The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1374 Go to Panchi City

Chapter 1374 Go to Panchi City

For Panchi City, Ji Xiaoyan has no memory at all, let alone the city lords of Yanshan and Yeshan, she has no memory of any of them! !However, if she really wants to save Xuan Mo now, she needs to go to Panchi City!Moreover, I have to beg that Brick said that he is malicious towards her and is said to kill her City Lord Night Evolution.
"No, no! Brick, the city lord must not go to Panchi City!" After hearing Brick's words, Chief Qing Gong kept shaking his head, and said to them: "City lord Yeshan is not a talkative person. He is always thinking of killing the city lord. No, absolutely not, we can't go to Panchi City!"

Brick glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, but didn't speak.

They all know what City Lord Ye Shan's attitude is towards Ji Xiaoyan!Therefore, he didn't want Ji Xiaoyan to go to Panchi City either, but if he didn't go to Panchi City, Xuan Mo would most likely die. No one knows what makes Xuan Mo different from other people. Treatment is of no use to him!Now the only people in the entire continent who can know the secrets of Xuan Mo's body are the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan. If they don't go, then Xuan Mo may die in an accident; The city lord was killed.
This is a dilemma.

Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan's agitated look, quickly grabbed her, and said to her: "Master City Lord, you can't go! You really can't go to Panchi City." Yes! At the beginning, City Lord Yanshan said that the relationship between you and him has been sorted out, so if you go to Panchi City, if City Lord Yeshan does anything to you, he will most likely not help you. If What happened to you, what can we do in Qingcheng? No, no, you must not go to Panchi City." At this point, Chief Qing Gong glared at Brick, and then said: "Brick, you too , you shouldn’t tell the city lord these things.”

Brick didn't speak!
He didn't want Ji Xiaoyan to go to Panchi City, but he couldn't know the way to save Xuan Mo without telling Ji Xiaoyan!Moreover, Ji Xiaoyan's going to Panchi City is not in a state of certain death.However, if Xuan Mo didn't go to Panchi City, he would surely die! !

Thinking of this, Brick looked at Ji Xiaoyan expectantly!He believed that the girl Ji Xiaoyan in his mind was definitely not such a hard-hearted girl
Sure enough, in the next second, Ji Xiaoyan raised a bright smile and said to Chief Qing Gong: "Boss Qing Gong, have you forgotten that I have a special identity and physique? Isn't it just a one-time death? I I can bear it!! As long as the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan can really save Xuanmo, we will go to Panchi City!!"

"Master City Lord!" Director Qing Gong looked surprised and distressed, stared at Ji Xiaoyan for a while, and then asked with a sigh: "Have you really thought about it? You have to know, even if you Immortality, but it doesn't mean you won't feel the fear and pain of death."

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, turned his head to look in Xuan Mo's direction, and said, "I can't die no matter how many times I die, but Xuan Mo won't come back to life once he dies! In comparison, Xuan Mo is actually more important than me. Clean it up, Manager Qing Gong, let’s go to Panchi City to see it.”

Director Qing Gong lowered his eyes, let out a breath after a while, nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "Since you have made up your mind, Lord City Lord, I will go and speak to Director Hess now, and we will immediately Let’s go directly to Panchi City and hope that there will be no accidents when we pass by.”

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

After hearing Manager Qing Gong's request, Old Hess just glanced at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, then nodded, and then watched as Manager Qing Gong sent someone to clean up Xuan Mo. Fan is ready to go.

"Boss Hess, Xiye is here with you!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and said politely to old Hess, "We can't take him to Panchi City, so let him rest in your place." Yes! Please help us pay attention to the situation of Friesman and Jiajia later. If there is anything, please let us know!"

"Okay, City Master Ji, don't worry!" Old Hess nodded, "You are going to Panchi City, do you need us to send someone there together?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Manager Qing Gong, saw him shake his head slightly, and then said to Old Hess: "This is unnecessary, we have so many people."

"Okay!" Old Hess nodded and didn't say anything more. After watching Ji Xiaoyan and the others leave, he turned around and ordered someone to take good care of Xi Ye, while he ran to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion to wait for Lord Bessa news.

As for Ji Xiaoyan and the others, after they left the City Lord's Mansion in River Water City, they went straight to the teleportation array, and then carried Xuan Mo all the way up the teleportation array, and they were teleported to the boundary of Panchi City in a blink of an eye.

Speaking of which, now Panchi City is considered a rather strange city in the world of the entire game continent.

Panchi City's teleportation array is far away from the city, and players have to walk a long way no matter they are teleporting in or out.And Panchi City is not able to accept and release players anytime and anywhere!According to the players, the entry and exit time of Panchi City is once every three days, and there is only one morning!If the players missed it, then sorry, just wait another three days
Therefore, from the beginning of Panchi City to the present, there are not many players who can stay in Panchi City!

Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't know all this, so they just teleported it so recklessly!

Then, when Ji Xiaoyan saw the city that was so far away from the teleportation array, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't believe it!
"Did we go to the wrong teleportation formation?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help looking at Manager Qing Gong and asked.

It's a pity that Manager Qing Gong also shook his head, expressing that he didn't know: "This, my lord, I thought that you would never interact with the two lords of Panchi City in the future, so I didn't discuss the matter of Panchi City properly. I understand. This teleportation array, I don’t know if I went wrong! However, the front should be the boundary of Panchi City.”

Ji Xiaoyan looked suspiciously at Manager Qing Gong, a little unwilling to listen to his words, so he could only turn his gaze to Brick, and asked him: "Brick, what do you say?"

Brick shook his head, and after a while, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I don't know, I have never been to Panchi City!"

"Then what you just said is still sound?" Manager Qing Gong asked Brick with his eyes widened.

"I also heard what Xuan Mo, Jia Jia and Master Qing Mi said." Brick blinked his eyes, with an innocent look on his face, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "They talk a lot, and I listen a lot "

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sighed deeply, shook his head at Brick, then looked at Manager Qing Gong and said, "Forget it, let's go and see what the real situation is like. Let them carry Xuan Mo away, and don't let him suffer any more harm."

Chief Qing Gong nodded.

A group of people went straight to the gate of Panchi City!

It's just that I thought I could enter the city directly at the gate of the city, and then went to the city lord's mansion to find the city lord Yan Shan and Ye Shan.Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't expect it at all. They didn't realize until they finally got to the city gate that the gate of Panchi City was closed, and there seemed to be no one on the city wall. The whole city revealed an inexplicable depression. sense.
"What's going on? What happened to Panchi City? Why aren't the city gates open?" Director Qing Gong widened his eyes and looked at the huge city gate in front of him with doubts on his face.Generally speaking, the gates of a city are always open, and the gates are guarded by guards to monitor the people entering and leaving.
A city will close its gates urgently only when something goes wrong!Don't let anyone in or out!
"What should we do now? Lord City Master!" Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan in distress, "I don't know what happened in this Panchi City. There is no one on the wall, and we can't even ask for news."

Ji Xiaoyan was also depressed at the moment.

After finally making up his mind to come here to die, he only hoped to save Xuan Mo.But they didn't expect at all that after all this came, the gate of Panchi City was closed!How does this make her go in and find the city lords Yan Shan and Ye Shan?

"Why don't we knock on the door and take a look?" After holding back for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan said something, and then looked at Manager Qing Gong and Brick inquiringly.

"Cough cough cough, my lord, this is not an ordinary gate! This is a city gate." Director Qing Gong took a serious look at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said solemnly: "The gate of a city is definitely not a city gate. It can ring if someone knocks! Besides, the city gate is closed, and there may not be someone guarding the door knocking on the door. You are too naive to think about this matter, Lord City Master!!"

"Then Manager Qing Gong, what do you think we should do?" Ji Xiaoyan asked, looking at Manager Qing Gong with his eyes open.

Manager Qing Gong was suffocated, and just stared at Ji Xiaoyan in a daze. After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Then I'll knock on the door and try." What should I do?He is just the steward of a city, he doesn't know martial arts or spells!He doesn't know how to fly over eaves and walls, what can he do with such a high city wall?

Ji Xiaoyan nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time said loudly to Manager Qing Gong: "If anyone asks, Manager Qing Gong, please remember to tell them that the Lord of Qing City is here to visit!!"

Director Qing Gong gave Ji Xiaoyan a resentful look, nodded silently, then walked to the gate, looked at the tall and heavy gate for several times, and then patted it behind his back.Unsurprisingly, there was no response from the city gate.
So, Manager Qing Gong directly turned his attention to Ji Xiaoyan for help.

"Who is stronger? In the past, a few people knocked on the door for Chief Qing Gong!" Ji Xiaoyan turned his head and asked a group of NPC guards in his own city lord's mansion behind him. After seeing a few standing up silently, he opened his mouth and said : "Go over and give me some strength!"

"Yes, Lord City Master!" The NPC guard responded loudly, ran to Chief Qing Gong's side at a trot, and then mustered up all his strength to knock on the gate of Panchi City directly.A few seconds later, there was movement in the city gate.

"Who is it? What are you doing if you have nothing to do in broad daylight? Can't you run wild in our Panchi City? Knock, knock, knock, what kind of gate! The gates of our Panchi City are very expensive. If you knock it down, you will be compensated." Get up? Hurry up and get out of my way, get out of the way, if there is anything, come back after Kaicheng two days later." A hoarse male voice recalled impatiently in the city gate.

Manager Qing Gong was going to take the guards back to Ji Xiaoyan, and discuss with her whether they should find a way to enter Panchi City in another place, but when he heard such a voice, he was immediately taken aback , and immediately after the male voice finished speaking, he shouted excitedly: "We, the Lord Qingcheng City Lord, brought our guards to Panchi City to pay a visit to the City Lord Yanshan."

It's fine to pay a visit to the city lord of Yeshan!That's the enemy!
"Your Excellency the City Lord of Qingcheng?" The voice inside the door was obviously a little surprised!

"Yes! City Lord Ji of Qingcheng!!" Manager Qing Gong raised his chin and replied loudly.

"Then please ask City Master Ji for a while, I will look for the superior, and ask if I can open the door to welcome everyone into the city!!" The male voice in the door said to Chief Qing Gong with some panic, and after a while, this Then he said in a loud voice: "City Lord Ji and all the visitors from the Qing city are welcome to wait a little later. Our Panchi City usually only opens the city gate once every three days, and we just opened the city gate yesterday, so it is inconvenient for me to open the city gate to welcome everyone. Everyone enters the city, please wait outside the city later."

"Okay, hurry up and ask for instructions! Don't let our Lord City Lord wait outside for too long." Chief Qing Gong frowned and said loudly, and only stayed after hearing the people in the city gate answer. The NPC guards were waiting outside the city gate, and they ran to Ji Xiaoyan's side in small steps, and said to her, "Master City Lord, it really rang! Someone inside responded too."

"How to say?" Ji Xiaoyan asked.

"It is said that the gate of Panchi City is only opened once in three days, and it was just opened yesterday, so the gate is closed now! The people inside said that we are going to ask for instructions now, and we need to wait until we know the news!" Director Qing Gong He breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Your Majesty, don't worry, as long as there is no problem in Panchi City, the city gate will definitely be opened to welcome us in!"

"That's not necessarily true!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head worriedly and said, "What if it is the same as Brick said, and the Lord of Changshan doesn't want to have anything to do with us at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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