The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1388 Alright, you guys!

Chapter 1388 Alright, you guys!
After the game was updated, Fallen Leaves, which went online, finally walked down the mountain from the top of the west mountain in Mochen Town. After passing Mochen Town, it was teleported to the water teleportation array outside Qingcheng City. When it was about to enter the city, it suddenly saw a pigeon. It fell from the sky and landed directly on his shoulder. When I grabbed the pigeon and opened the letter on the pigeon's body to read, the fallen leaves were flying and I thought I was blinded! !
He thought that this flying pigeon might be a stranger, night light wine, or a message from Miss Ji Xiaoyan, but who knows, after sharing the news, it turned out to be the old man Qingmi! !Moreover, in Fei Ge's biography, the old man Qing Mi directly asked him where he is now, and if he could go to the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng, and discuss things with him!

Looking at the huge Qingcheng city walls and gates in front of him, Fallen Leaves couldn't help but smile.This is really a coincidence!He has already arrived in Qingcheng, and he has received an invitation from old man Qingmi. It just so happens that he can go directly to the City Lord's Mansion to check on Ji Xiaoyan's situation. Well, no matter what, it's a state of killing two birds with one stone!

But, why is it the old NPC Qing Mi who sent the letter to Fei Ge, and not Miss Ji Xiaoyan?
Falling Leaves Flying Fly thought for a while, but before he could figure it out, he heard a player behind him urging: "Hey, are you going or not? If you don't go, just stand aside, don't hinder us from entering the city!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now!" Luo Yefei quickly came back to his senses, turned around and smiled apologetically at the players behind him, and rushed directly to the guards of the city gate. After answering his question, he went to the scholar's place at the gate of the city, and prepared to get the identity card of the temporary resident of Qingcheng.

"Name!" The scholar under the city gate looked impatient, and asked the fallen leaves lazily.

"Flying Leaves!!" Flying Leaves quickly responded, and when the scholar glanced at him, he quickly smiled.Then I saw the scholar NPC directly throwing him a brush and a blank sheet of paper, asking him to write his name.

"No, this is your temporary identity certificate in Qingcheng." After watching the fallen leaves fly through the procedures, the scholar threw a sign to him and said to him, "When you leave Qingcheng in the future, There is no need to return this thing! It’s just that if you want to become a permanent resident of another city, you must return this sign to me, you know? The time is one month!”

"Yeah, okay!" Luoye Feifei nodded hastily and kindly, and then asked: "May I ask, what will happen if you don't return it within a month?"

The scholar raised his eyelids, took a look at Flying Leaves, and smiled strangely, then said: "There won't be any serious punishment. It's just that when you arrive in Qingcheng next time, you will die a few times." only once"

Falling Leaves Flying Fly heard the words, couldn't help swallowing, and smiled at the scholar with a sneer.How many times do you die?This is not a heavy punishment, so he really doesn't know what a heavy punishment is!How many times do you die, how much experience and level do you lose?These NPCs are really merciless.
"Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can go to the city!" The scholar glanced at Fallen Leaves, and after seeing that he seemed to have nothing to say, he said something to him in a hurry, ready to wait for him to leave After that, receive the next player who comes.

"That...Brother, I still want to ask!" Hearing what the scholar said, Luo Yefei quickly smiled again, and said politely to the scholar: "Now Qingcheng has been rebuilt. Where is the City Lord's Mansion? After I entered the city How do we go?"

"The City Lord's Mansion? What are you looking for in our Qing City's City Lord's Mansion?" The scholar frowned, and finally took a few glances at the fallen leaves, and then said to him: "Our City Lord's Mansion in Qing City is not for everyone to enter. "

"Yes yes yes!" Luoye Feifei had a very good attitude, smiled at the scholar, and then said: "I have something to do in the city lord's mansion. Elder Qing Mi of the city lord's mansion invited me to meet him in the city lord's mansion, and I I'm also friends with the city lord and heard that she has returned to Qingcheng, so I just went to see the city lord!"

"You know the Lord City Lord?" The scholar squinted his eyes, looked at the fallen leaves carefully, and then said: "You said you were invited to the City Lord's Mansion, so do you have any evidence? We Qingcheng The city lord's mansion is not someone who comes over and says, just make up a lie and you can be released."

"Evidence? Oh, evidence, I have it, I have it, and I have the letter from Feige." After hearing what the scholar said, Fenfei nodded quickly, and sent the letter to Feige that he had just received outside the city gate. The news of the book was taken out, handed directly to the scholar NPC, and then looked at him expectantly.

After carefully studying the note, the scholar's expression improved a lot, and his expression was full of politeness when he saw the falling leaves: "Adventurer, your note was indeed sent by the City Lord's Mansion. After entering here , you only need to walk straight and straight to see the City Lord's Mansion! At that time, you remember to hand this note to the guards outside the City Lord's Mansion, and they will naturally build a bridge to let you enter the City Lord's Mansion."

"Building a bridge?" Fallen Leaves was puzzled.

"Of course you'll know when you go!" The scholar said to Flying Leaves with a smile, and then urged him, "Go, adventurer."

Fallen Leaves frowned slightly, but finally nodded. After saying goodbye to the scholar NPC under the city gate with full of doubts, he went straight to the route that the scholar said.Sure enough, after walking along the street for a long time, he saw the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng, and the wide moat
Clutching the note that Qing Mi's old hair had sent to him, Flying Leaf walked up to several NPC guards without thinking too much, and then said to the NPC guards with a smile on his face: "That , Brother, I am an adventurer invited to the City Lord's Mansion, Flying Leaves" After finishing speaking, Flying Leaves handed the note in his hand directly to an NPC guard.

"Falling Leaves." An NPC guard looked suspiciously at Flying Leaves, looked carefully at the note he handed over for a long time, and passed it to several NPC guards next to him for a look, then nodded and smiled at Falling Leaves Fen Fei said: "Adventurer, please wait a moment, we will immediately let them lower the iron bridge and let you enter the City Lord's Mansion"

"Okay, thank you!" Luoye Feifei nodded quickly, and couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. It's a pity, if the game can continue to issue flying lottery after the game is updated, he can still contact the stranger It is said that he came to Qingcheng to look for Ji Xiaoyan directly after he came out of Mochen Town, and he does not know where he is now.
Naturally, it is impossible for only one adventurer, Flying Leaves, to be in the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng.

After entering this brand new Qingcheng, many players will basically come to the city lord's mansion to take a look around to see the new look of the new city.Therefore, when the fallen leaves are flying into the city, the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng naturally has group after group of players taking turns to visit in front of the City Lord's Mansion
Therefore, in the mood of watching the excitement, many players wanted to watch him make a fool of himself when they watched the fallen leaves fly to strike up a conversation with the guards of the city lord's mansion, and were angrily reprimanded by those arrogant city lord's mansion guard NPCs, and then fought with them Standing in the same embarrassment from a distance to see the expression of the next player who came to make a fool of himself.Unexpectedly, Flying Leaves was treated calmly by those NPC guards, and they were lucky enough to see the way into the City Lord's Mansion.
"Fuck. Brother, what are you doing? Are you going to enter the city lord's mansion?" Several players ran to Luo Yefeifei's side at the same time, looking at him with curiosity and surprise. He asked, "Do you have any tasks after the update? Can you share them? Can you take us in to see the City Lord's Mansion?"

"That's right, that's right! We don't want any quest rewards! We can also do anything for you." Several players looked at Flying Leaves expectantly, and said while looking at him.

Falling Leaves Flying slightly glanced sideways at the players surrounding him, and couldn't help frowning.

Not to mention taking these unknown players to the city lord's mansion, even if he knows someone, he may not necessarily bring them!It's just that, in his current situation, if he says something bad, it is very likely that he will be surrounded and beaten by the players.The game now is not the same as before!In the past, if there were players surrounded in a safe zone like the city, they wouldn't even feel pain, and it could be treated as if these players didn't exist.But now the game is different!

Luoye Fenfei frowned tightly, and began to think about how to deal with the current situation. At the same time, he felt a little annoyed in his heart!If I had known that he would not have gone to the city alone, I would have looked for Yeguang Fine Wine and the others anyway!Didn't that guy say that he would come to Qingcheng to deal with some things in the previous warehouse when he played the game?This Qingcheng has been refurbished and rebuilt, isn't he still looking for a house for the resident warehouse?
"Hey, brother, what kind of mission did you receive? Let's listen to it, so that we can have some confidence in our hearts. How can I help you with the mission in a while?" A player looked at the falling leaves and looked down. Nodding his head, he knew in his heart that he was not willing to share the mission with them, so he just glanced at the number of people on their side. The player immediately sneered twice, and said to Fenfei Ye as if he was eager to help: "Brother, hurry up!" Tell us about the task. If you don’t want to talk about the task, it doesn’t matter if we share the task! Let’s group up for a while and we will obligate you to solve the task.”

"That's right, that's right, form a team first, form a team! I'll talk about the rest later!"

Many players looked at Flying Leaves with bright eyes and booed at him.

"By the way, how do we form a team now?" A player shouted a few times, then suddenly remembered, and asked the other players around him: "When I first went online, I was planning to form a team with my friends to kill It's strange, but after searching for a long time, I couldn't find the option to form a team, do you know how to form a team?"

The players around Luoye Feifei were stunned when they heard the words, and then you looked at me and I looked at you, and stopped talking.

"It seems that I read a post on the forum, saying that after the update, this game can no longer form a team. At least, so far, no player has successfully formed a team." A male player frowned after thinking for a long time , and then he opened his mouth and said something to the others.

Then, all the players turned their attention to Flying Leaves.
Can't form a team, how will they persuade this player to take them to the city lord's mansion?If there is no team limit, how can he believe that they will help with missions and the like?
When Luoye Fenfei heard the news, he was greatly relieved in his heart.

"Oh, if you can't form a team, you can't form a team!" After the scene was silent for a while, a player laughed loudly and said: "When you think about it, when you formed a team in the past, there were many unqualified players." Players come out to do some rubbish things? I said brother, you believe in my character, even if you don’t form a team, as long as you take me to the city lord’s mansion to gain knowledge, what task do you have, brother, I will fight The relegation must have been completed for you! You have to trust my character."

"Cut, your character? How much is your character worth?" Hearing this, the unknown player in the crowd immediately spoke in a low voice with some disdain, and then everyone looked at the player who just spoke. His face darkened in an instant, and he looked at the whole crowd with cold eyes.
"Okay, okay, in fact, everyone, don't fight here!" A kind-faced player blinked, thought for a while, and said loudly: "We all just want to gain knowledge, everyone The purpose is the same, why bother to fight to make this brother laugh at you! If you want me to say, let's be honest, let this brother take us to the city lord's mansion safely, and turn around and let us They all helped him complete the task! What do you think?"

"This is good! This is good for everyone to help, everyone is picking up firewood like a flame! Right, right?" Several players smiled and narrowed their eyes when they heard the change, and agreed.Like that, those who didn't know thought they were all in the same group, and they were here to sing a double reed opera!
"Then it's settled, let's all go in and see what the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng looks like." Basically, all the players present were a little excited and eagerly looked in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, waiting for the suspension bridge to fall. rush to the mayor's mansion
"By the way, you bring as many as you want anyway. Who of you still has friends, tell them to come here quickly! Everyone who can go, go in together! Don't waste the opportunity of this kind brother!" A player didn't know the brain circuit. What was he thinking, he opened his mouth and said another sentence, and by the way, he glanced at Flying Leaves.

He didn't even see the expression on the face of the fallen leaves with downcast eyes at this moment.

When did he say that he would bring these players into Qingcheng together?
 PS: Thanks to "b33l*ofei.qdcn" for the two monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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