The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1410 The Great City Lord's Mansion!

Chapter 1410 The Great City Lord's Mansion!
Regarding the explanation of Falling Leaves Flying, Ye Guang Meijiu actually still doesn't believe it.

But, to put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with him at all. After all, Flying Leaves gave him an explanation, and he just listened to it. If there is something wrong later, he, a friend, can help remind him Anyway, as long as Fallen Leaves Flying Flying can't be tricked by that girl Ji Xiaoyan, then that's right!

Thinking this way in his mind, when Ye Guangmeijiu reacted again, their team of players and NPCs had already stopped!Yeguang Meijiu raised his eyes and looked ahead, looked at the fallen leaves flying around him with some doubts and asked in a low voice: "Fallen leaves, why did you stop? Has this arrived at the City Lord's Mansion?"

Luo Yefei shook his head, and replied in a low voice: "I don't know, I haven't been here before!"

"Oh!" Upon hearing this, Ye Guang Meijiu immediately turned his attention to the old man Qingmi and Brick, seeing that they had stepped up the steps to talk to the guards at the gate of the palace, and then said to Flying Leaves: "It looks like we've arrived at the City Lord's Mansion! Otherwise, look... Elder Qingmi and the others can talk to the guard NPC so politely? If it wasn't because they were afraid that they wouldn't be able to go in, they must have rushed in directly with us. ..."

Flying Leaves nodded in agreement.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, they saw the old man Qingmi revived, turned around and waved at them, and said loudly: "Hey, hey, hey, cheer me up and follow me honestly See Lord Yeshan City have to remember, don't embarrass us Qingcheng for a while..."

Everyone nodded, seeing the old man Qingmi and Brick stepping into the gate of the City Lord's Mansion with a proud face, and then quickly moved to follow.

"What is Elder Qingmi going to do?" Miss Qing Yuxi walked with Yeguang Meijiu and the others suspiciously, and asked in a low voice: "Didn't he tell the guards of the City Lord's Mansion that he can go in? Why do you still have to say a few words to us? It sounds like we are bumpkins coming to the city, afraid that we will lose face..."

"Isn't that what Elder Qing Mi said?" Ye Guang Mei Jiu tilted his head and said to Qing Yuxi.

When Qingyuxi heard this, she immediately gave Yeguang Fine Wine a big roll of her eyes, and then looked directly at Luoye Fenfei and asked, "Luoye, what are we doing here in Panchi City? Didn't say why..."

Luoye Feifei glanced at Qing Yuxi, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said in a somewhat embarrassed voice: "It's nothing, I just need a little help from you! Speaking of which, it's Elder Qingmi and the others who want your help... …As for what to do, I actually don’t know! It’s okay, Master Qing, since you’re all here, I’ll let Elder Qingmi take a look later, can you count this help as a mission and give us some rewards? ..."

"I don't care about rewards or anything!" Qing Yuxi took a deep look at Luoye Fenfei, smiled meaningfully, and said, "Since it's helping, then help! But, I hope that after the help is over, I don't care." , we can know the ins and outs, otherwise if the people under me ask me what's going on, I don't know what to say..."

"Well, this is for sure... Master Qing, you can rest assured!" After listening to Qing Yuxi's words, Luo Yefenfei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, then nodded to her and said: "When this matter is over, Whatever you want to know, I will try my best to tell you!"

When Qing Yuxi heard the words of fallen leaves flying, she just smiled, and then followed the people in front, stepped into the gate of the city lord's mansion, and saw the scenery of the city lord's mansion in Panchi City.
The old man Qingmi and Brick told the guard directly when they were at the gate of the city lord's mansion that they were called in by the city lord Yeshan, so there was no need for any guards to guide them. They knew the location of the city lord Yeshan. You can find him yourself.Therefore, after entering the city lord's mansion, there were no NPC guards to guide them, or rather, to monitor them!So, Brick took the old man Qingmi and the others together, and ran directly to the Rose Palace of Lord Yeshan, planning to find Ji Xiaoyan and Qing Gong in charge of them in the treasury there.

However, wherever he really ran, Brick found that there was no one in the treasure house except the guards of the Lord Yeshan.No one knows where Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong have gone!

"What should we do now?" Old Man Qingya looked at Brick and asked.

"Look for it!" Brick gritted his teeth, looked up at the old man Qingmi and said, "Xiaoyan and the others are hard to find, but City Lord Yeshan is very easy to find. If we can't, let's go directly to City Lord Yeshan first, as long as we don't put our stomach pocket Just hand it over first! City Lord Yeshan must know where Xiaoyan and the others are, and when the time comes, after we meet, we will plan to..."

"Yeah, that's fine!" Old Man Qingmi nodded, grabbed a guard of the treasure house and asked, "Where did Ye Shan go, do you know?"

The treasure house guards collectively shook their heads.

The old man Qingmi frowned, snorted coldly at those treasure house guards, then turned to the others and said, "Come on, let's go directly to Lord just need to remember that when you see a coquettish man , that's Ye Shan... When you see someone, remember to shout..."

"Elder Qingmi, do you mean that we should act separately?" Qing Yuxi thought for a while and asked the old man Qingmi.

"Separate? Separate for what!" The old man Qing Mi glared at Qing Yuxi, and then said to her: "Don't you understand what I said? We are acting as a group, but after you see such a man, Just say hello and remind me, understand?" The old man Qing Mi glanced around Qing Yuxi and the others with a disappointed face, and then continued to sigh and said: "Tell me about you adventurers... what do you mean by what I said? Don’t you understand? What did I say to you when I was at the door just now? Please cheer up and don’t embarrass us in Qingcheng... Look where you have heard? You follow us to Pan Chicheng, that represents the face of our Qingcheng..."

Qing Yuxi looked at the old man Qingya, and smiled a little pretending to be stupid.

To be honest, she still didn't understand what the old man Qingya wanted to express.cheer up?Some of these players are listless!Haven't you been very energetic all the time?

"Forget it, forget it, there is simply no way to communicate with you adventurers..." The old man Qingmi looked helpless, and after thinking about it, he said to the players: "Give me all the weapons you can use on your body." Take it out and carry it!! I told you all, take your spirits out! It’s already in someone else’s territory, don’t you feel uneasy if you don’t carry any weapons on your body?”

"Master Uncle Qingmi, is this okay?" Luoye Fenfei and the others looked at him in astonishment when they heard the old man Qingmi's words, and then asked in a low voice: "This is in Panchi City..." And , or the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City!
"Don't I know where we are? I still need you to remind me?" Old Qing Mi glared at Luo Ye Fen Fei, motioning them to quickly take out their weapons, and then turned around and said to everyone with a relaxed face: "Okay, let's go! Let's find out where the Lord Yeshan is..."

"Looking for Xiaoyan" Brick hurriedly approached and reminded in a low voice.

"It's all the same, it's all the same..." The old man Qingmi blinked at Brick, and then said softly: "The identity of Xiaoyan girl is different now... Many of these adventurers are with her. I know, the current situation of Xiaoyan girl, we can't let them know too much... If you can hide a little bit, it's better to hide it! If you can make them not meet and talk with Xiaoyan girl, it will be more perfect..."

When Brick heard this, he looked at the old man Qingya in surprise, and then nodded silently.

To be honest, he really didn't think about it...

Panchi City has many palaces and vegetation.

Old Man Qingmi and the others went to find City Lord Ye Shan by themselves and did not ask any of the Panchi City guards to lead the way, so basically they were just wandering around in the City Lord's Mansion.I thought that after wandering around for so long, I didn't meet the city lord Yeshan, so there must be no hope of finding it by myself, and I need to find a few guards for help.Unexpectedly, before the old man Qingya chose the unlucky guard to lead them, he heard a player shout loudly: "The most that the one over there?"

"Where, where?" The old man Qingmi hurriedly shouted when he heard this.

Then I saw a player pointing at a clump of bamboo groves, the old man Qingmi hurriedly looked over, and sure enough, he saw a familiar figure.

"Go, go, go! That's over there!" The old man Qingmi immediately waved to everyone excitedly, then directly pulled Brick up, and said happily to him: "Go, Brick. I saw that that guy was Ye Shan, and, it seemed, there were other people beside him, Xiao Yan's girl must be there..."

Brick nodded fiercely, turned his head and pulled Yan Foil Liuli directly, and then hurriedly followed old Qingmi towards the direction of Ye Shan City Lord.

Sure enough, the person not far away is really the City Lord Ye Shan.However, the people following him were not Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

"Master Bessa?" Brick was stunned when he saw Mrs. Bessa, and after seeing him murmur and nodding his head at him, Brick said nothing. Smiling at him, he looked at City Master Ye Shan, "Oh, this is really strange! Why are you here, Qing Mi?" City Master Ye Shan raised his chin slightly, glanced at Old Man Qing Mi, and then turned The people behind him read it all, and then asked with a slight frown: "You brought these adventurers? Elder Qingmi, it seems that the city lord did not agree with you to bring so many insignificant people into the city lord." House?"

"You're not in doubt either!" Elder Qing Mi looked at City Lord Ye Shan with complacent eyes and replied.

"That's right!" City Lord Ye Shan sneered a few times, and then said to old man Qingmi: "If you think you can bring so many people here, probably only Elder Qingmi, a bastard like you, can do it! Hmph, my city lord I don't want to argue with you now..." After finishing speaking, City Lord Ye Shan immediately looked at Luoye Flying and the others, and then said sharply: "You adventurers, leave the City Lord's Mansion immediately..."

"Hey, Ye Shan!" Upon hearing City Master Ye Shan's words, the old man Qingmi immediately stared at him and said, "These adventurers belong to Lao Tzu, so naturally they follow Lao Tzu, you can't let them go! !"

City Lord Ye Shan heard the words, looked at old man Qingmi with a sneer, and then said lightly: "It's okay... I know what Elder Qingmi means. It's impossible for your people to let them go, are you staying? Just in time, you should leave with me! Anyway, the Lord of this city remembers not inviting you to our Panchi City..."

"Hmph, that's not up to you." Qingmi old man snorted coldly at City Lord Ye Shan, and said indifferently.

Seeing this, Brick glanced at the old man Qingmi, and then looked at the Lord Yeshan and asked anxiously: "That... the Lord Yeshan, I brought the things back... But, where is Xiaoyan? She didn't talk to him. Are you together? We just went to see where the treasure house is, Xiaoyan is not there, where did she go? "

City Lord Ye Shan frowned when he heard Brick's words, and glanced at Master Bessa out of the corner of his eye. Then he said to Brick: "City Master Ji is a guest in our Panchi City, and it is impossible for the City Master to restrain her from going anywhere, right? So, where is City Master Ji now, I don't know... Well, Ben Isn’t the City Master just looking for City Master Ji with City Master Besa? Are you right? City Master Besa…”

Lord Bessa looked at City Lord Ye Shan raised his eyebrows and looked at himself, sneered in his heart, nodded to Brick, and said: "Speaking of which, I don't know if I don't leave, the City Lord surrounding Panchi City After walking around the mansion for two times, the city lord discovered that the city lord's mansion in Panchi City is actually so big. There are so many people in the city lord's mansion, Lian Ji and the others, and we haven't even seen anyone in the mansion... It can be seen that the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City is really well repaired!!"

Brick looked at Master Bessa, then at City Master Ye Shan, and finally he could only look at old man Qingmi, and asked silently, "Master Qingmi, what should I do?"

The old man Qingmi took a step back, landed beside Brick, winked at him and said in a low voice: "What should I do? Follow along. Xiaoyan's girl is always in the city lord's mansion, anyway, they are all looking for her , we just need to follow! Don't worry, as long as we follow them, we will definitely find that girl Xiaoyan..."

 ps: Thanks to "TEN" for the two monthly tickets!Thanks to "fennely" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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