could I know the whole content of the conversation with them!" Friesman rolled his eyes at Xuan Mo, and after thinking about it, he said: "However, anyway, we They're all in Xiye's magic barrier, just wait to hear the news! I don't believe they can't come out after entering the house!"

Yan Mo thought for a while, nodded, then looked at Friesman and said, "Should we send a message to Mr. Bessa later? It doesn't matter if they are members of the Fox Clan, or they are planning to play with the Fox Clan." If you are so suspicious, we are all obliged to warn Lord Bessa, right?"

"It's up to you! Go again if you have the chance!" Friesman said indifferently.

"Come out, come out" At this moment, Xiye's voice suddenly sounded excitedly, and then Friesman felt the whole space tremble, and Xiye's panicked voice sounded instantly: "Oops, we was discovered"

"What should we do?" Freesman and Xuan Mo looked at Xi Ye nervously.

"I'm running away." Xi Ye said to Friesman and Xi Ye with a serious expression, "They have something in their hands that can directly find out where we are hiding. They found us as soon as they went out. Now there are About six people were chasing us."

"Six?" Friesman was a little surprised.

"They are all masters!!" Xi Ye's voice was a little panicked, and he said to Friesman and Xuan Mo, "We may not be able to escape Friesman, Xuan Mo, I will try to find a place to throw you all out later, You take Jiajia and go first"

"No!" Before Friesman could speak, Yu Mo immediately interrupted Xiye and said, "I was the one who suggested chasing that man. If you want to stay, I will stay! Xiye, you take Friesman and the others with you." leave first"

Xi Ye didn't speak.At this moment, it seems that there is no strenuous movement in the magic space, but in fact, the pursuit outside is very difficult for him to deal with.

The six people who rushed out from that room to chase it threw something in mid-air as soon as they went out, and before Xiye could react, they stopped directly on top of its head, and then no matter how Xiye moved , that thing has been parked above its head!Xiye really wanted to get rid of that thing, but no matter which shadow he moved to in an instant, that thing would fly over its head in the next second, and then shine brightly, attracting those six people to throw spells Come chase it!
To be honest, since Xiye followed Ji Xiaoyan, she has never been so miserable and miserable.

The magic power of those six people is definitely at the level of a master. It is not only painful to hit it, but also the feeling of turmoil. Several times it felt that it seemed to be about to pass out.But as long as you think about it, Friesman and Xuan Mo are still in their own magic space. If you faint and are caught by those six men, it means that they are all caught! !

Therefore, its first reaction was to release Xuan Mo and the others. It might not be possible to keep which one of them to go back and report for help, right?However, it didn't expect that Xuan Mo would also have his brain twitches! !It almost has no strength to run away and talk, and Xuan Mo is still talking big, insisting on talking about loyalty
"Xiye. Xiye" Friesman saw that Xiye who was with them seemed to be getting worse and worse, so he couldn't help calling it a few times worriedly, and then found that Xiye's eyes had begun to glaze over. "Xiye, what's wrong with you?"

"It must have been attacked!" Xuan Mo's mind turned quickly, and he immediately frowned and said to Friesman, "No, we can't do this now! Xiye ran with us, and we can't help it, let it It's really a blessing to deal with them alone!" After a pause for two seconds, Yu Mo hurried to Xi Ye, stretched out his hand and patted its face, and said, "Xi Ye, Xi Ye, wake up!! Don't run around, just run towards the crowded place! If you still can't run, let us out! Let's block them, you go to Master Bessa to help!! If it still doesn't work, let me throw a spell Go out, let me build an earthen wall to block it for a while!!"

 PS: Thank you "Beichen Sinicization Group" for starting coins!Thanks to "Green Sea" for the two monthly tickets! .
  Recommend a novel: "The Great God Has Been Disconnected" Ling Che: Why do other professional players retire and return to the game to thrive, but I am as miserable as the protagonist of the Internet waste material stream novel? ?

(End of this chapter)

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