Chapter 1406 Must go!
What is the city lord of Lushan doing at this moment?
Perhaps many people would think that since the city lord Yan Shan was busy treating Xuan Mo's injuries, it would be great if he could spare a little time to socialize with Master Bessa!It's a pity, what even City Lord Ye Shan didn't know was that City Lord Yan Shan only treated Xuan Mo when he was sent to Panchi City and accepted into the palace at the beginning, and then sat in his own seat all the time. In the room deep in the palace, I don't know what I'm thinking...

Ji Xiaoyan and the others stood on the roof, carefully deliberated for a while, and then hid a few groups of Panchi City guards who were patrolling the palace guards, finally selected several positions, carefully opened the tiles, and put them on the roof. Check out the situation below the palace.It's just a pity that the places they carefully selected were all empty below, and they didn't even see a guard or maid of Panchi City, let alone Xuan Mo or the Lord of the city.
"How is it? Manager Qing Gong, has the map been drawn?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong with some frustration, stretched his head to look at the map paper on his face, and then asked expectantly : "Can you deduce the approximate location of the City Lord Lushan?"

Director Qing Gong stared at the drawings for a long time, then frowned and raised his face to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and said with some distress: "My lord... How many places have we just uncovered? Nuo, you can see for yourself. The place where we started is less than one-third of the palace, so how could we possibly find the place where the city lords Xuan Mo and Yan Shan were staying..." Director Qing Gong sighed helplessly, and took the The drawings were put away, and then he sat up straight, and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the other guards of the City Lord's Mansion: "Okay, everyone, don't be idle, let's continue to lift the tiles... Well, I guess there will be a few more places. I can roughly know what the general layout of this palace looks like..."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately looked at Manager Qing Gong with a gloomy look, then nodded weakly, turned around to discuss with the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, chose a roof, and carefully started to lift the tiles.

This time, say good luck, bad luck!

As soon as a guard opened a gap in the tiles, he froze for an instant, and then turned his face to Ji Xiaoyan stiffly.

What's wrong?Ji Xiaoyan stared at the guard of the City Lord's Mansion with puzzled eyes. Seeing him move his neck, he gestured to the tiles under his hands with his eyes, and then tried hard to pout at Ji Xiaoyan.

"Castle Master Xie?" Ji Xiaoyan reacted instantly when he saw this, opened his mouth and said a silent mouth shape, and after seeing the guard of the City Lord's Mansion nodding silently, Zai looked at Qing Gong with some surprise and frown steward.

"What should I do?" Ji Xiaoyan walked towards Manager Qing Gong with a little excitement and nervousness, and asked beside him in a low voice.I thought I could hear Manager Qing Gong's answer immediately, but Ji Xiaoyan found out that after she finished speaking, Manager Qing Gong just frowned, looked in the direction of the guard of the City Lord's Mansion, and then directly bowed his head Fiddled with his blueprint, and didn't mean to answer her at all

"Boss Qing Gong!" Ji Xiaoyan resisted the urge to stomp his feet, and called out to Boss Qing Gong in a low voice.

In the end, he watched Chief Qing Gong booed him lightly, and after continuing to fiddle with the blueprint in his hand for a while, he walked lightly and slowly to the guard's side, lying on the piece of paper that had been lifted a little. On the edge of the gap between the tiles, after studying it for a long time, he slowly crawled back to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and whispered to her: "Master City Master..."

"Yes, yes, yes..." Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and looked at Manager Qing Gong with a little excitement.

"Let's continue to search other places!" Director Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan calmly, and after seeing her looking at him in surprise, he continued, "Let that guard keep it where he is?" It’s enough to stay in the state. We can just rule out the position of the city lord of Kaixuan, and then go to find Xuan Mo in other places... Well, the current situation is actually quite good!"

"Just let him maintain such a posture alone?" Ji Xiaoyan looked worriedly at the guard of the City Lord's Mansion, looked at Chief Qing Gong and asked, and frowned after seeing him nodding, then lowered his head Said in a low voice: "This is not good! His hands will be stiff..."

"Then let's go faster!" Manager Qing Gong took it for granted, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Only after we find Xuan Mo and we all go to Xuan Mo's room, can he let him take the piece of paper." Put the tiles back! Otherwise, the only option is to wait for the City Lord Lushan to leave his current position. Otherwise, as long as he puts the tiles back, the City Lord Lushan will definitely find out. No matter how lightly his movements are..."

"No way!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong in disbelief.They all lifted the tiles, and they didn't see what happened to the city lord Yan Shan. How could they be discovered when they were put back?This is typical of Chief Qing Gong's scaremongering!
However, after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Manager Qing Gong immediately lowered his head and rolled his eyes, and then continued to whisper to Ji Xiaoyan: "The sound and movement of opening and putting back are different.... Do you think that all the city lords are as sensitive as you?"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he immediately looked unhappy, looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked, "Are you reminding me, am I stupid?"

Manager Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan, sighed slightly and said, "My lord, I just want to say that you still have a lot of room to learn... Another thing is, don't underestimate other city lords." My lord! All the city lords can get a city, they are not idle people, they all have their own strength!" Of course, Ji Xiaoyan must be excluded here!

It's just that Manager Qing Gong didn't dare to say this!
"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help curling her lips, nodded to Manager Qing Gong, and said, "Then do as you said!"

As soon as the words fell, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Director Qing Gong and looked away from her, and waved at the other guards of the City Lord's Mansion, and everyone immediately began to look around in other places more quietly than before. tiles.

Soon, a guard of the City Lord's Mansion seemed to find Xuan Mo's position, waved his hand excitedly to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and waited until they all approached carefully, then mouthed to them and said: "It's Master Xuanmo..."

Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened in surprise, with some disbelief on his face, but he hurried to the guard's side and looked through the tile he turned over.Logically speaking, isn't the city lord Yan Shan always treating Xuan Mo?Then he should be with Xuan Mo, if not, then he won't be too far away.But now look at the position and direction.

City Lord Yan Shan is on one side of the palace, while Xuan Mo is far away on the other side, the distance is not very close.
Moreover, Ji Xiaoyan originally thought that what he would see through the gaps under the tiles must be a relatively clean and comfortable room. Although the city lord, who should treat Xuan Mo, is not there, there must be a lot of Panchi City. The maids in the room guarded Xuan Mo, serving him and taking care of him anytime and anywhere.As a result, I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I was shocked when I saw it!Ji Xiaoyan looked down and saw a dark room below. The light itself was not very good, but there was no light in the room at all.
At this moment, Xuan Mo is indeed lying quietly, but the place where he is lying is not the gorgeous big bed that Ji Xiaoyan and the others imagined, but a bed board that seems to have been abandoned for a long time, surrounded by piles of There are abandoned furniture and decorations, just some rotten wooden chairs and benches, and there are many spider webs floating on the surrounding walls
Ji Xiaoyan couldn't believe her eyes.

How could City Lord Yan Shan put Xuan Mo in such a place?
"What's going on?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at Manager Qing Gong.She desperately needs someone to explain to her what she's seeing now
Manager Qing Gong was also surprised, looked at Ji Xiaoyan twice, then frowned, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It seems that Panchi City is really different from what we saw! Lord City Master , let's go down first to see how Master Xuan Mo is doing... If it doesn't work, let's take Master Xuan Mo and leave! Otherwise... We will not only delay Master Xuan Mo by staying in Panchi City, but also put ourselves in danger. Stuck here..."

Director Qing Gong's mood at the moment is very complicated.

I thought that if they stayed in Panchi City, they would be able to rescue Xuan Mo in the end and give him a good treatment.In the end, it was completely unexpected that the city lord Yan Shan, who looked like a human being, would treat Xuan Mo like this when his back was turned to them.And, more importantly, what happened to Xuan Mo, what happened to other things?
Thinking of this, Director Qing Gong looked firmly at Ji Xiaoyan for an instant, and then said to her: "Master City Master... Let's go down and see Master Xuan Mo first..."

Although Ji Xiaoyan frowned, he still nodded.Then I saw the guards of the city lord's mansion around the tiles quickly and lightly began to lift the tiles, and quickly made a big hole on the roof of the palace that could accommodate one person in and out.

"Master City Lord, let's go down first..." A guard of the City Lord's Mansion whispered to Ji Xiaoyan. After seeing her nodding, he found a rope from nowhere and handed it to the other guards. , and then dragged the rope and began to fall from the roof into the room...

A few seconds later, Ji Xiaoyan saw that the guard landed safely on the ground, and then rushed to Xuan Mo's side. After checking him carefully, he raised his head and nodded towards Ji Xiaoyan and the others. Gently moved the things in the room, and began to pile up on the roof. Then, the other two NPC guards also fell down the rope to the room below...

"Go down?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked.

"No." Chief Qing Gong shook his head, and then cautiously said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Since Master Xuan Mo is in such a state now... the guards have gone down to check, Master Xuan Mo is basically not in any danger, about City Lord Yan Shan has indeed treated Master Xuan Mo...then there is no need for us to wait here any longer, we may as well take Master Xuan Mo away and find a way to leave Panchi City together..."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong in surprise, never expecting him to say that.

"When the guards bring Master Xuan Mo up, let's take him out of here together, Lord City Master!" Manager Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan with a firm face, "As long as there is no restraint from Master Xuan Mo, We can just rush out of Panchi City directly..."

"Do you think we can rush out?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong suspiciously.

"Anyway, Lord City Lord, wouldn't it be great if you could go back?" Manager Qing Gong said with a look of course.

Ji Xiaoyan endured it and swallowed the words in his heart!Damn, didn't you say where the teleportation array in Panchi City is, there isn't even a teleporter?Even if she hangs up and is revived, she won't be able to teleport back to Qingcheng. Forget it, in the current situation, it is meaningless to argue about this matter!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan just kept silent, looked directly at the room under his feet, and then watched the guards of the city lord's mansion tidy up Xuan Mo, put it on his back and tied it up, and then climbed up the With a rope pulled by several guards, he stepped on the piled timber and began to climb up to the roof.
However, the few people in this room have not succeeded in bringing Xuan Mo out, but the guard of the city lord's mansion who has been staring at the city lord Yan Shan has already rushed to Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong, and then whispered nervously They said: "My lord... my lord... I don't know where I'm going..."

"What?" Ji Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment before he realized it, looked at the guard of the city lord's mansion and asked, "City lord Yan Shan is gone?"

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion nodded fiercely.

"Did something happen when you went out?" Director Qing Gong said to himself, then quickly shook his head, and then said: "The news we have been getting is that City Lord Yan Shan gave a message to Master Xuan Mo in the palace. Treating injuries, but he stayed in his room. If he leaves now, it is unlikely that he will leave the palace... Then, if City Lord Yan Shan leaves, there is only one situation..."

Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan, saw that she was also looking at him, and the two immediately thought of the same possibility, and said, "He came to see Xuan Mo..."

As soon as the words fell, Ji Xiaoyan quickly looked at the guards of the City Lord's Mansion who were holding the ropes and shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up, pull them up. We hurry up and prepare to leave..."

(End of this chapter)

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