Chapter 1365 Kill or not
Sunshine's Sister Xiong and Concubine Ouyang, these two players should be regarded as childhood friends in reality, but, these two have a feeling of being friends since they were young!According to the general plot, the two of them chased and scolded like this just now, no matter what Concubine Ouyang said, it would be impossible for Sunshine's Sister Xiong to settle their suspicions with her, wouldn't it?However, the relationship between some people is so strange!The two people on the front feet are still strangling to death, and if they turn around on the back feet, maybe they will be as close as brothers and sisters again.
Therefore, after Concubine Ouyang pointed excitedly at the five men in black in front of her and yelled at Sister Xiong in the sun, Sister Xiong's attention was drawn from the one in Concubine Ouyang's hand. The suit was transferred to the man in black, panting lightly, trotted all the way to Concubine Ouyang's side, and asked her in a low voice: "Can there really be a mission? How do I feel that those NPCs The back view doesn't look so friendly, it's kind of sinister?"

"Hey, my sister Xiong!!!" Concubine Ouyang rolled her eyes at the sunny Xiong sister, and then said: "So what about Yin Cece? This is not just a game! You monster Those who have killed so many, are you still afraid of a few NPCs? Take a step back, so what if there are ghosts in this game? Don’t you just run over there with a knife in your hand? Roaring with joy, my old lady's experience, my old lady's equipment?"

Sunshine's sister Xiong smiled awkwardly at Concubine Ouyang, nodded and said, "Yes, you are right! Isn't it just a few NPCs? As long as there is a mission, we have to go and have a look."

"Isn't it?" Concubine Ouyang nodded with a smile, suddenly thought of the clothes she was still holding in her hand, rolled her eyes, and then secretly put it into her package.Sunshine's sister Xiong has a problem since she was a child, as long as you divert her attention, she won't remember what she was talking to you just now!She put away her clothes here, as long as she didn't see them, she would never remember them again
After putting away her clothes, Concubine Ouyang clapped her hands and continued: "Think about how many things are different from before when this game is updated, and now it's not easy to accept a task from an NPC! I Think about it, there must be something wrong with these NPCs standing in such a remote place. No matter what they are going to do, they definitely don’t want people to know, so they dress like this and hide here secretly. So, if we go If not, they will definitely send us away, and we will definitely be able to receive some tasks by then."

"Then what if they don't send us away, but just kill us?" Sunshine's sister Xiong frowned and asked Concubine Ouyang.This girl is very smart sometimes, but her brain seems to be missing something. When thinking about things, she always only pays attention to the good side, and never thinks of other unexpected situations.
"Uh, the NPC shouldn't kill our players, right?" Concubine Ouyang was stunned when she heard Sunshine's Sister Xiong's words, and asked her hesitantly.

"Players can still kill us, why can't NPCs? Do you think these NPCs are still the same as before?" Sunshine's sister Xiong looked at Concubine Ouyang speechlessly and said, "Didn't you watch it a few days ago?" Is there any news on the forum? Is there a player in some town who quarreled with the NPC because of the mission, and after directly offending the NPC, he was sent back to the teleportation array by the NPC? The current NPC is The temper is different from before, and I always feel that the NPCs are more free than before, and they are more free!"

Concubine Ouyang frowned at the sunny Sister Xiong and didn't know where she let her thoughts go, she immediately interrupted her and said: "Okay, okay, even if what you said is true, our luck should not be too bad." So bad? Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go and have a look first, what if it’s what I think, and we can receive the task directly? This kind of good luck will naturally happen to me anytime Concubine Ouyang's body"

Sunshine's elder sister Xiong rolled her eyes, glared at Concubine Ouyang, and followed her helplessly towards the NPCs in black, muttering incessantly: "Huh, that old lady will have to wait until then." Take a good look! If you sacrificed me with you, you will have to bring back all the experience to my old lady, and you will have to give me some gold coins to compensate for my mental and physical damage." Speaking of this Sunshine's Sister Xiong suddenly came to her senses, grabbed Concubine Ouyang and said, "I forgot about my clothes while I was talking! It was bought by my mother at a high price, but the NPC boss said Oh, there is only one piece of clothes in the whole game, did you put the clothes in the package? Hurry up, take out the clothes for me first!!!"

When Concubine Ouyang heard the words, her expression immediately became unbelievable. After staring at the sun for a few times, Sister Xiong said, "Sister Xiong, what's wrong with you today? You still remembered your clothes?"

"Why can't I remember it! My old lady fell in love with it, and I was thinking about it for several days before the NPC boss made it for me!! Most importantly, the clothes I saved for a long time were recharged into gold coins to buy!! Sunshine's sister Xiong stared at Concubine Ouyang, half-raised her chin at her, as if if you don't return the clothes to me, I won't let you go! !
Concubine Ouyang curled her lips in displeasure, then sighed and said, "Okay, okay, I'll return it to you later! Let's take over the tasks of these NPCs first, and then talk about the clothes. Okay? You can't just drag me here to entangle the little things between us, but get rid of the big things of the mission, right? You have to know, Sister Xiong, now that the missions in the game are becoming more and more difficult to accept , the rewards will definitely be better and more generous than before." "Are you trying to change the subject on purpose?" Sunshine's sister Xiong looked suspiciously at Concubine Ouyang and couldn't help but ask.

"What, I'm telling the truth!" Concubine Ouyang dodged her gaze for a few times, and said to the sunny Sister Xiong solemnly, "Oh, Sister Xiong, let's stop wasting time here, shall we? Let's talk about it after getting the task! What's the matter, are you still afraid that I will run away?"

Sunshine's sister Xiong hesitated for a few seconds before nodding.Concubine Ouyang was right, the two of them grew up together since they were young, who has what, what doesn't, where does the family live, who are the relatives, who doesn't know?If she can't catch this girl in the game, is she still afraid that she won't be found in reality?

"Go, go, go!! Hurry up!! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" After Concubine Ouyang looked at the sunny Sister Xiong and nodded, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and pushed her to look at the five black-clothed sisters. The direction of the person ran over.

It's just that Concubine Ouyang imagined many kinds of scene development after getting close to the NPC of the man in black in her mind, and she never thought that before they walked in front of several NPCs, a NPC in black would directly look like a ghost It flashed in front of them in a flash, and then revealed the eyes that had been hidden in the brim of the cloak, stopped them in a low voice and said displeasedly: "Adventurers, this is not a place for you to come, leave quickly!"

"Don't! Uncle, what are you doing here? Do you need our help?" Ouyang Concubine was only stunned for two seconds, then immediately smiled, and said to the black-cloaked uncle: "Don't think that We are just two little girls, so we can't do anything! We are quite familiar with River Water City, whether you are looking for someone or something, we two can definitely help you do it."

Sunshine's sister Xiong looked at Concubine Ouyang and smiled as she spoke to the dark NPC, with an expression on her face that what I said was true, if you have a mission, you can find me, find me, find me , After thinking about it, he said to the NPC rather unwillingly: "Uncle, if you need help, just ask us, we will definitely help you. Don't think we are all girls, but Our perseverance is quite large."

The man in the cloak frowned, and said fiercely, "I just need you to leave here immediately."

"Don't, uncle, it's better to meet you by chance, haven't you heard about it?" Concubine Ouyang's mind turned quickly, and when she heard that the NPC meant to drive them away, she immediately raised her eyebrows and said, "This is a very remote place. There are no residential entrances, no shops, and no one would come here at ordinary times. We can meet uncle and you in such a place, which proves that we are still very destined! I look at you Standing there all the time, it seems that there are some troublesome things that need to be solved, so I am distressed, so I rushed over immediately! Uncle, you have to believe in our strength and sincerity! It is not good for you to drive us away like this Ah!! You have to know, if we really leave, the next wave of adventurers may not be able to catch up with the time you need!! Seize the opportunity."

"Are you going or not!!" The man in the black cloak didn't seem to listen to Concubine Ouyang's words at all, and directly sternly yelled at her.

"Uncle, let's make it clear, we are here to find you to take on the task, if you don't give us the task today, we won't leave!" Concubine Ouyang looked at this NPC with a bad attitude, and suddenly felt a little nervous. On fire, with her hips on her hips, she looked like an old lady who would not leave without a mission, and said loudly to the man in the black cloak, "Uncle, I can leave my words here! If you don't give me a mission today, you still want to If you drive me away, I will find someone to seal these alleys and prevent any adventurers from coming over again."

The man in the black cloak gave Concubine Ouyang a white look, but did not speak.He thinks again, whether to kill the two adventurers in front of him right now!
Concubine Ouyang didn't realize what the man in the black cloak was thinking. Seeing that he had stopped talking, she thought he was threatened by herself, so she put on a hippie smile and said to the NPC: "Of course!" , Uncle, I’m just talking, if you give me some tasks and rewards now, I will definitely leave immediately. If you don’t give me, my sister and I will follow you.”

Sunshine's sister Xiong looked at Concubine Ouyang, who was looking for NPCs with a faceless face, and then at the silent man in a black cloak. After deliberating for a while, she said, "Uncle, if you have a task, just give it to me." Let's. We are really good!!!"

The man in the black cloak clenched his hands tightly, wanting to kill Concubine Ouyang and Sunshine's Sister Xiong with one knife, but considering their current identities and their missions in River Water City, the man in the black cloak bites Gritting his teeth, he turned to look at his other four companions.To be honest, these two adventurers didn't take it to heart at all. They kept saying that they were very powerful. In fact, in the eyes of these aborigines, these adventurers were simply vulnerable of!Killing them is a problem that can be solved with one or two stabs.

However, it would be very convenient if people were killed, but things after that would be troublesome.

This adventurer is different from their natives!

They died here, and they can go to the teleportation array in the city to be resurrected in a blink of an eye, and then everything like memory will not be damaged.Looking back here, their two front feet were killed by themselves, and their back feet could directly expose their whereabouts in the teleportation array in River Water City!Then they are still waiting here to kill the night shadow beast, so that it cannot reveal their news about River Water City, what's the point?Isn't it okay to shoot yourself in the foot with a rock?

However, if these two adventurers are not driven away, they will be in trouble!If they invite friends to come over, it will be troublesome!Even if only the two of them are here, it is still an unstable element for their group!
Thinking of this, the man in the black cloak couldn't help but frowned, and then saw the boss of his team beckoning to him, so he quickly raised his hand and took a step back, and then he jumped back like a float Beside the other four men in black cloaks.

"Wow, this NPC's posture is so handsome!!" Concubine Ouyang looked at the man in the black cloak with a nympho look on her face, and excitedly grabbed Sunshine's Sister Xiong's shoulder, and said to her: "Bear Sister, can you tell what occupations these NPCs are? I want to learn it too. Think about it, when will I know how to do this? I shoot an arrow while pulling the bow, and then flash it easily and handsomely, and then continue The second arrow, the third arrow, wow, I feel so excited just thinking about it! I can definitely be ranked first in the list of the most handsome female hunters in the game."

 PS: Thank you "Beichen Sinicization Group" for starting coins! !

(End of this chapter)

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