The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1389 How to find it

Chapter 1389 How to find it

Luoye Fenfei frowned and looked at the faces of the players around him who were eager to leave, and wanted to find someone, but also worried that they would not be able to follow him into the city lord's mansion after a while, I couldn't help but pouted in my heart!He really didn't believe that it was not easy for him to get the consent of the NPCs in Qingcheng to go to the City Lord's Mansion, and he could add people in anytime, anywhere.
Even if he could, it would be impossible for him to take any players along with him!

But, thinking about it, how to deal with the current situation! ?

Flying Leaves looked sadly at the suspension bridge on the moat outside the city lord's mansion slowly falling to the bank not far from them, making a passage to go straight into the city lord's mansion, and couldn't help but frown even tighter
The surrounding players were full of excitement and excitement. After watching the suspension bridge fall to the ground with a bang and stabilized, they immediately turned their attention to the guards of the city lord's mansion standing not far away from them. In front of them, the two of them walked towards them, and then stood still about four or five steps away from them. After that, all the players immediately looked at Flying Leaves expectantly!It only takes one sentence, and they can follow the unknown player in front of them to the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng to see and see.
just a word from him
Falling Leaves Flying lowered his eyes slightly, waiting for the NPC guards to speak.

"Adventurer, the bridge has been dropped, let's go now!" A guard of the city lord's mansion directly ignored the players standing around Falling Ye Flying, and said politely to Falling Ye Flying with a smile: "Cross the bridge, I'll send you to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and you can go in by yourself."

"Okay." Luoye Feifei nodded, wanting to walk in front of the NPC guard.However, before he could move, he felt a lot of gravity on his body
Looking up, the fallen leaves are flying, only to realize that there are many hands on his clothes and robes!Then I saw the players who had been surrounding him just now looked at him with bright eyes, blocked his way, grabbed his clothes, and said to him with a smile: "Brother, and us"

"That's right. And us! We also want to go in and have a look together."

"Don't leave us behind"

Falling Leaves Flying Flying did not say a word, and directly aimed at the two guards of the City Lord's Mansion for help.

Naturally, it is impossible for the guards of the City Lord's Mansion to know that Luoye Feifei is surrounded by those players here, and if they don't help, they just waste their time waiting for him to get rid of the players before going to the City Lord's Mansion, right?The suspension bridge of the City Lord's Mansion can't just sit there and wait!So, the guard of the City Lord's Mansion who had spoken just now frowned, glanced at those players, then gestured to another guard of the City Lord's Mansion beside him, and pushed away the few standing in front of Flying Leaves. The players walked up to the Flying Leaves in three or two steps, and after knocking off the hands that were holding onto his clothes, Flying Leaves pulled them behind them, and said to the players displeasedly: "Where did you adventurers come from? What are you standing here for? Go away quickly. This is within the scope of the City Lord's Mansion. What are you doing hanging around here?"

"We... are we with him?" Several players' minds turned quickly, pointing directly at the fallen leaves standing behind the guard of the city lord's mansion and said: "We are going to go with him."

"That's right, that's right, we're good teammates and we want to be together, together." The rest of the players reacted quickly and nodded quickly.

"Together? Hmph, do you all think we are fools or blind?" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion sneered twice, looked at the players and said, "What about teammates? Are you still adventurers? In the past, several of you could get together What kind of team do you want to form together? It’s no longer possible to share difficulties and blessings together! Lord God forbids you to do this. What are you talking about as teammates? Besides, this little brother just now is alone Come here, don't think that I just turned around and talked for a while, and he can come out with so many friends of you. You guys, don't think that I don't have any impression of you. How long have you been standing around here? do not know?"

After hearing the words, several players immediately looked at each other, with a hint of unwillingness in their eyes
"They are not his friends, I am! I am! Brother guard, if you don't believe me, ask him" A player's brain is very bright, and he quickly realized what the situation is like now, so he opened his mouth and directly said the other The man put aside, pointed to the fallen leaves and said to the guard of the city lord's mansion, pretending that I am real and the rest of the people are fake, he almost swore an oath.

Several players heard the words, and their faces did not understand the situation.They don't know if what the player in front of them said is true!

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion looked at the player suspiciously, no matter how eagerly he aimed at Flying Leaves, he didn't even look at Flying Leaves, he sneered twice, and then said to the player : "I don't care if you are this adventurer's friend or not, even if you are married to him, you can't enter the city lord's mansion with him. Only this adventurer has obtained permission to enter the city lord's mansion. It's impossible for anyone to take it."

Fallen Leaves Flying looked at the guard of the City Lord's Mansion with some embarrassment, not knowing how to open his mouth to resolve it.Why do two men have to use the word husband and wife to describe their relationship?Wouldn't it be nice to use a real brother or something?

The player who spoke was obviously taken aback by the words used by the guard of the city lord's mansion, and then he blushed and glanced at Flying Leaves, turned around and left the crowd, and disappeared.
"No, you all heard clearly?" The guard of the city lord's mansion didn't care what the expression of Fallen Leaf Flying was at the moment, and said directly to the other players who hadn't moved: "A person who knows the current affairs has already left, and you all still stay." What are you doing here? Are you going to sit in our prison in Qingcheng?"

The players present shook their heads tacitly, took a step back, turned around and ran away.

"How about it, adventurer, am I amazing!?" The guard of the city lord's mansion turned around and looked at Fallen Leaves as if asking for credit. After seeing him smile dryly, he shrugged and said to him: "Let's go, go to the city lord's mansion early"

Falling Leaves Flying nodded, followed the guard of the City Lord's Mansion all the way up the suspension bridge, walked along the wooden boards on the suspension bridge to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and then watched the guard of the City Lord's Mansion lightly before the gate of the City Lord's Mansion. There were two taps on the gate, followed by a creak, and the gate of the City Lord's Mansion slowly opened a gap, and a young guard boy popped out from inside.

"This adventurer was invited by Elder Qingmi of Qingshimen!" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion who led the way smiled and said to the guard inside the city gate, and then asked: "Elder Qingmi of Qingshimen seems to have returned. gone?"

"Well, I'm back!" The young guard nodded, glanced at Flying Leaves, and then continued to say to the guard: "Elder Qing Mi has only been back for a while, when did he invite this adventurer?" ? Why didn’t you come back with Elder Qingmi?”

"This adventurer has Elder Qingya's letter from Feige!" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion said while letting the fallen leaves fly, handed him the note that Old Qingya gave him, and put it in the young guard's hand. Then he continued: "Don't worry, I confirmed it myself several times, and then I found other people to confirm it together, it's true."

The young guard didn't make a sound. After reading the note over and over for several times, he reached out and handed it to Flying Leaves, and then smiled at them: "Don't blame me for checking again. It's better to confirm some things more. , after all, we are the city lord's mansion here, as long as we enter this gate, what happens is our responsibility."

"Understood, I understand!" The guard of the city lord's mansion who led the way nodded with a smile, then looked at Fallen Leaves, and said to him, "Okay. Now Feige's letter has been verified, so you can go in by yourself." After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Luoye Feifei nodded in agreement or not, the guard of the city lord's mansion who led the way looked directly at the young guard in the city gate and said, "Then this adventurer will trouble you. I'll go back to my post first?"

"Go!" The young guard at the city gate nodded, and after watching the guard of the City Lord's Mansion who led the way step on the suspension bridge to leave, he looked up and down at the fallen leaves and opened the gate of the City Lord's Mansion a little bit. He said to him, "Adventurer, come in."

Falling Leaves Flying quickly stepped into the gate with a few strides, and then turned to watch the young guard close the gate before looking at the newly built City Lord's Mansion.

Speaking of which, the current Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion is basically the same as the previous architectural style. They are all retro buildings, but the various layouts and decorations, flowers and plants are different from before!Generally speaking, it feels very good, it seems like that!

"Let's go, adventurer, I'll find a maid to show you the way, and take you to Elder Qingmi!" The young guard said to Flying Leaves, and led him directly into a bush of flowers. After going to a team of NPC maids, he handed Falling Leaves to one of the NPC maids, and left by himself.

Although Falling Leaves Flying Flying was a little depressed why he was thrown around by these NPCs, but thinking about it, who made him a player!What kind of treatment can you expect?After that, I felt a lot more balanced.Maybe I can see Ji Xiaoyan again in a while, and ask her what it feels like to be an NPC now!Thinking about it this way, the mood of falling leaves is much better
After the NPC maid walked around the Flower Path corridor with Fenfei for a while, Fenfei finally saw Elder Qingmi with an anxious face, standing beside a stone table in front of a palace with Brick and muttering Goo didn't know what to say.
"Elder Qingmi, I'm here." Luoye Fenfei hastily greeted him.Then I saw Elder Qingmi was stunned for a moment, and cast his eyes directly on himself, a few steps forward fell in front of him, pushed the maid who led the way away, and grabbed his collar.

"Elder Qingmi." Luoye Fenfei let Elder Qingmi bring him to Brick next to the stone table like a chicken in surprise, then looked at Elder Qingmi in surprise and said: "cough cough cough , Elder Qingmi, lightly, lightly."

Elder Qingmi didn't speak, he directly put the falling leaves on the ground, and then asked him directly: "Flying leaves, let me ask you, do you still remember who Xiaoyan sold a bellyband to? If you don't remember Now, hurry up and ask other people to see who knows about this! You must find out where this bellyband is for me as soon as possible.”

Falling Leaves Flying Flying did not recover at all at this moment, looked at Elder Qingmi several times with a confused face, until he slapped his head with a slap, and then said suspiciously: "Elder Qingmi, what are you talking about? What? What bellyband? I don’t know?”

"It's a bellyband that Xiaoyan stole from Panchi City before." Brick explained anxiously when he heard what the fallen leaves said.

"How do I know this?" Luoye Feifei immediately looked at Brick and Elder Qingmi without thinking, and said, "Where did Xiaoyan put her bellyband? Why don't you just ask her?" Ask me? I don’t know either!! By the way, Elder Qing Mi, where is Xiaoyan? Where is Xiaoyan? I happen to have something to look for her.”

Elder Qingmi looked unhappily at the fallen leaves looking around, waved his hand and slapped him on the back of the head, saw him looking at him with a depressed and puzzled expression, and then cursed: "MD, if I I can get the news from girl Xiaoyan, do I still need to ask you? Girl Xiaoyan is not here now, she is locked in Panchi City, the guy Yeshan in Panchi City let Xiaoyan girl steal her from him I found the bellyband and returned it. I thought about it for a long time. Since Xiaoyan girl didn’t bring that thing with her, she must have sold it! Normally, if you tell me, Xiaoyan girl sells these things, she will To whom? We can't think of it, so can't we let you think about it?"

Falling leaves fluttered with an innocent face, seeing the old man Qingmi staring at him, he let out a breath, and then said: "Who can explain this kind of thing clearly? It's been such a long time, what if Xiaoyan stole it at the beginning?" When I got to this apron, I thought it was useless, so I just threw it in that shop and sold it? There are so many shops in this continent, how can I find it?"

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dark Shadow"!

(End of this chapter)

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