Chapter 1402

River Water City City Lord's Mansion.

After Old Hess sent away the members of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, along with Concubine Ouyang and Sunshine's Sister Xiong, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and ordered people to quickly leave from the teleportation array. Where to go to Panchi City to send a message to his master Bessa, saying that a fox family has been caught, and then returned to Brick and the others, and then explained to them with a smile, and then said to Brick : "Fortunately, although we have been delayed for some time now, at least we have caught a member of the Fox clan... People from the White Mist and Black Mist clans also followed the other two adventurers to find their clansmen , just so you can leave first... How about it? Brick, do you still need to wait for those people from the White Mist Clan?"

Brick turned his head and glanced at Nightmare Foil Wandering, and after seeing him shake his head quickly, he said to old Hess: "No need. Manager Hess, let's go first..." What about the White Mist Clan, For Brick, those of the Black Mist Clan are actually irrelevant.His task now is to take away Yan Foil, and then let him go to his brother to get back Ji Xiaoyan's apron!For the rest, it doesn't matter!
Old Hess nodded very simply, took Brick and Nightmare away and they went to the teleportation array in the city lord's mansion, then stood in front of the teleportation array and said with a smile: "I remember Bree Ke, you said that you will go to Panchi City to look for City Lord Ji, right? If you meet our Lord Besa, please tell him that we have captured a fox family and let him come back as soon as possible..."

Brick nodded, and after stepping onto the teleportation formation, he heard old Hess report Qingcheng's name directly to the teleportation guard, and when he opened his eyes again, they had already appeared in Qingcheng's teleportation formation.

It's just that the strangers and Yan Foil were a little surprised at the moment.

I thought they would still appear in the teleportation array on the water, but found that the place where they were standing at the moment seemed to be next to a certain palace.

"Let's go, let's go find Uncle Qingmi together, and then go straight to Dudou!" Brick didn't pay attention to the expressions of the strangers and Yan Foil at the moment, but just saw the City Lord's Mansion who had returned to Qingcheng After that, he spoke directly to them.As a result, after everyone in Brick had already left the teleportation array for a long time, they realized that the two of them, who had never met before, were still standing there, looking around in surprise.

"Hey, why don't you leave?" Brick yelled towards Yan Foil drifting away with some displeasure.They've already wasted a lot of time in Riverwater
"That.... Brick, where is this place?" Yan Foil Liuliu looked puzzled, and after standing with the stranger, he looked at the surrounding environment curiously, and then looked curiously at Brick asked: "Is this the new city lord's mansion in Qingcheng? Why is the teleportation array here? Shouldn't it be on the water outside the city? There is also a teleportation array in the city lord's mansion?"

Brick turned his head and glanced at Yan Boliu with a displeased expression, trying his best to scold him and drag him away, but thinking about it later, the bellyband of Lord Yeshan was still in his hands, so Bu Rick took a deep breath for an instant, and after taking a deep look at Yanboliu, he said: "This is the City Lord's Mansion! The place where Xiaoyan lives... As adventurers, you don't have to ask about other things. There are too many... let's go, Master Qingmi is still waiting for us to go back and reply, we still need to hurry up and get the things, and then go to Panchi City to find Xiaoyan!"

"Looking for Xiaoyan!!" The eyes of Yan Foil Liuliu and strangers lit up instantly, and quickly ran out of the teleportation array, and ran to Brick's side in a few steps, then looked at him in surprise and asked: "Brick Rick, is what you said true? As long as we get the bellyband, we can go to Panchi City to meet Xiaoyan?"

Brick frowned slightly, took a look at Yan Foil Liuli, and after thinking for a while, he said: "We arranged it that way, but whether you can follow to Panchi City depends on whether Master Qingmi agrees or not." Agreed... I am only responsible for finding the things, and then taking them to Panchi City to bring Xiaoyan back."

"Then we can definitely go!" The stranger said to Brick with a smile, "No matter how we can help, can't we? Didn't you say that the Lord Yeshan of Panchi City is not easy to get along with? Let's go In other words, if there is any accident, you can still help, right? Brick, you must help us in front of Elder Qingmi in a while, say a few good words, and you must take us with you!"

Brick stared at the stranger, but said nothing.According to his idea, he only needs to get the bellyband, and then go straight to Panchi City with a large number of Qingcheng guards. It doesn't matter if you take adventurers or not. no use
Seeing that Brick did not refute, the strangers and Yan Foil were silently relieved in their hearts.If you don't refuse, it means you acquiesce!As long as they can meet Ji Xiaoyan and see with their own eyes what kind of state she looks like after entering the game, it will be fine. Let's talk about the rest later!
Soon, Brick took the nightmare and strangers to the pigeon breeding place where the old man Qingya and the fallen leaves were staying.At this moment, the old man Qingmi is still calculating with Luoye Fenfei how many players can come to help them when they arrive at Panchi City for a while, to boost their momentum...
"Master Qingmi... I'm back!" Brick hurriedly shouted to the old man Qingmi from a distance, and then without waiting for his answer, he shouted directly: "I have already brought him back, Qingmi Uncle Mi, we are going to get the bellyband now, and then go directly to Panchi City..."

"You're back now?" After hearing Brick's words, the old man Qingmi turned to look at him with a look of surprise, and then asked, "Didn't it mean that River Shuicheng is arresting that fox clan and preventing them from coming out?" Brick, how did you convince them? After these two cities are allied, can they really trust you so much?"

"We accepted the inspection!" Brick glanced at the old man Qingmi, explained to him, and then urged: "Uncle Qingmi, let's go!! I also brought that adventurer back... . . . "

Hearing this, the old man Qingmi looked at Yan Foil Liuli and the stranger, and said with a slight frown: "I remember the two of them, they used to hang out with that girl Xiaoyan... I remember that kid Isn't he a disciple of Qianhuamen?"

As soon as the stranger heard about him, he quickly smiled at old man Qingya and nodded.

"That's good!" Old Man Qingmi twitched the corner of his mouth, and after thinking about it, he said to Brick: "It's better to know something than not to know it. Is something on your body?"

"No! It's at my brother's place." Nightmare Foil Wandering shook his head at Qingmi old man, and then said: "My brother is already waiting for us, we just need to teleport directly to get the bellyband!"

"Oh," the old man Qingmi nodded with a little disappointment, then looked at Brick and asked, "Then we will go to Panchi City as soon as we get the bellyband, right? Brick, I remember you said that Pan The gates of Chicheng are opened once every three days, if we pass now, the gates will still be closed? Do we have to pass tomorrow?"

"Shouldn't be necessary!" Brick was stunned for a moment, he hadn't thought about this issue at all, and suddenly heard the old man Qingmi's words, he thought for a few seconds, and then said: "We are following the orders of the Lord Yeshan. They went out of the city, and when we came out, the city lord Ye Shan had already replaced all the people guarding the city gate with his subordinates... I think if we go back with our aprons, we should be able to enter the city immediately..."

"Can you go in directly, or can we both?" Old Man Qingya looked at Brick again and asked with rare seriousness.Just kidding, if this question is not clear, how can we go to Panchi City?He organized a lot of adventurers and Qingcheng guards. If this is over, just watching Brick enter the city, and they are locked outside and can't do anything, then it will not be so depressed!
Brick stared blankly at old man Qingmi several times, then shook his head and said, "Uncle Qingmi, I have no way to answer your question! I am not the guard of Panchi City, and I don't know who Can enter, who can't! If you are really worried about this issue, don't care, if the time comes, you can only let me in, at worst, I will wait for you to enter the city together when the city gate is wide open. I think Xiaoyan They should still be able to hold on..."

After all, the matter of the bellyband was just for City Master Yeshan to take a look at it, and then to show Ji Xiaoyan a good look with the bellyband, and he didn't say that if he went back late, he would really yell at Ji Xiaoyan?A little later, should be no problem, right?Brick was a little uncertain in his heart, but he didn't dare to think badly, so he could only comfort himself like this.Anyway, Master Bessa of River Water City also went to Panchi City, right?Since he claimed to be Ji Xiaoyan Gu Nian's fiancé, he would naturally take good care of Ji Xiaoyan in Panchi City.
"Are you sure?" After hearing Brick's words, the old man Qingya frowned, feeling a little worried.

"Uncle Qingmi, let's not waste time worrying about these things here, shall we?" Brick looked towards the old man Qingmi quietly, then sighed at him and said, "Whether I'm sure or not We will never know if we will be able to enter the city if we don’t get to Panchi City! Besides, Lord Bessa has also gone to Panchi City. If we think about it, we will definitely protect Xiaoyan, so let’s put these worries aside for now. Go ahead, get the bellyband, let’s go outside Panchi City and talk about it! Uncle Qingmi, what do you think?"

"Oh, yes! Brick, I haven't seen you for so long, you still have a little brain, you know how to teach me a lesson!" The old man Qingmi raised his eyebrows, looked at Brick and said.

"Master Uncle Qingmi...I'm not stupid, okay!" Brick glared at the old man Qingmi resentfully, and then said after a while, "Can we leave now?"

"Naturally." The old man Qingya quickly smiled at Brick, and then looked directly at Fallen Leaves, and then said to him: "Hurry up, tell your adventurer friends, first go to Pan Chicheng just wait! We will teleport directly to Panchi City with our bellybands in a while, and we don’t have time for you to send pigeons to them... Then we all go to the teleportation array in Panchi City and wait! "

Luoye Feifei nodded unequivocally, threw a few pigeons in his hand into the sky, and said to old man Qingmi: "Elder Qingmi, don't worry. I told them a long time ago, if you get people together, you will be fine." Go directly to Panchi City and wait. Here, I also threw out the last batch of pigeons, and they will wait for us in Panchi City..."

"Okay, then let's go now!" Old Man Qingya nodded at Flying Leaves with satisfaction, and looked at Brick.

"Let's go!" Brick couldn't help but sighed in his heart.At first, he thought that when he came back to Qingcheng, he would count on the old man Qingmi to be the backbone, but now he is the one who makes the decisions... He doesn't feel good at all, okay! !
Seeing Brick and the old man Qingmi approaching, the strangers and Nightmare hurriedly stood aside, and then immediately moved to Luoye Fenfei's side, followed them to the teleportation array, and seized the time to catch Luoye Fenfei and asked Started talking: "Luo Ye, when did you come down from the West Mountain? Why didn't you reply to our message? By the way, is it true that Xiao Yan lost her memory? Have you seen her? How is she doing now?"

Falling Leaves Flying took a look at the stranger and Yan Foil who were nervously looking at him, couldn't help but sighed softly, and then replied in a low voice: "I haven't seen Xiaoyan yet! I came from Xishan After coming down, I went straight to Qingcheng. I couldn’t enter the city lord’s mansion. Fortunately, Elder Qingmi wanted to find that apron equipment, so he sent me a letter of flying pigeons, asking me to think about Xiaoyan selling that equipment. Who gave it to, otherwise I would still be wandering outside the city lord's mansion right now!"

"Did Elder Qingmi and the others say anything about Xiaoyan?" The strangers frowned, looked at Luoye Flying and asked, "You sent a message to Liuli about Xiaoyan's marriage contract? Have you asked Elder Qing Mi if they have?"

Luoye Feifei shook his head, and said helplessly: "I also want to know what's going on, but unfortunately, I asked Elder Qingmi several times very bluntly, but he didn't want to say anything at all. Just take one sentence , I’m a player, and if I know these things, it’s none of my business to send me away... I’ve asked about Xiaoyan’s amnesia several times, and Elder Qingmi directly said that he didn’t come back to Qingcheng for a long time, what? I don’t know, and then I don’t want to say more!” At this point, Luoye Feifei couldn’t help but sigh, and then looked at the stranger and Yan Foil Liuliu and said: “Now, we can only hope that where Yunteng Wanli After putting on the bellyband, go directly to Panchi City to meet Xiaoyan, and ask her carefully what happened to her recently... I'm afraid it's impossible to count on Elder Qingmi and the NPCs!!"

(End of this chapter)

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