The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1382 Mission? ! !

Chapter 1382 Mission? ! !

When Qingcheng was renovated and rebuilt, the teleportation array was built outside the gate of Qingcheng, just to prevent spies from coming to Qingcheng in the future, and to help other cities beat Ji Xiaoyan to the ground!However, the teleportation array that all the players saw was actually not outside Qingcheng at all.

The so-called gates of Qingcheng, speaking of it, are only the gates of the main city; outside the gates, where the teleportation array is located, all the waters are within the sphere of influence of Qingcheng!Think about it, within Qingcheng's sphere of influence, even if Miss Ji Xiaoyan can't think about it, can't Chief Qing Gong and Master Besa not think about it?Where is the teleportation array thrown, anyone who comes here can jump into the water and wander around, so it's okay?
Why is there a wooden bridge that connects the teleportation array and the shore for only one person?Isn't the purpose just to limit the number of people who reach the shore through teleportation each time?So, if there is nothing in the water of the teleportation array, anyone can freely walk in it, what's the use of the idea of ​​repairing the teleportation array into the water?

When they were all standing on the teleportation formation, they were all strangers, and the teleportation formation guard didn't explain to them what the mystery was in the water.

"Boaters, boaters..." The players on the wooden bridge all had a trace of curiosity and fear in their eyes at the moment. After seeing that there was no movement on the water, after thinking about it, they still looked at the guards of the teleportation array. , and then began to walk in the direction of the teleportation array.I hope to hear the teleportation array NPC explain to them what is going on in this water
And the players who were standing in the teleportation array were also squeezed to the side by strangers at this moment, looking at them with curious eyes, expecting to hear some unexpected gossip
However, after all the strangers stood still, the NPC in the teleportation array did not speak, but silently put away the small ladder that the strangers had just stepped on from under the wooden board under the teleportation array, After putting them on the boat, he looked up at the strangers and asked, "River Water City, right?"

The strangers nodded quickly.

The guard of the teleportation array "over there" tilted his head, shouted at the players who were still standing in the teleportation array, and then said: "If you adventurers still don't want to leave our Qingcheng, you'd better leave me!" Stay away. No, over there, go up the wooden bridge! Otherwise, they will be teleported away later, but you were teleported to an inexplicable place without paying, and I will not be responsible for it!"

"Where is the inexplicable place? Is it the same as where they are going?" Several players standing on the wooden bridge asked loudly with some curiosity.

The guards of the teleportation array looked at the players standing in the teleportation array and began to go straight to the wooden bridge honestly, then smiled with satisfaction, and said to the players on the wooden bridge: "They spent money I was asked to help teleport away, and if you still want to use the teleportation array without spending money, you will naturally be punished. Do you want to teleport to a certain place like them? Hehehe, adventurers, you think too much wonderful"

The guard of the teleportation array watched all the players step out of the range of the teleportation array, and then continued to speak: "Don't you want to know what is in the water under our teleportation array?"

Everyone had a bad feeling for a moment.

"You only see the teleportation array now, and you don't know that there is also a teleportation array underwater." The guard of the teleportation array curled his lips and smiled treacherously, looking at all the players who were looking at him and said slowly : "The underwater teleportation array is much bigger than the one we can see. This teleportation array will not send you to any good place, so don't even think about going into the water to have fun!!" Said here, The guard of the teleportation array smiled again, "Of course, besides the teleportation array, there are some things in the water that I won't tell you. If you want to know the details, you can wait until half a month later and ask the few adventurers who just entered the water Ask them, is the water in our Qingcheng comfortable?"

The players couldn't help but look at the water under their feet, and silently mourned in their hearts for the few players who entered the water just now.This is curiosity killed the cat! !After half a month to ask?Who can't understand the meaning of the teleportation guard's words?Those players who went into the water and disappeared can only appear after half a month of game time, so where can they be in this half month?
Everything can only be known after half a month!
The players on the wooden bridge felt itchy, wishing they could find the game names of those players immediately, and then make a video call to ask.Unfortunately, after the game update, except for Feige Chuanshu, the rest of the communication methods have been cancelled.
"Okay, you are all ready, then get ready to leave!" After the teleportation array guard finished speaking to the players on the wooden bridge, he looked at them again and looked at them. After saying something, after seeing them all nodding, they muttered a spell in a low voice, and then they all disappeared.
"That. Can we pay the money and leave Qingcheng now?" After seeing the strangers disappear, a player standing in the crowd on the wooden bridge asked cautiously.

The guard of the teleportation array glanced in the direction of the player who spoke, nodded and said, "Of course it is possible! If you want to leave, just stand in the teleportation array, pay the teleportation fee, and I will send you away right away!" !"

"Okay, okay" the talking player nodded quickly, carefully squeezed out of the crowd and went straight to the teleportation formation, and after standing up, he quickly paid the price that the teleportation formation guard said, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Is there anyone else? I'm going back if there's no one else." The teleportation array guard glanced at the crowd. After seeing that no one was talking, he pushed the boat and calmly returned to the shore from the eyes of many players on the wooden bridge. Then he dragged the boat to the city gate and entered the city alone.
"What do you think is going on in the water?" The players on the wooden bridge came back to their senses and started discussing immediately.

"What's the matter? After half a month, you will know if you ask?" A player said loudly, "Just, who are the players who just entered the water? Who are their friends? Add a friend?"

"How about adding friends? After this game is updated, even the friend function is gone." Several players immediately sighed and said, "But, who is their friend? Didn't someone say that he has a friend who went into the water? What about people? Go back and tell that friend of yours, and go to the forum to post a post of your thoughts?"

"That's right, that's right! That player who spoke just now?" Many people heard the words and immediately looked around, only to find that no one responded at all, and the player who just spoke was no longer here.
"Oops, is that the player who teleported away just now?" A player reacted instantly, stared at the teleportation array with wide eyes, and said loudly to the others: "MD, that person actually ran away!" .”

"No way? He didn't do anything, how could he run away?" The players were very puzzled, but because they didn't pay attention to where the player was teleported to, they had to gossip and gossip. Go in Qingcheng!Before the game was updated, there was a dragon slaying activity, and I don’t know if there is any change now.
Most of you are here for this matter.

And the player who teleported away from Qingcheng was in a small town at the moment, and went straight to the post station to send a letter to his friend who fell into the water and disappeared.However, after the biography of Feige was written, the pigeon did not fly far and came back by itself.
"Brother, show me what's going on? Why did my pigeon fly back after flying out?" Dark Shadow frowned, and asked politely while reaching out to hand the carrier pigeon to the NPC at the post station. road.

The NPC at the post station took the pigeon, looked at the process and said: "Adventurer, the person you want to send can't receive the letter from the pigeon now, so the pigeon will fly back after flying out. Well, if you You don't mind, you can leave the pigeon with me, and I will release it for you when your friend can receive the pigeon."

The dark shadow frowned, and had a guess in his heart.My friend probably fell into some unknown special map, so the pigeon can't pass the message!It's just that when the pigeons can be received, the year of the monkey will be gone?In half a month, how much will the game change?

Thinking of this, the dark shadow hurriedly touched another silver coin and handed it to the station NPC. After seeing that he put the silver coin into his pocket without any change in his expression, he said again: "Brother, I know you must have something special. My friend and I have very important things to do, and it will take at least half a month for him to show up. Can you help me out and show me where he is now? If conditions Allow me, I can still find him."

"This" NPC at the post station looked embarrassed, but his eyes were particularly bright.

Hearing Xian's understanding, the dark shadow hurriedly took out another silver coin and handed it to the NPC at the post station, and then saw the NPC silently nodding and smiling at him, then turned around and didn't know what he had done. Then he turned back and said to him with a smile: "Adventurer, speaking of which, you are the first person who would ask me to do this kind of thing. I searched for you, and your friend is now in Rui Fushui City, it’s just that this specific location can’t be seen, and an adventurer like you can reach it.”

"River Water City?" The dark shadow was a little confused.His friend obviously disappeared from the water in Qingcheng, but why is his current location in another city?Moreover, River Water City!He clearly remembered that the place where the people who were sent to the teleportation array by ships teleported away was River Water City. Could it be that there is something to do with it?

That underwater teleportation array, whoever teleports to where, will teleport the people who fell into the water to where?

The dark shadow frowned in distress, unable to think of a suitable answer for a long time.

"Adventurer, if you really want to find your friend, or even save him, I advise you not to go! You can't easily enter the place where your friend is now, why not Just wait for him! Didn't you say that he will come back in half a month? No, you can just wait for half a month." The post station NPC kindly suggested that he just looked at the dark shadow and didn't want to listen at all. When he made an opinion, the station NPC sighed slightly and shook his head, then said to the dark shadow: "It seems that you don't want to listen to me, go! You adventurers are always relying on your own Life can be repeated, nothing to be afraid of"

The dark shadow gave a smile to the station NPC, and then heard him say: "If there is no accident, your friend is in the specific location of the city lord's mansion in River Water City. I can only explore this range, can you?" It's up to you to find him."

Hearing the words, the dark shadow was immediately shocked.
City Lord's Mansion!The City Lord's Mansion of River Water City!Why would Mao's own friend fall into the water in Qingcheng and directly fall into the mansion of the city lord?Wouldn't this be killed by the guards of the city lord's mansion every minute and then revived on the teleportation array?
"Go, adventurer." The station NPC shook his head, urging the dark shadow to leave quickly, and by the way, when he turned around, he said again: "By the way, adventurer, as the first I have done this kind of thing for you, I still have a letter here that needs to be sent to other station NPCs, would you like to help me deliver the letter to them and bring back the letter?"

Hearing this, the dark shadow was instantly stunned.He never thought that his luck today would be so good!

When he was in Qingcheng, his brainless friend left him for no reason and dived into the water and disappeared. Afterwards, he thought about finding someone, so instead of going to Qingcheng, which he was not familiar with, he avoided those on the wooden bridge. There might be gossip from the players who would surround him and ask about his friends. Why don't he just go back to his familiar town and send a letter to Feige?As a result, he couldn't send out Feige's letter. Based on the principle of asking without losing a piece of skin, he gave silver coins to the NPC at the post station. For a while, he thought that even if he couldn't ask about the situation, he might be able to let the NPC You have a better impression of him, don't you?
Unexpectedly, after he heard the news and didn't say it, now he was lucky enough to pick up a mission.

You know, so long after the game was updated, there has been a lot of trouble on the forum. No one has ever received the mission now. The NPCs are more arrogant than one. If it is all handed in, some NPCs will accept it if it is missing, let alone continue to issue tasks
"Adventurer, are you willing?" The station NPC looked at the dark shadow in front of him with a smile, and asked again.

"Yes, yes, I'm definitely willing." Dark Shadow nodded quickly, took the letter from the station NPC and put it in his arms, and asked about the mission, then hurried out of the station and went straight teleportation array
(End of this chapter)

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