Chapter 1394 Closed?
Because I got the news about Ji Xiaoyan from my own entertainment, I didn't know each other and Yan Foil drifted. They finally teleported to River Water City, and those NPCs who brought the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan were directly in River River City. Shuicheng turned around carefully and found that he hadn't heard any news about Miss Ji Xiaoyan at all.Then, because of the so-called murderers of the fox tribe, they were told directly after entering River Water City that no one could leave River Water City without the order of the city lord.

So, encountering this kind of situation where they could only enter but not exit, they had no choice but to squat honestly in River Water City, and then sat in the tavern, and began to plan how to enter the City Lord's Mansion in River Water City!After all, if Miss Ji Xiaoyan was not in the city, she would have gone to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Now that the killing order is issued, if we really want to enter the City Lord's Mansion, we may only be able to enter if we capture the Fox Clan." Yan Foil Liuli frowned, looked at the stranger and whispered: "It's just, If the people from the fox clan are really so easy to catch, we probably won’t be able to catch up with us. Not long ago, Xingkong and I went to the fox clan.” Thinking back to those experiences back then, Nightmare Foil Wandering couldn’t help but frowned. brow!
The stranger, who had never met before, glanced at Nightmare Foil, and remembered what he told him about the Fox Clan after entering the city. After thinking about it, he said with some frustration: "If we had known earlier, we would not have entered the city for the time being." Come on, teleport directly to the Fox Clan, go to the Fox Clan to catch one, and then come to River Water City! Now that it’s here, you are not allowed to go out after entering. Unless, we can put Find one or two from the fox clan."

"If we find out, we may not be able to catch it!" Nightmare foil drift knows that the NPCs of the fox clan are quite awesome, and it is not so easy to be caught by them.

The strangers raised their eyebrows, and gestured towards the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan who were sitting at the table behind them and looking around curiously, drinking tea leisurely. After taking a look, he said to Nightmare Foil: "Of course the two of us can't do it. Don't we still have them? What we should worry about now is, where are we going to find a member of the Fox clan?"

Therefore, Nightmare Foil Wandering could only sigh silently!

If the Fox Clan in Refu Water City is really so easy to find, there is no need for the city lord to issue a hunting order and there is no news, right?There are so many other players who have searched for someone in the city but have not found anyone. Can they still expect their luck to run into people from the Fox clan while walking on the street?
That's naive!

So what are they going to do now?

Nightmare foil drifting away is very melancholy!
"Hey, adventurer, have we been sitting here all this time? When are we going to go out again?" The man at the head of the Black Mist tribe shouted impatiently at Nightmare Foil, "Isn't it about going to the city lord's mansion? Take a look? Let's go! What's the matter sitting in this tavern? We're almost full of water."

Nightmare foil turned his head to look at the NPCs of the Black Mist Clan, and said with some embarrassment: "This City Lord's Mansion is where we can go in if we want." What's more, what time is it now! ?There are still some murderous fox people hiding in River Water City, and the City Lord's Mansion must be on high alert!
"If you can't go in, find a way to get in! Can we still be invited in after sitting here for a long time?" The NPC of the Black Mist Clan rolled his eyes at Nightmare Foil, and stood up immediately after speaking , and said to the rest of the NPCs: "Let's go, let's go when we are full! Let's go to the City Lord's Mansion in River Water City to take a good look."

Seeing the NPCs of the White and Black Mist tribes stand up, they thought for a while before smiling and said, "Yes, wandering! There is no way for us to sit here all the time! Go to the city lord's mansion." Check it out"

What else can Nightmare Foil Drift do other than nod?He had no choice but to sigh obediently, nodded and followed the crowd out of the tavern, following the route they visited not long ago, and ran directly to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Adventurer, if we visit in the name of our White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, will we also be able to enter the City Lord's Mansion?" The man of the White Mist Clan looked up at the city wall of the River Water City City Lord's Mansion, seemingly Inadvertently asked Nightmare Foil.Back then in Qingcheng, they couldn’t enter the city lord’s mansion. That’s because Yan Foil was directly blacklisted by Qingcheng’s city lord’s mansion to prevent him from coming and going. Now that they’re in River Water City, this city shouldn’t be the same as Qingcheng. Bar?
Sure enough, Yan Foil Liuli's eyes lit up when he heard the words of the NPC of the White Mist Clan. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "We can try this."

The NPC of the White Mist Clan cast a glance at Nightmare Foil, raised his foot, and ran directly to the guards outside the gate of the City Lord's Mansion. After a while, under the eager eyes of everyone, he smiled at the guards Nodding his head, he turned and returned.

"How is it? Are you still not allowed to go in?" the man of the Black Mist Clan asked with a frown.

"No!" The men of the White Mist tribe frowned slightly, and then said to them: "It's just that the guards asked us what's the purpose of visiting. I just said that we came here to practice, and we came here to visit, By the way, Xiao Qier. Then they said let me wait, they sent someone in to ask the manager"

"Ask the manager? Why don't you ask the city lord directly?" The man of the Black Mist Clan asked a little unhappy, then glanced at the NPC of the White Mist Clan and explained to him: "The city lord is not here! "

"Not here? Where did you go? Didn't you say that a hunt and kill order was issued?" The man of the Black Mist clan frowned with curiosity on his face.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" The man of the White Mist Clan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and then said to the people of the Black Mist Clan: "Who stipulated that the Lord City Master issued a killing order, Are you going to wait in the city lord's mansion? Isn't this hunted down and sent out just to let other people arrest people?"

"That's right!" The man of the Black Mist Clan curled his lips, and after a long silence, he asked again: "Then we just stand here and wait?"

"Otherwise?" The NPC of the White Mist Tribe gave him a faint look, then pointed to the tall walls of River Water City and asked him: "Why don't you go and see if you can climb up those walls directly?"

The members of the Black Mist Clan collectively glanced at the tall city wall outside the City Lord's Mansion, and silently lowered their heads.They really want to try it, but what kind of place is this?Are so many guards of the City Lord's Mansion putting on a good look?

Although the leading man of the Black Mist Clan was unwilling, in the end he just glared at the man of the White Mist Clan bitterly, and sulked on his own.Who told them that when the Black Mist Clan came down the mountain, they followed the White Mist Clan?If I had known earlier, I would not have been together if I had known earlier! !
Nightmare Foil looked at the NPCs of the Black Mist Clan, then at the man of the White Mist Clan, and finally had to sigh silently in his heart.It is estimated that it is unlikely that they want to enter the City Lord's Mansion in River Water City.
I thought I would have to wait for a long time, but I didn't expect that one of the guards from the lord's mansion of River Water City ran out soon, and ran directly in front of them, who had never met before, and said to the man from the Bai Zhiwu clan: "Everyone, Mo Chen!" Guests of Zhenxi Mountain, our manager said that although the city lord is not here, everyone is a guest when you come. Naturally, you can't let everyone visit us in River Water City, but you are disappointed. If you don't mind, please follow me. See you at the City Lord's Mansion!"

"Okay, thank you!" The man of the White Mist Clan had surprise in his eyes, but smiled at the guard with an unmoved expression on his face, then glanced sideways at Nightmare Foil Liuli, and motioned for them to follow, Then he took the rest of the NPCs all the way into the Santo's Mansion of River Water City, and then saw Old Hess in a palace of the Santo's Mansion.

The meeting process was basically a few polite words, and then asked about future plans and the like. Old Hess was a little busy with the affairs of the Fox Clan, so he was accompanying the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan. After the man talked for a while, he smiled directly, and then began to prepare for the eviction order: "It's a pity that our Lord City Lord is not here, otherwise we can invite Lord City Lord to meet you. My Lord City Lord will definitely be very happy that you can Come to our river water city tour!!"

The members of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan smiled politely, and finally the man from the White Mist Clan said to Old Hess, "It's okay, we'll come back later when we finish our business in Qingcheng." This sentence, before entering the city lord's mansion, it was a quotation that they had thought up with the strangers and Yan Foil.

After all, it might be impolite to suddenly come to someone else's mansion to look for the city lord of Qingcheng!
Sure enough, as soon as Old Hess heard the name Qingcheng, he immediately lifted his spirits, frowned slightly, looked at the man of the Baizhiwu tribe and asked, "Qingcheng? Do you have anything else to do in Qingcheng?"

"Yes," the man of the Baizhiwu tribe smiled, with a calm expression on his face, "The first thing we did when we came down the mountain was to go to Qingcheng to find someone. It's just that we didn't expect that after we went to Qingcheng, we discovered that we It's not easy for these strangers who don't know anything to find someone in such a big city. I was planning to visit the city lord of Qingcheng, but I just heard that the city lord Ji of Qingcheng doesn't seem to be in Qingcheng."

Old Hess finally came to his senses.

He just said, how could these so-called races on the west mountain of Mochen Town think of running so far to visit them in River Water City? They went to find Ji Xiaoyan, who knew that Ji Xiaoyan probably came directly to River Water City because of Xuan Mo's affairs.So these people from the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan got clues from Ji Xiaoyan, and then they found someone to find them. River Water City is here!
Thinking of this, old Hess could only smile at the men of the White Mist Clan, and then said: "So everyone is looking for City Lord Ji. But, unfortunately, City Lord Ji is not in River Water City!"

Hearing this, the strangers immediately frowned and exchanged glances with Yan Foil.Could it be that the self-entertainment lied to them?

Thinking of this possibility, the face of the stranger instantly sank!

"Oh? So what we heard were rumors!! That's such a pity!" The expression of the man of the White Mist Clan did not change, but he shook his head at Old Hess with some regret.

"No!" Old Hess took a serious look at the man of the White Mist Clan, and then said: "Not long ago, City Lord Ji was indeed in our River Water City, but the attendant of City Lord Ji was injured here. Presumably, after everyone entered the city, the Lord Ji, who heard the killing order from us, sent her attendants to other cities for treatment because of this matter, so she is not in our river water city now! Everyone wants to come for a while I can't see her anymore"

"Wouldn't it be convenient for Manager Hess to reveal the whereabouts of City Lord Ji?" The men of the White Mist clan naturally knew of Nightmare's plan to leave them.If they can't find Ji Xiaoyan, they have to find Xiao Qi'er in Qingcheng, it will be much more difficult than finding Ji Xiaoyan.
"This." Old Hess thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, I can't reveal this!"

Nightmare Foil's wandering and stranger's expression was ugly.

Finally found Ji Xiaoyan's whereabouts, but this NPC didn't tell me! !
"In that case, then." The man of the White Mist Clan glanced at Nightmare Foil, and after thinking for a while, he said to Old Hess with regret, "Then we have to go back to Qing City and wait for City Lord Ji." came back"

However, the next sentence of old Hess did not follow the route of the man of the White Mist clan: "Go back? Ladies and gentlemen, I am afraid that you will be wronged during this period of time. Now we have entered the state of closure of River Water City. You can't get in, you can't get out, the purpose is to catch those evil fox people who are still hiding in our city. Stay in Water City."

It wasn't until they walked out of the gate of the city lord's mansion in Refu Water City that the people of the Black Mist Clan came to their senses, looked at the leader of the White Mist Clan and asked, "Did we be under house arrest just now?"

The man of the White Mist Clan glared at him, then looked angrily at Nightmare Foil, and asked him: "Adventurers, tell me, what should we do now? You are making a fuss about coming to River Water City, saying We must be able to find City Lord Ji, and then we will be able to find Xiao Qier in our clan. Now, we are locked up here. If we are in Qingcheng, at least during the waiting period, we can be everywhere in Qingcheng Look for it!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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