Chapter 1367 Situation
River Water City, alleys.

Sunshine's sister Xiong watched Concubine Ouyang being instantly killed by the black cloaked NPC, and the body disappeared without even staying on the ground for a second, so she quickly turned around and looked at Xuan Mo, seeing him even Without giving Concubine Ouyang a look, she kept flying to escape in the alley. Sunshine's sister Xiong didn't even think about it for a second, and quickly picked up her highest speed, and followed Xuan Mo to escape for her life.

After killing Concubine Ouyang, the man in the black cloak sneered mockingly, then turned his head to look at Xuan Mo and Sunshine's Sister Xiong, and stepped on the wall in the alley without saying a word. , leaped and landed behind Sunshine's sister Xiong, swung a knife and chopped down
Xuan Mo could clearly hear the sound of the blade cutting through the clothes and cutting into the flesh, but he didn't dare to stop and turn his head to look!The two adventurers who appeared out of nowhere in the alley, no matter who they were, whether their strength was good or not, he was not in the mood to care. He only hoped that if these two adventurers died, at least they could help He buys a little time. Let him get closer to the outside of the alley. As long as he gets closer, he can throw Xi Ye out
At that time, it is certain that Xiye will be encountered by adventurers or the patrolling guards of River Water City.
"Ah, it hurts so much!!" Xuan Mo was concentrating on thinking, when he suddenly heard a female voice coming from behind, and then heard the surprised voice of the man in the black cloak who seemed to be chasing him to kill: " Hey, you're not dead."

"I'll wipe your circle. I'm a fighter, a fighter!! I don't understand all defenses." Sunshine's elder sister Xiong glared fiercely at the black NPC behind her, and then continued to turn over and stand up While running, he looked at the NPC with contempt, and then said to him: "Damn. Even if you kill a woman, you are not a man. You are too ruthless!! The attack is really hard, it hurts my mother to death."

The man in the black cloak frowned displeasedly, squinting at the sunshine, sister Xiong continued to run slowly while cursing herself, and after a few seconds of pause, she hooked her mouth and sneered twice, and then said: "I didn't expect that, my knife can't kill an adventurer at a time. Sure enough, it's different now than before."

Sunshine's sister Xiong didn't hear what this black-clothed NPC was talking to herself. While running, she looked at Xuan Mo who was getting farther and farther in front of her, while holding the potion bottle and pouring it sadly, mouth Li also complained in a low voice: "Damn Concubine Ouyang, if I haven't seen you come to support me before I hang up, I will definitely come to denounce you later! Damn, this NPC is really ruthless with a knife, this bloody old lady! Pi, I almost hung up on Concubine Ouyang. You're running fast, why haven't you come yet?"

After the man in the black cloak sighed, he didn't stop there any longer. He caught up with Sunshine's sister Xiong, swiped his knife quickly and slashed twice, and finally killed this sister Xiong who was said to be very defensive Sunshine in seconds. Then he sprinted towards Xuan Mo and jumped over!He's been hanging around long enough on him, it must be done quickly.
At this moment, Sunshine's Sister Xiong stood in the teleportation array with her eyes wide open and was stunned, and then immediately continued to run towards the alley, and at the same time began to wonder in her heart: When she saw Concubine Ouyang being killed in seconds She thought that Concubine Ouyang felt that she was hanged by an NPC, so she was going to save her in a hurry, so she resurrected and disappeared; but after she was hanged by an NPC, Sunshine's sister Xiong found out that That's not the case at all!

In the previous games, all players can lie down after they die, and they can lie on the ground and continue to watch the development of the surrounding environment, but they cannot move, speak, or type, but they can continue to check their bodies Regarding the situation around you, before resurrecting, plan the next thing well!No matter how bad it is, if you encounter PK, you can still see who the enemy is?
But, it's different now!
After hanging up, the player opened his eyes and was already resurrected in the teleportation array. There was no option or prompt to choose whether to resurrect, which was simply unacceptable to the players! !
Sunshine's sister Xiong is really worried at the moment.

She and Concubine Ouyang directly offered two heads, and then they still didn't get the task in the end. If the little boy was still killed when they went back, then their sacrifice is really not worth it!That's an experience that can only be gained by killing many, many monsters.
Thinking of this, Sunshine's Sister Xiong couldn't help gritting her teeth, "Concubine Ouyang, if you don't take over the task, I will definitely ask you to take me to kill monsters for a month, and the experience lost is ten times Get it back."

At this moment, Concubine Ouyang is leading a team of guards from River Water City straight to the alley, preparing for a scene where a beauty saves a child!Speaking of it, she was very lucky. After coming out of the teleportation circle, she met a group of NPC guards who seemed to be recruiting people. They caught her and asked if she saw any aborigines. Among them happened to be a child. image of.So, Concubine Ouyang rolled her eyes, nodded immediately, and then led the team of NPC guards to the alley.

Her plan is very good. Even if she can't get the task of that child, if the child that the NPC guards are looking for is the one she said, she can still earn some rewards, right?Even if that child is not the person they are looking for, it doesn't matter, at least she has provided clues!She and Sunshine's Sister Xiong have been hanging out for a long time in River Water City. As long as the NPC asks for help, the player provides a clue, which is not a false clue intentionally made. Even if it is useless after being verified by the NPC, it will still be rewarded.Even if there are no substantive rewards in the end, at least it can increase the favorability of many NPCs.
Think about it, how can this be a huge profit!The most important thing is, looking back, I came out with a large group of NPC guards, who absolutely moved the dead sunshine sister Xiong, and by the way scared to death the black NPC man who killed her with a single knife! !Concubine Ouyang thought proudly in her heart, but the speed under her feet did not decrease at all.

So, under her hurry, Concubine Ouyang finally arrived at the alley, and then rushed in, still yelling: "Sister Xiong, sister Xiong, are you okay? Hang up No?"

There was no movement in the alley.

Concubine Ouyang couldn't help frowning, she quickened her pace and rushed inside.Then, I saw a black object directly hitting the door of my face, knocking her to the ground with a single blow.
"I wipe. What hidden weapon!!" Concubine Ouyang touched her face from behind in a panic, and immediately touched a soft ball, and then threw the thing from her face with her palm at a very fast speed. opened, then turned over and got up, looked at the ball in shock and shouted: "What is it? It's still soft"

A group of NPC guards following Concubine Ouyang were not in the mood to care about Concubine Ouyang's movements. After seeing something flying out of the alley, they immediately rushed in and disappeared into the alley without Concubine Ouyang inside.After a while, Concubine Ouyang heard a movement coming from inside.
"It sounds like there's a lot of movement!" Concubine Ouyang took a closer look to see that the thing that hit her was actually a small beast, she immediately wiped her face, picked up the little beast, and ran straight to the depths of the alley I ran over, ready to see the excitement, and by the way, see if Sunshine's sister Xiong is dead
As a result, seeing this, Concubine Ouyang was delighted.

First of all, Sunshine's sister Xiong was not at the scene, so she could prove one thing, and she died too!Well, so her mood at the moment is very calm and balanced.

Then there was the NPC man in black who killed himself instantly with a knife, and was being beaten by a large group of NPC guards at the moment. The prestige and arrogance when he killed her with a single blow just now?Well, generally speaking, this team of NPC guards is still very helpful to relieve her anger!Therefore, Concubine Ouyang felt that no matter what she did, she had to give [-] points to this team of NPC guards! !
Then, there was the child who was hunted down all the way.

At this moment, he was covered in blood all over his body, and his clothes, which looked exquisitely crafted, had completely turned into rags.At this moment, he was lying on the ground dying, as if he didn't even breathe!If it wasn't for the fact that there were two NPC guards beside him trying to save him, Concubine Ouyang would have felt that the little boy had already died
Thinking that her mission might be activated here, Concubine Ouyang immediately ran over to the little black beast in her arms, then stood beside the two NPC guards, and asked actively, "How is it? Is he alright? I have medicine here, do you need it? Be sure to cure him.” If he can’t be cured, then we must let the child wake up, talk, at least give her a task before hanging up what
The NPC guard frowned, glanced at Concubine Ouyang, and said, "You don't have the medicine he needs?" After a pause, the NPC guard said again: "By the way, adventurer, go to the City Lord's Mansion immediately, Tell someone to come over! Let's just say... let's say we found suspicious people here chasing and killing Qingcheng's guests."

"Guest from Qingcheng?" Concubine Ouyang rolled her eyes, nodded immediately and said, "Okay, okay, I'll go right away!! Don't worry, I'll be very fast." After finishing speaking Concubine Ouyang was about to turn around and leave when she suddenly saw the little beast in her hand, so she asked hesitantly: "Sorry, two big brothers, can I let this little beast go here first?" Huh? If I take it with me, the speed will slow down a bit, how about you two take care of it for me?"

An NPC guard looked at the little black beast Concubine Ouyang handed in the air, frowned immediately, took it at a very fast speed, then looked at Concubine Ouyang with some displeasure and said, "What little beast? This is Qingcheng Your guest! You adventurer, what have you done to our guest?"

Concubine Ouyang stared blankly at the empty hand, and listened to the NPC guard's questioning, she asked innocently: "Me? What's wrong with me? Didn't you all see it just now? It flew over from the sky and smashed it The one that hit my face, you just ran over without taking care of it. I picked it up and hugged it, okay!!"

After hearing Concubine Ouyang's words, the NPC guard didn't even have a trace of guilt on his face. He just lowered his head to check the little beast, and then said impatiently to Concubine Ouyang: "Okay, okay, you Hurry up to the City Lord's Mansion! Stop talking nonsense here."

"If I don't talk nonsense, I won't be wronged by you?" Concubine Ouyang rolled her eyes, glared at the two NPC guards, then turned around and left the alley!
It's just that she just stepped out of a place with her front foot, and sister Xiong, who saw the sun on her back foot, rushed to her.

"Hey, where are you going? What about the mission? You don't want the mission anymore?" Sunshine's sister Xiong looked at Concubine Ouyang with a look of surprise and asked.

"Missions? Of course there are missions. Let's go, Sister Xiong." Concubine Ouyang rolled her eyes, and happily said to Sunny Sister Xiong: "That child was saved by an NPC guard. It’s still fighting. Everywhere is a battlefield for NPCs, we only have to deliver food when we go, so you don’t have to go!”

"Where are you going? If I don't go to the alley, how can I accept the mission?" Sunshine's sister Xiong looked puzzled.

"Let's go to the City Lord's Mansion!" Concubine Ouyang raised her chin, grabbed Sunshine's sister Xiong who wanted to go to the alley to see the situation, and then said: "The two NPC guards have given me the task just now, we What we are going to now is the City Lord's Mansion, report to them what happened here, and then bring a team of guards to save the place."

"It's so simple? Then let's go to the City Lord's Mansion!" Sunshine's Sister Xiong immediately laughed when she heard it, and then said: "It really is a normal task process! It's just that the first step is to catch up with the City Lord's Mansion. This follow-up development is sure to be incredible!"

"That's natural!" Concubine Ouyang smiled smugly, and then said: "At any rate, we also hung up once! This price is enough and, let me tell you, Sister Xiong, I just returned from those two The NPC guard heard Qingcheng's name, it is estimated that we will have to do this task across cities in the future."

Sunshine's elder sister Xiong nodded happily, and after following Concubine Ouyang for a while, she suddenly froze, grabbed Concubine Ouyang's clothes and asked, "Concubine Ouyang, I think we seem to have forgotten something. .”

"What's the matter, don't rush to talk about it later, let's go to the City Lord's Mansion first," Concubine Ouyang said impatiently.

Sunshine's elder sister Xiong stared at Concubine Ouyang with depressed eyes, and then said word by word: "The two of us don't seem to be in a team!!"

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dark Shadow"!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Missing You, Missing You, and Thinking of You Again"!Thank you "Beichen Sinicization Group" for starting coins! !

(End of this chapter)

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