The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1381 What's in the Water

Chapter 1381 What's in the Water

The strangers and Yan Foil had never thought that Ji Xiaoyan, the girl they had desperately wanted to see in Qingcheng in the past few days, was once so close to them!What they didn't expect was that they were still worrying about how to find Ji Xiaoyan in the city lord's mansion in Qingcheng, but they told them that if they want to find Ji Xiaoyan, they can go directly to Ruifu Water City up
Does this count as hard work pays off?
The strangers and Yan Foil looked at each other, opened their mouths to look at Ziyu and confirmed: "What you just said is true? Xiaoyan really went to River Water City?"

"Of course what I said is true! It's just that I don't know if City Lord Ji has gone to River Water City now, or if he has gone to River Water City." The acquaintance said to them, "I just heard that the guard of the City Lord's Mansion came to send her a letter, and she said that I would go and have a look. After all, you can't enter the City Lord's Mansion now. Why don't you just go to River Water City to have a look. It may not be possible Where did you meet City Lord Ji?"

Some strangers are not satisfied with the answers for self-entertainment!What they urgently need now is an accurate answer to reassure themselves, but they seem to be very confident in what they said earlier for self-entertainment, and at this time they start to get a little fuzzy. If they really want to go to River Water City.
The strangers turned their heads worriedly and looked behind them to look at the NPCs of the White Mist and Black Mist tribes.To be honest, he and Yan Foil don't think it's troublesome to run around between the two cities at all, but whether the NPCs of the two races behind them are willing or not, that's not easy to say !In the game these days, they are the only players who are going to make do with NPCs, where are the NPCs who are going to make do with them?It is quite surprising that the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan are willing to help them entertain themselves and join hands with white heads
It was the NPC man who was the leader of the Baizhiwu tribe, after seeing the strangers, he pondered for a moment, and said to them: "River Water City, right? Since we can find Ji City Lord of Qingcheng somewhere, let's go there together." Take a look! Anyway, we came out of the mountains for the sake of experience, and it would be nice to see the customs and customs of a few more cities? What do you think?"

The leader of the Black Mist Clan watched the man of the White Mist Clan throw the topic to him, asked his opinion, and without even thinking about it, he replied with a smile: "Of course, our Black Mist Clan has no problem. Ah! I’ve said it all, the mountain is the thing on the mountain, and after we get down the mountain, we are all one family! Some of you from the Baizhiwu clan came to the mainland to practice first, and you must know more things than us. You are willing to bring With us, we are naturally grateful. Wherever you say go, go there! We, the Black Mist Clan, just follow. You decide, don’t ask our opinion!"

The NPC man leading the White Mist Clan really wanted to say something, let the people of the Black Mist Clan find a place to practice by themselves, don't follow them.But these words can't be said sincerely!One more person is always more strength!At least the two tribes are from the same place. As the man from the Black Mist tribe said, everything on the mountain is on the mountain, and when they go down the mountain, the two tribes need to support each other.The relationship between them is much more reliable than others, even some adventurers.
The stranger who had never met before glanced at the NPC man of the Baizhiwu tribe unexpectedly, and saw that he nodded and agreed to go to River Water City, so he naturally had no opinion.So I thought for a while, and quickly asked the two NPCs of the White Mist Clan to help themselves and Hand in Hand Baitou from the corner, and after expressing their apologies and thanks to them, they immediately turned around and took Baitou with him. The NPCs of the Zhiwu clan and the Black fog clan went to Qingcheng to find the teleportation array.

It's just that after searching for a long time, they didn't know each other before. Then they learned from some aborigines in Qingcheng that since Qingcheng was renovated and rebuilt, there is no teleportation array in the city. If everyone wants to use the teleportation array, they must go to the city. Another very important point about the waters outside the door is that the NPC guards in the teleportation array in Qingcheng are not waiting for the guards there. Only when the guards find it can they leave
Therefore, the resentful strangers and Nightmare Foil wandered around Qingcheng with a large number of NPCs from the White Mist and Black Mist tribes, and finally found all the NPCs who left the city. The necessary conditions for clearing the city went straight to one of the city gates.

At this moment, the teleportation array in the waters outside the city gate is not a deserted situation, because there is only a narrow wooden bridge to pass from the teleportation array to the shore, and some players appear in the teleportation array from time to time, ready to enter Qingcheng , so when strangers arrive at the shore, they can see that the small bridge and the teleportation array are blocked everywhere
"Why are there so many people?" The stranger frowned, wondering why so many people appeared.

"How do we get there?" Nightmare Foil Wandering was also a little distressed!If you can't reach the teleportation array, can't you go to River Water City?There is only one bridge, should they be allowed to swim across it?If you turn around and go back to the city to go to another city gate at this moment, it is estimated that the situation there is about the same! !
"Brother guard, how do we get here?" The strangers frowned, after thinking about it, they finally threw the question directly to the NPC guards in the teleportation array.After all, he is in charge of the teleportation formation. When they found this NPC in Qingcheng, they had already paid the destination and the required teleportation fee. Now this situation is naturally for him, a scumbag professional NPC, to solve it. !
The NPC guard was not friendly at all, he still kept his face plain, glanced at the players on the small bridge, and then sized up the strangers before walking slowly towards the city gate In the past, ignoring the eager eyes of strangers, they moved a canoe out from the corner of the city gate.Then, under the surprised eyes of the strangers, he threw the canoe into the water, stepped in two or three steps and stood firm, and said to the strangers: "Come on, all of you can come up." !"

"Brother Guard, is your boat a bit small?" Yan Foil Wandered Worried and hesitantly did not move. He looked at the NPC guard and asked, "You see we have so many people."

Judging from the visual inspection, Yan Foil Wandering doesn't think that such a small boat can carry them all on board.

"Oh, my ship can hold hundreds of people at a time." The guards of the teleportation array smiled triumphantly, and then said to Yan Foil, "Our ships are all specially found by the city lord." Someone came to bless us with space spells! Adventurers, you just hurry up and stop talking nonsense, I still have a lot of things to do! I have no time to waste time with you here."

Hearing this, the strangers couldn't help but roll their eyes inwardly.

What can this NPC do?Wasn't he killing time in a tavern when they found him, counting peanuts?
Forget it, maybe this is a unique line of the NPC guards in the teleportation array?

The strangers stepped into the boat first, and then found out after seeing the NPCs of the Nightmare Foil and the White Mist Clan and Black Mist Clan boarding the boat.This boat is exactly what the NPC in the teleportation array said!I thought it would be very crowded after they all came up, and even teleported, but I didn't expect that they could see each other, but they didn't feel crowded at all, and even when they wanted to move around, everyone could move out. A trail location out!After the ship started, they moved freely, and there was no sense of turmoil.
Sure enough, the game is still different from reality!
When the players on the teleportation array and the small bridge saw the boat appearing in the water at some time, they all looked at them in surprise, and then began to strike up a conversation loudly: "Ah, uncle, uncle, you guys What kind of tourism project is it?"

"What is this going to do? Is there any mission?"

The NPCs in the teleportation array were expressionless.

The strangers and Nightmare Foil were in no mood to deal with the players blocking the road. They hid themselves in the shadows of the NPCs of the White Mist and Black Mist tribes, and let the players on the bridge yell.

"Uncle punter, can we take a boat ride? How much is it?"

"It's the uncle there, that's the big brother. Big brother punting, can we go all the way to the side of the teleportation array by boat? Can we get on the boat now? Can I jump off and get on the boat?"

"I can swim."

"I'll go, go, go, let's climb on the boat and see"

Many good players rubbed their hands excitedly, jumped off the wooden bridge, and shouted, "Brother, if you have a mission later, you should count us in!!"

"Seeing that we are all in the water, the sacrifice is quite big."

Several male players looked excited, fell into the water and splashed a lot of tall water splashes, jumped up and down in the water a few times, and were about to chase the boat with smiles on their faces.As a result, after only a few swims, strangers and Yan Foil drifted away and discovered something was not quite right.

The few players who were excited on the water just now fell into the water and disappeared after swimming! !

The players near the teleportation array and on the wooden bridge also noticed something was wrong. After they couldn't see the players who fell into the water at all, they immediately yelled gossipingly: "Huh? What's going on? Where are those people? ?”

"Could it be that they didn't know how to swim, and after going down, they realized that the water was too deep, so they sank?"

"Are there monsters under the water? They were taken away?"

"Oh, can you stop being so scary?" A good-looking female player immediately winked at some players next to her when she heard this, and said coquettishly, "Here I'd be scared if there were monsters."

"There shouldn't be monsters in such clear water, right? If there were monsters, wouldn't those people thump and thump a few times? Is it possible that a few people disappeared all at once?"

"Could it be possible that they discussed this after going into the water?"

"That's right, that's right, it's possible that they all know each other, and deliberately made such a diving thing."

"They don't know each other, okay? One of my buddies went down too. We don't know anyone else." A male player frowned and said something to the other players, then looked at the teleportation NPC who was punting the boat and shouted: " Brother punting, where did my friend go?"

The NPCs in the teleportation array continued to punt without squinting their eyes.

"Could they have found something good after going into the water?"

"Is there a treasure under the water?"

"You are dreaming! If there is a treasure in this water, why don't we all jump in and look for it?"

The players on the small bridge chattered and argued.

But those players who fell into the water really never appeared again.

A player listened impatiently to other people's comments, thought for a while, and shouted directly: "Okay, okay, you guys don't make random guesses here. What is it like? Go down and have a look. Do you understand? I’m going to go down and have a look, you all just watch on the bridge. I’m going to broadcast live for you.”

After finishing speaking, the male player directly jumped into the water from the wooden bridge with a generous face, and after splashing a big splash, he came out of the water and wiped the water on his face with his hand, towards The players on the wooden bridge shouted: "MD, the water is so cold."

After that, under the eyes of many players, the male player started to swim a few times in the direction of their unknown boat, but never spoke again.Then, the players on the bridge and the strangers saw that the male player gradually disappeared underwater
Then, not even a single blister appeared, and it disappeared.
"What's the matter with rubbing? It's only been a few swims! Isn't it a live broadcast as promised?"

"That's right, what about people, what about people?"

The players on the bridge chattered for a few seconds, and then someone said something, this water area is weird.After that, everyone turned their attention to the teleportation array NPC guard who was punting the boat.

"Here, you go up!" The guards of the teleportation array still had a calm expression, pushed the boat to the side of the teleportation array, and said to the strangers: "No, just stand on the wooden ladder here, but you guys Be careful! Don't fall into the water."

The guard of the teleportation array said this, and he didn't know what he thought of. He suddenly hooked his lips, pulled a wicked smile, and said to the strangers: "If this falls in, no one can save you!" We Qingcheng is not something you can do as you please."

After finishing speaking, the players on the bridge felt a chill down their spines.
Is there really something wrong with this water?
 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Xinhai Waves"!Thank you "Fat Cow" for the monthly pass!Thanks for the monthly pass of "Koalas Who Don't Climb Trees"!Thanks for the two monthly tickets of "Feng & Dance"!Thanks to "YIEN" for the two monthly tickets!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Rain, Sunny"!Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dark Shadow"!Thanks to "BenSharles" for the two monthly passes!

(End of this chapter)

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