The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1364 Two Female Players

Chapter 1364 Two Female Players

Enduring the pain, Xuan Mo turned his head and glanced at the man in the black cloak behind him. Seeing that he didn't seem to be catching up for a while, he finally couldn't help grinning in pain, and glanced at Xi Ye who had fallen into a deep sleep in his arms. I can't help feeling a sense of sadness coming from it!Being chased by a man in a black cloak has already become what I am now. Think back when Xiye was chased by six people
Xuan Mo couldn't help stroking Fu Xiye's hair, and then looked forward in confusion!

Of the six cloaked men, only one is chasing him now!And the man in the black cloak behind said that it would only make him run to the end of this alley!So, that is to say, the other five people might be at the end of the alley, thinking about the situation that he and Xiye might face next, Xuan Mo couldn't help but take a deep breath!No, nothing can happen to him and Xi Ye!
They haven't confessed to Miss Ji Xiaoyan about running away from Qingcheng.
In Xiye's spell, there are Jiajia and Friesman!If Xiye doesn't let them out, those men in black cloaks can directly capture or kill Friesman and the others.
The most important point is that Xuan Mo felt that if he really died here, it would be too embarrassing! !No, no, he must run out with Xi Ye!At least until someone finds them and drives those black cloaked men away
Thinking of this, Xuan Mo looked around while flying low in the sky.The alley he was staying in was a small path between residential houses. Basically, it could only accommodate two or three people passing by at the same time, and it was only about two meters wide!Both sides of the alley are walls of residential houses, and occasionally one or two small trees can be seen, and the rest is only the sky! !He originally thought about flying directly above the roof, but then he saw the ball of light above Xi Ye's head, and he immediately stopped thinking about it!
Going up to the roof, for Xuan Mo, both the line of sight and the choice of direction of escape are bigger and more!However, the ball of light above Xiye's head can attract those men in black cloak even more!Now in this alley, he can barely take advantage of the inconvenience of this alley to make those cloaked men restrained.But if they reached the roof, it would mean that everyone had entered the free mode. Maybe, before they escaped, they would have already been beaten to death.
"What should I do? What should I do?" Xuan Mo saw that he was about to fly out of this alley, without seeing anyone who could hide or meet, and suddenly felt a little nervous.If he might have been able to fight that man in the black cloak with all his might before, delaying his escape, then he couldn't do it now!Out of nowhere, he was hacked twice by that man, and one knife was on his arm. He almost didn't even have the strength to cast a spell. How would he escape the siege of five other men in black cloaks?
If I had known, I would have called Shang Ji Xiaoyan when they came to River Water City!With her here, they would not face such a predicament!No matter what kind of predicament it is, Ji Xiaoyan will always find a way to solve it!
Xuan Mo regretted it now!However, he also deeply knows that no matter how much he regrets now, it is useless!The only thing he can do now is to find a way to escape the predicament in front of him, go to the city lord's mansion, and find Lord Bessa
The man in the black cloak who had been chasing after Xuan Mo fell behind him, talking to himself, licking the blood left by Xuan Mo on the knife and laughing evilly for a long time, before putting the knife on his arm Rubbing for a while, then looking at the direction of Xuan Mo's departure, he kicked his feet and jumped over a distance of several meters, and then said with a low smile: "Boy, I hope you ran far enough, otherwise I will catch you in one go." Stop you! At that time, this matter will not be fun. You don’t want to be unable to bear the pain, just hide in the corner and cry. I want to play with you more.”

At the end of the alley, five men in black cloaks were waiting there, ready to watch Xuan Mo and Xi Ye swing their knives to kill him as soon as they jumped out.However, after waiting for a long time before seeing anyone, a man suddenly spoke impatiently: "The third child has already silenced the night shadow beast, and he is still messing up inside so he didn't come out." Right? Shall we go in and see what's going on?"

"What's so interesting!" Another man said in a low voice: "It's just a little beast, don't we need to waste time to see if it's dead?" After a few seconds, the man continued He opened his mouth and said: "Send a message to the third child, let him hurry up, we have other things to do, we can't waste all our time on such a night shadow beast, let the third child come back quickly, let's go!!"

"Okay!" The man in the black cloak who started to speak nodded, obediently took out a small green bamboo stick that was only half the length of a finger from his sleeve, put it near his mouth and blew it gently.

The sound from this green bamboo stick is very low and muffled, making it uncomfortable to penetrate into people's ears, but the sound clearly passes through Xuan Mo and Xi Ye, and reaches the In the ears of the man in the black cloak who has been chasing Xuan Mo.
During this time, Xuan Mo and Xi Ye didn't hear anything.

"Go back?" The man in the black cloak was a little unhappy, standing on the roof of a residential building, frowning, looking at the direction of the end of the alley very unhappy, after a while, he curled his lips and said, "Forget it , go back and go back! Boy, I won’t play with you this time, you can only blame your bad luck! I won’t play this kind of cat-and-mouse game with you.” After finishing speaking, The man in the black cloak flicked his cloak, squinted his eyes and looked into the alley, not sure if he had spotted Xuan Mo's location, so he slid across the air with a long step.
And at this moment, this small alley, where there were not many NPC residents and players in River Water City, entered and passed by, unexpectedly broke into the alley at this moment except for Xuan Mo and the six men in black cloaks. outsiders.

"Stop the fucker, don't run away if you have a temper!! Put down my clothes for me!" a female voice gasped and shouted hastily.

"You think I'm stupid! Still don't run away? I've snatched all my clothes and I'm still not running away. I'm a fool!! Thinking I'll give it back to you, it's a dream!!" Another female voice replied mockingly, from time to time He also let out a giggling laugh.

"Concubine Ouyang!! Stop for me! Don't think that I can run away after practicing a warrior, but your old lady will definitely catch up with you and snatch your clothes back." Panting heavily, the chasing woman ran angrily He pointed at the brightly dressed girl in front of him and yelled loudly, "If you didn't take advantage of my mother's inattention, I wouldn't believe that you could grab the clothes."

"You can do it! Sister Xiong." The female player named Ouyang Feifei turned her head and glanced behind her proudly, then laughed loudly and said, "I said that when you chose the name of this game, you really chose it. That’s great! Sunshine’s sister Xiong is still a warrior!! Haha, you are so good!! With your strong physique, if you really want to catch up with me, it’s a miracle!! You don’t even want to watch See what you are panting for now!! Still thinking about clothes? That’s all right, all right, Sister Xiong, you’d better go back and say that you might still be able to see if the NPC owner of the clothing store will release it again. A dress like this."

Sunshine's sister Xiong glared at Concubine Ouyang.

"But, Sister Xiong." Concubine Ouyang smiled indifferently, and then looked at Sunshine Sister Xiong mockingly and said loudly: "With your current physique, you won't be able to look beautiful even if you wear this dress." Ah! Why don't you just let me wear it? Look at our figures. Obviously, this dress must be suitable for me! I didn't figure it out, how could you fall in love with such a dress? Clothes that don’t match at all.”

"Concubine Ouyang, don't let my mother catch you!" Sunshine's sister Xiong yelled at Concubine Ouyang viciously.

"Oh, I said Sister Xiong, have you said this many times?" Concubine Ouyang said to Sunny Sister Xiong indifferently, "You can do the math yourself, since we met, then Isn’t that the one sentence you said harshly to me once!? I said you should change your lines too!!”

Sunshine's sister Xiong stared at Concubine Ouyang with an expression of disbelief.

"Come on, don't chase me anymore, okay?" Concubine Ouyang rolled her eyes, turned around and ran backwards, then looked at Sunshine's sister Xiong and suggested, "If you really like this dress, how about this?" Okay, let me wear it for a few days first, and then return it to you later, okay? Who are you and who? We grew up wearing panties when we were young. They are definitely closer than real sisters. You Are you still fussing with me about such an in-game dress?"

"Get out!! My mother doesn't know you!!" Sunshine's sister Xiong said bitterly, "You always use this to fool my mother like this every time! When was the last time it wasn't you who got cheap and behaved? My mother grew up I’ve let you go until now, but this time I can’t let you go any further!! I’m a warrior!!!”

"Come on, come on, you're just a warrior in this game! You're still a warrior who can't run." Concubine Ouyang covered her mouth, looked at Sunshine's sister Xiong mockingly and said, "I said bear Sister, do you want to consider changing your profession directly? Look at you now, you can’t even run away from me as a hunter, what use are you as a warrior?”

"Isn't your hunter more agile?" Sunshine's sister Xiong seemed to be unable to run any longer, she leaned against the wall to pant, stared at Concubine Ouyang and shouted, "My lady is just a little less agile!"

"Yes, yes! You are the only one who is so stupid, even a warrior class can add all the attributes to the defense!! Can't you add points to the blood bar?" Ouyang Feifei's face was full of hatred Wu Chenggang said to Sunny Sister Xiong: "Sister Xiong, as long as you go to the archbishop and cancel this account, practice a new one later, and add all the attributes to me correctly. I'm grabbing something from you! How about it? Are you tempted by this condition?"

Sunshine's elder sister Xiong glanced at Concubine Ouyang who stopped not far away from her, and then gritted her teeth after a while and said, "I won't change my mother!! It's a big deal to add some attribute points to other attributes in the future! What's so difficult about that?" !"

"Which time didn't you say that?" Concubine Ouyang stared, and then said: "In the end, you didn't say something pitifully, oops, I made a mistake at the time. Or else it was something, I think It seems that if the attribute points are not added to the defense, I will feel uncomfortable all over the body! Bah!! Sister Xiong, I don’t want to talk nonsense with you, anyway, you haven’t changed it! I will wear this clothes for a few days, and wait until I get tired of wearing them , send it back to you!!"

"Concubine Ouyang!!" Sister Xiong originally looked ashamed, but when she heard Concubine Ouyang say this, she blushed angrily and shouted at her: "The clothes you snatched were paid by my mother. It’s money!! It’s my mother’s!!”

Concubine Ouyang shrugged her shoulders indifferently, and said to Sister Xiong in Sunshine: "So what about the money you paid? Which one of us is with whom? Do you still care about such a small amount of money? Besides, you can blame it if you want to Go blame the NPC owner of the clothing store!"

Concubine Ouyang giggled and covered her mouth and smiled again. Sister Xiong, who was looking at the sun, threw her eyes away from the wall and chased after her. Then she turned her head and said loudly to her while running: "This game We don't know what the update looks like! If the NPC owner of the clothing store told me that players can rob things in the safe zone now, and I can also rob you of your clothes, do you think I would do it? Said Come on, I just wanted to try it, but I actually snatched it later. Then, I don’t want to return it to you!! Sister Xiong. I told you to stop chasing it!!”
Sunshine's Sister Xiong gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, and vowed to catch up with Concubine Ouyang and snatch her clothes back!As long as he catches someone, Ouyang Concubine, the hunter, can't beat her at all! !

Concubine Ouyang twitched the corner of her mouth helplessly, turned her head to look at Sunshine's Sister Xiong, and saw that she seemed to be really fighting with her this time, which was not very fun!Just about to hang the clothes on some big trees after rushing out of this almost deserted alley for a while, so that Sunshine Sister Xiong can get it by herself at that time, and when she can watch the excitement on the sidelines, Ouyang Concubine suddenly caught sight of a few dark figures standing at the end of the alley ahead.
"There are NPCs in such a place? That doesn't mean there are any hidden missions?" Concubine Ouyang regained her spirits in an instant. The voice shouted to Sunshine's sister Xiong: "Sister Xiong, speed up, there is an NPC in front, it may not have a task!! Let's go and have a look."

 PS: Thank you for the "Rain, Sunny" monthly pass!Thanks to "Ni Yun" for the monthly pass! .
  Recommend a book: Title: The Last Days Boyfriend Is a Pot ISBN 3459839
  Introduction: what?As a medicine pot, you dare to eat my soul?Don't leave tonight, use your body to repay~~
(End of this chapter)

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