The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1370 Benefits and Benefits

Chapter 1370 Benefits and Benefits

For self-entertainment, the free gang resident room they got from Ji Xiaoyan was basically the same as what he said, except for some very ordinary tables and chairs, there was nothing in it.After entering the whole house, there is a hall. There are small doors on both sides of the hall. After entering, one side is a few rooms that have not been used yet, and the other side is a place that is said to be a warehouse.In the warehouse, there is only one cabinet with only about 20 grids standing in the corner, and the rest is only one box, and nothing else
"We went to see this multi-treasure cabinet today!" Ziyu said to Ji Xiaoyan happily, "This is a department. This is a cabinet that already exists in the house. It should be a gift cabinet, but Hand in Hand and I both I felt that only twenty or so boxes were not enough, so I bought a cabinet with more than 100 boxes. I plan to add more when I have more things to store in the future.” Because I saw the manager Qing Gong standing silently Staring at Ji Xiaoyan behind him, thinking about it for fun, he still swallowed the word system into his mouth!

In this game, you can't say some words that NPCs can't hear, this, he still remembers.

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan nodded, looked at the so-called warehouse, and said with a smile: "Then what if you can't fit so many cabinets in your room? I don't think this warehouse is too big!" and her Compared to the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion, this room is much smaller both in terms of area and volume.
"Hehehe, City Lord Ji! The house and warehouse you gave us are big enough!! You don't know that the houses and warehouses bought by other adventurers are not even a little smaller than our house." Yu Ziyue happily said to Ji Xiaoyan, "We have heard that there is a gang with hundreds of people. Before the gang resident could use spells to accommodate them all after they entered, but now it can't. , it directly shows the actual area, and the number of people that their gang resident can accommodate at a time is only a dozen people."

This matter, he and Hand in Hand Baitou saw a complaint post on the forum.

He was talking about the player in that town on that continent, he no longer remembers it!When they first got this room, Hand in Hand Whitehead complained that it was too small. Later, when they were going to see how other people's guilds would decorate in the forum, they realized that their room was really big.As for the house he just mentioned to Ji Xiaoyan, it is said that including the warehouse, it is less than [-] square meters. If the hall needs to be remodeled to be larger, then the warehouse can basically not store anything; There is also no living room, so no matter which aspect, this room will lose its meaning for the "guild resident"!Isn't the so-called guild resident just for the players in the guild to gather in it and then access things?

It was okay before, as long as the players bought a house, the system would default that all players who entered could enter and exit freely. That model was simply buying a square meter site, which could directly accommodate hundreds of thousands of people from the entire guild. Activity!Therefore, in the past, some gangs considered this and basically would not pay a high price to buy such a large house!Anyway, big houses and small houses can accommodate people equally, so why spend more gold coins?

But now it is different!

As soon as the game was updated, many players discovered that the way the room was accommodated was different.

In a room that can only accommodate one person, only one person can stand in it, instead of swallowing as many people as before.So on the forum, many guild players are complaining about how they will live in the future!The house prices in the game, no matter in the past or now, have never been lowered, only faintly continue to rise. If a gang with hundreds of thousands wants to call all the players together to open a gang at the gang resident What will happen, it is absolutely impossible to buy a big house without paying a sky-high price.
So, after comparing what the players said on the forum, Hand in Hand Baitou couldn't help giving Ji Xiaoyan 1 likes in his heart.So straightforward! !As far as their room is concerned, it can accommodate at least 100 people. If this is dealt with, it will definitely make a fortune! !
It's a pity that this kind of free house is in the name of self-entertainment, and it cannot be transferred for life!

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at him suspiciously when he heard the satisfied words of self-entertainment, and then heard Manager Qing Gong also echoed and said: "It's good that you understand the painstaking efforts of the city lord!"

After that, Ji Xiaoyan believed it a little bit, and after walking through the room where they were entertaining themselves, he asked curiously: "Maybe this room is fine if you have few people now, if there are gang members in the future What do you do when there are too many? As you said, what about those who bought a small house at the beginning?"

"Then they can either go directly to change to a bigger house, or they can only pray that the houses next to their gang resident are empty, and then after buying them together, find someone to open up for them. If that doesn't work, then the only thing left !!" He said with a smile to himself.

Ji Xiaoyan nodded understandingly, feeling that this is almost the same as in reality.
"Actually, there are other ways!" Manager Qing Gong didn't know what he had thought of, and said, "If these houses can't meet the needs of these adventurers, and they can't buy suitable houses next to them, it's also a good idea. If you don’t have that much money to change to a bigger house, you can also apply for a rented house, or rent a space magic circle.”

Self-entertainment and Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong curiously.

"To put it more simply, the empty houses in every city can be rented, it just depends on whether the adventurers will rent them! As for the space magic circle, it has always existed, and the previous houses were all blessings. This kind of magic circle was installed, so the previous adventurers could accommodate so many people in small houses. However, the magic circle in all the houses is invalid now, so the house you said is too small The thing. Adventurers can go directly to the town manager to apply for renting this magic circle, so as to achieve the effect of a hut that accommodates everyone." Manager Qing Gong explained to Ji Xiaoyan and self-entertainment with a calm face.

"Is this going to be expensive?" Self-entertainment asked with some surprise.

"Compared to spending a large sum of money to buy a big house immediately, the price of a few gold coins a month is not too expensive, I think!" Manager Qing Gong said to himself with a smile, " However, this benefit is not a self-entertainment that anyone can enjoy. As a permanent resident of our Qing City, you can ask our Lord City Lord to authorize you to release this news."

Self-entertainment and self-indulgence blinked his eyes, not understanding what Manager Qing Gong meant by this.

Ji Xiaoyan also looked at Manager Qing Gong, she still doesn't know what benefits Manager Qing Gong is talking about!Moreover, what does this rental service have to do with her authorization or not!Now that Director Qing Gong has told the news, shouldn't anyone be able to tell anyone for their own entertainment?What does that authorization mean?
Manager Qing Gong glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, seeing her looking at him in confusion, he couldn't help but sighed inwardly, and then explained: "Speaking of which, as adventurers, we in Qingcheng can only entertain ourselves and Together with the two permanent residents of Baitou, as long as there are no adventurers who make great contributions to our Qingcheng, there may not be other permanent residents. For your own entertainment, I have to say that your decision at the beginning has an impact The power is quite strong!! After the renovation of Qingcheng, the permanent residents who welcome you adventurers can only choose once, so those adventurers who want to consider will know what they missed in the future.”

Self-entertainment looked at Manager Qing Gong with some surprise, he and Hand in Hand Baitou actually hit the big luck like this?
"As a permanent resident of our Qingcheng, you may not know the benefits of being a permanent resident of our Qingcheng! It doesn't matter, I will let you know something now." Manager Qing Gong said to himself with a smile, "For example, this In terms of leasing, other adventurers need ten gold coins to rent a space magic circle for a month, but you only need five gold coins as permanent residents of our Qingcheng. The level of residents will reduce more gold coins. Do you understand?"

"Is this equivalent to an invisible discount?" Zi Yu Zi Le asked, looking at Manager Qing Gong with his eyes wide open.

"Yes!" Manager Qing Gong nodded, then glanced at the room where they were entertaining themselves, and asked, "That's it, how much did you spend on that hundred-gauge treasure chest?"

I recalled it for my own amusement, and then said: "Eight gold coins."

Manager Qing Gong pinched his sleeves and said, "Do you know how much gold coins other adventurers usually buy?"

Shaking his head for self-amusement, he had a premonition in his heart.In such an expensive game world, to be honest, Baige's locker only costs eight gold coins, which is actually very cheap.According to their estimates, at least a dozen or twenty gold coins are needed!They didn't think about it at first, but they thought it might be because the prices in Qingcheng might be cheaper than what the players in other towns said.
But thinking about it now, it doesn't seem to be the case! !

"A treasure chest of one hundred grids, no matter where it is, is at least [-] gold coins or more! Eight gold coins, sold to you, it is because you are the permanent residents of our Qingcheng. You live in the neighborhood of Qingcheng permanently, so the shop owner will give you this price!" Qing Gong said lightly, "With this status, you can enjoy different treatment discounts in Qingcheng, but you should also remember that this The discount is only for you. If you use this discount to trade with those adventurers without the authorization of the city lord, then we can revoke your permanent resident status at any time after verification, understand? "

Self-entertainment eyes a little blank nod.

"So that's what I meant by the authorization I just said." Manager Qing Gong finally got to the point, staring at himself and amused himself and said, "For you two only adventurer residents, it is impossible for us to let your Life is too difficult! Therefore, within the scope of our permission, we can let you earn as much as possible. Not every city will develop space magic circles and house rentals. So, this news is for you, As long as the lord of the city lord authorizes you, you can widely spread the news among the adventurers, and then let all the adventurers pass your hands and come to the city lord's mansion to apply for these adventurers. When they are looking for you, you can charge no more than Five silver coins for running errands"

Self-entertainment Hearing this, my eyes lit up instantly!Manager Qing Gong is giving them free income! !Five silver coins is not a small sum! !They don't have to do anything, just collect money directly, and then go to the city lord's mansion to help Ji Xiaoyan rent out the house and space magic circle to earn this money
"Just, you have to remember! This matter can only be done by you and Hand in Hand Baitou. After you receive the application from the adventurer, you must personally bring the rental fee paid by the adventurer to the City Lord's Mansion to find me or the City Lord My lord, after you bring the rental books to those adventurers, your affairs will be considered over. If you let other people come to the city lord's mansion, we will not help you deal with these matters." Chief Qing Gong raised his chin, looked at He entertained himself and said: "This is a constraint for you, and it is also a kind of benefit."

"Yeah, I understand, I understand. Thank you, Manager Qing Gong!!" Self-entertainment said gratefully to Manager Qing Gong.He thought it would be great to get such a house as a guild residence after they became permanent residents of Qingcheng, but he didn't expect that there would be so many benefits, what a surprise! !
"Well, as long as you understand! I hope you don't disappoint me and the city lord." Director Qing Gong nodded to his own amusement, then turned to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and said to her: "The city lord Sir, do you think it is necessary to authorize the two adventurers?"

Naturally, Ji Xiaoyan totally agrees.

The house in Qingcheng can be rented out, and their City Lord's Mansion can also have income. In this case, at least it can relieve a lot of pressure on the City Lord's Mansion!Thinking about it now, Manager Qing Gong never mentioned the lease to her at all, and most of them forgot it. Now that I heard the words for self-entertainment, I thought about opening up these benefits. right?Otherwise, it is impossible that other cities do not have this benefit, but Qingcheng has it! !
 PS: Thanks to "freeadan" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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