The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1387 Find, Must Find

Chapter 1387 Find, Must Find

Regarding Xuan Mo, both City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan kept his identity in an obscure state, and they never told Ji Xiaoyan at all, what kind of identity Xuan Mo is in Panchi City, just let Ji Xiaoyan Take him away!If it hadn't been for Xuan Mo who was injured and sent back to Panchi City this time, City Lord Ye Shan felt that they would have chosen to directly ignore Xuan Mo's living conditions.
As long as he was alive, they didn't care what happened to Xuan Mo.

But this time, Xuan Mo was brought back by Miss Ji Xiaoyan
City Lord Ye Shan frowned slightly when he heard the question from his subordinates, and then said after a while: "We can't get in the bedroom of Yan Shan, and only he can heal Xuan Mo's current injuries. Let's talk after Xuan Mo is ready! If Yan Shan really dares to do anything to Xuan Mo's body." City Lord Ye Shan narrowed his eyes, and after a second pause, he said in a low voice: "Then City Lord But I really won’t show mercy to him.”

The guard next to City Lord Ye Shan raised his face and looked at City Lord Ye Shan. After two seconds of contemplation, he silently retreated to where he should be standing, and followed behind City Lord Ye Shan towards the City Lord's mansion.
As for the guard of the city lord's mansion in Qingcheng who stayed in the dormitory of the city lord in Yanshan and waited for the news, he was going to look for Brick and the others, but who knew that after running for a long time, no one saw him, and he was inexplicably arrested by several people. A guard in the city lord's mansion was arrested, saying that he was sneaking in the city lord's mansion in Panchi City. The spies who sneaked in from other cities must have found many reasons to lock him up directly.

"I'm not a spy, I'm the guard of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion!! I came to clear the city with our Lord City Lord!!" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion shouted loudly, desperately trying to rush out of the door that closed him , but it turned out to be useless at all!
"Let me out! Let me out!! I'm not a spy!!"

"I said save your energy!" A guard of Panchi City outside the door said to him with a sneer: "This is our Panchi City, not your Qingcheng!! We said you are a spy and you are now! You Honestly stay in the house for us, we will naturally ask our city lord for instructions on whether it is a spy or not!! As long as you are innocent, you will be released after all, you are yelling inside now We won't let you out either."

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion clasped the carved door with both hands. Hearing what the guard outside the door said, he couldn't help frowning several times, and then asked, "Your City Lord? Who is your Lord City Lord?"Or the city lord of Yechang?

"My Lord City Lord is of course City Lord Yanshan!" The guard outside the door said something to him proudly, then yawned and said to him: "Okay, you just stay here honestly." Let’s go. I’ll bring you some food in a while, so be honest, and when the city lord says he can let you go, you’ll be able to come out!”

Hearing this, if the guard of the City Lord's Mansion still doesn't understand that he was deliberately locked up by the City Lord's subordinates for no reason, then he is too stupid. But, he was arrested, then, Brick Will they also encounter such a thing?Where did Brick and the others get caught?Have you found City Lord Ji Xiaoyan?
However, no matter how worried the guards of the City Lord's Mansion are, all he can know is what he has encountered
Because Brick is from Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, when he teleported back from Panchi City, he did not appear on the water teleportation array outside the city gate, but directly appeared in the teleportation array in Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion.

After opening his eyes and seeing clearly where they were standing at the moment, Brick immediately asked a few guards of the City Lord's Mansion where Elder Qingmi lived in Qingcheng, and then ran directly to that house.As a result, after knocking on the door, no one answered at all.After asking some maids, I found out that the old man Qingmi took people to the city of Qingcheng, and it is said that he went to look at the house.
"Elder Qingya, really!" Brick kicked his feet angrily, panting heavily, and let out a depressed growl towards the sky outside the City Lord's Mansion.
"Master Brick, are we going out to find someone?" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion frowned, looked at Brick and asked, and saw that he was looking at him, as if he was definitely going to find someone, so he continued. Said: "Master Brick, I think we can actually take a good rest first."

Brick stared, and looked angrily at the guard of the City Lord's Mansion, wondering why they were so anxious about this matter, why he still thought about going to rest now!

"Master Brick, don't misunderstand!" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion looked at Brick's eyes and quickly explained: "Do you still remember what the Lord City Lord and Chief Qing Gong said before we left?"

Brick frowned suspiciously.What did Ji Xiaoyan say?Shouldn't they come back to find the bellyband?
"The Lord of the City Lord said, let us try to find it, if possible, it is best to delay for one more day, one day." The guard of the City Lord's Mansion sighed, and said to Brick, "Master Brick, do you still remember?" ?"

Brick instantly remembered that Miss Ji Xiaoyan did say that, but are they really going to do what she said?What if the city lord Ye Shan waited for a long time and didn't see them go back, what should he do if he got angry?

"Master Brick, I think so." The guard of the City Lord's Mansion thought for a while, and said to Brick: "Now the Lord City Lord and Chief Qing Gong are in Panchi City, no matter what happens in Panchi City, they are still safe for the time being." In addition, Lord City Lord and the others still have to wait for Master Xuanmo’s injury to be cured, so it is impossible to leave us from Panchi City in a short while. If we find the main things in Yeshan City and take them back too soon , wouldn't that speed up the progress of the marriage between Lord Yeshan and our Lord? Lord Brick, you don't want Lord Yeshan to force our Lord to get married, do you?"

Ji Xiaoyan and Lord Yeshan are married? ! !He didn't want to see this.

Brick bit his lip silently, and glanced at the guard of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Also, Mr. Brick, have you thought about it?" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion frowned, looked at Brick and said, "Our guarding force in Qingcheng is only so strong. Now Riverwater City has a few A fox clan in black is very busy. Even if we go to ask for help, we will not get much power. What we can do now is to find more people to help, and wait until we are ready. In Panchi City, it is time to rescue the city lord and Chief Qing Gong."

Brick looked at the guard in front of him in surprise.

It never occurred to him that the guards of the City Lord's Mansion would think of so many things after rushing all the way back to Qingcheng.
"Then since we need to find someone for help, shouldn't we go to the contact now?" Brick said so, but he began to think in his heart, who can they find?

On the contrary, the guard of the City Lord's Mansion shook his head slightly at Brick, then sighed softly, and said to him: "Master Brick, there are some things that we need to take slowly. Our journey is full of dust and dust. When we come back, there are many things that need to be prepared. For example, what do we need in the treasure house of the City Lord’s Mansion? If we ask someone to help us, what can we offer as a thank you? What can we offer as a thank you? ?” The guard of the City Lord’s Mansion sighed again, and then continued to say to Brick: “Now the Lord City Lord and Chief Qing Gong are not here, and the only one who can consider and decide these things is you, Lord Brick. So , you need to take a good rest now and think about these things carefully! As for Elder Qing Mi, I’ll just send someone to look for it right now.”

Brick suddenly realized, and after carefully looking at the guard of the city lord's mansion several times, he asked, "What's your name?"

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion was stunned for a moment, and they didn't realize why they were still talking about something very important just now. Why did Brick change the subject in an instant and ask his name.However, the guard of the City Lord's Mansion was only surprised for two seconds, and then immediately replied: "My name is Lun."

"Okay, Lun." Brick nodded, and with a smile on his face, he said to Lun: "Then you send someone to find Elder Qingmi now, and I will go back to the house to think about what you just said. After Elder Qingmi finds what you said, come and call me!"

"Okay, Mr. Brick!" Lun nodded, and after watching Brick turn and leave, he looked at the sky in the clear city, let out a sigh of relief, and immediately turned to look for the guards in the city lord's mansion we went.
Speaking of which, in fact, as long as the old man Qingmi is in Qingcheng, it is still easy to find.

When he came back to Qingcheng, he took that old man named Luo Ji with him, in order to get a house in Qingcheng so that old Luo Ji could settle down in Qingcheng.So now the old man Qingmi is not in the city lord's mansion, so naturally he took the old man Luo Ji to the city of Qingcheng to look at houses and buy things.

So, after Lun thought of this, he directly found a few teams of NPC guards and went straight to the house that Luo Ji bought from Ji Xiaoyan at a super low price to find someone.Fortunately, the old man Qingya and Luo Ji were indeed there. They were about to go out to buy things, but they ran into the people sent by Lun.After learning some simple information, the old man Qingmi left Lun directly, returned directly to the City Lord's Mansion, and found Brick.

"Brick, what do you mean, after you arrived in Panchi City, you were troubled by Ye Shan?" The old man Qingmi looked at Brick with anger on his face and said, "What kind of trick did you get this Ye Shan?" Stomach? At the beginning, girl Xiaoyan followed me to Panchi City, and you said that because Ye Shan was targeting me, it’s fine to treat Xiaoyan girl with disdain! Now that girl Xiaoyan is the lord of the city, Ye Shan still wants to be so annoying. Trouble with girl Xiaoyan? No, no, I’m going to visit Panchi City! I can’t let Ye Shan bully girl Xiaoyan.”

Brick looked at the old man Qingmi who was about to rush away, quickly grabbed the corner of his clothes, and then said to the old man Qingmi: "Elder Qingmi, when we go back to Panchi City, naturally I also hope that you can go there with us. It’s just the current situation in Panchi City.” Brick frowned and thought for a while, but stopped the topic, and said directly to old man Qingmi: “Elder Qingmi, we’re The reason why I can come back is because I want to find something to help Xiaoyan improve the attitude of the city lord towards her in Yechang."

"What are you looking for? I'm sure I'll find it for you!" Qing Mi's eyes widened, and he asked Brick.

"Apron!!" Brick looked at the old man Qingmi with serious eyes and said, "That apron that you and Xiaoyan stole from the treasure house of Lord Yeshan of Panchi City back then."

"Double?" Elder Qing Mi looked confused, and after taking a few serious glances at Brick, he asked, "What is the apron? Why don't I remember?"

Brick suddenly looked depressed and anxious: "Elder Qingmi, why don't you remember? It's the apron that is said to be City Lord Yeshan!! You really don't remember?"

"Yehan's apron, Yeshan's apron." The old man Qingmi frowned, muttered to himself for a while, then patted himself on the head, and said to Brick, "That's right, that's right. Yes, I remembered! Ye Shan's apron... yes, yes, yes, I went to steal it with girl Xiaoyan."

Brick couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, then looked at the old man Qingmi and said, "I always thought that the apron was on Xiaoyan's body, but when Lord Yeshan asked Xiaoyan to hand it over, I found out that she was wearing The apron was not the one of City Lord Yeshan at all. Immediately afterwards, City Lord Yeshan got a little angry! Later, Director Qing Gong finally persuaded City Lord Yeshan to let us come back and find this apron for him to take back. But, Elder Qingmi, do you know where Xiaoyan put that bellyband?"

Elder Qingmi's eyes widened when he heard the words, he stared at Brick several times, and then he said: "I only took a look at the thing after it was stolen, and then put it in the hands of Xiaoyan girl." If she doesn't have it on her, it is very likely that she either gave it away or sold it. Where are we going to find it?"

"No matter how hard it is, we must find that bellyband!" Brick looked at the old man Qingmi with a firm face and said, "Elder Qingmi, please help us think carefully, if Xiaoyan wants to If you want to give something away, or sell it to someone, who is the most likely? At worst, we will ask people next to each other.”

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Tianyu 256"!Thank you for the starting point coin of "The Barb on the Finger"!Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dark Shadow"!

(End of this chapter)

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