Chapter 1373
River Water City teleportation array.

Director Ji Xiaoyan and Qing Gong brought a large group of NPC guards and Brick directly from the teleportation formation of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, and immediately saw a group of NPC guards who had already been waiting beside the teleportation formation. They got on a luxurious carriage that was said to be arranged by Lord Bessa to pick them up, and went straight to the City Lord's Mansion in River Water City!
Because Master Bessa is leading a large number of NPC guards to arrest those fox men in black cloaks in River Water City, so he is not in the city lord's mansion. Ji Xiaoyan got off the carriage and was taken by old Hess. Look at Xuan Mo and Xi Ye.By the way, Ji Xiaoyan also asked about why Xuan Mo and Xi Ye appeared in River Water City, and the news about Friesman and Jiajia.

"Ahem, that..." Old Hess's eyes dodged a little, and after a moment of deliberation, he explained to Ji Xiaoyan, "Speaking of which, I'm not too clear about why Xuan Mo and the others came to River Water City. You may have to ask Lord Bessa about this, so he will know. However, after Xuan Mo and the others came, we all sent people to walk around the city together. Today, because of a small accident, I heard from the guards that it seems that It was Xuan Mo and the others who were bumped into by a man in black in the city. They were a little unconvinced, so they chased after them and asked them to return to their lives. Not long after, adventurers came to our City Lord's Mansion to report, saying that Xuan Mo and the others Injured! Afterwards, Lord Bessa personally led people to rescue them."

"Has that man been caught?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Old Hess and asked.

Old Hess shook his head, then sighed and said: "I was going to catch a man in black, but who knew that his accomplice suddenly appeared and rescued him, and now Master Bessa is still leading people to search the city Woolen cloth!"

Manager Qing Gong frowned when he heard the words, looked at Old Hess and asked, "Do you know who those men in black are?"

Old Hess nodded, glanced at the NPC guards following Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong, and then whispered: "It is said that they should be members of the fox clan."

"Fox clan? How is it possible!?" Upon hearing the answer, Manager Qing Gong let out a cry of surprise, and after realizing that he had lost his composure, he said in a low voice: "Mr. Hess, are you sure? Are you sure? You know, this fox clan is famous for being low-key and reclusive on the mainland. For so many years, basically no one has seen them on the mainland. How could it be possible that several fox clan members suddenly appeared in Switzerland Foshui City?"

Moreover, the most important thing is, if you say that in the past, if people from the fox clan came out to wander around the mainland, it was still possible.Because the sacred objects of their fox clan were still in Miss Ji Xiaoyan's hands at that time, it was normal for them to come out to look for them; but it's different now!Miss Ji Xiaoyan and Elder Qingmi have already sent back the sacred objects of the Fox Clan and returned them to the Fox Clan.So how could the fox clan still have a reason to come to the mainland for a stroll?Don't they want to recuperate and live in seclusion?Could it be that there is something in River Water City that the Fox Clan people need?

In other words, what is the secret of River Water City?
Manager Qing Gong turned his mind several times before he looked at Old Hess, and then he heard the distressed look on Old Hess's face, and said to them: "Speaking of which, we are actually quite puzzled about this matter! If it wasn't The city lord personally sent someone back to say, how could I believe it! It is said that the man in black was about to be caught at the very beginning, and the brim pocket of the cloak was knocked down by our Lord Bessa, revealing his true face After that, Lord Bessa and the others discovered that he was actually a member of the fox tribe. It was only after being shocked for a few seconds that the man in black had a chance to send out the distress signal, and then his accomplices rushed away. He came here to save him." Speaking of this, Old Hess sighed again, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "City Master Ji, don't blame our Lord Bessa for not coming to pick you up. I'm still busy catching those Fox people! Whether they belong to the Fox family or not can only be found out after they are caught."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.Anyway, Master Bessa's coming or not doesn't have a great influence on her, she is here to see Xuan Mo and Xi Ye.

Seeing that there was no displeasure on Ji Xiaoyan's face, Old Hess secretly breathed a sigh of relief.After knowing that Miss Ji Xiaoyan had lost her memory, old Hess felt sorry for her.Ji Xiaoyan's current identity is different from the previous adventurer's identity. If there is still memory, maybe he can still call Miss Xiaoyan by relying on his previous friendship.After this amnesia, the City Lord of his family also emphasized Ji Xiaoyan's identity, and after that he could only call her City Lord Ji.
I still feel a little uncomfortable!
Manager Qing Gong didn't know what old Hess was thinking.But after hearing what he said, he looked at old Hess with some doubts.He didn't quite believe the Master Chief of River Water City!However, if you don't believe it, you can only keep it in your heart. Now that the man in black hasn't been caught, it's just speculation, so don't waste your time here.Thinking of this, Manager Qing Gong asked again: "I don't know how Xuan Mo and Xi Ye are doing now?"

"Xu Mo was seriously injured, and his life and death are still uncertain. We have found the best alchemist and doctor in the city to help with the treatment. I believe we will know the result in a short time! As for Xi Ye, he just fell into a coma due to overwork. That's all! Just take a good rest and you'll be fine." Old Hess had a faint confidence and a smile on his face, instantly reassuring Ji Xiaoyan a lot.

"Then Manager Hess, where are Friesman and Gaga? Didn't they come together?" Ji Xiaoyan let out a big breath, then looked at old Hess and asked.

Hearing the words, Old Hess suddenly stopped walking, turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan with a somewhat uneasy expression, and said apologetically to her: "City Master Ji is really sorry, we haven't got Ferris yet. News about Man and Jiajia! According to the two adventurers who reported the news, when they met Xuan Mo and the others, they only saw Xuan Mo, Xi Ye and the men in black, and did not see any other So, we don't even know where Friesman and Gaga are now! This may only be asked after Xi Ye wakes up."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan frowned.

Xuan Mo was seriously injured like this, if Friesman and Jiajia were no whereabouts, would they be wiped out immediately?
"My lord, let's wait until Xiye wakes up, and then ask it." Manager Qing Gong's face turned ugly, and after thinking about it, he comforted Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice: "Not necessarily, Friesman You ran away with Jiajia, and you haven't come back yet, so don't worry too much!"

Ji Xiaoyan pursed her lips.

She is not worried?No wonder she wasn't worried!

However, these words could not be uttered. Standing on the boundary of River Water City, she had no choice but to nod towards Manager Qing Gong, and followed Old Hess through several long corridors in the City Lord's Mansion, and finally arrived. The room where Xuan Mo and Xi Ye stayed.He saw Xuan Mo, who was covered in blood and completely unconscious, and Xi Ye, who was curled up next to him, motionless.
"How is it? Is Xuan Mo's injury okay? Is it going to be all right?" Ji Xiaoyan looked worried, staring at the so-called doctors and alchemists and asked, seeing that none of them answered her. Only then frowned and turned to look at Brick behind him, then said in a low voice: "Brick, you also go to see Xuan Mo. If you need anything, come and tell me right away, and we'll get ready right away!! "

Brick nodded, quickly walked in from several doctors, took time to take a closer look at Xuan Mo's injury, then stood beside Xi Ye, checked them all several times, and finally Frowning, he went back behind Ji Xiaoyan, and whispered to her, "Xiaoyan, Xiye is fine, just like Manager Hess said, she was just too tired and passed out. As long as it rests well, it will be fine." wake up."

"How is Xuan Mo?" Ji Xiaoyan's heart skipped a beat when he heard Brick's words, and then asked him.Generally speaking, Xuan Mo's injury was more serious. If he was fine, Brick should have come to tell her that Xuan Mo was fine first, and then talk about Xi Ye.But now the opening mouth is Xi Ye, and there is no mention of ink at all.
Then, it can only show that Xuan Mo's condition is not very good!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help looking at Xuan Mo, who was lying on the bed surrounded by many doctors and senior alchemists, but didn't give him any treatment at all, and then asked Brick : "Brick, is Xuan Mo really not well? Why don't those people give him treatment? What are they still looking at?"

Brick was silent for two seconds. Seeing that Manager Qing Gong was also looking at him with a frown, he thought about it and whispered to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, you may not remember. Ximo is the one you started from Pan It was brought out by Chicheng."

"Panchi City?" Where is that?Ji Xiaoyan looked at Brick in doubt, not understanding what he meant by that!Isn't this talking about the treatment of Xuan Mo?How did it involve the city where Xuan Mo stayed before?

Brick looked around and saw that old Hess saw that they were going to whisper and had already led people away from them, then he continued to whisper to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, you have lost your memory, so you don't remember. When you After Arriving at Panchi City with Elder Qingmi, he angered the city lord of Panchi City at that time, City Lord Ye Shan, and then City Lord Ye Shan imprisoned you in a magic enchantment space. That's where you met Xuan Mo and others. It’s the owner of the city.”

Ji Xiaoyan blinked in confusion.

"There are two city masters in Panchi City, City Master Yanshan and City Lord Yeshan. They have been feuding all year round, and they don't know the reason. You have been in there all the time, and there is no way to get out. And after you went in, you rescued the Lord of the city. For this reason, the Lord of the city also promised that as long as you open your mouth, you will definitely do me a favor! The one who attacked Qingcheng back then At that time, City Lord Geshan brought someone to help, and he said it was a favor for you." Brick whispered, and said to Ji Xiaoyan as briefly as possible: "After Qingcheng was captured, City Lord Geshan brought City Lord Yeshan with him. I came to congratulate you on becoming the Lord of the City, and then I went back to Panchi City. I told you at the time that he paid back your favor, so if possible in the future, don’t contact me anymore. After all, City Lord Yeshan seems to be very hostile to you. City Lord Shan is afraid that you will be killed accidentally by him."

Ji Xiaoyan blinked, she thought that in this world, she was the one who loves flowers and sees them bloom!It turns out that some people hate her very much, but, what does Brick's saying have anything to do with Xuan Mo?

"Brick, what you said is old stuff, it has nothing to do with Xuan Mo! It's okay to talk about these things later, the most important thing for us now is to consider Xuan Mo's injury!" Qing Gong He had the same doubts as Ji Xiaoyan, and asked with a frown when he heard that Brick hadn't gotten to the point.

Brick sighed, and then continued: "What I said is related to Xuan Mo."

Ji Xiaoyan raised her eyebrows, she didn't understand what was the connection between them.

"When Xiaoyan rescued City Lord Yan Shan back then, Xuan Mo came out of the magic enchantment space together! However, when City Lord Da Shan only sent City Lord Yan Shan to that enchantment space, after Before City Lord Shan went in, there was no one else there." Brick frowned, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "However, whether it is City Lord Yan Shan or City Lord Ye Shan, the attitude towards Xuan Mo is the same. It's very plain, even dispensable. When Xuan Mo stood in front of them, they would give him a little look, a little smile and concern; but if Xuan Mo didn't stand in front of them, the two city lords would not care about him , and even cared about him. No one knows exactly how Xuan Mo appeared in that enchanted space in Panchi City." Speaking of which, Brick frowned, thought for a while and said: "To be precise, How did Xuan Mo appear? No one knows except City Lord Yan Shan and City Lord Ye Shan. Therefore, now that Xuan Mo is injured, the only ones who can heal him are City Master Yan Shan and City Lord Ye Shan. Xiaoyan, you too You see, those doctors and alchemists could only circle around Xuan Mo, but they didn't give him any treatment. It wasn't because they didn't give him treatment, but because, no matter what they used to treat Xuan Mo, it was all important to him. It's useless."

"Brick, what do you mean?" Manager Qing Gong widened his eyes and glanced in the direction of Xuan Mo.

"If you really want to cure Xuan Mo." Brick looked at Ji Xiaoyan seriously, and then said to her: "Maybe we can only take Xuan Mo to Panchi City and find the Lords of Yanshan and Yeshan! Otherwise, Nobody can save Shumo"

 A few books are recommended: "Shu Rong", a bum girl who travels through time and becomes an intermittent neuropathy, making complaints about her daily life.

  Ghost Exchange: Do you believe that souls can be bought and sold?


(End of this chapter)

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