The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1405 To lift or not to lift?

Chapter 1405 To lift or not to lift?

To be honest, as far as Ji Xiaoyan's self-feeling is concerned, the beams of the palace of the lord of Panchi City are actually easy to climb up.Think about it, there are so many guards of the city lord's mansion of their own family on the floor, there are wooden window lattices in the middle to grab, and the top is a wooden structure. What's the matter, as long as you can climb up with your hands, the guards below help push Put your strength, it is definitely easy to climb up!She couldn't figure out, it was such an easy matter, what on earth was Manager Qing Gong worried about!
Think about when she was a child, she had climbed places that were more difficult than this, she had climbed with her friends, but she didn't see anything! !Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan rolled up his sleeves, took a deep breath, and with the help of several guards of the City Lord's Mansion, he jumped and grabbed the wooden bars on the window in an instant. Stretch out your hand on the wooden post....
It's just that this distance doesn't look that far away, and Ji Xiaoyan realized that it seemed to be farther than imagined after reaching out his hand at this moment.
"My lord...if it doesn't work, let's let the guards climb up first, and then pull us..." Director Qing Gong frowned, looking up at Ji Xiaoyan with a worried face, and whispered: "You should come down Well... If it really falls, it will hurt."

"I'm not a child, I'll fall if I fall!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Manager Qing Gong a little unhappy, while trying to reach out and grab the top of his head, "Boss Qing Gong, are you still afraid that I'm not careful? Is it okay to fall and cry? Don't worry, I'm not so afraid of pain!"

"My lord, I didn't mean that..." Director Qing Gong looked up at Ji Xiaoyan with a helpless expression, and sighed silently in his heart.He just felt that with Miss Ji Xiaoyan's height and short hands, she might really not be able to catch the beam!Now come down along the steps he gave, and let the guards of the City Lord's Mansion go up, at least her City Lord still has some face, doesn't he?If it really fell, it would be too embarrassing for the city lord! !That would be really bad.
"My lord, come down!" Chief Qing Gong continued to say earnestly, "Let the guards go! If you insist like this, it's a waste of time..."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he immediately wanted to give Director Qing Gong a hard look!Is there a way to wash her like this?Hmph, she couldn't believe it anymore, she couldn't climb up such a high palace beam even after asking so many guards to help her! !Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately took a deep breath, and said to Chief Qing Gong with a stubborn face: "Boss Qing Gong, stop talking! Today I really want to climb up to let you see... you guys , lift me up a little more..."

Manager Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a troubled expression, and finally he could only sigh.If I had known that my city lord had such a temper, he would have stopped her when she tried to climb the wall! !The only thing he can do now is to stay under the eaves and pray that his Lord City Lord will not fall down.
However, under the current reality, the result has long been doomed, and it is not something that can be improved by just praying.

So, after a few seconds, Manager Qing Gong saw her city lord, Ji Xiaoyan, holding her breath and jumping up, about to jump up and grab a section of roof beams, but she fell down in several city lord mansions instantly after failing to catch it. The body of the guard, and then the guards of the City Lord's Mansion were pressed together, and they all fell to the ground, screaming.

"Hurry up, hurry up.... Go away!" Manager Qing Gong looked nervous, and hurriedly stepped over to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, no matter how hard they fell or how painful their faces were, he pulled Ji Xiaoyan and the others away. Starting from Ji Xiaoyan, he asked the remaining guards of the city lord's mansion around him to quickly pull one or two places, and quickly rushed to the corner next to him.

A few seconds later, a large group of NPC guards from Panchi City rushed over and stood at the position where Ji Xiaoyan and the others had just climbed like arhats. Under the command of the guard chief, he turned and left slowly.
"Huh, it's so dangerous!!" Ji Xiaoyan heaved a sigh of relief while rubbing the painful part of his body, then turned his head to look at Manager Qing Gong with a grin, and said with a look of praise: "It's still Director Qing Gong, your reaction is quite strong! If we were a step or two slower, we would definitely be caught by the guards of Panchi City! Hahaha, it’s okay, it’s okay!”

When Director Qing Gong heard the words, he glared at Ji Xiaoyan immediately, and then said, "My lord, is it time to joke now? Look at the situation just now, I told you many times, don't climb the wall, don't Go or not, but look, you not only climbed by yourself, but fell down in the end! Besides, didn’t you agree that you wouldn’t cry out if you fell? You were the one who screamed just now, otherwise It will definitely not attract guards..."

"Hey, didn't you hold back!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Manager Qing Gong with a smirk on his face, then looked at the guards in his own city lord's mansion standing behind him, and continued: "It's still thanks to You guys, otherwise I must have fallen badly enough."

The guards of the City Lord's Mansion quietly glanced at Director Qing Gong, secretly smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, and quickly lowered their heads.

"My lord, you are not young!!" Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan reproachfully, seeing her playfully smiling at him, he had to roll his eyes helplessly, and then asked with a sigh: "Then, my lord, what are we doing now?" Do you want to continue?"

"That's natural!" Ji Xiaoyan took it for granted, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "I fell all the way, if I don't climb, then it's not for nothing?" Speaking of this, Ji Xiaoyan looked Director Qing Gong glared at him immediately, and quickly said: "Okay, okay, Manager Qing Gong, I will listen to you, don't worry, I will definitely listen to you this time. Let them go, that's all right Bar?"

Manager Qing Gong glanced at Ji Xiaoyan and pointed to several tall guards of the City Lord's Mansion, took a deep breath, looked at her seriously and asked: "Really? Lord City Lord, what you said is true? Let them go , and then you and I stand aside and watch, waiting for them to pull us up?"

"Really, absolutely true!" Ji Xiaoyan also looked serious, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "You are right, anyway, I am also the city lord of Qingcheng, it would be a shame to make a fool of yourself in front of you It doesn’t matter! We are all our own people, so forget it after seeing it! But if I go there again, I still fall and attract the guards of Panchi City, and people see me falling all over the place, how embarrassing it would be Ah! Right? To paraphrase the words of Director Qing Gong, I will lose the face of the entire Qingcheng, right? So, it is better for us to be conservative.... Let them go! Let us go in a while Pull up!"

After hearing the words, Manager Qing Gong stared at Ji Xiaoyan earnestly, seeing her expression was so sure, he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart!It seems that the Lord of my own family is still very childish!

It's just Ji Xiaoyan's next sentence that made Director Qing Gong a little uneasy: "We will go back to the City Lord's Mansion later, and then we will find a few more places like this to practice well... Think about the time when I was a child. The ability to climb trees can't be wasted just because you're old...Look at how high this place is, I actually fell!! It's such a shame...Let's go back to the City Lord's Mansion to practice tacit understanding... Well, I think we will fail this time, and most of it has something to do with tacit understanding..."

"Yes, Lord City Lord!" The guards of the City Lord's Mansion bowed their heads and answered softly, then looked at Chief Qing Gong and gave them a supercilious look.

"Okay, okay, then you guys hurry up and prepare, let's continue..." Ji Xiaoyan ignored Manager Qing Gong's eyes, and said to the guards of the City Lord's Mansion: "While the guards of Panchi City are waiting for a while, There is no suspicion for a while, let's find a way to climb to the roof first..."

"Yes!" Several guards of the City Lord's Mansion nodded quickly, looked in the direction of Chief Qing Gong, and immediately ran out of the corner. After observing several aspects, they immediately ran under the eaves, and then looked at each other a few times With eyes, he stretched out his hand and began to climb up.

"Sure enough, it's still a matter of cooperation and my short hand!" Ji Xiaoyan stood honestly beside Chief Qing Gong, watching the movements of the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, and couldn't help sighing: "Tsk tsk, it seems that we are still in Qingcheng. There are a lot of talents here! Look at their movements and speed, it feels like they are professional!!"

"Master City Master..." Manager Qing Gong shouted at Ji Xiaoyan with a black face, seeing her looking at him in confusion, he finally sighed and stopped talking.He really sometimes feels that his city lord is very annoying!This wall-climbing skill is professional?Doesn't that mean that they have been doing such sneaky things for a long time?Wouldn't my Lord City Lord think that after saying this, if people hear it in the future, they will think that they are not decent in Qingcheng?

"My lord..." The guards of the city lord's mansion saw that all the climbing guards had climbed up to the roof beams and stood still, and then quickly said to Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong: "My lord, we will now Go up..."

"Yeah, yum, let's go quickly! It would be so embarrassing not to be caught by others!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and stepped under the eaves in three steps, then looked up at the guard above her head , and then asked the guards behind him: "How do I get on? Or are you supporting me?"

"Yes! Lord City Master!" A few guards hurriedly stood by the wall, leaning on the wall and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Master City Master, come! After you go up in a while, we will go up again after the two are in charge My lord, come up again..."

"Okay! Lord City Master, be careful! You can't fall again this time!" Manager Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a stern face and worried eyes and said, "Even if you fall, you can't scream again It's..."

"Got it, got it!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly waved his hand and said, "This time someone is pulling it up, how could I fall down again, I'm not that stupid!" A guard of the City Lord's Mansion supported the wall and climbed up, then held the hands of two guards of the City Lord's Mansion who were already standing on the roof beams, and was lifted by the guards below, and finally climbed up without any danger.
It's just that the posture is not very elegant!
As for Chief Qing Gong, after the two guards of the City Lord's Mansion climbed onto the roof beams, the people behind also pulled him onto the roof beams, and then waited until all the guards had climbed onto the roof of the palace of the City Lord Fushan. After Liang, Ji Xiaoyan spoke and continued to climb up to the roof with a large number of guards from the City Lord's Mansion.Fortunately, with the experience of falling for the first time, Ji Xiaoyan didn't try to be brave again, and was pulled by the guards of the City Lord's Mansion all the way, and finally climbed to the roof of the palace.

"It's finally coming up!" Ji Xiaoyan stood on the roof of the palace, took a deep breath, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Qing Gong, where should we go next? Please help us think about it, we have to start from here." Where is the best place to start?"

Where they were staying at the moment, all they could see besides the sky and the ground was the glazed tiles on the entire roof.Xuan Mo was at that location in the palace, and they had no way of predicting it. If there was no direction, and if they searched for each location one by one, let alone when to find it, if they were not careful, they would be killed if they lifted the tiles. City Lord Shan stared at each other, it would be embarrassing if someone found out, right?
Director Qing Gong heard Ji Xiaoyan's words and after thinking about it, she understood her concerns. Originally, they didn't seem to be welcomed in Panchi City, let alone they begged someone to change the city lord.If they are caught by the city lord Yan Tan who climbed on other people's roofs and lifted other people's roof tiles, what would the consequences be?
Manager Qing Gong instantly felt that it seemed that they had made a mistake when they climbed onto the roof of the palace.
"Director Qing Gong, which way should we go?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong as if distracted, and hurriedly shouted at him again.

"This... Lord City Master, none of us have ever entered the inner part of this palace. None of us know what the layout looks like inside..." Chief Qing Gong stared at the palace with a worried expression on his face. After Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, he continued: "The layout of each palace may be the same in front of the palace, but the rest of the layout is built according to the hobbies of the owner of the palace... If we must look for it, then only If you are lucky, you may be able to find Xuan Mo and draw the layout of the entire palace by the way..." After a pause, Director Qing Gong sighed and said: "This If we are unlucky... Lord City Master, if we are discovered as soon as we lift the tiles, the situation will be embarrassing, let alone, we may directly anger City Masters Lushan and Yeshan... Climb to others The roof of the city lord's palace is not something glorious after all, look at us..." Should we continue, or be honest and climb back to the ground silently?

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Missing You, Missing You, and Thinking of You"!Thanks to "Dark Night Cat Ral" for the two monthly tickets!Thanks for the two monthly tickets of "Feng & Dance"!

(End of this chapter)

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