Chapter 1407 Alertness
To say that the atmosphere is tense, there may be nothing comparable to the area where Shang Ji Xiaoyan and the others are standing at this moment.

The City Lord Yan Shan who was supposed to be in the room in a daze, didn't know if there was some kind of psychological reaction, after Ji Xiaoyan and the others carried Xuan Mo on his back, he walked out of the room frowning and walked all the way towards Xuan Mo. The placed house is coming.At this moment, some of Ji Xiaoyan and the others are standing on the roof of the palace, and the other guards of the City Lord's Mansion are carrying Xuan Mo on their backs, trying their best to climb up the rope from under the palace.
Speaking of which, the distance between City Lord Yan Shan and Xuan Mo is neither close nor far.According to Ji Xiaoyan's visual estimation, the distance from the city lord Yan Shan to the room where they are staying now is only two to three minutes away!And this time is simply not enough for a few guards of the City Lord's Mansion to climb up from the bottom of the room, not to mention, they have made such a big hole in the roof, and they still need time to fill it back!

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately pulled Manager Qing Gong anxiously, and then asked: "What to do, what to do, Manager Qing Gong! We will definitely be caught!!"

Director Qing Gong was also sweating profusely at this moment, and while urging the guards to come up quickly, he comforted Ji Xiaoyan: "Master City Lord, calm down! There will always be another way! Not sure, not sure. The Lord Chan didn't come towards us at all? Think about it, we have been very careful all the time, we didn't even dare to move the tile after it was raised, how could the Lord Chan know what we are doing here? What? Besides, how far is the room where Master Xuan Mo is staying from the side of City Lord Yan Shan? Can he hear any movement? So, Lord City Master, don't worry, City Lord Yan Shan is definitely not facing We came here!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong, seeing the expression on his face that tried to convince himself but was not so calm at all, he sighed weakly for an instant, and then said: "Manager Qing Gong, please next time If you want to say something like this to comfort me, you need to comfort yourself first! You can’t see yourself now. If there is a mirror at this moment, you probably won’t believe what you said If so..."

Director Qing Gong was choked, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan aggrievedly: "Master City Master, you asked me to say it! Do you want me to threaten you again, and we will definitely be arrested?"

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, and continued in a low voice: "The question is, Chief Qing Gong, what are your plans now? If you are caught... I'm afraid our life will not be so easy!"

Director Qing Gong glanced at Ji Xiaoyan and fell silent.

To be honest, everyone who was present knew them very well.If the city lord Yan Shan really caught them all at once, then they wouldn't be as easy as they are now!No one knows what kind of mood and anger the city lord will be in then, and what kind of punishment will be given to them!However, everyone knows one thing, that is, if you are caught, the Lord of the city will definitely not have a good face
I always feel that what they have discovered now is the other unknown face of the city lord Yan Shan. Thinking of this, Chief Qing Gong couldn't help but shudder, seeing Ji Xiaoyan still looking at him, thinking for a while before finally Gritting his teeth, he said, "My lord, no matter what kind of situation we will encounter can rest assured!" They will definitely protect her well!Anyway, after entering Panchi City, they have been in the heat of the water.
Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong with a puzzled expression, not knowing what the second half of what he hadn't said was, and just when he was about to continue asking, he heard the voice of City Lord Yan Shan from afar. He got up, as if he was asking a maid from Panchi City: "How is Xuan Mo staying inside? Are you awake?"

"No!" The maid's voice was a bit rigid, "The maid just went in to check on Lord Xuan Mo's condition not long ago, and he is still asleep."

"Hmm..." the voice of the city lord Yan Shan was very low, and after a faint reply, there was no movement.

Ji Xiaoyan looked nervously at the guard who was about to climb to the roof with Xuan Mo on his back, just stopped quietly in mid-air, his forehead was sweating from cold sweat or tiredness, and he didn't even dare to wipe it off, just like that Gritting his teeth and looking at them without daring to move, he and the other two guards of the City Lord's Mansion held their ears together, just listening to the movements of City Lord Yan Shan.

"Pull them up?" Ji Xiaoyan carefully mouthed Manager Qing Gong and asked, but saw Manager Qing Gong shook his head at her, pointed in the direction where the Lord of the city might be, and then He gave Ji Xiaoyan a mouthful: "I will be caught!!"

"Should we just let them do this?" Ji Xiaoyan pointed at the three guards in mid-air, and asked with his mouth to Chief Qing Gong.

"I can't help it!" Director Qing Gong spread his hands helplessly at Ji Xiaoyan, then clasped his hands together, bowed to the sky, and said silently to Ji Xiaoyan: "Now I can only pray that the Lord of the city will not come into the house." Let's not make any noise, let him leave quickly..."

Ji Xiaoyan fell silent when he heard the words, and looked worriedly at the guards of the City Lord's Mansion who were hanging.

To be honest, she really admires them!If it were me, it would be impossible for her to stand still, let alone hang in the air like now
Ji Xiaoyan on the roof and the others nervously listened to the movement of the city lord Yan Shan, but at this moment the city owner Ji Shan frowned slightly, standing outside the room, looking at the closed door, and stood quietly with the maid. Stand there quietly.

After a while, I don't know if it was a maid from Panchi City who couldn't bear the pressure of the silence of the city lord Yan Shan. After thinking for a long time, she asked him: "City lord, do you want to go in and see Master Xuanmo?" ?”

City Lord Yan Shan's brows became tighter, and after looking towards the door, he closed his eyes and turned around, and said to the maid in Panchi City: "No need. You take good care of Xuan Mo... I have to leave for a while. Time, if Ye Shan broke in while I was away, and wanted to see Xuan Mo, or brought other people to see Xuan Mo, take him away, etc., you just call the guards to take them all away. Stop it... No matter what, you have to remember that no one can take Xuan Mo away except this city lord, you understand?"

The maid blinked her eyes, then quickly nodded in reassurance.

"If Xuan Mo wakes up by himself, he has to leave! You also remember, you can't let him out of this room!" The city lord Yan Shan seemed to have thought of something, and while turning around, he told the maid again: "If he If you want to see anyone, you are not allowed, understand? As long as there is no permission from the city lord, Xuan Mo must not leave here, nor can he meet anyone!"

"Yes, Lord City Master! The servant girl remembers!" The maid hurriedly continued to nod upon hearing this.

Therefore, after the city lord Yan Shan glanced at the door again, he finally left with peace of mind.

But after Ji Xiaoyan and the others listened to the words of the city lord Yan Shan, excited and joyful smiles appeared on the faces of everyone in an instant. It slowly emerged from under the eaves, and walked out towards the rest assured outside the palace.

Then, just when everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the city lord Yan Shan didn't know if he felt something, he stopped in his tracks, frowned slightly, turned around instantly, and looked back at the eaves of the palace On the road, after realizing that he didn't see anything, he asked the guards who were following him with some doubts: "Are there any birds on the roof?"

A few guards who were with City Lord Yan Shan glanced at each other, then immediately shook their heads at City Lord Yan Shan and said, "Master City Lord, we have chased away all the birds in the palace, there is absolutely no way there are any remaining... .”

City Lord Yan Shan frowned, looked at the top of the palace and then said: "My City Lord always feels that there is something on the roof... It seems that I was looking at my City Lord just now." Speaking of this, City Lord Yan Shan paused , and then said to the guards with a blank face: "In a while, you all go to the top to have a look, and clean up all the things that shouldn't be there... If there are any dirty things on it, give it to the city lord." Clean it all up..."

"Yes, Lord City Master! Don't worry!" Several guards hurriedly nodded in response.

City Lord Yan Shan nodded, looked at the roof again, and then turned and continued to leave.

Ji Xiaoyan and the guards were so frightened that they couldn't help wiping the cold sweat off their foreheads!If it wasn't for the quick response of a guard of the City Lord's Mansion at that time, he pulled them all to the roof in an instant, and hid them, probably they would have been discovered by the City Lord Xie Tan
After listening to the movement below the room for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan carefully looked at the others and asked, "Has the City Lord Yan Shan left? Can we get up and have a look?"

Several guards did not dare to answer.

No one knows if they raise their heads at this moment and look in the direction of the city lord, will they see the sneer that they have been waiting for for a long time... If they are caught under the current situation, thanks ah ?
"Don't watch?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at no one answered, and asked the crowd in a low voice. After seeing that there was still no answer, he thought about it, and then said: "If this is the case, then don't look at it! Hurry up, let They climbed up quickly! Remember to be quiet, everyone should not be too prominent, hide a bit..."

Everyone nodded, and began to climb up to the hole on the roof in an orderly manner, and then began to direct the guards in the mid-air below the hole to start slowly climbing up.Fortunately, this time, without the worries of the city lord Yan Shan, the movements of the guards were much easier and faster.

After watching the last guard climb up to the roof, Manager Qing Gong hurriedly ordered everyone: "Hurry up, take the tiles, and patch up all the holes... Let's leave quickly... Be careful, don't make any noise , I remember there is a maid outside..." After saying this, Director Qing Gong looked in the direction of Xuan Mo, and whispered to Ji Xiaoyan who was checking the situation of Xuan Mo, and asked, "How is it? Lord City Master, how is Master Xuan Mo doing?"

"It should be all right!" Ji Xiaoyan also looked uncertain, looked at Xuan Mo's face carefully, and then said to Manager Qing Gong: "I think it is much better than when I was in River Water City. , the wounds on his body have healed a lot..." Speaking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning, looked at Manager Qing Gong and said, "Thinking about our current situation, if Xuan Mo's injuries are not good, can we Do you want to put him back again? I listened to the words of the city lord Yan Shan, Xuan Mo should be almost healed, isn't he also worried that Xuan Mo will wake up by himself? If he can wake up, then the injury will not be too serious It’s serious, isn’t it, Manager Qing Gong?”

"It seems that's the case!" Manager Qing Gong froze for a moment, then nodded.

"Whether it is or not, it is impossible for us to put the ink back now!" Ji Xiaoyan pursed her lips, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "We can only continue down... we will leave immediately after repairing the roof "

Director Qing Gong nodded, thought for a while and then sighed and said: "But, Lord City Lord... We have searched around the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City for several times, but we haven't found a place to go out. What is the next step with Master Xuan Mo?" Are you really going to attack the guards of Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion?" I'm afraid they are really a little confused!If possible, Manager Qing Gong hopes that Brick can return to Panchi City as soon as possible, and bring them some people by the way.
At that time, even if it is a hard charge, they will be more confident!

Ji Xiaoyan also understood Manager Qing Gong's worry, couldn't help but sighed, and then said: "This is the only way to do it now... If it doesn't work, let's find a place to hide Xuan Mo first, and wait until we find it." If you find the right opportunity, take him away with you!" After a pause, Ji Xiaoyan continued: "It would be even better if Xuan Mo could wake up! At that time, let Xuan Mo give us a Flying spell, let's just fly out of the Sanctuary's mansion directly from the roof of the Chancellor, then it will be perfect..."

Reminiscent of the scene where they all flew away from the sky and passed over the city lord Ye Shan and Kai Shan who didn't know anything on the ground, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and laugh a few times.It's a pity that in this situation, they can't make any noise.
"That's right!" Chief Qing Gong nodded to Ji Xiaoyan expectantly, looked at Xuan Mo who was completely unconscious on the back of the guard of the City Lord's Mansion at the moment, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "After we leave here, we will find you Squat down and hide in a place, and after Master Xuan Mo wakes up and recovers some strength, we will find a good location and fly directly away from the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City... As long as we leave the City Lord's Mansion, the place where we can hide and hide is There are more! At that time, maybe we can wait until Brick brings people over..."

"The premise is that Brick can really find that apron!!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help frowning and sighed sadly when he heard Manager Qing Gong's words.She was a little hopeless about it.
 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Koalas Who Don't Climb Trees"!

(End of this chapter)

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