Chapter 1392 Reality
A fox tribe who was obviously a hidden race was inexplicably hunted down by River Water City. This news has already surprised the players in the game.Who knows, what is even more surprising is that the Fox Clan also declared war on River Water City
"Are we going to enter the rhythm of choosing a faction?" Many players were excited, watching whether there will be more amazing plot developments in the game, while quickly going offline and starting to play in their respective continents. Discussed on the game forum.

"Choosing a faction is of course necessary!" Many players expressed their thoughts under the top post on the forum, "It sounds like a battle between the Fox Clan and River Water City, but to put it bluntly, it's just a battle between the two cities As players, we naturally have to choose a camp to help, otherwise why would there be a system message? But now we all have to take a good look at which side we choose to win! Then I saw someone talking, does that player still have information about the Fox Clan?"

As soon as this question was posted on the forum, it was quickly taken seriously by many players.It didn't take long for many players to post some screenshots of the news about the fox family when the game was updated at the back of the post.

Afterwards, when many players browsed the post, they suddenly discovered that a player called Lao Tzu who didn't know anything analyzed it at the bottom of the post, saying that according to what he knew, the fox race is the top NPC race in the entire continent , under normal circumstances, they should live in seclusion in their own territory, waiting for the players to do tasks, or bumping into their territory or members of the Fox clan by mistake, which will cause the Fox clan to be unsealed, and then Open the fox family map, bring the fox family into the sight of many players, and then continue to develop the plot.

However, judging from the screenshots of the Fox Clan news that appeared before the game update on the forum, as well as the news on the killing order issued by River Water City, it can be seen that the Fox Clan was never opened or touched by the player at all. It has already begun to appear on the mainland, and some plots that do not develop according to common sense are developing!

Is this because of a game update issue?Or is it because of some secrets in the Fox Clan itself?
When many players saw this post, they couldn't help but follow the post and ask me if I don't know anything, so what is the secret in the story that is said to be wrong?The most important thing is, I don't know if this player knows anything inside, otherwise why would he know the information so clearly?

However, when the players are waiting on the forum to see if I don’t know if there will be any news, I don’t know anything that this guy has already rushed back to the game from the forum.
"Xiao Zhi!!"

I didn't know anything and was smiling evilly at the moment. Hearing his name, he turned his head to look at the people around him, and then asked with a smile, "What's wrong? Wandering?"

"What are you posting on the forum? Can you make it up like this?" Feng Yu frowned in Piaoling, looked at Lao Tzu who didn't know anything, shook his head and sighed, and then said, "What did you say?" Those seem to have nothing to do with the tasks we received, right?"

I didn't know anything and smiled slightly, and then said to Fengyu and Piaoling: "Don't worry about this Piaoling, I naturally have reasons for posting these things!" After finishing speaking, I didn't know anything and looked around Look, and then continued: "By the way, Piaoling, what about the others? Where did they all go with that fox NPC?"

"I received a letter from Fei Ge, saying that I'm going to move things somewhere!!" Feng Yu frowned at Piao Ling, said something to Lao Tzu who didn't know anything, and then asked, "Little Zhi, what are you sending?" Can those really get a lot of players to come when the Fox Clan is at war?"

"Why not!" Lao Tzu shook his head without knowing anything, and then said, "Piaoling, don't you think the messages I posted on the forum look like a master who knows the inside story of the game? You Think about it, I’ve said it all, the Fox Clan should have players to unblock it before it can come out, but now none of you have heard the news that someone opened a Fox Clan, right? And, in the middle, the game It’s been updated! As a result, this update, good guy! The Fox Clan somehow injured someone in River Water City, causing people to hunt them down! Do you think there should be some quest clues for the players to discover? Even if no one cares about the secrets now, if the Fox Clan, the top hidden race on the mainland, is going to war with a city, it definitely needs the help of players. Then, as a player, you hear this news and you are preparing to join the Fox Clan. If the family helps start the war, then it may not be possible to get some other secrets and rewards by accident; or go to help the River Water City?"

The wind and rain did not say a word, but looked suspiciously at Lao Tzu for not knowing anything.

"Forget it, ordinary players like me won't understand the wisdom of an expert like me!" Looking at the expression on Feng Yu's face that didn't know anything, Lao Tzu suddenly revealed the expression that you don't understand me Come on, shook his head at him, and said: "Hey, Wandering, I'll go to the tavern to sit down for a while, go offline to deal with it for a while, and come back later. When the fox NPC comes back, you can follow him first Well, I’m back online, I’ll send you a message to find you!!”

Feng Yu opened his mouth in Piaoling, and saw that I didn't know anything, turned around and left, and disappeared behind the gate of the tavern. Then he remembered that the only contact information in the game now is Feige passing on letters. If he followed the NPC of the fox clan to do the mission, and I didn't know anything about sending a message later, how would he reply?
Thinking of this, the wind and rain quickly chased into the tavern, only to find that I had disappeared and gone offline without knowing anything.

In reality, I don't know anything. After Zi opened his eyes in the game cabin, he couldn't help but exhaled deeply, and after he began to sort out his thoughts, he stepped out of the door, went directly into the elevator, and then entered the elevator. one room.

"Old Yu!" I looked at the person behind the desk respectfully without knowing anything, and shouted at him.

"Sit down, Xiao Qin!" Yu Muqing looked tired, looked away from the document paper on the table, stretched out his hand and rubbed his brows, and then saw that Lao Tzu didn't know anything, that is, Xiao Qin Qin asked: "How is it? Have you posted a message on the forum?"

"Yes, it has already been posted!" Xiao Qin nodded, and said to Yu Muqing with some helplessness: "After entering the game, I met an NPC of the Fox clan, and was directly forced to be called the camp of the Fox clan. Waiting for the war to start, I will not be online for the time being! On the forum, I also released the news that the Fox Clan started activities in the mainland before the game update, but I don’t know how many players can understand it.”

"Just post it! Naturally, smart people can understand it, and it's probably useless for other people if they don't understand it!" Mr. Yu shook his head slightly, and sighed: "I thought we'd get Ji Xiaoyan's message from Guang. Once the experimental data is obtained, we can start to study this NPC plan. As a result, look at the current situation? The fox clan is the top NPC race on the mainland we set, and it should have been opened as the final game race. They have always lived in seclusion. But now they actually walked out of that area by themselves. After the game update, everything is out of our control. Now the situation of the Fox Clan looks like it is going to occupy the mainland! If we don't remind the players in the game now, maybe they help the Fox Clan to destroy River Water City first, and then they will start to enjoy the pleasure of destroying the city, and finally let the Fox Clan take over the entire game By then, how can our NPC plan continue?"

"Yes!" Xiao Qin frowned and nodded, took a look at Mr. Yu and said, "It's just that Mr. Yu, we set the Fox Clan as a very docile race and they really wanted to occupy it." Game world?"

"Why do you think they traveled to so many cities and towns before the game was updated? Could it be that they came out and wandered around?" Mr. Yu shook his head and said to Xiao Qin, "The fox clan has already disappeared from Ji Xiaoyan's hands. In the game, we got the artifacts of their race, they are now different from the reclusive fox clan in the past. In the game, we can’t tell anyone about this, and it’s impossible for us game researchers to stop those people after entering the game. The attack of the fox clan! Now, we can only see if there are smart players in the game."

"Mr. Yu, will the words we said on the forum really not be deleted?" After Xiao Qin nodded to Mr. Yu, he asked a little worriedly: "The current forum is a place for our players to communicate with each other. The platform is not under the control of us researchers, it has all fallen into the hands of the light. If you read what I said, will you feel that I have exposed the intentions of the fox clan and delete my post directly? ?”

"No way!" Mr. Yu smiled when he heard Xiao Qin's words, and then said, "Didn't you just say that? He is now committed to making the game world a real one. So even if the Fox clan rebelled, he would He won't care; similarly, he won't care if we organize players or other NPCs to fight against the Fox Clan. And the reason why we can see the Fox Clan's intentions is naturally because of our own wisdom. We didn’t design this thing before, and it’s not a leak, so we won’t delete your post if you don’t stop it! Besides, in order to prevent the mainland from being enslaved by a race, I don’t want to look at the fox clan The current game forum developed by the powerful forces can only be said to give all players an additional platform for communication, and he will not interfere in the affairs of the forum. This is probably the so-called freedom of speech!"

Xiao Qin still looked at Mr. Yu with some uneasiness, and finally nodded.

"Okay, you can check the situation on the forum later to see if there are any smarter players, and then tell the people in the action team to improve their strength as soon as possible and build the guild! If Yes, recruit more people in the game in the future, and promote it.” Yu Lao wanted to think about it, and told Xiao Qin: “For the needs of the experiment, we will need more people to enter the game in the future, and now we can just prepare !"

"Yes, Mr. Yu! I'm going right away!" Xiao Qin nodded quickly, gestured to Mr. Yu, then turned and walked out the door.

Seeing Xiao Qin disappear behind the door, Yu Muqing couldn't help but let out a deep breath, and leaned back on the chair.To be honest, he really didn't expect the situation in the game to change so quickly?
The update of the game at the beginning, to be honest, already surprised them game researchers.They didn't expect that the update of the game was the first step, and what really surprised them was yet to come!After finally waiting for the game update to end, I was notified by Guang that Ji Xiaoyan was willing to give them the experimental data for research.To be honest, these game researchers have been excited for several days, and have been researching with those data
In the end, before even researching the clues, I heard the news that there seemed to be a problem in the game.

After everyone's analysis and verification, they, the researchers who were supposed to be in control of the entire game, discovered that the game world they thought was still under control was no longer the game world in their impression.It's starting to develop more and more realistically!

A race that should like to live in seclusion by nature, does not move around on its own territory, but frequently travels around on the mainland. Among them, many players are forced to do things for them. It seems that it is not so good development.Moreover, as far as the fighting power of the fox clan is concerned, as the ultimate race, the fox clan was set to be very powerful when it was designed. Give them all "possession", and then take the players to capture other aborigines and cities in the game, if they directly dominate, how will they carry out the plan of turning real people into NPCs in the future?

All players entering the game will be directly controlled by the Fox tribe, from a free player to an object enslaved by the game data NPC race, and then live forever in the game?If that's the case, then what is the feasibility of their experiment to continue?Even if their experiment can guarantee a one-time success, it is estimated that no one is willing to give up living a free life in the real world, and run to the game to be enslaved and live forever.
(End of this chapter)

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