The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1393 It's Useless to Worry

Chapter 1393 It's Useless to Worry

Panchi City, inside the city gate.

City Lord Ye Shan had a charming smile on his face, staring at Master Bessa whose face was obviously getting uglier, and then smiled and said after a while: "It seems that, City Lord Bessa, your hunting order can't let those fox clan Some people restrained themselves, but inspired the blood of a race! Tsk tsk, this is about to start a war!"

Master Bessa heard the words of City Lord Ye Shan, squinted at him, and after thinking for a while, he hummed: "War is going to start! I am not such a timid and timid Lord of River Water City. Wherever they went, it was all the fault of the Fox clan. The city lord personally saw the appearance of those perpetrators. They couldn't argue that those people were all fake!! Hmph, now that the Fox clan dared to declare war, then They must bear the punishment they deserve.”

City Lord Ye Shan took a look at Master Bessa, and had to admit that the City Lord of Refu Water City in front of him still had some courage!After all, that is the fox clan!As far as the previous situation is concerned, in the entire continent, as long as the fox clan says one thing, no one will say the other.
As for now, everyone has been in charge of their own affairs for so long, so naturally no one is willing to be controlled by others, right?
Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan finally took a sincere look at Master Bessa, and then said with a smile: "Speaking of which, not long ago, the City Lord also met one or two sneaky fox people in Panchi City. I thought they were just coming out of the inhabited area to practice, but seeing that they only came to our Panchi City for two days and then left, I didn’t care about them! Now that I think about it, there seems to be something wrong.”

When Lord Bessa heard this, he looked at City Lord Night Evolution with obvious surprise.He felt that judging from the rumors that this man was outside, how could he say these things to him?
Lord Yechang didn't care about Lord Bessa's eyes at all, just smiled at him, then stretched out his hand to make an invitation letter, and continued to say to Lord Bessa: "City Lord Bessa, let's go to the Lord's Mansion to sit down first. Sit down!"

Lord Bessa took a serious look at Ye Shan Lord, nodded, and followed him all the way to the City Lord's Mansion.Just heard another message on the way.

In the same way, it was still the voice of the Lord Shenguang: "People from the Fox tribe committed crimes in Refushui City for no reason and seriously injured important people in Panchi City. The city lords of Panchi City Yeshan and Kaishan decided in anger to issue a hunting order for the murderers of the Fox tribe !Anyone who can kill a fox clan murderer will be rewarded with [-] gold coins, and those who capture him alive will be rewarded with [-] gold coins!"

Upon hearing this, Lord Bessa immediately looked at City Lord Yeshan suspiciously, not understanding what was going on!Speaking of which, River Water City issued a hunt and kill order to those people of the Fox Clan, just because their majesty in River Water City was challenged. If nothing is done, who knows what will come out that will be detrimental to their River Water City in the future News?However, what happened to City Master Ye Shan and their Panchi City?Why would they intervene in this matter?
City Lord Ye Shan seemed to have seen Lord Bessa's doubts, so he just smiled at him charmingly, and explained directly: "City Lord Bessa, our killing order is also for the sake of the reputation of our Panchi City! Maybe you don't You know, the reason why Ji Xiaoyan brought Xuan Mo to our Panchi City for help is because Xuan Mo is a member of our Panchi City."

Lord Bessa frowned.

He always thought that Ji Xiaoyan would bring Xuan Mo to Panchi City for help, but it was just because there was someone in Panchi City who could heal Xuan Mo by coincidence!Unexpectedly, Xuan Mo is actually from Panchi City!So, since Xuan Mo is from Panchi City, he has been with Ji Xiaoyan for a long time, that is to say, Ji Xiaoyan also stayed in Panchi City before?

Seeing Lord Bessa seemed to be in deep thought, City Lord Ye Shan just smiled and did not continue the topic. Instead, he led Lord Bessa towards the City Lord's Mansion while introducing him to Panchi City with great interest. some scenery.

Soon, they entered the city lord's mansion and walked directly to the door of the bedroom of the city lord Yan Shan.

"Speaking of which, if you can come to visit our Panchi City, Lord Bessa, our Panchi City will naturally treat you well, but, Master Bessa, you must have heard about the situation in our Panchi City." As he said that, he looked at Lord Bessa with a smile, and then turned to the palace of the Lord of the city, and said to him: "The bedroom of the master of the city is inside right now. Want to go in and have a look with the city lord?"

Master Bessa glanced at the lineup of guards outside the palace, then looked at the smiling and harmless City Lord Ye Shan, thought for two seconds, and asked, "Is City Lord Ji also inside?"

"Ji Xiaoyan?" City Lord Ye Shan raised his eyebrows unsurprisingly, suddenly smiled at Lord Bessa, and said, "City Master Ji should not be here."

"Then where is she?" Lord Bessa asked, frowning slightly.

City Lord Ye Shan just smiled, and didn't mean to tell Lord Bessa at all, but turned his head to the palace of City Lord Ye Shan, and said to Lord Bessa lightly: "City of Bessa, please don't go in together to see I reckon that the treatment of Xuan Mo by Lu Tan is almost done, and he should have time now...Of course, if he doesn't have time, he will also spare some time to meet you..."

Lord Bessa glanced at the Lord Yeshan with some displeasure, and was about to say something, but he heard the voice of the Lord Yeshan who was slightly surprised: "Hey... Hahaha, look, look, just now Still talking about Lu Tan, we haven’t entered yet, City Lord Bessa, Lu Tan will come out to meet you!!”

Hearing this, Lord Bessa immediately looked towards the gate of the palace, and sure enough, he saw a man wearing a pure white robe, who looked exactly like the Lord of Yeshan, with a faint smile on his face, standing at the gate and looking at them. .

City Lord Ye Shan swayed to the front of the palace gate, and had a brief eye contact with City Lord Ye Shan, and then both of them smiled collectively and looked at Lord Bessa, staring at him as he walked up the steps, Only then did they tacitly make an invitation letter to him, and entered the palace together.

At the moment, beside the flowers beside the palace gate, Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong looked at each other suspiciously, and then said: "Looking at that figure from the back, it looks a bit like Lord Besa?"

Director Qing Gong nodded with certainty, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The back is very similar! But, what is Master Bessa doing in Panchi City? Besides, he didn't even bring a guard with him, so it seems that it shouldn't be him, right? Let's talk , Lord City Master, didn’t we just hear what Lord God said? Refu Water City has now declared war with the Fox Clan, Master Bessa should be preparing for the big battle in River Water City..."

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Manager Qing Gong in disbelief, and said, "By the way, both River Water City and Panchi City have issued hunting orders for the Fox Clan... Manager Qing Gong, Shall we send one too? Speaking of Xuan Mo, he should be regarded as someone from Qingcheng, right?"

Manager Qing Gong heard the words, looked up at Ji Xiaoyan, saw her staring at him seriously, couldn't help but sighed, and said: "My lord, there are two cities for you now. The Fox Clan has issued a hunt and kill order, we Qingcheng...we should not get involved in Qingcheng, right?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked puzzled!Speaking of which, Xuan Mo was injured in Refu Water City. Regardless of his standpoint, Lord Bessa issued a killing order to the Fox Clan, and he still thought about it; but Panchi City also issued a killing order because Some of them were injured by the Fox clan in River Water City. Who was this injured person?Isn't it just Xuan Mo?But, to be precise, Xuan Mo is not from the two cities, but Ji Xiaoyan's attendant, who is from Qingcheng! !Now that the two cities that people could have stood by and watched have issued hunting orders, and there is still no movement in the city of my real victim, I am afraid it will be bad if it gets out?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately looked at Manager Qing Gong, and then saw him looking at him with a helpless face, sighed deeply and said: "Master City Lord, you forgot that there is nothing in the treasure house of our City Lord Mansion now. Is it? It doesn’t matter if the hunting order is issued, but how do we give the reward? Could it be that if you kill a fox member, you can come to our Qingcheng to change a house? We don’t have such strong funds at all now Come and do this..."

"Then why don't we change the rewards so that if we kill ten or a hundred foxes, we can get a house instead?" Ji Xiaoyan was in a daze, and asked Manager Qing Gong directly.

Naturally, what I got was Director Qing Gong's big eyes! !
"My lord, two cities have already come to do this. Let's clear the city, so don't get meddled!" Manager Qing Gong spoke earnestly, and after finishing speaking to Ji Xiaoyan, she curled her lips, somewhat reluctantly. After nodding his head, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "If you have time now, my lord, we might as well think about it carefully, how will we go back after we are done..."

Thinking of this, Manager Qing Gong felt inexplicably sad.

Ever since he and Ji Xiaoyan were driven out of the treasury by Lord Yeshan to move freely, he and Ji Xiaoyan basically walked around the walls of the City Lord's Mansion in the entire Panchi City twice... and then they arrived Now I haven't found out where the guards in the Panchi City Lord's Mansion are relatively weak, where is there a back door or a dog hole that is not guarded by anyone, so that they can turn around and escape from this place...

It can't be that they all died here together in the end, or that Ji Xiaoyan and the perverted Ye Shan City Lord got married, right?

Director Qing Gong gritted his teeth firmly, with a look of death in his eyes, he couldn't let Ji Xiaoyan be harmed by City Lord Ye Shan, even if he risked all of their lives, he must let Ji Xiaoyan return to the city at that time. Go to Qingcheng.
However, just when Manager Qing Gong was about to be moved by his self-sacrificing spirit, Ji Xiaoyan patted him with a confused face: "Manager Qing Gong? What are you thinking? You are worried that when the time comes Can't you leave? Actually, you don't have to worry about this matter." Ji Xiaoyan's face showed a trace of relief, ignoring the surprised expression on Manager Qing Gong's face, and said to him with a smile: "When the time comes, I will give Ye Shan City Master Said, let you help me move things here, or let you help me bring the things sent by the Lord Yeshan back to Qingcheng. After all of you have teleported away, I will kill myself with one knife, and I can kill myself in Panchi City. The teleportation array outside has been revived! At that time, won’t I be able to teleport back directly? When we return to Qingcheng, we shouldn’t have to be afraid of the city lord Yeshan chasing us, right?”

Director Qing Gong stared at Ji Xiaoyan for a while with an idiot look on his face, seeing that she was still unconscious, and then sighed faintly: "My lord, haven't you noticed that the people outside Panchi City Is the teleportation array the same as ours in Qingcheng? There are no teleportation guards there at all! Even if you go directly to the teleportation array now, no one will help you start the teleportation and go back to Qingcheng!"

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan's eyes couldn't help twitching, she didn't pay attention to this!
Director Qing Gong took a deep look at Ji Xiaoyan, and finally said helplessly: "Forget it, Lord City Master, don't worry about these things. What you just said just reminded me! We still have a Taoist priest in Qingcheng." Man, maybe you don’t remember, when you left, he settled down in our Qingcheng city. Just in time, we only need to bring him to Panchi City later, and he will naturally be able to activate the teleportation array to take us away.”

"Really? We still have such talents in Qingcheng?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong with surprise on his face and said, "I thought that each teleportation array can only be activated by a few guards of the teleportation array? "

"Of course not!" Manager Qing Gong's expression was rarely relaxed, and he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's just that when Brick left, we all forgot about this, otherwise, just let Brick come The time has come to bring him here, now I only hope that when Brick comes back, he can think of him and bring him here together!!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help sighing: "I think that's still unlikely. After all, I don't know where I put the bellyband."

"In any case, you either put it in the City Lord's Mansion or sold it! Brick must be trying to find clues, Lord City Lord, don't worry about these things!" Manager Qing Gong looked like I know you very well. , said something to Ji Xiaoyan, then looked at the palace of City Lord Ye Shan, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master City Lord, City Lord Ye Shan probably won't come to us at this moment, how about we Let’s take a look around again?”

(End of this chapter)

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