The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1411 What is he going to do?

Chapter 1411 What is he going to do?
According to City Lord Ye Shan's original plan, the guards of his family have spread out in a large area, and they must have found Ji Xiaoyan and the others somewhere in the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City, and they have successfully prevented Ji Xiaoyan and the others from appearing In the sight of their group of people.Therefore, he only needs to take Lord Bessa around the City Lord's Mansion, and when Lord Bessa gets impatient, he will naturally go back to the house to lie down and rest, right?However, what City Lord Ye Shan didn't expect was that he took Master Bessa around the City Lord's mansion twice, but old man Qingmi and the others actually appeared in a large group!
And, most importantly, they also came to find Miss Ji Xiaoyan.

Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan was a little dissatisfied with the work of the guards near the city gate.

Not long ago, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion came to report that Brick had returned. At that time, he only said one more thing, saying that Brick did not come back alone, and brought a lot of Qingcheng guards and adventurers with him.At that time, the City Lord of Yechang ordered directly without thinking, that Brick could enter the city, but other people could only bring some of them in. He didn't know how many guards and adventurers Brick brought to Panchi City, but never Judging from the current number, I am afraid there should be a lot of people.

Otherwise, how could the number of "this group of people" he allowed be so huge?
Moreover, if the city gate guards at that time had told him that the old man Qingmi had also come, the Lord Yeshan was sure that he would never agree to let people into the city. However, everyone has already entered and left now. In front of him, what can he do when he can't be driven away like old man Qingmi?

Behind him, the city lord of Bessa asked him to take him to find Miss Ji Xiaoyan, and in front of him was old man Qingmi's troublesome rogue Elder Qingshimen, who brought Miss Ji Xiaoyan's subordinate Brick in Qingcheng, and asked to go Can he agree to ask Ji Xiaoyan?If he was willing to release Ji Xiaoyan for Master Bessa to see, would he still need to waste so much time going around in circles in the City Lord's Mansion?But, what should we do now in this situation?
City Lord Ye Shan felt a little embarrassed, thought about it, and finally decided, if it doesn't work, quickly take all the people with him, and go directly to Lu Shan to have a look.After all, this Panchi City is not his alone, right?Why did Ye Shan keep hiding for a reason of treating Xuan Mo's injury, and when he wanted to take care of things, he would show his face and express some opinions, and if he didn't want to take care of things, he just hid back in the hall, causing him a headache when he came out?
Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan immediately made up his mind and prepared to take people to the palace of City Lord Ye Shan
However, before City Lord Ye Shan opened his mouth, he saw a few guards from the City Lord's Mansion come out from the side, leaned over to the guards beside him and whispered for a while, then bowed to him, and then dodged left quickly.

"Master City Master..." Seeing City Master Ye Shan's slightly frowning puzzled expression, the guards hurriedly lowered their heads and moved closer to him, motioning City Master Ye Shan to take a few steps to a place where no one was around, and then whispered: "鈤Lord Chan City Lord has left the City Lord's Mansion..."

"Leaving the City Lord's Mansion? Where did he go?" Ye Shan City Lord looked at his personal guard in surprise.It's not a trivial matter for the city lord to leave the city lord's mansion!You know, even in the past, the city lord Yan Shan basically stayed in his own palace when he had nothing to do, just like a lady from a big family, the lord who didn't leave the door behind, lived in seclusion. !Not to mention, there is still a Xuanmo in his palace now!If he doesn't stay in the palace, where can he go?
The personal guard shook his head, and whispered back to City Lord Ye Shan: "No, I's just that they saw City Lord Yan Shan leaving the palace and leaving the City Lord's mansion... At this moment, someone has followed from afar... City Lord My lord, what do you think we are going to do?"

How to do?
The head of City Master Ye Shan was getting bigger.

If it was in the past, with such a good opportunity, Lu Shan had left the City Lord's Mansion, so it would be strange if he didn't hurry up and bring people to annex all the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City, and directly monopolize it!But in this situation, City Lord Ye Shan glanced at Lord Bessa and old man Qingmi very angrily, and instantly felt the urge to drive them all away. Without them, he still needs to think about what to do next. what to do

"Master City Master... Look, do you want us to lead people to lock them all up?" A personal guard suggested in a low voice.

In the end, City Lord Ye Shan gave him a fierce stare.He also wanted to lock up all the people, and after he got all the City Lord's Mansion into his pocket, he would deal with them properly.But in this situation, can he do this?Look at those Qingcheng guards following behind the old man Qingmi, let alone those adventurers.City Lord Ye Shan dared to bet that as soon as he said he was shutting people down, these people would immediately resist, and then said that someone might go and get them back.Not to mention that there is a powerful Santo Bessa behind him at this moment...
No, no! !City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help but shook his head!I closed my eyes regretfully and took a deep breath!What a great opportunity.
"How about, Lord City Master, why don't we take them to see City Master Ji of Qingcheng?" A guard looked at City Master Ye Shan's depressed expression, his eyes lit up instantly, and suggested to him: "Aren't they all here?" Are you looking for City Lord Ji? We just need to bring them all to meet City Lord Ji, and there will be time and opportunity..." Are you going to occupy all of the City Lord's Mansion?

However, City Lord Ye Shan frowned when he heard this idea, and after thinking about it for a few seconds, he shook his head and said: "This is not good! The matter of Qingcheng is very important...don't let them see Ji Xiaoyan, or she will be killed later." If they abducted away, then the loss of the city lord will be great! If we can't get Panchi City, we can still have Qingcheng as a backup resource. If we lose Qingcheng, then we will really lose too thoroughly if we lose you understand?"

Several personal guards glanced at each other, nodded with certainty, and then collectively asked in a low voice: "Then, my lord, what are we going to do now?"

City Lord Ye Shan pondered for a long time before he sneered, and whispered to the guards: "Didn't you say that, did you escape from the City Lord's Mansion? Also as the City Lord of Qing City, he can't go out of the City Lord's Mansion by himself." Chisa, did you leave the city lord here to entertain the guests in the city lord's mansion? Besides, we didn't see the city lord Ji in the whole city lord's mansion, who knows if she was taken out by the city lord Yan Shan? Are you right? "

Several guards nodded in understanding.

"So, since this is the case, we naturally have to take a group of guests to chase after City Lord Ye Shan, right? You may not be able to see City Lord Ji, you think, right?" City Lord Ye Shan narrowed his eyes. He narrowed his eyes, looked at the guards and asked a question, saw that they all nodded excitedly, then turned around, looked at Lord Bessa and old man Qingmi, and the others, and then said loudly: "I'm sorry, everyone I just got a piece of news that our Panchi City's City Lord Yan Shan has left the City Lord's Mansion, and seems to have gone for a stroll in the city... So, this City Lord thinks that since we have been wandering around the City Lord's Mansion for a while, we haven't seen each other. When it comes to City Lord Ji, it’s not certain, she was taken out by City Lord Yan Shan, I don’t know if you are willing to follow this City Lord to chase after him, can you find City Lord Ji?”

"That girl Xiaoyan left with Yan Shan?" The old man Qingmi asked immediately after hearing what City Lord Ye Shan said, and seeing the unchanged smile on the face of City Master Ye Shan, he thought for a while and said, "Well, I I think this is still possible... After all, the relationship between Xiaoyan girl and the city lord Yan Shan is at least much better than the relationship with you Ye Shan. If she goes out with Lu Shan, it is still possible..." Speaking of this The old man Qingmi immediately turned to Brick, glanced at him and said: "In this case, Brick, let's go out with Ye Shan to find it..."

Brick looked at City Lord Ye Shan, and thought of something, and then nodded to old man Qingmi after a while.As for the other players, the old man Qingya didn't intend to ask for opinions at all, so he just ignored it.
"Since Elder Qingmi has said that he is going, then the city lord will naturally follow." Lord Bessa smiled when he saw the city lord Ye Shan cast his gaze on him, and then said: "I can't let the two city lords be together. After leaving, the City Lord will stay here as a stranger, right? Otherwise, if something happens in the City Lord's Mansion, the City Lord will have nothing to do with it..."

"Haha, I don't mind the city lord, as long as you can make the noise louder!" City lord Ye Shan said to Master Bessa with a look of indifference and a hint of provocation in his eyes. In a word, after seeing that he just smiled and looked at him and stopped talking, City Lord Ye Shan pouted in his heart a little depressed, then waved his hand and said to everyone: "Since everyone has no objection, let's hurry up Let's go! Otherwise, we won't be able to catch up with Tan Tan..."

Lord Bessa nodded, walked to Brick and the others with a smile, and after standing with them, followed in the footsteps of City Lord Yeshan.As for Falling Leaves Flying and the others at the back, they looked depressed and helpless, and after looking around again, they still followed obediently.

Think about what they are doing all the way here?
After finally entering the Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion, he didn't see the scenery, and Ji Xiaoyan didn't find it, so he had to leave again!I feel that the time they make the soy sauce is too short.
However, no matter how much complaints they have in their hearts, these players still have no right to speak in front of the NPC. What they can do is to follow what others say.

At this moment, the City Lord Yan Shan had already stepped out of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and headed directly to the west of Panchi City.

Originally, according to the general situation, City Lord Lushan should be the same as City Lord Yeshan knew, squatting in the palace all day secretly planning his own affairs, usually not even taking a step from the gate of the palace.Coupled with the fact that Ji Xiaoyan sent Xuan Mo to Panchi City for treatment, and even threw the person to himself, then City Lord Yan Shan shouldn't go out even more.However, just after Brick left Panchi City, and the men guarding the city gate of City Lord Ye Shan were killed by City Lord Ye Shan, a letter was suddenly delivered to his feet by someone who didn't know.

Thinking about a place like Panchi City, although half of it is said to be owned by the Lord Yeshan, usually it is owned by the Lord Yeshan himself. It does not sound like a very strict city, but in terms of safety, the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yeshan are still very safe. Have a tacit understanding.In the entire city lord's mansion, except for the people of the city lord Yeshan, that is the people of the city lord Yanshan himself. Under such circumstances, it is definitely impossible for any letter to fall at his feet. Moreover, it seems that the letter is still foreign.
City Lord Ye Shan is not the kind of person who likes to write letters.

Therefore, this kind of situation can only show that, without their knowledge, a master came to their city lord's mansion!Moreover, this master's ability is not small...
So, after being surprised for a short time, the city lord Xun Shan took the letter back to his room with curiosity, and opened it to read.The content of the letter was very simple, just a few words, and I hope that City Lord Yan Shan can meet at a place west of Panchi City. As for the signature, there is nothing.

City Lord Yan Shan sat in the room thinking for a long time, until Ji Xiaoyan and the others walked up and down on the roof of his palace, and opened a hole to find Xuan Mo, then City Lord Yan Shan decided to leave the City Lord's Mansion , to the west of the city to see the situation.He really wanted to know who the person who sent such a master to deliver the letter and wanted to meet him without signing the letter...

So, hurriedly leading the people, the city lord Yan Shan left the city lord's mansion.

I thought my actions were secretive and low-key enough, and City Lord Yeshan was also with Lord Bessa at that time, so City Lord Xishan felt that he was going out of the City Lord's Mansion, at least when City Lord Yeshan knew about it, he must have been on the verge of death. came back.In the end, who knows, he just stepped out of the city lord's mansion, and not long after he walked, a guard came to report on his back foot, saying that the city lord Ye Shan led Master Bessa and some other people seemed to have gotten the news and chased after them.
"Ye Shan didn't lead the troops?" The city lord Yan Shan looked at his personal guard with some depression and asked. After seeing him shaking his head with certainty, he immediately frowned suspiciously: "Then he came out after chasing the city lord? What? Under such circumstances, shouldn't he be thinking about how to prevent us from going back to the City Lord's Mansion? What is he going to do with so many aliens chasing us out?"

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Feng & Dance"!Thanks to "ゆ唐糖ゝ" for the two monthly tickets!Thanks to "TEN" for the two monthly tickets!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Dark. Sombra"!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Rain, Sunny"!

(End of this chapter)

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