Chapter 1395 News
Just when the strangers and Yan Foil were squatting depressed and unable to go anywhere in River Water City, two carrier pigeons fell from the sky and landed directly on their shoulders, creating a small surprise for them during the boring waiting time .So, after opening the content and looking at it, the strangers and Yan Foil's wandering eyes couldn't help but widen slightly, and then they glanced at each other, and began to think about the news sent by Feige.

Naturally, Feige’s letter was sent by Flying Leaves from the City Lord’s Mansion in Qingcheng. As for the content on it, it was very simple, just asking the strangers if they still remember the one that Miss Ji Xiaoyan sold back then from Panchi City. To whom did the stolen NPC's apron equipment be sold?
"Double?" The stranger frowned, with doubts on his face.He vaguely remembered that Ji Xiaoyan had obtained such a "relatively private" piece of equipment before, but he really didn't remember who she sold the equipment to.However, Flying Leaves sent a letter to Fei Ge to ask what the meaning of this matter was?A piece of equipment from a long time ago, what problems can it cause now?

Thinking of this, the acquaintance immediately looked at Yan Foil Liuli, ready to talk to him about his doubts, but when he looked up, he saw a subtle expression on Yan Foil's face.

"Wandering?" The stranger looked at Yanfoil and shouted at Liuli. After seeing him looking at him, Zai asked, "What did you think of?"

Yan Foil was silent for a second, nodded, and then said to the stranger: "The piece of equipment that Xiaoyan obtained was sold to my brother together with a large number of other things..."

"Really?" The stranger looked surprised.He originally thought that it would not be easy to get news about this equipment, but he didn't expect that Yan Foil Wandering still remembered it.Moreover, that thing was someone they knew, so Yunteng Wanli bought it! !
Yan Foil Liuli nodded, and then said to the stranger: "It's just that I don't know if my brother still has... vegetarian food, should we go and answer Luoye first?"

"Of course this is necessary!" The stranger immediately nodded and said, "Let's go, let's go directly to find the station, and ask Luo Ye why he is looking for this piece of equipment. Meaning, I think Luoye seems to be with Xiaoyan now... Even if they are not together, they should be very close! We can just ask him how is Xiaoyan's current situation? Is it really with those city lord mansions? The guards said the same..."

Nightmare Foil Liuliu nodded, followed the strangers, and looked directly at the NPCs of the White Mist and Black Mist tribes, and told them that they were going to the post station. Seeing those NPCs staring deeply After glancing at them a few times and nodding in agreement, a group of people started to find a post in River Water City again.

"Do we really want to be followed by them all the time?" The stranger looked at Yan Foil Liuli with some worry, and asked in a low voice, "For now, it's not convenient at all for us to take them around like this , see if you can talk to them at the right time, can we still do activities separately from time to time? We are always in focus like this, as players, we have no freedom anymore..."

Hearing this, Nightmare Foil immediately frowned.

He also didn't want to take these NPCs of the White Mist Clan and Black Mist Clan around!But there is no way!At the beginning, these NPCs simply relied on him because he revealed the news about Xiao Qier, an NPC of the White Mist Clan, and followed him all the way down the mountain. Well, these NPCs brought them out from the west mountain of Mochen Town just now.If it was the same as what I said at the beginning, just showing them the way and taking them around, in fact, it doesn't matter to Yan Foil Liuliu, after all, they agreed to these things.But they never imagined that these NPCs of the White Mist and Black Mist would follow them wherever they went.
Even, now they have to wait for the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan to agree before they can go there...
"Don't worry, Vegetarian, I will find a suitable opportunity to talk to them later." Yan Foil Liuliu frowned, and after thinking about it for a while, he whispered something to the stranger before turning his face away He looked at the NPCs behind him.

At this moment, Flying Leaves is staying with Brick and the old man Qingmi at the Pigeon Breeding Office of the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng, anxiously waiting to see if there are any pigeons with good news flying from the sky.

It's just that several pigeons came, but there was no news they wanted to know.

Thunder Kitten and Super Thunder Cat were the first to reply to Flying Leaves. According to them, they can only guess that Ji Xiaoyan probably sold the equipment, but it is not clear who he sold it to. The most likely thing is Sold to players, because the price will be higher then!By the way, Thunder Kitty also asked about Ji Xiaoyan's news, why they couldn't send her Feige's biography, and whether Flying Leaves is with Ji Xiaoyan.
After reading the note on Flying Pigeon, Fallen Leaves could only sigh slightly and did not reply.Ji Xiaoyan's current situation is not something he can publicize everywhere.Everything, let's wait until he meets Ji Xiaoyan's real person first...
The second person to reply to the message was the Nightmare Cleaner. It is said that this man has been in Qingcheng all the time. He wanted to become a permanent resident but failed, and because the location of the former City Lord's Mansion has completely changed now, he finally appeared on the teleportation array.When Falling Leaves Flying Flying sent the message, he was wandering around Qingcheng, getting used to the new city.

The Nightmare Cleaner just complained to Flying Leaves about its troubles after going online, then asked about Ji Xiaoyan's current situation and location, and then directly replied to Flying Leaves' question: I don't know!

then it's gone
The third person to reply to the news of Flying Leaves was, of course, that Nightmare Foil had drifted away.

Because they are strangers and don't know anything, the person who replied is naturally sent by the insider, Yan Fouliu, to send Feige a letter!It's just that, after thinking about the situation of the game after the game update, Nightmare Foil Wandering added some words after giving the news of Flying Leaves.

Yunteng Wanli is now separated from Qingcheng by thousands of mountains and rivers and a continent. If you really want to rely on Feige to send a letter to contact, you don't know when you will reply.Therefore, Nightmare Foil Wandering asked Flying Leaves in Flying Pigeon's Biography, are they in a hurry to find this equipment?If he was in a hurry, he would go offline and ask the real person of Yunteng Wanli directly. By the way, he also wanted to know, what is Fallen Leaf Flying and the others looking for this equipment for?

When Flying Leaves received the letter from Yan Foil's wandering pigeon, he actually had great expectations.

After all, if the player can't find this bellyband in their hands, they will be in trouble!Think about it, Miss Ji Xiaoyan has gone around in circles in almost several continents. If you go to every town, village, and city to look for it, you will really be looking for a dead person. "There is news... There is news Already.....Elder Qingya, Brick, there is news!" Flying Leaves, after quickly reading the biography of Feige written by Yan Bujiao, immediately excitedly turned towards Old Man Qingya and Brick. Shouted twice, and then said to them: "I know who Xiaoyan sold that bellyband to..."

"Really?" The old man Qingmi also had a look of surprise when he heard the words, and quickly moved to the side of Falling Ye Feifei, and looked into his palm, wanting to see what was written on the note. .It's a pity that the current Feige Biography is more private, and the old man Qingmi can't see anything at all.
"What's written in the note? Who did Xiaoyan sell that bellyband to?" Brick also looked nervous and excited, looking at Flying Leaves and asked.

Hearing the news, Fallen Leaves Flying immediately told old man Qingmi and Brick what Yan Foil had said in Feige's biography, and then looked at them and asked, "Now we all know the buyer of the bellyband, It can be found too. But Elder Qing Mi, can we get this bellyband back immediately? If we want to get it back, what should we use to buy it for others?"

The old man Qingya only cared about those buyers who were anxious to find the apron as Brick said, and he didn't think about how they would buy the apron back after they found a buyer at all.Let people send it back directly?That must be impossible, isn't it?Let people sell it cheaper and return it to them?It's impossible!Is it still necessary to rob it?

Thinking of this, the old man Qingmi couldn't help looking at Brick, and then asked, "Brick, what should I do? Is Xiaoyan really urgent?"

"It must be very urgent! If we found it, we must immediately send the apron to Xiaoyan and send it to Panchi City. Otherwise... Otherwise..." Brick looked anxiously, looking at the old man Qingmi and said: " Otherwise, Xiaoyan will be killed by Lord Yeshan..."

The old man Qingmi patted Brick on the shoulder comfortingly, signaling him not to worry. After thinking for a while, he looked at Luoye Fenfei and asked, "Fengfei Luoye, you should go and ask first, the adventurer who bought Xiaoyan's bellyband Or, how many gold coins are you willing to sell to us now! I will find a way about the gold coins..."

"Uncle Qingmi..." Brick looked at the old man Qingmi with a moved face. He knew the current situation of the treasure house in Qingcheng. possible!Fortunately, fortunately, there is Elder Qingya.
The old man Qingya waved his hand at Brick indifferently, looked directly at Luo Yefenfei and asked, "Luoye Fenfei, you should ask now..."

Luoye Feifei nodded, took a pigeon directly, and returned a message to Yan Foil Liuliu as quickly as possible, and then he hurriedly went offline to ask Yunteng Wanli if he would sell the apron equipment back to Qing After old man Mi, Zai looked at old man Qingmi, frowned slightly and asked: "Uncle Qingmi... Is Xiaoyan not doing well in Panchi City now? Should we go to Panchi City to help now?"

The old man Qingmi took a look at Falling Ye Flying, with a look of contempt on his face: "Falling Leaves Flying... It's not that I'm talking about you, it's good for you to have this kind of heart! But, look at your strength, you know where it is Ah? That's Panchi City, a big city! Do you know how strong that man Ye Shan is? That's it, do you know how strong you are? You go to help? I think it's better to forget it Let's...don't plant you in Panchi City by then, and ask us to save you, then we will find more things for no reason..."

Fallen Ye Feifei looked at old man Qingmi with a look of injury on his face.He's just a player, how could NPCs like them be as powerful as them?Isn't it enough for players to gather the number of people in this situation, and to help out?Now let’s talk about strength, what about it? He’s just a priest who adds blood, what kind of strength does he need?Isn't he just standing behind to add blood to everyone?

Thinking of this, Luoye Fenfei immediately looked at old man Qingmi with grievances, and said, "Master Qingmi... I won't hold you back...and, even if something happened to me in Panchi City , I won't blame you, please take care of me..."

"Who knows this kind of thing now?" Old man Qingmi looked contemptuous, and he didn't have the slightest intention of agreeing to Luoye Fenfei to go to Panchi City together.

Falling Leaves Flying Hesitantly looked at the old man Qingmi several times, but finally closed his mouth and looked at Brick eagerly.

Brick looked at the falling leaves, and then looked at the old man Qingmi who lowered his head and thought for a while, before he said: "Actually... Master Qingmi, if we go to Panchi City, the more people there, the better... ...Panchi City does not seem to be what we imagined at the beginning... The city lord of the city, it seems that it is not as good as we imagined! If we can have more people, maybe it will be better..."

The old man Qingya immediately frowned when he heard Brick's words, looked at him with a puzzled expression, and then asked, "Brick? Brick, what did you find in Panchi City? What’s wrong with City Lord Yanshan? Don’t be fooled by Yeshan, the most wrong person in Panchi City is Yeshan, maybe you were misled by him.”

 PS: Thanks for the monthly pass of "Summer Blossoms"!

(End of this chapter)

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