Chapter 1375 Beauty
After waiting for a long time, there was finally some movement in the majestic Panchi City!The majestic and huge city gate slowly opened with a bang, and several teams of NPC guards gradually appeared inside.These NPC guards are wearing armor of the same color and style, and they all hold weapons in their hands. From the perspective of momentum, it is not that Ji Xiaoyan can be allowed to enter the city with the consent of the city lord, so the relying team who came to welcome them is to prepare to drive them away, or even directly want to destroy them.
"My lord, it seems that my lord has agreed to take us into the city." Manager Qing Gong looked excited, and turned to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, "Hurry up, hurry up, my lord, clean up. We can’t let the people of Panchi City despise you! We should have cleaned up in Qingcheng just now if we knew that the city lord Ji Shan is so easy-going! Well, at least we have to make you look more like a city lord.” Qing Director Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan with some regrets, and at the same time began to greet other NPC guards, and he must show off their aura of clearing the city in a while, so as not to embarrass Miss Ji Xiaoyan!Afterwards, Manager Qing Gong raised his chin slightly, and looked in the direction of the city gate with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"Boss Qing Gong, do you really think they are here to welcome us? Why don't I think it doesn't look like it!" Ji Xiaoyan was not guided by the words of Chief Qing Gong.When the city gate opened, Ji Xiaoyan frowned slightly, and then kept looking at the NPC guards in the gate of Panchi City, and then waited for Manager Qing Gong to finish speaking, then said: "Qing Gong Manager, take a good look at the expressions on the faces of those guards, they don't look like they are coming to greet anyone!" Having said this, Ji Xiaoyan turned to look at Manager Qing Gong and continued: "Who's family have you seen?" The guards came out to greet people, with such a face. How should I put it? A look of staring at you, like a prey, ready to rush over and draw a knife to kill you at any time."

When Director Qing Gong heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, there was an obvious expression of disbelief on his face.

Who are they in this line of work?They are the city lords and chief managers of Qingcheng. In terms of face, they came to Panchi City in the name of Qingcheng, which represented the diplomatic relations between the two cities.As long as the city lord of Panchi City has a brain, it is impossible to lead people to do anything to them directly. The act of directly destroying people outside the city is not something a rational city lord can do.Even if there is any personal enmity between the two cities, everyone will secretly retaliate. It is absolutely impossible to bring people out to conflict with them in such an open and aboveboard manner! If the news spreads, do the people in Panchi City want to stay on the mainland? Get a foothold!

Director Qing Gong suddenly had a chilling thought: If the lord of Panchi City really doesn't want any face and doesn't care about anything, then there is a very high possibility that something has happened!The City Lord Ye Shan of Panchi City must have been killed by the City Lord Ye Shan again!The reason why I say it is because the city lord Yan Shan was imprisoned by the lord Ye Shan at the beginning, and then escaped after being met by Miss Ji Xiaoyan. Didn't he owe her a favor?Otherwise, even if City Lord Ji Shan said that he had no debt of gratitude to Miss Ji Xiaoyan, it would be impossible to send someone out to make it clear that he wanted to kill them! !
There is only one possibility for all this!Panchi City was taken over by City Lord Yeshan! !

Thinking of this, Director Qing Gong immediately turned his head and stared at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said to her rather stammeringly: "Well, Lord City Master, do you think we should leave now to avoid it or say, how about Shall we come back later? Come back in two days when the gates of Panchi City are officially opened?"

It's really not that he is Qing Gong afraid of death!Most importantly, he was afraid that if he died, he would not be able to be resurrected like Ji Xiaoyan. Who would know who the next manager of Qingcheng would be?Moreover, who can protect Ji Xiaoyan, the city lord, with such dedication as him?He was afraid that Ji Xiaoyan would suffer.
Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Manager Qing Gong, shook his head silently, and then said to him: "We can wait, but Xuan Mo can't wait! Whether Xuan Mo will be fine, maybe we can only see it in Panchi City, So, Manager Qing Gong, if those people inside really do something to kill us, you just need to protect yourselves well! I, you don't have to worry about it, anyway, I can be resurrected, maybe I die After falling, the teleportation array directly behind him was resurrected hahaha! If those people inside were really sent by Lord Yeshan to kill me, let him kill me a few times to relieve his anger. As long as Xuan Mo can be fine, nothing else matters."

Brick looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some emotion, and silently took a step closer to her.He can't help Ji Xiaoyan resist any attack, but at least he has a lot of potions on him. After all, he can be of some use, can he help Ji Xiaoyan?
"Master City Lord, I, Qing Gong, am not such a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!" Manager Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan and Brick with some embarrassment, and immediately showed a firm expression on his face. Ji Xiaoyan continued: "My lord, if something happens to me later, you must find a reliable manager to help you in the future, don't listen to other people's words easily, I just don't trust you."

"Boss Qing Gong, you just need to protect yourselves!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled slightly, shook his head at Chief Qing Gong and said, "It's okay for you to protect yourselves and go back to Qingcheng to wait for me first! You and I are not the same. It’s the same! As long as the guards in the teleportation array are willing to teleport you away, you can go back to Qingcheng and wait for me! Don’t do stupid things and follow me!”

"Master City Master, what are you talking about! You are the Lord City Master of our Qing City, how could we let you go to die alone, and run back to Qing City greedily and fearfully? If you want to die together, you must live together!" Director Qing Gong stared. , with a face full of loyalty, after saying a lot to Ji Xiaoyan, no matter how much she tried to persuade them, she turned her head and looked at the NPC guards beside her, and shouted loudly: "Swear to be loyal to the city lord.",

"Swear allegiance to the Lord City Lord."

Ji Xiaoyan looked helplessly and touched at the NPC guards around him, feeling a sense of pride in his heart for no reason!Maybe this is the feeling of power that so many people want to pursue throughout their lives
"Oh, I really don't know, some people are really shabby as city lords!" Just as Ji Xiaoyan and the others were still immersed in this extremely touching picture, a pleasant voice suddenly sounded somewhat ironically: "I saw a really good show today! This city lord has to go to other city lords to beg to see other city lords, just to play such a ridiculous scene of swearing allegiance to the death? I said Ji Xiaoyan Ah, the sincerity of you being the city lord is a bit funny. Go back to your home Qingcheng to act in those scenes just now, and don’t run to our Panchi city to show off! What? You feel itchy, alive I'm getting impatient, so I'm going to hang out in front of the city lord, to wake up the 'different' that the city lord treats you, and then let me swing the knife on you and send you away?"

Ji Xiaoyan regained consciousness and looked in the direction of the voice.I saw that some of the guards of Panchi City had stepped out and stood on both sides of the city gate, standing with solemn expressions holding their knives. A few men in common clothes came out in the middle and stood not far from them. , the leader should be the one who speaks.

Beauty, that is definitely a super beauty.

Ji Xiaoyan carefully looked at the leading beauty, and saw a very casual bun on his head, a phoenix hairpin of a jasper dragon was inserted obliquely in the bun, and his face was like that of a pale eyebrow. Spring, the skin is as soft and greasy as warm jade, the red lips are not spotty but red, so delicate and charming that people can't take their eyes away, and there are two strands of hair on the side of the beauty's cheeks. The wind is rippling, which adds a bit of seductive style. At this moment, the beauty is wearing a moon-white long dress, with auspicious clouds embroidered with silver silk threads on the cuffs, and a row of gorgeous blue sea of ​​clouds on the hem The pattern, the body moves gently, the long skirt twists and turns with the body's ups and downs, and gradually swings away, and the gestures are as graceful as the willows blowing in the wind, as beautiful as jasper and flawless, unearthly fireworks.
However, if you look closely, Ji Xiaoyan can tell that this beauty's expression and eyes are not so friendly towards her! !
This point made Ji Xiaoyan regret silently in his heart for no reason: What a pity!If such a beautiful woman is kinder to herself, it will be perfect.
"What's the matter? Look like you don't know me anymore?" The beauty slightly raised her eyelids, gave Ji Xiaoyan a sideways glance, then looked behind her, and then said lightly, "I said Ji Xiaoyan, What do you want to bring so many people to our Panchi City? Don’t you know that we only open the city gate once every three days? You bring people to knock on the door to ask for an interview, it’s not because you have the idea in your heart that you want to take our Panchi City directly. Let's take it?"

As the beauty spoke, she covered her mouth and laughed.It's a pity that his smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes at all, and there was a trace of cruelty and contempt in his eyes, staring at Ji Xiaoyan's every move.
Ji Xiaoyan sized up the beauty again with some unease, then looked away reluctantly, looked at Manager Qing Gong, and asked in a low voice: "Boss Qing Gong, who is he? She looks like a handsome man. Is it a man or a woman!!" At first, Ji Xiaoyan really thought it was a high-ranking female official from Panchi City, but after observing it carefully for a while, , Ji Xiaoyan didn't think so anymore.

The beauty in front of her, no matter how mean she is, no matter how cruel her expression is, she can't let the crisis between women and women in her heart catch a cold and defend herself. Think about the feminine male beauties in my era, plus the beauty of this beauty. With an obviously neutral voice, she couldn't doubt that the beauty in front of her might be a super handsome man
As for the game, what if you don’t want to be more beautiful?Right?
Manager Qing Gong blinked, and after a few seconds, he lowered his head and approached Ji Xiaoyan, and said in a low voice, "Master City Lord, I don't know who he is. How about I ask?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Manager Qing Gong, she thought he was omnipotent! !Sighing softly in his heart, Ji Xiaoyan nodded to Manager Qing Gong.

As a result, Manager Qing Gong hadn't opened his mouth yet, but the beauty on the other side suddenly put a smile on his face, squinted his eyes and stared at Ji Xiaoyan fiercely as if his expression had frozen in an instant, and then said: "Ji Xiaoyan, what are you playing?" What kind of trick? Can you cancel all the grievances between us by pretending that you don't know me? Oh, you really have a very good idea! Now that you have set foot on the border of my Panchi City, you have come to ask to see me again, It's not so easy for me, Ye Shan, to let you go. Don't worry, Ji Xiaoyan, as Lu Shan said, the last time you took Qingcheng down for you, it's considered clear. He won't help you again in the future! I Whatever he wants to do to you, he won't care anymore."

Speaking of this, the beauty, that is, the Lord of Yeshan, immediately hooked the corners of his mouth, looked at Ji Xiaoyan, whose eyes were wide open, and his expression of disbelief immediately improved, and then said softly to her: "You Don't worry, the grievances between us are still settled. It doesn't matter. Don't rush to leave when we get here. Let's settle the accounts slowly. Let's go! Ji Xiaoyan, don't you want to enter our Panchi City? I After getting the news, I deliberately brought people out to greet you. I believe that with my Ye Shan's hospitality, your trip to Panchi City this time will definitely be quite unforgettable!"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at City Lord Ye Shan with some chills on his back, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: People say that femme fatale is femme fatale!Sure enough, this beauty is very poisonous! Why didn't anyone come to tell her how she became enemies with such a super beauty?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help looking at Brick!Since he knows so many things, I believe he must also know the origin of the grievance between her and Lord Yeshan. Could it be that because she somehow rescued Lord Lushan, so the Lord Yeshan hated her? ?

Brick saw Ji Xiaoyan's puzzled gaze, then looked at City Lord Yeshan who was waiting for them to enter the city with a triumphant smile on his face, and after thinking for a long time, he whispered to Ji Xiaoyan's ear, and said She said: "Xiaoyan, after we enter the city, we must try our best to find the Lord Yeshan to help us. The Lord Yeshan will not help us. I heard from Uncle Qingmi and the others that you accidentally stole the treasure house of the Lord Yeshan and sent him to the city. A very private thing was taken away, so he has a grudge with you."

"Private things?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Brick suspiciously, "What is it? I'll give it back to him and apologize to him, won't it be enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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