Chapter 1390
Regarding Falling Leaves Flying's guess, old man Qingya and Brick had to admit that what he said had some truths!However, no matter whether this reasoning is true or not, all they need now is the apron, and it doesn't matter to them where they found it!It's just that if Ji Xiaoyan really sold the bellyband to a certain shop, it would be really difficult for them to find it!

"We don't need to worry about this right now." The old man Qingmi frowned, and after a long time of contemplation, he looked at Flying Leaves and said, "Ask the adventurers you know first, and see if any of them know about this apron No! As long as the things are found, it will be fine!"

"Oh!" Luoye Fenfei looked ignorant, glanced at old man Qingmi, and then asked: "Elder Qingmi, if you want to ask someone for information, I still have a few small troubles to ask You help me out."

"What's the trouble? Tell me quickly!!" The old man Qingmi looked displeased, glared at Luoye Fenfei, and said to him: "I can tell you, Luoye Fenfei, don't cause trouble for me if you have nothing to do! I can solve small problems for you, but if you don’t care about big problems, don’t think about using this matter to threaten me and Xiaoyan girl. You are not the only adventurer who has a good relationship with Xiaoyan.”

"Don't worry about it, Elder Qingmi! My trouble is related to finding someone." Luoye Feifei hurriedly looked at the old man Qingmi and explained, then moved closer to his side, and then turned to Qingmi. The old man Mi said: "Elder Qing Mi, you also know that in the past, we adventurers could add friends to each other, we could list everyone's name in a list, and we could also contact each other through communication tools such as flying visas. But, now we can't find where our friend's name is, not to mention, flying sign and the like can't be used anymore, the only thing that can be used is Feige Chuanshu." Speaking of this, Fallen Leaves Flying looked around After looking at it, he said to the old man Qingmi: "But, do you think where I am going to send the letter to Feige now? Besides, there are only a few people's names I can remember. If they are not active in the mainland If so, I don’t know when I will be able to contact you.”

"And then?" The old man Qingmi frowned when he heard this, and looked sideways at the falling leaves.

"That's all! No more!" Luoye Fenfei opened his eyes innocently, looked at the old man Qingmi seriously and said: "This is the trouble I was talking about! First, I can't remember the name. Second, Flying pigeon teleportation can't be sent in the city lord's mansion, right? Are we going to go outside the city lord's mansion now?"

"What are you going to do? Can't Xiaoyan girl's city lord's mansion raise a few pigeons to deliver letters?" Qingmi old man rolled his eyes at Fallen Leaves and said something to him, then frowned and thought for a while After that, he said to Flying Leaves: "As for the names of your friends you mentioned. Just wait, let Brick go to the classics officer to look it up for you."

After finishing speaking, the old man Qingmi directly instructed Brick to help Luoye Feifei retrieve the friend list.

After watching Brick go away, Flying Leaves hurriedly asked old man Qingmi again: "By the way, Elder Qingmi, how is Xiaoyan doing now? We can go to Panchi City to bring her after we find the bellyband." come back?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? These don't care about your business!" The old man Qingmi looked arrogantly, squinted at the fallen leaves, and seemed to feel that his tone just now was not very friendly. After thinking about this Then he said: "I haven't been back to Qingcheng for a long time, and I met girl Xiaoyan. It seems that she is doing pretty well." Except, that girl lost her memory!

It's just that old man Qingya thinks that there is no need to tell Luoye Flying about this kind of news!What if Miss Ji Xiaoyan doesn't remember him, and he doesn't concentrate on helping her find her bellyband later?

"It's a good life. Just live a good life! I'm relieved!" Luoye Fenfei looked relieved, listening to the old man Qingmi's words, he was greatly relieved, and then he opened his mouth and looked at the old man Qingmi and asked : "By the way, Elder Qingmi, what's the use of asking Brick to find that ancient record officer?"

The old man Qingmi rolled his eyes at Fallen Leaves, thought for a while, and then said: "Some things of you adventurers are kept in the classics officer. Aren't you looking for the list of your friends? Where can the classics officer know?" Get you a temporary note."

"Temporary?" Flying Leaves frowned.

"Do you still want to be permanent?" Qingmi old man looked at Luoye Fenfei with contempt, and when he saw him staring at him with clear eyes, he nodded without thinking, then curled his lips, facing Flying Leaves said: "You bastard, this temporary note is what I asked Brick to give you at this abnormal time, and you still want a permanent one! Did you go to help with things? Didn't do anything However, I just want to get the list from the classics official? It’s really a dream.”

"Elder Qingmi, what do you mean by this, as long as I go to the classics officer to do something, I can get a permanent note?" Falling Ye Flying's mind was spinning quickly.If he didn't guess wrong, what the old man Qingmi said should be to go to the classics officer to pick up the mission, as long as the mission is completed, you can get a permanent friend list
However, the previous friend list can be found, what should we do if players want to add friends in the future?

The old man Qingmi was stunned when he heard the words of Flying Leaves, then he gave him a hard look, and then said: "Flying Leaves, you, an adventurer, really have a quick mind, you have the energy to study this For such a thing, it’s better to get back the apron Xiaoyan lost for me as soon as possible!! Hmph, want to get a permanent note? I think you want to know how you adventurers will record each other’s friends’ names in the future, right?”

Luo Yefenfei heard old man Qingmi's words, and nodded with a smile, expecting him to reveal some inside information.

After staring at Luoye Fenfei for a few times, the old man Qingya said directly to him: "Don't think about these messy things. There are some things that you can't take the lead in. I want a permanent note and record each other in the future. The method of the friend’s name can only be done by those who are predestined, you adventurers, just wait! When someone will take the lead for you, you can enjoy it.”

Flying Leaves understand!

It means that he is not the one who started that mission!However, I finally know that although the game update has canceled the function of this friend, there are other ways to reuse it. Thinking about it, this function of player teaming should also be realized, right?

Thinking of this, Luoye Fenfei immediately looked at Old Man Qingya with bright eyes, and then asked: "Then Elder Qingya, if we adventurers want to organize a team, what should we do? We also need to wait for someone to explain this. After the seal, can we form a team?"

The old man Qingmi took a look at Falling Leaves Flying Flying, and didn't answer directly, but said angrily: "You don't care about these things! It's not what you do after all."

Falling Leaves curled his lips, and wanted to ask about the situation again, but he saw Brick rushing over in a hurry, ran directly in front of him, handed him a blank paper, and panted and said to him: "Come on, fallen leaves are flying, this... This is the list of friends you want. The classics officer has listed it for you. Let's go and send the letter to Feige."

Flying Leaves took the note that Brick handed over and looked at it carefully. Seeing that basically all the names of his friends before the game update were on it, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Brick nodded and said, "Okay, let's go then!"

Brick grabbed the clothes with fallen leaves, nodded to the old man Qingya, and then pulled him to the northwest of the city lord's mansion.

Speaking of which, the carrier pigeon breeding place in the City Lord's Mansion is not big, there are only about [-] to [-] carrier pigeons, and six maids are specially assigned to take care of those pigeons carefully.When they arrived, the six NPC maids were feeding the pigeons.
"Flying Leaves, have you chosen a good person? We'll start distributing letters to Feige immediately!" Brick looked anxiously at Flying Leaves and asked, seeing him nodding, he immediately beckoned to attract several people. A maid asked them to prepare the pigeons, and at the same time brought pens and ink, and let the fallen leaves start to write messages.

Because Flying Leaves was going to send messages between players, old man Qingmi and the others didn't do it for them, but let Flying Leaves write each message by himself.After waiting for all the pigeons to fly away one by one, Brick and the old man Qingmi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other and said: "I hope that after this batch of pigeons fly out You can find out where the bellyband is!"

"I hope!" Flying Leaves also looked at the flock of pigeons that disappeared in the sky, and said to Brick and the others: "Otherwise, if you really ask every shop in the mainland, it will be a big project."

"Hmph, if that's the case, I'll blame you too!" Elder Qingmi cast a sideways glance at Fallen Leaves, and said to him under his surprised gaze: "Aren't you adventurers with Xiaoyan girl every day? She Were you not there when you were handling things, or did you hear some news? Hmph, you didn’t remember such an important thing, if you really can’t find the bellyband, it’s all your incompetent friends to blame.”

Luoye Fenfei stared blankly at old man Qingmi, and didn't come back to his senses for several seconds.The old man Qingya's reason is too far-fetched, but, even if it is unreasonable, it is impossible for him to argue with the old man Qingya!After all, whatever the NPC says is right.
While the fallen leaves were flying and they were waiting for Feige's reply, Master Bessa's expression and mood in River Water City were not so good!After finally catching that fox-like guy in the alley, who knew that he let out a signal to attract all his accomplices, and escaped from his grasp so easily!As a result, after he led people to search almost all of River Water City, he didn't find any clues about those men in black at all.
This made Master Bessa very angry!Who is he?He is the Lord Lord of River Water City!Logically speaking, the entire River Water City must be in his own hands, without any problems!However, now these men in black are simply challenging his authority as the city lord! !Another very important point is that Miss Ji Xiaoyan came to see Xuan Mo in his city lord's mansion, but because no one could treat Xuan Mo, she took her directly to Panchi City.
He didn't even see Ji Xiaoyan's face.
Thinking of this, Lord Bessa couldn't help but slapped the table. After seeing Old Hess looking at him worriedly, Lord Bessa took a deep breath and said to Old Hess: " No matter what, I must catch the fox people. Since the city lord has given them so much time, and no one comes to the city lord's mansion, then just issue a hunting order!"

Old Hess froze for a moment, looked at Lord Bessa in surprise, and after hesitantly looked at him for a few times, he asked in a low voice: "Master Bessa, are you sure? If we River If Shuicheng issued a hunting order, it would be equivalent to confronting the Fox Clan."

"Confrontation? Hmph! Since the Fox Clan dared to come to our River Water City to commit murder, wouldn't they allow us to issue a hunting order? Do the Fox Clan really think that they are the supreme existence in the entire continent? They can wantonly Is it possible to let the clansman run amok in any city?" Master Bessa sneered a few times, and said to Old Hess: "They don't restrain their own clansman, so don't blame the city lord for helping them solve some black sheep. It’s not sure, the patriarch of their fox clan will come to thank the city lord for his painstaking efforts to help them get rid of these cancerous tumors later.”

Old Hess frowned, and didn't say anything to refute. He just waited for Master Bessa to finish his sneer, then sighed slightly, nodded and said, "Since you have decided, Master Bessa, I'll write the chase immediately." make."

"Well, let's go!" Lord Bessa nodded unequivocally, and then said to old Hess: "Remember to increase the bounty. The owner of this city is not short of that little gold coin! We must let those people of the fox clan Take a good look, don’t think that everyone on the mainland will pamper them and just watch them do whatever they want.”

"Yes!" Old Hess nodded, bowed and prepared to step back.

"By the way, Xiaoyan went to Panchi City, because the lord of Panchi City can save Xuanmo?" Lord Bessa looked at the figure of old Hess, and suddenly asked a question. After seeing old Hess nodded, he said again: " Let all the guards continue to look for those fox people in the city. We have sealed off the city, and they are unlikely to leave the city to go to Panchi City to see Xiaoyan and Xuanmo. Come back with them to hear your greetings information."

 PS: Thank you "Lingna linna" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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