Chapter 1391 Cool news

Old Hess listened to Lord Bessa's words with a face of shock, and watched him walk out of the hall in style, but he still didn't realize what he said just now of course!
Go to Panchi City to find Ji Xiaoyan?This matter sounds like there is no problem at all, but what time is it now?Those members of the black-clothed fox clan who were committing crimes everywhere in their river water city were not caught. Why can their city lord run to Panchi city with so much peace of mind?Did he really think that River Water City could really force those fox people out just by issuing a hunting order?
When the old Hess thought of this and reacted, and wanted to chase Lord Bessa back, Lord Bessa had already stepped on the teleportation array and teleported directly to Panchi City. When Master Sa opened his eyes on the teleportation array in Panchi City, he still felt a faint sense of loneliness!It's just that Master Bessa has no idea where such a feeling comes from.

At this moment, Panchi City is at sunset, the city gate is closed, surrounded by endless loess, the whole city looks very depressed
"Open the door!!" Lord Bessa frowned, reached out and knocked on the thick gate of Panchi City a few times, and after waiting for a long time, there was no movement inside the gate, and the expression on his face suddenly became heavy.Taking a few steps back in the direction he was coming and going, and looking up at the attic on the wall of Panchi City, Master Bessa waved his hand impatiently and threw a water-type magic ball up!
After a while, a large group of city gate guards holding bows and arrows appeared on the city wall. They collectively pointed their bows and arrows at Lord Bessa's direction, and then asked loudly, "Who is dying? How dare you come to our Panchi City to play wild?" .”

Master Bessa put his hands behind his back, looking up at the talking guard on the city wall with a calm face, and then said: "The Lord of the City is the City Lord of River Water City"

The guards on the city gate were stunned for a while, but didn't react for a while!What happened to their Panchi City recently?First, the city lord of Qingcheng came to Panchi City with his people, and now the lord of River Water City also came!Could it be that one of the two city lords of Panchi City invited them?

"What's the matter? Even the city lord who visits Panchi City has to be turned away? Can the city gate be opened only if the city lord brings people here?" Lord Bessa's face sank slightly, and he squinted his eyes. asked the guard on the city wall.

"Please wait a moment, my lord, we will report to my lord right away. Please wait a moment! Wait a moment." The guard hurriedly said something to Lord Bessa, and regardless of whether he expressed anything, he turned around and prepared to leave .As a result, when I turned around, I saw the archers who were pointing their bows and arrows at Lord Bessa on the city wall, and quickly yelled at them: "What kind of eyesight do you have? That is the Lord of River Water City, who is there?" Tell you to point your bows and arrows at him? Put it away quickly, put it away, and go back to your posts."

The guards on the city wall glanced at each other, and immediately put away their bows and arrows in a well-trained manner, and then disappeared collectively from Lord Bessa's sight.

"Please, Lord City Master, please wait a moment." The guard stood on the city wall, smiled apologetically at Lord Bessa, and then disappeared on the city wall.

Master Bessa's mood at the moment cannot be described as bad!Thinking about how he has traveled to so many places in the mainland for so many years, where has he been treated like this?Under normal circumstances, people in many cities can recognize him at a glance, and then quickly welcome him into the city!Even if there is someone who doesn't know him, he will greet him as soon as he announces his name!There is only this Panchi City. It doesn't even open the city gate, just hang yourself outside the city gate, and dare to let yourself wait
Lord Bessa gritted his teeth, and seriously thought about it in his heart. After he took Miss Ji Xiaoyan away, should he bring someone to Panchi City to investigate and take revenge?
And the Yeshan Lord in the City Lord's Mansion frowned when he received the news that Master Bessa was visiting, looked at the guard who reported the letter with a puzzled face, and asked him suspiciously: "What do you mean?" That's right, after the Lord Bessa of River Water City knocked on the door outside the city and you didn't care, he directly threw a spell water polo on the city wall? Did he declare his name after that? Moreover, none of the guards brought it. You came to our Panchi City just by yourself?"

"Yes, Lord City Master, do you think we are going to open the door to welcome that Lord City Master into the city?" The guard nodded quickly, looked at City Lord Ye Shan with reverence, and asked him a question.

"Hum..." City Lord Ye Shan thought for a while, then sneered twice, then gently rubbed his palms, and said to the guard with a smile, "Welcome! Why don't you! He's River As for the official city lord of Water City, he has personally arranged to come to our Panchi City, how can the city lord lock him out? It just so happens that the city lord wants to see what the color of the city lord of Refu Water City is like. Character. Didn’t you say that he is the prospective fiancé of City Lord Ji Xiaoyan? It just so happens that the city’s chief will marry City Lord Ji Xiaoyan, so it seems like a good idea for him, the former fiancé, to stay and observe manners.”

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion lowered his eyes, frowned slightly, and there was a trace of disapproval in his eyes
If my Lord City Master really did that, wouldn't he be an enemy of Panchi City?Is it really good to provoke a war between the two cities like this?If Qingcheng is added, it will be a war between the three big cities.
"Well, it's so decided! Let's go, follow the city lord to meet the Bessa City lord of Refu Water City outside the city gate." With a charming smile on his face, the city lord Ye Shan closed his eyes slightly, and looked behind him The guards said a word, then looked at the city gate guard kneeling at his feet, and said in a low voice: "Get up, let's go out of the city to have a look."

"Yes!" The city gate guard sighed silently in his heart, but he responded bluntly, stood up and patted the ashes on his body, and quickly followed the team of City Lord Ye Shan, and went straight to the city. The gate of Panchi City.

At this time, a cold voice suddenly appeared in the entire mainland world: Unidentified black-clothed men appeared in River Water City and committed crimes in the city, wounding countless people, and the plot was particularly bad!After the city lord Bessa personally led a team to track them down, it was finally confirmed that these men in black were members of the fox clan!In line with the principle of harmonious resolution, after asking all the foxes of River Water City to go to the City Lord's Mansion to assist in the investigation to no avail, the Lord Lord of River Water City now uses the Mainland Hunting Order against these foxes!
River Water City Hunting Order takes effect immediately from now on!All the aborigines and adventurers on the mainland only need to go to River Water City with their heads to exchange for generous hunting rewards after killing the fox people who are plotting evil.
"Is this the voice of the Lord God?" City Lord Ye Shan was stunned, looked up at the sky for a few times, and then said to himself: "Hehehe, it seems that City Lord Besa is really generous! By issuing a kill order on the Fox Clan, he is equivalent to declaring war on the Fox Clan."

"My lord, I remember that when the city lords sent Master Xuan Mo back, they seemed to have said that Master Xuan Mo was injured in River Water City." A guard beside City Lord Ye Shan frowned slightly, He whispered to City Lord Ye Shan: "In view of the current situation, the people who injured Lord Xuan Mo are most likely the people of the fox clan."

The face of the city lord Ye Shan who was still smiling immediately sank, he pursed his lips tightly and took his eyes back from the sky, looking directly in front of him, after a while, he said with a sullen face: "So , this City Lord Bessa actually has the intention of venting his anger for our Panchi City? Huh, we Panchi City need him, the City Lord of River Water City, to help vent our anger?"

The guards around City Lord Ye Shan fell silent collectively, daring not to respond.

City Lord Ye Shan took a deep breath, squinted his eyes and thought for a while, if he didn't do something, that City Lord Bessa didn't think that Panchi City was incapable, did he?Xuan Mo is from their Panchi City, even if City Master Bessa didn't know, since Xuan Mo was injured and couldn't be healed, after being sent back by Ji Xiaoyan, City Master Bessa still couldn't figure it out, that's weird!Now that he has issued an order to kill the Fox Clan, it's fine if others don't know about the situation, but if Panchi City doesn't express anything, won't they be laughed at by the Bessa City Lord?Said that their Panchi City didn't even have the blood to avenge their own people
City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help pinching his own hand!No, he can't let the city lord of Bessa look down on him.
Not necessarily, the Lord of Bessa came to their Panchi City inexplicably now, because of this killing order, he asked them to demonstrate in Panchi City, and asked him to demonstrate in Panchi City.
"Master City Lord?" The surrounding guards saw the mood of City Lord Ye Shan getting more and more depressed, and hurriedly shouted.

"Immediately ask someone to send a hunting order to the city lord." Ye Shan squinted his eyes, and said in a somewhat ruthless tone: "For the content, directly refer to River Water City. But for chasing people. Hmph, we Pan Chicheng only needs the heads of those foxes who hurt people."

"Yes, Lord City Master!" The guard nodded immediately, and then asked again: "It's just, Lord City Master, do we need to inform City Master Yan Shan about the killing order?"

City Lord Ye Shan tightened his fingers, and after two seconds of contemplation, he said lightly, "Go ahead, and emphasize the matter of Xuan Mo's injury to Yan Shan's personal guards. Oh, yes, by the way, the city gate I will also tell Xie Shan about the visit of the Lord Bessa. Well, just say that he came to our Panchi City to demonstrate!"

"Yes, Lord City Lord!" The guard nodded again, turned around and left, ready to go back to the City Lord's Mansion to report the letter and write the content of the killing order.

City Lord Ye Shan kept a sneer of unknown meaning, walked all the way to the city gate, then snorted, and said loudly to the gate guards: "Come on, open the city gate for my city lord, and welcome me well." Let me tell you about the city lord of Refu Water City"

"Yes, Lord City Master!!" Several guards responded loudly, and then shouted at the rest of the guards: "Get ready. Open the city gate!"

"Open the gate"

"Open the gate"

Lord Bessa's face was dark, and after watching the heavy gate of Panchi City slowly open, he restrained the expression on his face, and looked at the situation inside the gate with cold eyes!There are many well-dressed guards, and a gorgeously dressed woman stands in the middle?No, there are no female officials in Panchi City!Master Bessa narrowed his eyes slightly, and he reacted instantly.The one leading the team should be the City Lord Yeshan of Panchi City.
That distorted, bloodthirsty city lord.

"Heh, Lord Bessa!!" After the city gate opened, the Lord Yeshan immediately put on a bright smile and shouted at Lord Bessa with a smile. After making a smile on his face, City Lord Ye Shan put on a fake apologetic expression, and said to Master Bessa: "I'm really sorry, we have a lot of things in Panchi City recently, so you have been waiting for a long time."

"It's okay!" Master Bessa also had a smile on his face, and said to Lord Yeshan: "Your Panchi City is different from our River Water City! Our River Water City is what I say. I can be the master of everything by myself! The situation in Panchi City is different. Hehehe, I am already content to have City Lord Yeshan come out to welcome me!!"

City Lord Ye Shan narrowed his eyes and stared at Lord Bessa, feeling angry for a second, and then quickly put on a smiling face.Damn, this man definitely did it on purpose! !Was he deliberately trying to tell himself that half of his rights in Panchi City had been taken away by Jin Shan?

Lord Bessa looked at City Lord Ye Shan with a smile, and naturally saw the change in his eyes, and his depressed mood of being left out and waiting in his heart instantly improved a lot.

"Master Yeshan, can we go into the city now?" Master Bessa looked at the Lord Yeshan without speaking, just staring at himself, and asked with a smile, "Or, we have to wait for the arrival of the city lord Yeshan?" After that, can I go into the city?"

"That's unnecessary!" City Lord Ye Shan said with a bitter smile, and directly reached out his hand to make an invitation letter, and said to Lord Bessa, "City Master Bessa, please."

Master Bessa smiled and glanced at City Lord Yeshan, raised his foot and gracefully stepped into the city gate, and heard the gate shut behind him with a coaxing sound, then turned around and prepared to continue to say something to City Lord Yeshan.

However, before Lord Bessa had time to speak, the cold voice of the Lord God sounded again in an instant:
The fox family's seclusion is not because of timidity, but for the peace of the mainland.Now River Water City has accused the members of the Fox Clan as murderers because of some unproven facts, and issued a hunting order!Here, the Fox Clan announces to all races and people on the mainland: the Fox Clan will declare war on River Water City!As the punishment for challenging the dignity of the fox family in Refu Water City.
 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dark Shadow"!

(End of this chapter)

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