Chapter 1369 Take a look

The NPCs are really different before and after the game update!

In the previous situation, Concubine Ouyang and Sunshine's Sister Xiong would definitely say that as long as they asked to run errands, ordinary NPCs would just question them, and even if they were not allowed to go, they would find other things for them made.It is simply impossible for this situation to happen now. The NPC is sarcasm at them while rejecting their request. Damn, when will this kind of ordinary NPC guards have the virtues of advanced intelligent NPCs?

Or was it just because of their good luck that they met a high-level NPC guard with a hidden mission?
Concubine Ouyang and Sunshine's Sister Xiong looked at each other for a few moments, but in the end they could only watch the NPC guard turn around and leave, and she silently followed the NPC guard beside the carriage, and took the children and the little beast on the carriage all the way to Rui'an. The City Lord's Mansion of Fushui City.As for what happened to the city lord and those men in black cloaks, Concubine Ouyang and Sunshine's sister Xiong have no way to understand the situation.
Because, after they entered the city lord's mansion, they never came out again, and they were locked in a room all the time. It is said that they could not leave until the city lord came back for questioning
As a result, Concubine Ouyang and Sunshine's sister Xiong were instantly depressed!Not to mention that the experience is gone, they didn't even get the reward, and they were locked up for no reason, and they couldn't even go out to kill a monster
At this time, Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong began to patrol Qingcheng leisurely after leaving the city lord's mansion.To put it bluntly, the work of patrolling the city in this line of work is straightforward, that is, Chief Qing Gong brought a large number of NPC guards, took her around Qingcheng, and familiarized himself with the terrain by the way. The flat Qingcheng map in the book is converted into a full-scale three-dimensional map!In general, the matter of patrolling the city is actually very simple!

It's just that this is just Ji Xiaoyan's idea, but Manager Qing Gong has been careful all the way.

I don't know if I obeyed Master Bessa's order, but Director Qing Gong is actually very worried about Miss Ji Xiaoyan's meeting with the players in the future.Therefore, after leaving the city lord's mansion, Chief Qing Gong had already sent someone to clear the road ahead to drive away the players. After that, he was still careful along the way, always on the lookout for any fish that slipped through the net and crashed into his house Lord City Lord, or someone who came here with ulterior motives to make connections or something.
Lord Bessa said that as long as the Lord of his family does not recover his memory, then she will be a brand new Lord of Qing City, Ji Xiaoyan, and the identities and relationships of those previous adventurers have nothing to do with her! !
On this point, Director Qing Gong absolutely agrees with both hands and feet!

"Mr. Qing Gong, why haven't any adventurers seen us all this way? Could it be that there are no other adventurers in our Qingcheng who have come to the present except for the one who entertains himself and joins hands to grow old together?" Is it?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't know Manager Qing Gong's careful thoughts, after walking for a long time, he looked at Manager Qing Gong with some strangeness and asked.

"This... I don't know much about this!" Manager Qing Gong froze for a moment, smiled at Ji Xiaoyan without changing his expression, and then said: "It may be because after the rebuilding of our Qingcheng, many adventurers have not returned. I know, so I didn’t come here if I wasn’t interested, Lord City Master, don’t worry, we will definitely be loved by many adventurers after we clear the city!”

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan was obviously a little disappointed. He looked at the empty streets around him with a bored look on his face. After a while, under the apprehensive gaze of Manager Qing Gong, he said with a smile: "If this is the case, we Why don't you go and see the house where they entertain themselves?"

"Ah?" Manager Qing Gong was stunned when he heard the words, "Master, why would you want to see those two adventurers? Our city tour will take a lot of time, I'm afraid There is no time to delay."

"I think this city tour is a bit boring!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, not knowing what was going on in his heart, and said directly to Manager Qing Gong: "Besides, we don't want to move on Is it? I have seen the map of the city lord's mansion, and I remember that the house they want for self-entertainment is in front! Anyway, it is on the way, let's go over and have a look. After all, they are the first two permanent residents of our Qingcheng, I The city lord still needs to take care of it, right?"

Director Qing Gong looked embarrassed, and finally had to pull a wry smile, nodded to Ji Xiaoyan and said: "Then since the Lord City Lord said to go and have a look, then go and have a look. I will send someone over to see what they are doing. not there"

"They must be there." Ji Xiaoyan looked suspiciously at Manager Qing Gong.

"Hehe, that's not necessarily true!" Manager Qing Gong hurriedly said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, "My lord, you forgot that they are adventurers, and their main life is not in our world. Sometimes, they will They returned to their world with the help of the Lord God. Therefore, I will ask people to check if they are there. If not, we can move on without wasting time."

Ji Xiaoyan frowned, nodded after thinking about it, and looked at Manager Qing Gong with a smile and called the two NPC guards to take a step ahead.She understands what Qing Gong said!Adventurers are players. It is certain that players will go offline. After all, no one will become an NPC in this game like her, and there is no need to go offline. how are the talkers going
Director Qing Gong looked at the uneasy expression on Ji Xiaoyan's face, and suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.Could it be that the city lord of my own family has seen the things he did?impossible!Xuan Mo and the others were not in the City Lord's Mansion, and Cenarion did not come out with Miss Ji Xiaoyan, how could she know what she had done?Or is it that Little Misty, who has never appeared before, is actually doing these things secretly?
It is also unlikely! !
Manager Qing Gong frowned, looking distressed.You said that if the city lord knew that he was preventing her from meeting those adventurers, would he just remove him as the head of the city lord's mansion?
Manager Qing Gong followed Ji Xiaoyan all the way to the so-called gang resident house that was originally given to him for self-entertainment and hand in hand, with his mind in one way or another.

"Are they there?" Ji Xiaoyan looked curiously at the closed door in front of him, and asked the two NPC guards who came to check.

An NPC guard secretly glanced at Manager Qing Gong, and immediately said: "Report to the City Lord, there is no one in this room now, I think the people inside must have left."

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little disappointed!

On the contrary, Director Qing Gong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's okay, if you really want to meet them, my lord, and see how they are doing, we'll come back and have a look after we finish patrolling the city." Already!! If they are still not here by then, we can also leave a message and ask them to come to the City Lord’s Mansion to see you later!!”

"No need!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, sighed, and said, "Since we're not here, let's go! In fact, I just want to drop by and have a look, and there's nothing else to do!"

Manager Qing Gong nodded with a smile, calling for the other guards to follow quickly.

However, the team hadn't gone far, and Ji Xiaoyan stopped, looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him with some surprise, "Huh? You are entertaining yourself."

"City Master Ji!!" Ziyu looked at the large group of NPCs in front of him in surprise, stared at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "City Master Ji, why are you here?"

Director Qing Gong glared at himself a few times depressed, and wanted to speak a few times, but seeing Ji Xiaoyan standing there smiling, he had to close his mouth and wait and see what happened.

"We came out to patrol the city." Ji Xiaoyan was very happy. He thought that he could only wander around Qingcheng when he came out this trip. He didn't expect that the person he thought he hadn't seen just now would appear in front of him all at once. "By the way, I just checked in your house, and you're not there? Where did you go?"

"Oh!!" Ziyu quickly twisted his body and pointed behind him, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "We went shopping in the store and bought some furniture. What did you give us in the house, Master Ji?" None, we need to decorate by ourselves”

Director Qing Gong glanced blankly at himself for amusement, and thought to himself: Is this adventurer asking Ji Xiaoyan for something in a disguised form?What he meant by this was that they gave him the house and had to decorate it for him before giving it to them?These adventurers really dare to think! !It really is lack of heart
"Oh..." Ji Xiaoyan snorted, and then asked, "Aren't you two? Why are you alone?"

"Hand in hand are waiting to move things in the back to show the shop owner the way. I'll come back and open the door and wait." Self-entertainment smiled and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Will Ji Cheng come to sit with us?"

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded without hesitation, and said with a smile: "It happens that we haven't walked very far, and I also want to see what your house looks like."

He smiled and nodded, followed Ji Xiaoyan and ran towards their house.

Director Qing Gong gave Ziyu a very dissatisfied look, and found that he didn't feel anything at all, so he had to swallow this gloom into his stomach.These adventurers are really ignorant, and they even invited their own city lord to their house. This is to show his city lord how empty their house is, and is going to fool his city lord before giving them something?Hmph, dreaming! !

Director Qing Gong stared at the back of Ziyu with dissatisfaction, thinking in his heart that as long as Ziyu dared to say that, he would ask all the shops in Qingcheng to raise their prices when they sold them.
"I remember you established a guild, and now that house is the guild's resident, right? Have all the other members of your guild come?" Thinking of this question, Ji Xiaoyan looked curiously at himself and asked himself.She remembered that Director Qing Gong said at the time that if members of their gang wanted to come to Qingcheng to settle down, they had to register at the City Lord's Mansion within three days!But she doesn't seem to have heard the news that there are new adventurers coming to their Qingcheng as permanent residents
Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words for self-entertainment, he immediately lowered his eyes with a wry smile, and after a long pause, he opened his mouth and said, "They didn't come."

"What's the matter? Didn't you build the gang?" Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously.She remembered what Manager Qing Gong told her, as a player, if you want to build a guild in this game, you not only need to find a very valuable guild building token, but also need to pay a guild building fee when you build a guild later. , to be registered in a certain city, and if you want a guild residence later, you will need a lot of money to help the house. And I am lucky enough to get all the things for free, other players only need Apply to join the guild, and after he agrees, he can enjoy the treatment of having a resident in the game to return to. Ji Xiaoyan can't figure out why the friends who are entertaining themselves didn't come.
I entertained myself with a wry smile, and then said in a low voice with some disappointment: "The gang has been established. It's just that they don't want to come to Qingcheng to settle down." Speaking of this, Ziyu hurriedly looked at Ji Xiaoyan Seeing that she didn't have any dissatisfaction, she opened her mouth and continued to sigh: "In the past, they said that the gang came here after it was established. But, update. Oh, after we came to Qingcheng this time, many things are different!! They They all said that we should figure out all these different things first, and then consider whether to come here later.”

There are quite a few NPCs behind him, the word game update must never be uttered!Self-entertainment and self-amusement quickly swallowed the words, changed the wording, and explained to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded understandingly, and after thinking about it, she smiled, and then comforted herself and said, "It's actually good, so that they won't blame you for anything in the future!!"

"Yeah!" Nodding for self-amusement, that's all he can think about now!
"Exactly, you also know who is the closest to you and the one who supports you!" Ji Xiaoyan said to himself with a smile, and without waiting for his answer, he pointed at the door of their house and said: "No, here we are, open the door and let me have a look. I don't know what kind of room I gave you!!"

Self-entertainment turned around and saw that they had reached their destination, so she quickly nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, took out a key from her body, and inserted it into the keyhole of the door.Speaking of which, since the game was updated, these details that no one cared about before are the same as in reality
In the past, players only needed to go to the door of the house and silently say a word to open the door, and the door of the house in the game would be opened directly. Where do you need a key?
(End of this chapter)

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