The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1409 Be Kind to Her

Chapter 1409 Be Kind to Her

With the old man Qingya who seems to be awesome all day long and who is not afraid of anything, Brick and the others finally bluffed the guards guarding the gate of Panchi City, rushed directly into Panchi City, and headed directly towards the people. The city lord's mansion went.As for whether those guards would really suffer any injuries, Brick said that he didn't really believe it anyway.

Elder Qingmi, when did you see him deal with people seriously?Saying that he has nothing to do to play pranks on people or something, it is estimated that more people believe it!It's just that Brick doesn't ask, it doesn't mean that there are no other curious guys on the scene, right?For example, the man in Luminous Wine
"Elder Qingmi, Elder Qingmi." With curiosity and surprise on Ye Guangmeijiu's face, he moved to the old man Qingmi with a greedy face, and asked with a smile while running with him: "When you made the move just now, did we Even without looking clearly, I saw that the guards at the city gates could not move. Can you tell us what you did to them just now? They will really do what you said, as long as they move more, Will it die?"

The old man Qingmi looked at Yeguang Meijiu's face of admiration, and felt vain for a few seconds, then slightly raised his neck, looked down at Yeguang Meijiu and said, "You think I'm very powerful? I really want to know what I am What did you do to them?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's for sure!" Ye Guangmeijiu's eyes seemed to be shining with admiration, and he looked at the old man Qingmi eagerly and said: "You are really good! Just rush in a few seconds before us Just subdue them all... What kind of skill did you use? Oh, no, no, it should be what did you do to them?"

The old man Qingmi raised his eyebrows, looked at Ye Guang Meijiu with his lips curled up, and then said: "Originally, this kind of thing, I would not kill people casually, otherwise people would think that I, an old man, have nothing to do to show off my skills everywhere! "

"No, no, this is not showing off! This is your strength!" Ye Guang Meijiu immediately said something to him with a serious face when he heard what old man Qingmi said.

"Hey, you adventurer boy is not bad! You speak nicely... well, I like you very much!" Seeing that Yeguang Meijiu is so witty, the old man Qingmi immediately accepted his words and asked him to continue talking along the steps, and immediately squinted He squinted his eyes, looked at Ye Guang Meijiu twice with a smile and admiration, and then said: "Okay, since your boy agrees with me, and the question you asked is nothing that I can't say, I will tell you. Already!"

Yeguang Meijiu's eyes widened in an instant, with a look of anticipation on his face. Seeing that the old man Qingmi was about to speak, he quickly patted Luoyefenfei and Miss Qingyuxi who were running beside him, and asked them to listen to the gossip together!After all, there is still some distance away from the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City, just running like this is quite boring, isn't it?Besides, if they listened, maybe they could hear some mission or other information from Old Man Qingya's mouth?
Isn't this game just like the real world, the more you know, the better you can play?Everything is a resource, don't miss it! !

Thinking of this, Yeguang Meijiu couldn't help but glance at Qing Yuxi, seeing her silently nodded to him, telling him that after she received this favor, the smile on Yeguang Meijiu's face became even wider.
The old man Qingmi didn't know Yeguang Meijiu's thoughts, just watched him call someone to listen together, and instantly felt that the sense of vanity in his heart became stronger, and then everyone's eyes fell on him Afterwards, the old man Qingmi felt his body lighten by two points immediately, and then he spoke happily to Ye Guang Meijiu and the others: "First of all, I want to clarify to you first, the guards at the city gates are not like you As I thought, as long as you move a little more, you will die. What I just said is very clear. They just move a few more times, and they may be seriously injured... Don't spread it around, and it will affect my reputation in the future! !"

"Yes yes yes!" Ye Guang Meijiu nodded quickly, and said to the old man Qingmi: "I just said wrong, I said wrong! Hehe!"

"En!" Old man Qingmi nodded in satisfaction, and then continued: "Speaking of it, it's not too mysterious, it's just a little special skill of our Qingshimen. I just gave those guards One note, keeping them immobilized for a few seconds, just created some opportunities for you to go forward and catch them! After those few seconds, they will slowly regain their body perception and freedom of speech... As for the future, if they don't stand properly and move around, they will just lie on the bed for ten days and a half months! Speaking of it, it's actually not too serious..."

"Really?" Yeguang Meijiu listened to the old man Qingmi with some disappointment, but there was still no expression of dissatisfaction on his face. Instead, he continued to ask the old man Qingmi with a look of anticipation: " Then Elder Qingmi, what is that unique skill you used? Can you teach me?"

Hearing what Yeguang Meijiu said, the old man Qingmi frowned slightly, then sneered suddenly, and said to Yeguangmeijiu: "Hey, I'll just say it, how can an adventurer like you be impressed with my ability?" Interested, you are so courteous to ask this matter when you have nothing to do....The words are so sweet! It turns out that the ultimate goal is still waiting for me here..."

"How can there be!" Seeing the change in old man Qingmi's face, Ye Guangmeijiu quickly waved his hands at him and denied it: "Look at what you said, Elder Qingmi... How could I have such thoughts! I am I really admire Elder Qingya for your ability, so I asked, I want to know more about you... As for the matter of learning, I just admire you so much, and I want to have the same ability as you. Just a casual question! Don't be unfamiliar with me just because of my unintentional remark..."

"Unfamiliar? That's not enough!" The old man Qingmi looked at Yeguang Meijiu arrogantly, and said something lightly. After seeing Yeguang Meijiu heaved a sigh of relief, he said again: "You and I Unfamiliar, can’t talk about whether it’s unfamiliar or not…”

As soon as the words fell, the old man Qing Mi heard the flutter of the girl Qing Yuxi who was running beside him, and immediately laughed.

Ye Guang Meijiu glared at Qing Yuxi, saw her shrugging her shoulders innocently, and then ran away with a few of her players, then blushed, looked at old man Qing Mi and said with a little grievance: " Elder Qingmi, we have met before anyway! How come we are not familiar? Have you forgotten? I used to run around with Xiaoyan and you... Look, I should still be very familiar !"

The old man Qingmi rolled his eyes at Yeguang Meijiu, nodded lightly and said: "I have a good memory!"

So, after Ye Guang Meijiu breathed a sigh of relief silently in his heart, he waited impatiently for the old man Qingmi to continue to say something, so that he could get on with the conversation, but found that the old man Qingmi had no intention of continuing to speak at all. Instead, he turned his face away and ran away as if he didn't want to talk to him anymore.
"Hey, hello, hello..." Ye Guangmeijiu yelled at Qingmi old man's back twice, but Luo Yefenfei stretched out his hand and heard him say to himself: "Okay, Ye Guang... Stop yelling too! It's different now, haven't you noticed? Elder Qing Mi won't talk to you anymore..."

"Where there is a will, there is a way! What if he talks to me again? Didn't you see that he was talking to me happily just now?" Ye Guang Meijiu said to the fallen leaves with some gloom. He sighed faintly: "Forget it! It's normal that I haven't seen that NPC after the game update... I don't count on him anymore." While running, they got together and scolded him: "Speaking of which, Luoye, you are a little unkind this time!"

The fallen leaves fluttered with a puzzled expression.

"You didn't tell me when you entered Qingcheng? Didn't you know that Qing Yuxi and I were in Qingcheng a long time ago? You said that the contact system of this game is too useless now, so it's fine if you can't get in touch. You You guys have already entered the city lord's mansion in Qingcheng, and you didn't tell me in advance to bring me in too!" Ye Guangmeijiu complained, and said to the fallen leaves: "In the end, you are better, you all squat The city lord's mansion has been staying for a long time. If it weren't for the need to find someone to help, I would never have thought of contacting me, would I? You are really being unkind... When did you learn to treat me like this? You don't know that I will Are you sad?"

When Luoye Feifei heard this, he looked at Yeguang Meijiu instantly with guilt, and after a few seconds of silence, he whispered to Yeguang Meijiu: "Yeguang... I was really in a hurry at the time, That's why I didn't think of calling you... You know, Xiaoyan... I heard that I can enter the city lord's mansion, and I can see her immediately in the future, and ask her how she is doing now, so I went directly to the city lord's mansion It's..."

"Okay, okay." Yeguang Meijiu waved his hands at the fallen leaves with a look of unwillingness to hear, and then said, "I'm just talking about you and reminding you that you can't treat me like this next time...but , Luo Ye, if you don't have any thoughts or plans for that girl Ji Xiaoyan, why don't you be so obsessed with her all day long? She is not who you are, why do you care so much about her? Everyone It’s just a friend I met in the game, and I’ve seen her a few times in reality, is she worthy of your concern? Or…”

Ye Guang Mei Jiu looked to the side, seeing that it was still a bit inconvenient to speak, so he shut up and gestured towards the fallen leaves with his eyes.He just wanted to know, did Falling Leaves Flying Fly know that Miss Ji Xiaoyan would go to this super special step, which is why she is so good to her, and what plans she has in the future? It is impossible to be as powerful as the prophet!Then, Falling Leaves Flying's behavior can only be attributed to what he wants to get from Ji Xiaoyan and what purpose he wants to achieve.
The premise is that Flying Leaves didn't like that girl Ji Xiaoyan.

After all, such a thing as love is said to be magical.
Luo Yefeifei stared at Ye Guang Meijiu several times with a puzzled expression on his face, before realizing what he wanted to ask.Then, Falling Leaves Flying's face turned dark: "Yeguang, in your eyes, do I have a purpose for being nice to anyone? Or, for so many years, you have always been the friendship between the two of us." Is that what you think?" Or, in Ye Guang Meijiu's heart, is this how he has always treated himself?

"What, what?" When Ye Guangmeijiu heard Luo Ye Fenfei's words, his eyes widened in panic, and he looked at Luo Ye Fenfei with an unbelievable expression: "Luo Ye, you miss me so much! "

"Didn't you just say that?" Luoye Fenfei looked at Yeguang Meijiu deliberately with a sullen face, and saw that he was panicking and wanted to explain, so he sighed, and then said: "Okay, okay, Ye Guang, I know, you didn't mean that! It's doubt my friendship with Xiaoyan, I'm really not happy about this!"

"Okay, okay!" Ye Guangmeijiu stared at Luoye Flying Flying, and finally let out a sigh of relief: "I'm a villain, okay! But, Luoye, I just can't figure it out! Why are you right?" How good is Ji Xiaoyan? When I asked you before, you just said that seeing that girl’s life was not easy, and you wanted to help! But look at the things you did afterwards, you have helped a lot, right? Besides, if something happened to that girl, you run faster than anyone else, I don't understand...why did you do your best to her!!"

Fallen Leaves frowned slightly, pondered for two seconds, then glanced at Yeguang Fine Wine, and said to him, "Actually, Yeguang, I don't know either! Maybe it's just the fate between people..."

"Fate? You sent me away with just two words?" Ye Guang Meijiu glared at Luo Ye Fen Fei clearly and dissatisfied.

Falling Ye Fenfei frowned slightly, then smiled, looked at the Panchi City Lord's Mansion that was already approaching, and then said to Yeguang Fine Wine: "I didn't send you, Yeguang, I'm telling the truth! I used to treat this The feeling was not deep enough, and then I met Xiaoyan, and slowly ran around in the game with her, after so much experience, I really felt more and more that the fate between people is really strange... Sometimes when you reminded me, I would also think, did I have any unreasonable thoughts about her, so I was so kind to her inexplicably? But, I thought about it for a long time, and thought about it for a long time , I found that I don’t know when I have a sense of responsibility, just to make Xiaoyan’s life better and more comfortable, watching her smile happily... that’s all! I think, I just put She is my little sister, I want to take good care of her..."

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dark Shadow"!

(End of this chapter)

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