The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1403 Go?Or go to war?

Chapter 1403 Go?Or go to war?
Panchi City.

Master Bessa looked impatient, looking at the two city lords who looked exactly the same but had completely different temperaments in front of him, he felt a nameless sense of anxiety in his heart.In fact, Lord Bessa didn't understand where this sense of anxiety came from.
"Castile Lord Bessa, do you think so?" City Lord Yeshan asked with a smile on his face, squinting his eyes and looking at Lord Bessa who was sitting there with an obviously cruising expression on his face. To himself, he shut up again in an instant.The reason for the Besa City Lord of Refushui City in front of him came to their Panchi City, is that? Ye Shan didn't know, so could Ye Shan still not know?Besides, since Miss Ji Xiaoyan entered their Panchi City, who doesn't know, who doesn't know?Now that Yan Shan is silent, isn't it because he has the same idea as him, and everyone is pretending to be stupid?
Since this is the case, why do I have to be such an early bird, and let the old man take advantage of it?
Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan suddenly smiled in his heart, then picked up the teacup beside him and gently pecked...
Lord Bessa frowned, looked at City Lord Yeshan, then turned to look at City Lord Yeshan who was sitting next to him and did not speak, and after a long silence, he asked: "You two city lords What did you just say? I was a little distracted and didn't hear..."

"Oh, didn't you hear it?" City Lord Ye Shan gently put down the teacup in his hand, and then looked at Lord Bessa with a harmless smile: "Since Lord Bessa, you don't have the heart to listen to us, you didn't listen Now, forget it...... No matter what we say, it is meaningless. You are right, Lord Bessa!!" Speaking of this, Lord Yeshan frowned when he saw Lord Bessa, and then continued : "Since Lord Bessa is not in the mood to talk to us, why not come back sooner..."

"City Master Ye Shan, is this going to drive me away?" Lord Bessa's brows were furrowed immediately, and there was a trace of disbelief in his eyes. He glanced at City Lord Ye Shan, then turned his gaze to City Master Xi Shan and asked: " City Lord Yan Shan, is this how your Panchi City treats guests?"

City Lord Yan Shan glanced at City Lord Ye Shan, stood up suddenly, and said to Master Bessa with a friendly face: "City Master Bessa, speaking of it, you also know the current situation of our Panchi City. Because Xuan Mo Regarding the matter, our Panchi City has also declared war on the Fox Clan just like your River Water City. If you, as the lord of River Water City, come to our Panchi City to discuss with us and form an alliance to fight against the Fox Clan, then our Panchi City will definitely fight against the Fox Clan. You are very welcome!" At this point, City Lord Yanshan looked sideways at City Lord Yeshan, and saw that he was just smiling and did not speak, so he continued, "It's just that we look at the situation of City Lord Bessa. The purpose of coming here does not seem to be the same as what we thought... So, Lord Bessa, I think Ye Shan and I feel that if we don’t form an alliance, there is no time to waste! Lord Bessa, you know , we are all very busy..."

"So?" Lord Bessa frowned unhappily, and looked at City Lord Lushan and City Lord Yeshan!Isn't it said that these two people fought to the death for the dominance of Panchi City?How come looking at it now, it seems that they get along very harmoniously, not to mention that they have a good understanding?
"So..." Before the city lord Lushan could speak, the city lord Yeshan who was next to him smiled immediately, and then said: "So, lord Bessa, I think it's better for you to go back early to deal with the affairs of your river water city We Panchi City also need time to prepare for the attack of the Fox Clan..."

Hearing this, if Master Bessa still doesn't understand that the two people in front of him are issuing him an order to evict him, then he is really an idiot!However, after speaking clearly, Master Bessa sneered twice, then instantly relaxed his body, leaned lightly on the chair, looked at the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Lushan lightly, and said: "The matter of our River Water City , I don’t need to worry about the two city lords! After all, if something happens to us in River Water City, I can bear it alone, but it’s not like the situation like the two now..."

Upon hearing the words, City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help but twitched his brows, and squinted at City Lord Yan Shan.

What Master Bessa meant by saying this, we are all smart people, so naturally we all understand.It was nothing more than feeling that he and the city lord Yan Shan were rude to him and wanted to drive him away, so he stabbed them in the heart a few times to scare them, and his heart would feel better!Hmph, Panchi City, one day there will be only one city lord!Just to see who wins and who loses in the end
City Lord Yan Shan lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking, chuckled a few times, and then said to Master Bessa: "The main thing is that there is nothing wrong with Bessa City, so let Ye Shan send you out of the city!" After finishing speaking, City Master Yan Shan looked at City Master Ye Shan twice, and then continued: "Xu Mo is still inside, and the situation is still a little unstable, so I won't talk with you, City Master Besa... Ye Shan , in a while, you remember to send off Santo Besa..."

City Master Ye Shan smiled at City Master Yan Shan as a matter of course, then turned to look at Master Bessa, and seeing him frowning slightly, he immediately felt a little more at ease in his heart.He didn't believe that the Lord Bessa couldn't send him away like this!As long as he sends City Master Bessa away, he won't have to worry about wasting time, and won't let him see Ji Xiaoyan.
Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan immediately stood up, waved to the guards behind him, and said, "City Lord Bessa, let's go, I'll take you back..."

Lord Bessa just smiled softly when he heard the words, but also stood up, and by the way, he lifted his feet and walked two steps outside the palace gate, and then said to the Lord Ye Shan who was following behind him: "Since Ye Shan City Lord, you are all very busy, and you don't really welcome us to stay in Panchi City, so when I leave, I will take City Lord Ji Xiaoyan from Qingcheng with me! Thinking about it, City Lord Yeshan may not know that City Lord Ji is mine Fiancee, if I leave her here to disturb you, I'd be really embarrassed!"

When City Lord Ye Shan heard this, he squinted his eyes immediately, and snorted coldly towards Lord Bessa's back: "What is City Lord Bessa talking about? City Lord Ji of Qingcheng is your fiancée? Hehe, then This City Lord really doesn't know... It's just, City Lord Bessa, you are you, City Lord Ji is City Lord Ji, she still has something to do in Panchi City, so you don't need to take her away..."

"That can't be done! As a fiancé, I can't let you bother the Lord Yeshan!" Lord Bessa also had a smile on his face. I was a little puzzled.

After he entered Panchi City, he realized that something was not quite right.

After he entered the gate of the palace with City Lord Ge Shan and City Master Ye Shan and started talking, he intentionally or unintentionally mentioned that he wanted to meet Ji Xiaoyan, but both City Master Ge Shan and City Master Ye Shan intentionally avoided this topic.After that, I kept talking about something and nothing until they issued an order to evict the guest.So Lord Bessa instantly understood one thing, no matter if it was City Lord Yan Shan or Ye Shan, they seemed to not want him to see Ji Xiaoyan!It's just that he still doesn't know the reason for this...
According to Lord Bessa's guess, Ji Xiaoyan's reason for not leaving Panchi City now is probably just for the sake of Xuan Mo?After all, he was seriously injured, and it seemed that the Lord of Panchi City, Yan Shan, could heal Xuan Mo!However, just because Ji Xiaoyan asked them to save Xuan Mo, it's a little strange that Lord Yeshan and Lord Yanshan are unwilling to let Ji Xiaoyan leave!

City Lord Ye Shan pursed his lips unhappily, squinted at Lord Bessa, snorted coldly, and said, "Whether Ji Xiaoyan will be troublesome staying in Panchi City is not up to you. City Lord Bessa, this City Lord still thinks that you can leave by yourself! How other City Lords are doing in our Panchi City is not something you worry about... So, please, this City Lord will send you to leave our Panchi City now... .”

Hearing the tone of the city lord Yeshan gradually became cold and stern, Master Bessa lost his good temper. He stopped directly, turned to look at the city lord Yeshan, and said: "I think the city lord Yeshan didn't take what the city lord said at all. Listen in... Since I, Besa, have already entered your Panchi City, if I can't take Ji Xiaoyan away, then I won't leave either. If City Lord Yeshan wants to use force with me, then I will Sa won't be afraid either..."

"The words of Lord Bessa sound interesting!" The Lord of Yeshan looked at Master Bessa quietly with a cold face, and then said: "It sounds like you are going to fight me, Yeshan. Meaning, it's a bit like asking the two cities to go to war?"

"As for whether it is an individual or a city battle, it depends on the attitudes of you and the city lord Yeshan!" Lord Bessa looked straight at the city lord Yeshan, and said firmly to him: "Whether it is , I, Besa, will continue!!"

Hearing the words, City Lord Ye Shan narrowed his eyes slightly, and clenched his palms tightly.

Killing and fighting, Ye Shan is not afraid of anything.It's just that, whether it's an individual or a city battle, he has already issued a hunting order to the Fox Clan on behalf of Xishan. If he confronts River Water City again, Xishan will not be so easy to talk to.Regarding the matter of the Fox Clan, if it wasn't for the fact that they beat Xuan Mo seriously, and he issued a hunting order to the Fox Clan, it is estimated that Yan Shan would have left the gate of the palace a long time ago and started fighting with him!There is no movement now, and it's not because he also feels that the killing order is quite satisfactory to him!
Thinking of the expression of the city lord Yan Shan, the city lord Ye Shan couldn't help frowning.

If Yan Shancheng mainly had a civil war with him, then their Panchi City would not be as peaceful as it is now!At that time, it will be very common for blood to flow into rivers and corpses lying across fields!It's just that when that time comes, I'm afraid that their Panchi City will no longer exist
"How is it? Lord Yeshan, which one are you going to choose?" Lord Bessa didn't know what the Lord Yeshan had been thinking in the past few seconds, but he just looked at him frowning, with a look in his eyes. With a few traces of embarrassment on his face, his mood immediately improved, and he looked at the Lord Ye Shan provocatively and asked.

Lord Bessa is not afraid of Panchi City!A city with two city lords is not a good thing in itself!Regardless of whether the City Lord Lushan and the City Lord Yeshan were at odds as outside rumors, or whether they were as harmonious as they showed in front of him today with a tacit understanding, there will definitely be fights!Otherwise, it would be impossible for Panchi City to open the city gate every three days.
Just at one point, this Panchi City will not be too peaceful.

Therefore, City Lord Ye Shan will definitely not respond to his provocation at all considering the situation of City Lord Yan Shan. Naturally, no challenge will arise.What's more, as the Lord of River Water City, if he is driven away like this, no matter what he does, he will not be the one who did the wrong thing. He glared at him for a few times, and then said through gritted teeth: "What City Master Bessa said sounds like he wants to start a war with our Panchi City! But, it's a pity... Our Panchi City is a very peace-loving city lord, You can’t just attack others when you have nothing to do, just like the city lords of Bessa and you River Water City..."

"Hehe, whether you love peace or not depends on who you are facing!" Lord Bessa also said unceremoniously to the Lord Yeshan, "The way you treat guests like the city lord Yeshan, I appreciate it." Sa's temper can't be cured! It's alright, you don't want to go to war after looking at City Lord Yeshan, then don't chat with me about these nonsense here! Let me leave Panchi City, there is no problem, as long as you let me keep Ji It’s fine to take City Lord Xiaoyan away together; if that’s not possible, I can only ask City Lord Yeshan to arrange for me. I will meet City Lord Ji Xiaoyan, and then we will stay in Panchi City and wait for you to treat Xuan Mo... What? Which one do you choose? City Lord Yeshan, which one do you choose now? Don’t be the same as before, choose nothing..."

City Lord Ye Shan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, stared at Lord Bessa without saying a word.

Lord Bessa immediately smiled when he saw this, looked at the surroundings of the palace in a good mood, and then said directly to the Lord Yeshan: "Speaking of which, the Lord of the City has been here for a long time, and he hasn't taken care of it yet. How about visiting the City Lord’s Mansion of your Panchi City! How about it? City Lord Yeshan, you also do your best to show your friendship as a landlord and take this City Lord around?”
City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help cursing immediately when he heard the words, then he stared at Lord Bessa and said, "Our City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City is not a random place, City Lord Bessa, you can see it if you want. Yes! I’m really curious about what other people’s mansions look like. You can teleport away, Lord Bessa, and go to other cities to see! So, Lord Bessa, if you still don’t want to leave, this city lord will take you now. Find a room, have a good rest, and, by the way, refresh your mind!"

 PS: Thanks for the monthly pass of "Meizi gao"!

(End of this chapter)

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