Chapter 1363 Run away! !

Xi Ye was already exhausted by now.

If they hadn't been so focused on not letting their team be wiped out, Xi Ye would have fallen long ago!So, after being shaken by Freesman and Xuan Mo for several times, Xi Ye woke up a little bit, nodded directly to Xuan Mo, and watched him throw a piece of earth from a spell hole that he had tried his best to create. He went out with the spell of the system, and instantly erected several earthen walls between the six men who were chasing it.
Then, Xiye finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the thing above his head flew directly over the earth wall, and continued to stay on top of its head, showing its hiding position all the time!

"Come on, Xiye, let me out! I'll add a levitation technique to you, and we'll fly away together!" Yu Mo quickly said to Xiye, and when he saw that it didn't respond, he was a little startled. He shouted: "Xiye, Xiye, are you okay?" If he had known that this situation would happen, he would definitely not let Xiye and the others follow him after being knocked down by the man in the black cloak Chased. He let go earlier and everything was fine!

"I heard it." Xi Ye looked weak, stared blankly, glanced at Xuan Mo, and said, "Not right now! They just destroyed your spell and chased after you. I have to look for it again. A place. After you release the spell, let you go out! Otherwise, we will all be caught!"

"Okay, okay, okay! Tell me when you're ready!" Xuan Mo looked at Xi Ye worriedly, regretting it for the first time!
"When you cast the spell later, let me know in advance, and I will help you too. Let's put an ice and earth spell wall over there, and let them stay behind." Friesman's face is not very good at the moment!If it is normal, the big deal is to start fighting while eating!But now, they didn't even see the appearance of their opponents, and only let Jia Xiye suffer and suffer outside alone. This really made him feel bad!

The atmosphere condensed for a long time before Xi Ye made a move, signaled to Xuan Mo and Friesman to prepare, and then said to Xuan Mo: "After you throw the spell, go out immediately. I'm afraid I won't give it again next time." You have activated the power of the spell enchantment."

With a solemn face, Yu Mo nodded silently: "After I go out, Xiye, you should rest well! I'm the one to do everything!"

Xi Ye didn't answer, just roared in a low voice, and then watched Xuan Mo and Friesman throw a magic light ball from their hands at the same time, after which Xuan Mo jumped out of the entire magic space and came to the ground and even the surrounding area. He didn't dare to take a distracted look at the situation, so he condensed a levitation spell and threw it on Xi Ye, who had already emerged from the shadow spell, and then grabbed him and flew straight up.

Two seconds later, Xuan Mo heard the sound of the wall being destroyed behind him!He knew that those men that Xi Ye mentioned had caught up!

"What the hell is this?" Xuan Mo was slightly relieved after flying through several alleys with Xi Ye, and frowned when he saw a small golden ball floating above Xi Ye's head. He muttered something to himself, then reached out and brushed it over.I thought that if I pushed the golden ball, it would be thrown flying, but Yu Mo found that his palm actually passed through the middle of the small ball
"What's going on? What is this thing?" Xuan Mo looked at the ball in amazement.

"Those six people rely on this to know where I am, so they can keep chasing me!" Xi Ye slightly moved her eyelids, and said in a weak voice: "If it wasn't for this thing that was always on top of my head Mark my location, I have been hiding with you for a long time, and I will not be chased by them. This should be a special tracking tool in the hands of those people, and it may only be aimed at my dark system."

Yan Mo pursed his lips, hugged Xi Ye into his arms, and said, "Whatever it is! Xi Ye, you need to rest well and just protect Friesman and the others! We'll be done in a while." I ran out, you know, I’m pretty good at remembering the way, as long as we turn two streets ahead, we’ll be able to reach the City Lord’s Mansion. As long as we enter the City Lord’s Mansion, I can assure you that those people won’t dare to chase after me. We are here!"

Xi Ye twitched the corners of her mouth, trying to smile at Xuan Mo, but found that after saying a few words just now, she didn't even have the energy to smile! !

"You still want to run two streets? Hehehe, I don't think you can even walk one street!!" At this moment, a slightly arrogant male voice suddenly rang out in Xuan Mo's ears, and then Xuan Mo saw Not far from him, there was a man wearing a black cloak, showing a grinning mouth, running parallel to him on the roof
They are catching up!how can that be!

The first reaction in Xuan Mo's heart was what is going on?Judging from the way Xiye led them all the way, these six men in black cloaks will not be too fast no matter what!At least, Xi Ye had been running past them all the time. However, just now he heard the sound of them destroying the ice wall behind him. Thinking about it, after a few seconds of delay, they would still be far behind him!How could it be possible to catch up easily now?
When they and Xi Ye were bored, it wasn't like they didn't have games like who could run faster and whose spell could hit whom.In terms of his levitation technique, he should be the fastest among them!How could it be possible that Xiye could escape the pursuit of those people, but he couldn't?
This is not scientific! !

The man in the black cloak didn't know what was going on in Xuan Mo's mind at the moment. After saying such a sentence to Xuan Mo, the man in the black cloak started to approach Xuan Mo directly, and within a few seconds he was a few meters away from him. Far away, he rushed directly into the alley where Xuan Mo flew, and then fell behind him a few steps away.

"Boy, I advise you not to run away anymore and give us the little beast in your arms. I'll be more generous and let you go!" The man in the black cloak followed behind Xuan Mo calmly, He said to him: "I'll give you some time to think about it. Nuo, before you walk out of this alley, you must give me a reply! Otherwise, I will treat you as a refusal and I will do something to you. Although I usually don't I did it with children, but don't challenge me either."

Xuan Mo looked back at the man in the black cloak, but did not respond.

This man is really funny, knowing that he and Xi Ye are in the same group, but still asking him to sell his friends for glory, isn't he?Do you really think he is such a person?Fly out of the alley?Hmph, he still doesn't believe it, he gritted his teeth and couldn't fly out of this alley! !Compared with Xi Ye, he is stronger! !

"Boy, have you thought it over yet?" The man in the black cloak said with a hint of impatience in his tone, he followed behind Xi Ye with a smile, "Speaking of which, we don't have any grudges with you. It’s just that the little beast in your arms is really not very good at being a beast! This fine night shadow beast doesn’t go to practice, but insists on eavesdropping on our discussions hahaha, boy, you have to know, sometimes, some people know The more you have, the faster you will die!!" After a second pause, the voice of the man in the black cloak sounded again, "By the way, I forgot to ask! Kid, hold this night shadow beast Running away, is it its companion or its master? Did it just tell you what it eavesdropped on our conversation?"

If that's the case, then this kid can't stay anymore!Thinking of this, the eyes of the man in the black cloak suddenly sank, and he looked at Xuan Mo with a bit of murderous intent in his eyes, and then asked: "Boy, I don't think you can leave anymore. How about your master and servant?" The two of you can stay here."

After finishing speaking, the man in the black cloak pulled out a long knife from his waist, charged up his energy and rushed to a place only a few centimeters behind Xuan Mo, swung the knife and cut it down instantly, and then cut Xuan Mo open. There was a large piece of clothing on the back, and a large amount of blood splashed in the air, then fell to the ground and penetrated into the soil
"Tsk tsk, let me just say, I don't really like to fight with children!!" The man in the black cloak watched Xuan Mo stagger a few times, then continued to fly forward, sneered and looked at the knife on his blade. After scraping the bloodstain gently with fingers, he said to himself: "Hey, I can't help it! For the rise and sacrifice of the race, each of us always has to pay something. It’s better for me to set a precedent for things like breaking the principle of breaking the law, as expected, the blood of children is much fresher.”

After finishing speaking, the man in the black cloak waved his long knife behind him, raised his breath and flew forward, and then began to bounce out in the alley at a very fast speed, and soon saw Xuan Mo's face again. The figure swung his knife and prepared for the second attack.

At this moment, Xuan Mo was also a little panicked.

Back then when he followed Ji Xiaoyan from Panchi City, he always followed Ji Xiaoyan to kill wild beasts everywhere. He had nothing to do to see the scenery and eat some delicious food. Occasionally, when he was bored, he followed the old man Qingmi to steal some time and find some excitement. That's it!He never thought that the outside world is actually so dangerous!It turns out that in this world, there are people who will really hunt and kill them. Moreover, they are so ruthless that they are looking for a way to kill them!Didn't you just chase them for a while and then eavesdrop?Who the hell are these people, they just keep chasing after them!Even wanted to kill someone.
The problem is, Xi Ye didn't overhear any important information either!There is only such a word as the fox clan!

Thinking of this, Xuan Mo was shocked instantly.He thought of a possibility!
In the past, they followed Miss Ji Xiaoyan to the Fox Clan. On the surface, this is a peaceful race, with the pride and superiority of all races. They live in seclusion in the mountains, do not fight or grab, and live in peace!Even though they had done so many things in the Fox Clan, they left safely in the end!He even took away a lot of treasures from the Fox Clan
In the eyes of all races, the fox clan is the most sacred pronoun.
But what if these are just their surface?
What if the word Xiye heard was actually the man in the black cloak who they were talking about?What if these so-called masters in black cloaks are actually members of the fox clan?Thinking of this, Xuan Mo immediately felt a transparent feeling! !If these men in black cloaks are men from the fox tribe, then he can figure out why these people appear in the water city of River in hiding; why they can easily detect the movement of Xiye and have Such a small golden ball is used to locate Xiye; it can easily catch up with itself.
They are foxes!

They are the top existence among all races!Whether it is in terms of spells, wisdom or other aspects, the fox family can be said to be ranked first in the mainland!Therefore, they have countless treasures and magic weapons, and they can freely locate Xiye's location and find it.
As for the fox clan, as a race that declares that they only live in seclusion in the mainland, they shouldn't appear here!However, if the men who are chasing him now are members of the fox clan, then it is not unusual for them to appear in River Water City!
This also proved why these men in black cloaks wanted to chase them down and kill them!

They were afraid that he and Xiye would reveal the fact that their fox clan appeared on the mainland!They were afraid that he and Xiye would ruin some of their plans if they were not careful.
It must be so!It must be so!He must go to the City Lord's Mansion, he must tell Lord Bessa about this matter, and he must also go back to Qingcheng and tell Xiaoyan! !Tell her to take someone to clean up quickly, whether there is such a black cloaked man in Qingcheng!He couldn't believe that these fox people only appeared here.
"Boy. You're injured." Just as Yu Mo was thinking about it, he was about to fly out of the alley and turned to the next street, which was closer to the Lord's Mansion of River Water City. Suddenly, he heard something popping out of his ear. A gust of heat, a voice just broke into my body so abruptly!In the next second, his arm holding Xiye was so painful that he couldn't hold it steady, and threw Xiye away.
"Hehehe, speaking of it, how many years have I not had such an excited feeling?" The man in the black cloak licked the corners of his mouth, looked at Xuan Mo's staggering appearance, immediately hooked his mouth into a smile, and said, "I will Tell me, you can’t fight with children! Look, the blood in my whole body is boiling with this move. This really made me start killing people. How can I quit again in the future!! Tsk tsk, they A few are true, if you want me to stay here and chase the kid to play, you ran to the front alley and waited. If you want me to say, just catch the night shadow beast and go back. .”

 PS: Thanks to "Niu Niu 705804" for the two monthly tickets!Thank you for the monthly pass of "This is OK~"!Thanks to "Ni Yun" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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