The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1404 See you!Isn't it just to see you? !

Chapter 1404 See you!Isn't it just to see you? !

Master Bessa thinks that, as the city lord of River Water City, although he is not very famous on the mainland, he has been to many places, knows many city lords, and has been to many towns, not to mention all of them. Received warm hospitality, but it is impossible to be directly disgusted or even driven away like now!

Panchi City is really different!

Seeing City Lord Yeshan looking at him with a sneer on his face, Master Bessa thought for a while, snorted coldly, and said to City Lord Yeshan: "Your Panchi City is really special... okay, since City Lord Yeshan You are very busy, so I won’t bother you. You don’t have to worry about the rest, City Lord Yeshan. The city lord is tired and will find someone to take him to rest! As for now... Yeshan City is mainly going to Whatever you are busy with, go by yourself, this city lord can go shopping by himself. Of course, city lord Yeshan, don’t worry, I won’t do anything inappropriate in the mansion of your city lord in Refu Water City..."

"No!" City Lord Ye Shan didn't have the slightest desire to continue listening to Master Bessa, and immediately raised his eyebrows and shouted at him: "City Master Bessa, you can either go directly to rest now, or return to you. Go to River Water City! Disobedient people like you are not welcome in Panchi City."

"What's the matter? Lord Yeshan, what do you mean by this? It sounds like you're in charge of me?" Lord Bessa raised his chin arrogantly, squinted at City Lord Yeshan and asked: "Or, in fact City Lord Yeshan just doesn't want to speak out about the war, so he wants to provoke the city lord to speak up? That's no problem, as long as you are not afraid of City Lord Yeshan, I, Besa, am naturally not afraid of anything!" Having said this, Master Besa suddenly He snorted twice, and then continued: "As far as the current situation of your Panchi City is concerned... City Lord Yeshan, you have to think clearly!"

"Are you threatening me?" City Lord Ye Shan squinted at Lord Bessa.

"Where!" Master Bessa also had a sneer on his face, staring at City Lord Yeshan and said: "I, Besa, have always been respected by you and I respect you... But now it seems that City Lord Yeshan, You and the city lord Yan Shan didn't think so. Since the city lord entered your Panchi City... oh no, it should be said that since the city lord has not entered your Panchi City, you have been rude to the city lord. If not Thinking that City Lord Ji is still in your Panchi City, this City Lord is really not as easy to talk to as he is now!"

Master Bessa watched the rapid changes in the face of the city lord Ye Shan, while playing with his fingers patiently, he said lightly: "Speaking of which, the city lord has not fought anyone for many years, and I don't know who it is. It’s not because of this that people in many cities now think that our River Water City has disappeared, and they dare not fight with anyone anymore? Lord Yeshan, or you, Panchi City, will come and help us in River Water City to prove it Strength? I will come back in person later, to thank you and City Lord Yan Tan?"

City Lord Ye Shan looked at Lord Bessa quietly, seeing the smile on his face, there was absolutely no joking element on his face, and his heart sank.He thought that even if Master Bessa said it again, it was impossible for him to really want to start a war with their Panchi City!After all, if there is a war between the two cities, it will involve many aspects. No matter who loses, they will need to pay compensation to the other city in the end. That is not a small expense!Even if he is as rich as him, Ye Shan city lord dare not say that the things in his treasury are enough for a city to pay compensation!Unless, he and Yan Shan don't want Panchi City, or in other words, Lord Bessa is fighting with them directly, directly annihilating their Panchi City, then they don't have to worry about it
However, Lord Bessa said just now that if the war started, he would still come to thank him and the city lord Chang after the war ended.Then what he meant was that as long as the compensation is paid, of course the city lord Yeshan doesn't want to admit it, but he has to say that compared with River Water City, their Panchi City is indeed weaker!
From the fact that there are two masters in one city, it can be seen that their Panchi City will not be better than River Water City...

Do you really want to start a war with River Water City?Or just let the Lord Bessa of River Water City wander around in their Mansion of the Panchi City?Go back and look for Ji Xiaoyan?City Lord Ye Shan instantly felt a sense of powerlessness and helplessness!He changed at night, he shouldn't be so passive.
"City Lord Yeshan, do you need a letter of war? You should say something!" Lord Bessa no longer smiled at the moment, but stared at City Lord Yechang seriously, waiting for his answer.To fight or not to fight, he doesn't care, all he needs to do is take Miss Ji Xiaoyan away!After that, he doesn't have to worry at all now!Refu Water City is not only an ally of Miss Ji Xiaoyan's Qingcheng
What's more, their River Water City's strength is really not low, and they are not afraid to fight Panchi City!

After hearing Lord Bessa's words, City Lord Ye Shan looked at him seriously for the first time, at the seemingly infinitely proud man in front of him!He really wanted to accept this challenge as he wished, with a reckless expression on his face, and then bring his subordinates to a battle of life or death with River Water City!However, he couldn't speak, and he didn't dare to agree!It was the first time that City Lord Ye Shan hated City Lord Yan Shan so much.
If it wasn't for him, maybe Ye Shan didn't even need to marry Ji Xiaoyan by force, just to get a Qingcheng! !

"Since Lord Bessa thinks so much about our Panchi City, then you should go shopping more!" City Lord Yeshan was silent for a long time, then looked at the corner of his mouth, and said to Master Bessa: "Just our Panchi City The City Lord’s Mansion, how can you make Besa City Lord feel comfortable? Let’s go, I will accompany you to see all the scenery of our Panchi City..."

When Master Bessa heard the words, the smile on his face suddenly faded a little, and he looked at City Lord Yeshan and asked, "City Lord Yeshan, didn't you just say that you were very busy? Why do you have nothing to do? Accompany me, the lord of River Water City, to go shopping?"

"That's natural!" City Lord Ye Shan adjusted his mentality, smiled instantly, and said to Lord Bessa: "A city lord like you, City Lord Bessa, who doesn't care about war at all, how can I let you be here?" I didn’t have a good time visiting Panchi City. Is there any reason to come back and challenge our Panchi City? Anyway, it’s the same as what you said, the city lord of Bessa. Our Panchi city is not just me. Can Shan handle it? Just right, I will be free to accompany you around, City Lord Bessa!" Speaking of this, City Master Ye Shan saw Lord Bessa's slightly unhappy expression, and felt instantly relieved. , and then continued to speak: "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense here, Lord Bessa, let's go! I'll take you to the East City to have a look first..."

After finishing speaking, City Lord Ye Shan immediately made an invitation gesture and looked at Lord Bessa.

"City Lord Yeshan, I, Bessa, don't want to talk nonsense with you here." Master Bessa was really angry at the moment, looking at the rogue-looking City Lord Yeshan, he said in a deep voice: "I can come to your pan Chicheng, I just came to see Ji Xiaoyan. I don't care what your Panchi City looks like. Since you are so willing to lead me the way, why don't you just take me to see Ji Xiaoyan... Otherwise, we Let’s see each other on the battlefield! After all, our water city of River River hasn’t expanded its boundaries for many years…”

Ye Shan city lord heard the words, with an angry look on his face!

Go to war!Go to war!The man Bessa Santo typically found that he dared not agree to go to war, so he said this on purpose.City Lord Ye Shan clenched his fists tightly, with an expression on his face that was about to break through his patience...
Seeing this, the guards following City Lord Ye Shan quickly approached Master Bessa in a low voice, and said to him in a low voice: "Master City must be patient!! Isn't it just to meet the City Master of Qing City? Is it? You can let the city master Besa go to see it... Anyway, we don't know where the city master Ji of Qingcheng has gone..."

City Lord Ye Shan glanced back and moved closer to him, bent his waist, raised his eyes to look at his guard, thought for a while, then slightly raised the corners of his mouth, turned to look at Lord Bessa and said, "Forget it ! City Lord Besa, since you must see City Lord Ji Xiaoyan, it is impossible for the City Lord to stop you, so let’s see you when you see him... just!" Seeing Lord Besa’s obvious mood change instantly, City Lord Ye Shan raised his eyebrows and looked at him. After facing himself, he opened his mouth and continued: "It's just that, City Lord Bessa, you also know that this City Lord Ji is also the City Lord of Qing City after all, and has a very close relationship with Xuanmo. Speaking of which, it can be regarded as the relationship with our Panchi City." It's not normal. She came to our Panchi City, so it's impossible for us to prevent her from moving freely, right? So, we don't know where Ji City Lord is in Panchi City now, so we can only look for it while walking... I don't know Besa. How about the city plan?"

"Really?" Lord Bessa obviously didn't believe what City Lord Ye Shan said.If Ji Xiaoyan really had so much freedom in Panchi City, why did City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan keep avoiding the topic when he proposed to see her, and finally obstructed it in every possible way?
"Of course it's true! If you don't believe that City Master Besa turned around and saw City Master Ji and the others, you can also ask!" City Master Ye Shan said to Master Besa with a smile on his face, and then looked at him with his eyes. To the guard next to him, seeing him blinking at him to show that he understood what he meant, he looked at Lord Bessa again, and said, "Let's go, Lord Bessa, let's go find City Lord Ji and the others right now." Bar……."

Lord Bessa frowned tightly, and finally had no choice but to give up, and followed Lord Yeshan out of the small garden in front of the palace of Lord Yanshan.

And the guard next to City Lord Ye Shan followed them silently for a while, then turned his head and left in another direction with a few guards in an instant.They are going to go in front of City Lord Ye Shan and the others to see if Ji Xiaoyan will show up first. If Ji Xiaoyan doesn't meet, that's fine. Lord Sa saw them...
And where are Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong at this moment?

Ji Xiaoyan took Director Qing Gong to visit the Mansion of the Lord of the Panchi City again, but after still not finding any other way to leave, he could only sigh and give up his thoughts of running away.Then he thought of the man who stepped into the palace of the Lord of Changshan, and his back looked a bit like Lord Bessa, so Ji Xiaoyan suggested that anyway, they have nothing to do at the moment, and it is estimated that Brick will not be able to find him. With their bellybands down, they might as well go to the palace of the city lord, to see if that man is Lord Bessa, and by the way, observe how Xuan Mo's injury is.

Thinking that if the man who entered the palace of the lord of Changshan City was really Master Bessa, maybe it would be easier for them to leave Panchi City, so Chief Qing Gong immediately agreed to Ji Xiaoyan's proposal after hesitating for two seconds, and then watched Seeing that his family should establish a wise and martial image, Ji Xiaoyan, with the help of several guards, began to climb up the eaves from under a carved window at the back of the palace.
"Master City Master..." Chief Manager Qing Gong looked up at Ji Xiaoyan cautiously with a worried face, and said softly, "You must be careful! Hold onto it carefully...don't fall off... ..."

"Oh, Manager Qing Gong, I know, I know!" Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyes at Manager Qing Gong, grabbed the arm of a guard, and while reaching out to grab the wooden bars on the eaves, he pointed at the guard. Director Qing Gong said in a low voice: "Director Qing Gong, don't be born on the side and affect my performance...... Why are you so startled, but what should I do if you turn around and frighten me so much that I miss it? Be careful, you can rest assured... Besides, we are like thieves, we need to come quietly, if you talk so much, if someone overhears and finds that we are doing this kind of thing here, then And isn't it even more imageless? So, don't talk...I will figure it out myself. "

Manager Qing Gong looked worried, and frowned tightly at Ji Xiaoyan.He didn't want to do this either, but looking at Ji Xiaoyan's trembling look, it wouldn't do to make him worry!He just said, how could Ji Xiaoyan do such a thing!Compared with those guards of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, Ji Xiaoyan's stature is too short, his hands and legs are too short, not to mention his body is not flexible!It's better to let a few guards of the City Lord's Mansion directly climb up the roof beams, and then directly pull her up! !If that's the case, maybe they all have already climbed up now, but the Lord of his family insists on climbing by himself, bragging about it somewhere, since he was a wild child in his hometown when he was a child, and he started climbing trees since he was a child. She grew up climbing on a tree, but now she just climbs a window and a beam, and there are so many people to help, it is simply not difficult at all, how can it be difficult for her?Then she went up.
 PS: Thanks to "AlenPhil" for the two monthly passes!

(End of this chapter)

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