The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1371 Different Treatment

Chapter 1371 Different Treatment
Until Ji Xiaoyan and the others came out of the room where they were entertaining themselves, they did not come back hand in hand.Amusing themselves, maybe it was because the multi-treasure cabinet was too heavy, so they were delayed behind!
So, thinking that Ji Xiaoyan and the others were heading in that direction anyway, they simply closed the door of the house for their own entertainment, followed Ji Xiaoyan and prepared to take a look, and by the way, told Hand in Hand Baitou they got With Ji Xiaoyan's authorization, you can make money in the game in the future.
And at this time, the hand in hand Baitou was at the corner of a street away from Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and was excitedly grabbed by the stranger and Yan Fouliu to not let him go.

"We did hear you just now, you have been to the city lord's mansion, you can see the city lord, right! Don't try to lie to us, we both heard it!!" As if unwilling to let him go, he said to him: "Don't make any excuses, just tell us how you can go to the City Lord's Mansion!!"

Hand in hand with Baitou tugged at his arm, sighed helplessly, and saw that his left and right arms were being grabbed, then turned his head and said to the two NPC shop waiters behind him who were helping him deliver the goods: "Two Brother, I'm sorry, you guys rest first, I have encountered something here, and we will leave immediately after solving it!"

The waiter in the NPC shop took a look at Yan Foil's wandering and strangers, and then looked at the impatient-looking NPCs of the White Mist and Black Mist behind them. He was a little reluctant, but still nodded slightly. Put down the multi-treasure cabinet that they bought together with Baitou and the others, and stood aside to watch the fun.

"Quickly tell me, how did you get to the City Lord's Mansion!" Yan Foil Liuli also asked anxiously, holding hands together.

Originally, they, the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan were just wandering around in Qingcheng, thinking to get familiar with the place first, and then follow the instructions of the guards outside the city lord's mansion to find someone.But I didn't expect that when I was wandering around, I saw Xiao Er, who was holding a white head with two NPC shops, appearing with a treasure chest.Originally, it was a bit conspicuous to see a player walking with an NPC suddenly in Qingcheng, so Yan Foil and the stranger paid more attention, guessing which guild player was buying this cabinet.

You know, Qingcheng is a big city no matter what, and the housing prices are basically the same as all towns in the game, only higher, not lower.Therefore, those who can buy a house in Qingcheng usually have the funds from the big gangs, and it is basically impossible for ordinary players.

And after the successful siege of Qingcheng, there were only a few gangs who entered Qingcheng and bought a house, the four gangs of Yeguang Meijiu, Qingyuxi, and Yunteng Wanli and Starry Sky.And among these four gangs, there are two who are wandering and strangers!Therefore, when they saw the white heads hand in hand, their first reaction was, which guild player is this?
However, what I didn't expect was that Yan Foil's wandering and strangers hadn't guessed which gang Hand in Hand Baitou belonged to, and they heard him talking to the two NPC shop assistants who helped move the treasure chest.

"Adventurer, are you really familiar with the city lord?" A waiter in the shop asked curiously while looking at the white head hand in hand.

"That's natural, otherwise how could we buy this thing in your store!" Hand in hand with Baitou was very proud.

"That's, that's, our boss gave you such a big discount!" Another waiter in the shop echoed with a smile, and then asked: "Since you are friends of the city lord, can you often go to the city lord's mansion to see you?" Lord City Lord? Before we cleared the city, we could go around the outer area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion if we had nothing to do. Sometimes, if we were lucky, we could be taken in by the guards to see that now there is a moat outside the City Lord's Mansion. We even There is no chance of getting close. Adventurer, you have been to the City Lord's Mansion, what does the current City Lord's Mansion look like?"

Hand in hand, Baitou looked at the two very gossip and curious shop assistants in front of him, and was about to boast about the city lord's mansion to them, but was about to speak, when he was caught by the wandering and strangers one after the other, Ask him how he got into the city lord's mansion.

Thinking of this, Hand in Hand Whitehead couldn't help feeling depressed.

If I had known earlier, I would have brightened his eyes and kept a low profile when watching these two players appear.It's also because he wanted to show off too much, so he didn't expect that someone would rush out. He just wanted to get a little envious look from others
"Quickly tell me, how on earth did you get into the city lord's mansion!" The stranger stared impatiently at Hand in Hand Baitou, tightly grasping his arm, and asked him.

"Hey, hey, I said, can you let go first?" Hand in hand, Baitou felt helpless.The current game is different from before. In the safe zone, players couldn't attack each other. At most, they just grabbed and fought without pain!But, it's different now, after the game is updated, there is no so-called safe zone in the whole game!Just like now, he is caught by someone. If in the past, he would basically not feel anything. Even if the player who caught him stabbed him a few times, he would not lose blood or feel any discomfort
However, now, my arm can easily feel the strength and pain from the hand holding me.

MD, this game is now doing the same as the real world
"Just tell us what we want to know, and we will let you go immediately!" The stranger narrowed his eyes and said to Hand in Hand, "But if you don't tell us, then don't blame us for being rude. Don't even think about running away." While talking, he signaled to Hand in Hand Whitehead that he had never met before, "No, those NPCs in the back are not vegetarians, if you lose experience or something, don't blame us!"

Hand in hand with Baitou looked worriedly at the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan behind them who had never met before, and after deliberating for a long time, he said: "I was able to enter the City Lord's Mansion because I was a member of the NPC before the game update. I have an agreement with the city lord, so I can go in!"

"What agreement?" Yan Foil Liuli frowned, looking at Hand in Hand and asking.

"I can't tell you this!" Hand in hand shook his head with a firm face.The fact that he and his self-entertainment can get a free residence in Qingcheng is not something that two players can just run out and tell.

"Say!!" The stranger frowned a little, aggravated the movements of his hands, and asked to Hand in Hand Baitou.

"If you can't say it, you can't say it!" Hand in hand Baitou was also a little angry, "Why should I tell you everything? Who do you think you are?" Isn't it?Does it mean that if two players come out of the street and ask him to say something, does he have to say everything?It would be nice if he could tell them a little information. These two players really thought he was afraid of them?He is not so afraid of death when he joins hands with Baitou, isn't it just to lose a little experience?

After hearing the rumors, Yan Foil exchanged glances with strangers, ready to teach Hand in Hand a lesson.If not, he will speak the truth.

It's just that no one thought that they hadn't done anything here before, a team of NPC guards patrolling in Qingcheng suddenly saw their situation, and then walked over a few steps, frowning, Facing the strangers and Yan Foil, they yelled: "Adventurers, what are you doing? Are you planning to cause trouble in our Qingcheng?"

"Hehe, no, no." Yan Foil Lili quickly pulled a smiley face, and said to the patrolling guard NPCs, "We all know each other, so we just got together and talked."

The NPC guard frowned, and stared at the faces of the strangers and Hand in Hand for a few seconds, then looked at Hand in Hand and asked: "The residents of Hand in Hand, are these adventurers telling the truth? You know them? No matter how I look at them, they are dragging you, but it seems that this is not the case. "

As soon as this remark came out, not only the strangers and Yanboliai looked at the NPC guards in surprise, but even Hand in Hand Baitou looked at the NPC patrol guards in surprise.Generally speaking, these NPC guards are patrolling the city, they are just for show, and they will come out to take care of them when there are really troubles caused by players.In their current situation, they didn't even start a fight. Even if these NPC guards came to ask, after what Yan Foil Liao said, these NPC guards would only nod slightly under normal circumstances, and then went Turned around and left.

It will never be like the current situation, not only not leaving, but also pointing out the undercurrent between the three of them.
Most importantly, these NPC guards seem to know Hand in Hand.

At this point, even the old man who joined hands was surprised.

After they arrived in Qingcheng, they wandered around the city lord's mansion, then went to their resident room, and then started cleaning and wandering around shopping.Under normal circumstances, he had never even seen the group of NPC guards in front of him. How could they know him?

Moreover, depending on the attitude, it is still helping yourself.

Thinking of this, Hand in Hand Baitou hurriedly shook his arm, and broke free from the strangers and Yan Foil who relaxed and grabbed his arm, then ran to the side of the NPC guards, and said to them: "Brother Guard! , I really don’t know them, they caught me as soon as they saw me, and they insisted on telling me how I went to the city lord’s mansion, I think they have bad intentions.”

At the beginning, he had no helpers, and seeing the strangers and Yan Foil drifting behind them with such a large group of NPCs, he was alone and weak, so he didn't dare to make any big moves.But now that there are local NPC guards in Qingcheng to help him, what else does he have to be afraid of?

Thinking of this, Hand in Hand Baitou couldn't help but raised his chin, and looked at them who had never met before.

"Really?" The head of the NPC guard looked at the strangers for a few times, then narrowed his eyes, and said to them: "Adventurers, what are you doing to inquire about the City Lord's Mansion? Or, you and the people behind you?" Are these people planning to do bad things in our Qingcheng?"

The stranger glared at Hand in Hand Baitou, and shook his head at the NPC guards.He can guarantee that even if they say that they are friends with Miss Ji Xiaoyan, these NPC guards will not believe it.Isn’t that the reaction of the guard outside the city lord’s mansion? It’s okay before. After the game was updated, all the NPCs in Qingcheng were very repulsive to them. But, why did the player they caught just now seem to be protected by the NPC? ?

Is there anything they don't know about this?

After hearing that they were involved, the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan quickly stood up and explained that they just admired the City Lord and wanted to visit the City Lord's Mansion, but they couldn't find the opportunity.So after hearing that the player Hand in Hand Baitou can enter the City Lord's Mansion, they held him back. They wanted to find the little San'er of the White Mist Clan, and they had to rely on the nightmare foil to wander and never knew each other, so they held him back when they saw him. When joining hands with Baitou, the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan didn't speak, and there was a vague posture of supporting them, so that they could find a way to enter the City Lord's Mansion through strangers, and then directly Can the city lord of Qingcheng help them find someone?
Therefore, there is nothing wrong with being strangers and wandering around! !They can't be in trouble either!
Hand in hand with Baitou sneered disdainfully after hearing the words of the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan.This is simply talking nonsense with open eyes in broad daylight! !It's just that he understands the fact that players can't beat NPCs, so he doesn't expose some things!This requires the two players in front of me and a group of NPCs to leave, just don't pester him
The NPC guard looked around at the NPCs of the White and Black Fog tribes, and after a while he said, "The City Lord's Mansion is not something that outsiders like you can go if you want. Neither is the City Lord of our Qing City." You can go there if you want! Outsiders, and you two adventurers, it is best not to let us see you entangle the residents of our Qingcheng in the future, otherwise don’t blame us for being rude. Leave quickly! !"

Unacquainted with each other, Yan Foil Liuliu looked at Hand in Hand with some reluctance, and wanted to wait for the NPC guards who had spoken harshly to leave before arresting him for questioning.However, what I didn't expect was that after the NPC guards said this to them, they looked directly at Hand in Hand Baitou, and then said to him with a smile: "Hand in hand Baitou resident, you are a permanent resident of our Qingcheng, yes Residents who will be protected by us, you know? Don’t think that you are the same as ordinary temporary residents, and you dare not call for help when you encounter it. If you encounter something like today in any place in Qingcheng in the future, you just need to find Our patrolling guards are fine! Do you know? You are different from those temporary residents in our Qingcheng! You are protected, just like other aborigines in our Qingcheng."

 PS: Thank you "Beichen Sinicization Group" for starting coins!Thanks to "BenSharles" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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