Chapter 1366
Sunshine's Sister Xiong looked at Concubine Ouyang with an idiot look on her face, then turned her attention to those NPC men in black.Although she said that Mi You Ouyang Concubine might be smart at times, but she is definitely not too stupid.

Just from the tone of the black-clothed NPC talking to them, Sunshine's sister Xiong could tell something different.At this moment, it is estimated that only Concubine Ouyang, who is completely out of focus, did not see how disturbing their situation is now!Turning her head to look at the surrounding residential walls on both sides, the sunny sister Xiong couldn't help frowning!She is a warrior, and she is not a power type. If something happens, all she can do is stand in front of Concubine Ouyang with her bloody skin, and let her, a fast hunter, run away quickly. .You can't fight with other NPCs, and you can't throw Concubine Ouyang on the roof of those NPCs.
If there is anything to do, the two of them probably have to go directly to the teleportation array to be resurrected.
Thinking of the experience that might be lost and how many monsters you have to kill in order to get it back, the sunny sister Xiong suddenly felt that she was not sunny at all!She hates killing monsters the most!So when she was choosing a profession, she thought, train a warrior, and when killing monsters, she can just go all the way to resist, and someone will help with the rest.
"Sister Xiong, what are you thinking?" Concubine Ouyang had stopped her fantasies at some point, she turned around and saw Sunny Sister Xiong in a daze, she patted her immediately, and then asked: " Did you hear what I just told you?"

Sunshine's sister Xiong gave Concubine Ouyang a blank look, pointed directly at the five men in black cloaks not far away, and whispered to her: "Concubine Ouyang, I don't know if you are really stupid or just pretending to be stupid! Didn’t you hear what the NPC said to us just now? I feel like he doesn’t want us here. Look at the five NPCs over there, I think they must be discussing whether to kill us right now. We still don’t want the mission, right? If we hang up once, it will cost us a lot of experience.”

"Sister Xiong, I think you are just worried that you will have to kill a lot of monsters later to make up for this experience!" Concubine Ouyang saw Sunshine's Sister Xiong's thoughts at a glance, and after saying something to her lightly, this Then he opened his mouth and continued: "Okay, don't worry. If you really lose experience later, I'll take you to kill and come back! I won't let you move a step, okay? Just stand there and eat Just good experience”

"How embarrassing am I then?" Sunshine's sister Xiong looked shy.

Concubine Ouyang couldn't help rolling her eyes!Anyway, at that time, Sunshine's sister Xiong will also rush to fight against the monsters
Concubine Ouyang was about to study with Sunshine's sister Xiong how long it would take for the five black-clothed NPC men to talk to them, when she suddenly found a well-dressed man popping up in the alley not far from them. The little boy was suspended in mid-air, followed by a man who was exactly the same as those men in black cloaks, smiling grinningly, holding a knife and preparing to slash at the little boy.
Don't ask her why she could still see a grin on the man in black's face when his whole body was shrouded in darkness!The sixth sense is so capricious! !

"Quick, quick, quick! Sister Xiong, the mission clue has appeared!!" Concubine Ouyang moved super fast and quickly turned out the weapon on her body, a short bow that can be stored at any time, hung the arrow and directly pointed at the The man in the black cloak wielding the knife shot out, and then flew towards the little boy at an extremely fast speed, and couldn't help but greeted: "Sister Xiong, speed up, keep up with the defense"

"Slow down, I can't run!" Sunshine's elder sister Xiong wanted to cry without tears!She didn't know when she would be able to make up for this flaw. While adding skill status to herself, Sunshine's sister Xiong ran as fast as she could, and followed Concubine Ouyang directly.

"Little handsome guy, come quickly, we will protect you!!" Concubine Ouyang immediately shouted at him when she saw Xuan Mo rushing out of the alley and flying straight to the roof: "Come to us. We help you!!!"

Her purpose is still very clear! !
Just like Sunshine's sister Xiong said, those cloaked men in black don't want them here at all, and even want to drive them away, so it can only show that they have something to do here, And don't want them to be there.Originally, she was thinking that if those male NPCs in black cloaks agreed to drive them away, then they would have to leave!
However, what I didn't expect was that there would be a bright moment in this situation.

No matter what the origin of this little boy who suddenly flew out of the alley, or what mission he had, he was followed by a man who was exactly the same as the five black-clothed NPC men just now.Moreover, the most important point is that the NPC man in black who was chasing him was waving a knife! !Everyone knows that generally 90.00% of people wielding knives are not good people, right?Coupled with the attitudes of the five men in black cloaks, Concubine Ouyang immediately felt that the activation task plot that would appear in this super remote alley had appeared
This girl's task is definitely in the hands of those male NPCs in black cloaks, to rescue the little boy who flew out of the alley and seemed to be holding a black ball in his arms. in hand. This is definitely where the mission is headed
absolute! !

Xuan Mo carried Xi Ye in his arms and flew all the way towards the entrance of the alley, thinking about what he would do if he really got to the alley and met the other five black-cloaked men.It turned out to be a pity, no matter how he planned in his mind, as long as he saw the shining object on the top of Xiye's head indicating their positions at all times, nothing but despair remained in his heart.
In fact, Xuan Mo had already made up his mind. When he saw the other five men in black cloaks about to rush out of the alley, he rushed directly to the sky from the bottom of the alley and walked on the roof.Then he directly entangled those men in black cloaks and threw Xi Ye out! !It may not be possible to throw Xiye to the aborigines of a certain dwelling, Xiye and the others can still be saved
However, what Xuan Mo didn't expect was that he thought he had already thrown off the evil star behind him. Although he was injured, at least he would be able to face less of a man in a black cloak and be more or less dragged by Xi Ye. Time to throw it out.Unexpectedly, before he could rush out of the alley, the man in the black cloak behind him would catch up with a knife, and he was still far away from the other five men in the black cloak.
The despair and regret that Xuan Mo felt at that time was beyond words.

If I had known, if I had known, he would not have fooled Xi Ye and the others to River Water City.
Just as he was about to close his eyes and wait for death, Xuan Mo, who was concentrating on confessing to Xi Ye and Friesman and Jia Jia who didn't know the situation at the moment, suddenly heard a clear and clear female voice shouting excitedly, before he had time to distinguish, He heard something flying past his ear, and then felt the deadly knife that was about to be swung behind him move away from his side.
"Come here, handsome boy, we will protect you!!"

Xuan Mo opened his eyes and looked forward, only to see a female adventurer holding a short bow excitedly shooting arrows at him, screaming continuously.Behind her was another strong adventurer, who was also slowly running towards him!At the entrance of the alley, after turning their heads to glance at the two adventurers, the five men in black cloaks turned their heads and looked back at him several times unwillingly. After a while, someone spoke behind him: "Third brother!" ,Walk"

Xuan Mo didn't stop running for his life for a moment. Although he was surprised why the man in the black cloak who was about to wipe him out just now left, but Xuan Mo didn't even pause.The only thought in his mind right now is to quickly get out of sight of these black-cloaked men, and then go to the City Lord's Mansion, find Lord Besa, and after returning, Ji Xiaoyan will follow her and stay honestly in Qingcheng
"Let's go, why do you want to go?" The man in the black cloak who was called the third child had a displeased expression on his face, raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Xuan Mo, who was a little unstable but still sprinting to escape, with a grinning smile. He said to the other five men in black cloaks: "It only takes one knife, and I can kill him. Are you still afraid of two adventurers who are not worth mentioning at all? At worst, I will trouble you. Just kill them all together."

The five men in black cloaks frowned, glanced at Concubine Ouyang and Sunshine's Sister Xiong, thought for two seconds and said, "In this case, kill them all. Anyway, it's like this, third child, you are fast Some. Let's go first"

"Okay, you guys go first! I'll come right here!" The third child licked his lips proudly, seeing that Xuan Mo had already flown past Concubine Ouyang at this moment, he hooked his mouth and said with a smile: "Little one Ah, it’s useless for you to run again. You don’t even look, you can’t run before you are injured, do you think you can run away after being stabbed twice by me? Hehehe, not with you Play it, but we won't see each other in the future."

As he said that, the man in the black cloak jumped straight up and swung his knife towards Xuan Mo, but suddenly a short arrow flicked from the handle of the knife, and the knife moved to the side in an instant, and then missed Xuan Mo. body, let him fly a certain distance forward.

"Bad guy, that handsome guy is under the protection of my concubine Ouyang! If you want to kill her, you have to pass my test first!!" Concubine Ouyang held up her bow and arrow, and stopped behind Xuan Mo, with a righteous face on her face, looking He yelled at the man in the black cloak, and then said directly to Sunshine's sister Xiong without looking back: "Sister Xiong, protect that handsome guy. I am here",

Generally speaking, she and Sunshine's sister Xiong are already the core activation characters who received the mission, that handsome little NPC.Then for the development of the next plot mission, the man in the black cloak in front of me will leave directly with the rest, and she and the sunny sister Xiong will get the task of escorting the handsome little guy wherever he goes, and then slowly start In the end, we will face the boss of the five men in black cloaks, the big boss of the whole mission
Then, after they brush the BOSS, they can get super rich prizes.
Thinking of this, Concubine Ouyang straightened her back in an instant, and waited to talk to the man in the black cloak, and watched him withdraw the knife and leave, then they started the next task.
It's just that Concubine Ouyang thought very well, but in reality, she didn't develop like that at all.

The man in the black cloak named Lao San frowned, glanced at Concubine Ouyang with an idiot look on his face, and then swung the big knife in his hand without saying a word. With fearless eyes, he directly chopped down
Then, Concubine Ouyang found herself on the resurrection teleportation array in River Water City
"Damn! What's going on? Why am I here? Shouldn't I be in the alley?" Concubine Ouyang looked confused and shocked. After standing in the teleportation array and looking around for a long time, she whispered He muttered: "Could it be that I was hanged by that NPC in black? Is it the kind of super instant kill that doesn't wait for the pain? How is it possible, how is it possible!! The mission plot doesn't develop like this?"

"Hey, do you want to go out? Don't go out and give way! What are you muttering in the teleportation array!" A player who had just teleported to River Water City stood behind Concubine Ouyang, seeing that she had not moved. There was a suspicion of blocking the way, so he pushed her very bluntly, and then walked away from her, "If you want to be in a daze, go home and be in a daze!"

"Go home?! Ah, Sister Xiong! Sister Xiong" Concubine Ouyang came back to her senses in an instant, and turned her head to look at her side. She didn't find that Sister Xiong in the sun was resurrected in the teleportation array, so she stepped out in a few steps. The teleportation array ran directly in the direction of the alley that had just been killed in seconds.

Of course, Concubine Ouyang is not such an idiot!

An NPC who can kill her instantly, even if she passes by like this, she will definitely be wiped out.In that case, what was she doing rushing to die?If you want to go, you have to go meaningfully!Isn't there no capable people in River Water City?There are so many patrolling NPCs all over the street, just catching a few of them can give yourself courage! !As long as she takes the NPC there directly and saves the little boy, then the task must be theirs!
So, sister Xiong, you have to hold on! !

Concubine Ouyang was praying in her heart, while running towards a team of NPC guards in River Water City
 PS: Thanks to "Ziyue Tianming" for the two monthly tickets! .I don't know if readers on the mobile terminal and Yunqi can see it!Because it was first released at the starting point, there was no reward at all from Yunqi. So I never thanked the readers who gave rewards there! !I’m sorry, I downloaded my mobile phone today, and I suddenly found that I can see it, so I’ll add it here, thanks to "Mo Niu", "Liao Jiao", "Bao Bao", "Niu Niu", "Little Brother", "Unforgettable and Warm Childhood" By the way, I would like to thank the "baby" who has been leaving messages of support! Hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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