Chapter 1372 Good News

Hand in hand with Baitou never knew that after he and Ziyu agreed to become permanent residents of Qingcheng for the sake of a gang resident house, there were such good benefits!They can actually get the protection of the NPC guards in Qingcheng, this is simply NPC-level treatment! !
Thinking of the news that surprised him, Hand in Hand Baitou couldn't help but want to rush back to the station to tell the good news to entertain himself.But looking back at the current situation, he still held back the excitement that was about to burst out of his heart, and nodded fiercely to the NPC guards, and then, under the escort of the NPC guards, wandered away from the nightmare. In front of them who were strangers to him, he left proudly!

Then when turning the corner of the street, Hand in Hand Baitou immediately bid farewell to those NPC guards, and started running towards the station in no time! !Even the two NPC Xiaoer who were helping to carry the treasure cabinet behind him didn't have time to talk to each other, so they rushed towards their guild's residence
And the mood at the moment of self-entertainment, which is not too far away from hand in hand, is also very exciting.If it wasn't because he was still following Ji Xiaoyan and the others, he would have rushed away long ago!But thinking that Chief Qing Gong was still there, he had no choice but to hold back his excitement, and slowly followed Ji Xiaoyan and the others to patrol the streets of Qingcheng.
However, just as he was entertaining himself thinking about when to say that he would leave first, an NPC guard on a horse suddenly galloped from behind them, and was surprised by Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong. In the eyes of Ji Xiaoyan, he rolled over from the horse, knelt down in front of Ji Xiaoyan, and said, "My lord, there is news from River Water City that Master Xuan Mo and Xi Ye are in River Water City. He was assassinated over there, now Master Xuan Mo's life and death are unknown, and Master Xi Ye is still in a coma."


"what happened?"

Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong looked at the NPC guard who came to pass the message in surprise, both of them looked in disbelief!They searched for a long time in the city lord's mansion, but they couldn't find Xuan Mo and the others. They thought they were either hiding somewhere in the city lord's mansion, or they sneaked out of the city lord's mansion to go somewhere in Qingcheng to have fun.Unexpectedly, Xuan Mo and the others actually went to River Water City. Moreover, something happened! !

The NPC who came to send the message pondered for a while, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong: "The person who heard the message from River Water City said that it seems that Master Xuan Mo and the others are going to River Water City. The visit is good. But I don’t know what’s going on, a few men in black appeared in River Water City, Master Xuan Mo and the others were injured by those men in black, that’s what the person who came to River Water City said!"

Ji Xiaoyan stared at the guards in his City Lord's Mansion in front of him, and really didn't know what to say for a while!visit?Remember when they rebuilt Qingcheng, didn't they live in River Water City every day?She was already so familiar with a city, she couldn't figure it out, what else could Xuan Mo and the others visit?From her point of view, what is it called a visit? They just went to River Water City to play when they had nothing to do, but they were unlucky and met an assassin, and then got injured
"My lord, we don't need to patrol the city. It's better to go to River Water City to see Xuan Mo and the others!" Director Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan with an uneasy expression when he heard what the NPC guard said. : "The situation where life and death are uncertain is not very good. I really didn't expect that Xuan Mo and the others went to River Water City. I thought they just went somewhere to play. Now that this happened, let's go and see first see."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something, looked at the guard of the city lord's mansion and asked, "By the way, you only mentioned Xuan Mo and Xi Ye, where are Friesman and Jia Jia? Are they not together?" Is it? Or, Su Mo and the others are injured, and Friesman and the others don’t know where to go?”

When the guard of the City Lord's Mansion heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he immediately frowned, and after thinking hard for a long time, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan in a daze and replied: "Master City Lord, I haven't heard the news about River Water City. People say the whereabouts of Lord Friesman and Lord Gaga, and I don’t know what happened to them!”

"Forget it, go back to the city lord's mansion first, and settle down the person who came to River Water City to send the message. The city lord and I will go directly to River Water City and ask." Manager Qing Gong thought for a while, and directly faced the person. The NPC guard said something, and after watching him stand up and salute them, he rode away, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said: "Master City Master, it is better to go and see the situation by yourself. Our city patrol It’s okay to continue what happened in the future. Now let’s go directly to River Water City to have a look. Master Yu’s injury may be a bit serious. Otherwise, those people in River Water City would not say that his life or death is uncertain. I will send People go back to the City Lord's Mansion, tell Brick first, let him wait in the City Lord's Mansion"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, watched Manager Qing Gong recruit an NPC guard to give orders, turned around and saw Self-Entertainment standing not far from her with a dazed expression, thought for a while and said to him: "Well, Self-Entertainment Zile, I have other things to do right now, so I won’t be with you. You can go find the white head hand in hand.”

"Okay, okay, City Master Ji. You go to work!!" Self-entertainment paused for a moment, and immediately said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and then left their team very consciously, watching Ji Xiaoyan and the others with extreme Disappeared on the street at a fast speed, and went directly to the Santo's Mansion, preparing to go through the teleportation array that outsiders don't know about the Santo's Mansion, and teleport directly to River Water City.
"Isn't the teleportation array outside the city? Why did City Master Ji and the others go into the city?" Self-entertainment frowned a little, and said to himself in a strange tone, "Could it be that there is something left? So go back and get something of?"

"Hey, little entertainment, little entertainment" Just when Ziyu was in doubt, the voice of the white-headed man holding hands rang out excitedly and anxiously, so Ziyu hurriedly looked back and turned his head to look back, looking at the hand in hand Baitou laughed excitedly and turned towards him, and then asked curiously when he walked in front of him: "I seem to have seen a large group of NPCs just now, what do they do? Are you in any trouble? Are they here to help?"

To entertain himself, he took a look at Hand in Hand Baitou, not knowing what he meant by that.

Hand in hand with Baitou didn't wait for his own amusement to reply, he just laughed and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Hahaha, it seems that you also know the benefits of being a permanent resident of Qingcheng!"

The self-entertaining answer of "That was City Lord Ji and the others just now" was basically carried out at the same time as joining hands with each other.

So, after the two said this, they were stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other in surprise.

"Hand in hand, what do you mean by that?"

"Little entertainment, you said it was City Lord Ji and the others just now?"

He nodded for self-entertainment, and hurriedly told Handan Baitou everything about meeting Ji Xiaoyan to see their house, and then authorizing them to rent a matchmaking match.

"Wait, did I hear you right? As long as we rent out the house, we can make money? Moreover, only the two of us can do this in the whole Qingcheng, because only the two of us came in for three days after the game update , would you like to be a permanent resident of Qingcheng? Besides, we can get discounts and discounts when we buy things in Qingcheng in the future?" Hand in hand with Baitou was already so excited that he couldn't contain himself! !
Self-entertainment also smiled happily and nodded.

"Oh my God! We are on the right path! Xiaoyu, we are going to get rich!!" Hand in hand with the white head excitedly grabbed at himself to entertain himself, and then said to him: "You know I just met What happened? I was caught by two players and some NPCs, who asked me how to get to the City Lord’s Mansion, and they planned to deal with me without telling me. How do you think I got out?”

Shaking his head for fun.Although he was very curious about why some players and NPCs asked how they entered the City Lord's Mansion, he felt that it was not important, what was important was what he would say next with Hand in Hand.

"In the end, I was caught and I couldn't get away. A few NPC guards came over." With a proud expression on his face, he continued excitedly: "Then those NPC guards told me that we are permanent residents of Qingcheng, and the general Just like the NPC aborigines, they all enjoy the same protection. Little entertainment, do you know what this means? It means that if we are bullied by someone in Qingcheng in the future, we can directly call the NPC guards to protect us, which is really cool. Cool!! I've been in the game for so long, and I've never felt so excited and beating so fast." Hand in hand and white head laughed twice, couldn't help but tears welled up, looked at the self-entertainment and continued Said: "Little entertainment, you are the one who brought me to this step! If you were not willing to give up your status as an administrator in Miyushi Town and come to Qingcheng, we would not have the blessings we have now!! In the future When they come to Qingcheng to join the guild, they will definitely regret it to death when they know about this."

There is a feeling of elation at the moment of joining hands with the white head.

Back then, when they established the guild and asked the friends they had agreed to come to Qingcheng to join the guild and become permanent residents, they all procrastinated. It's like he cheated them for his own entertainment!Hahaha, this is good, some of them will regret it in the future! !
"Hand in hand, we should thank City Lord Ji!!" Hearing the words of Hand in Hand, I couldn't help myself, and after smiling, I said to Hand in Hand, "If she hadn't helped us, we It can’t be what it is now.”

"Yes, yes, yes! City Master Ji! It's City Master Ji." Hand in hand nodded excitedly, and then remembered what he had just said for fun, so he asked curiously: "You just said that City Master Ji and the others just left. You Didn't you say they passed by while patrolling the city? Why did they go back? Is this the end of the city patrol?"

"Master Ji's NPC attendants and pets seem to have encountered something in River Water City, they rushed over to have a look!" Self-entertainment explained to Hand in Hand Whitehead.

"Then should we go over and help?" Hearing this, Hand in Hand Baitou immediately straightened up and asked himself to entertain himself.According to his idea, they can live a good life in Qingcheng in the future, all thanks to the care of the city lord Ji Xiaoyan. Although this cannot be regarded as a "big favor", it must be more than "Xiaohui". Therefore, Miss Ji Xiaoyan is in trouble, can they Help, of course, is to make time to help out.
"I don't think it should be necessary." I entertained myself for a while, and then said to Hand in Hand Whitehead: "I think this should be Ji City Lord's own private matter. We may not be able to help you in the past, so don't make trouble. .”

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Hand in hand Baitou nodded decisively.

"By the way, where's the treasure chest you bought?" It was only at this moment that he thought of asking this matter for self-entertainment, and he looked behind Hand in Hand with the white head, and then asked.

"That's right, the treasure cabinet. I'll wipe it!" Hearing the words together, Baitou immediately patted himself on the head, then turned around and looked behind him, and said with some depression: "I was just running back to tell you hello. News, I forgot that the two NPCs are still walking behind, let's go, let's go back and pick them up, we can't let them think that we don't want them, just move the things back, it's eight gold coins what."

Nodding for self-amusement, he quickly ran back hand in hand.

Fortunately, although the two NPC shop waiters were a little upset and ran away hand in hand with Baitou and left them by themselves, they still carried the treasure cabinet very dedicatedly, walking slowly in the direction they knew, hoping to see Go back with Whitehead to find them.

So, after running for a long time hand in hand with Baitou and Self-Entertainment, I finally saw those two NPC waiters.

"Adventurer, do you want this treasure chest or not? You know that we don't know the way, but you just left us and ran away like that." After seeing them running in front of them hand in hand, an NPC waiter said, Immediately counted down.

"No, no, no embarrassment!" With an apologetic look on his face, he said to the two NPC shop waiters, "I was just a little too excited at the time, so I forgot about you. I'm really sorry."

The waiters of the two NPC shops rolled their hands and rolled their heads in dissatisfaction. After a while, they reluctantly said: "Forget it, we don't care about you. Let's go, where is your home? We don't know the way. I made a mistake, I turned around and delayed our return to the shop, but I need you to process the money."

"Salary? No problem, no problem!" Hand in hand Baitou was very excited, and smiled directly to the two NPC shop waiters and said: "Add, add, add, when we arrive at our house in a while, I will definitely give you some processing money."

 PS: Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Missing You, Missing You, and Thinking of You Again"!Thanks to "Green Sea" for the two monthly tickets!Thanks to "Demon Purple Star" for the two monthly tickets!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Rain, Sunny"!

(End of this chapter)

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