The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1412 Lead the way

Chapter 1412 Lead the way
City Lord Yan Shan couldn't figure out City Lord Ye Shan's motives. Naturally, it was impossible for him to terminate his purpose just because he knew of City Lord Ye Shan's actions, and instead run back to the City Lord's mansion in Panchi City, right?When he decided to come out of the city lord's mansion to meet the mysterious messenger, the city lord Yan Shan had already arranged all the affairs of the city lord's mansion, and he didn't have to worry about being discovered by the city lord Ye Shan. The situation where he would be kicked out of the city lord's mansion.

Therefore, now that he learned that the Lord Ye Shan had no idea to take the opportunity to enter and occupy the Mansion of the Lord, the Lord Yan Shan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
However, while he was relieved, what should he do next?Going to meet the mysterious person according to the original plan, and then being followed by City Lord Ye Shan with a large number of outsiders on the way?Or in other words, to get rid of the Yeshan city lord?But is it so easy to get rid of the city lord?
"Let's move on!" City Lord Yan Shan thought carefully for a long time, and then whispered to the guards: "Leave a few people around here and hide first, if there are people from Ye Shan behind , find a way to make them stop following us... As for Ye Shan and the others... Hmph, as long as no one follows us, it's their ability to find us..."
City Lord Yan Shan didn't believe that he had left the City Lord's mansion, and if no one followed, City Lord Ye Shan could find him just like that...

"Yes, Lord City Master!" City Lord Yan Shan's personal guards nodded quickly, and after choosing a few guards to stay and hide, they hurriedly followed City Lord Yan Shan and continued to the west.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the guards left by City Lord Ye Shan saw the guards sent by City Lord Ye Shan to follow them. They looked at each other, attacked quickly, and quickly caught him and dragged him away Left. When City Lord Yeshan and his team came here to find the mark, they found that the mark was gone. "Master City Lord. We seem to have been discovered!" The guard of City Lord Yeshan frowned and stood at the base of the wall carefully. After looking at it, he said to City Lord Ye Shan in a low voice: "The mark is gone should be discovered by City Master Yan Shan and the others..."

City Lord Ye Shan pursed his lips when he heard the words, and looked straight ahead.They should go in that direction, this point is still very troublesome! !Most importantly, don't lose face in front of outsiders.
"Hey, Ye Shan, why don't you leave? Are you looking for someone, or have you lost him?" Old Qing Mi still looked like he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and squinted at City Lord Ye Shan with a smile. He asked loudly to him, and seeing that the city lord Ye Shan didn't speak, he said with a smile: "Ye Shan... don't tell us that you really lost Lu Shan, and then you are going to tell us to go back together The city lord's mansion is waiting for news...we can't stand your troubles like this!"

City Lord Ye Shan pursed his lips tightly, turned his head to look at old man Qing Mi, and didn't speak immediately.

Seeing this situation, Lord Bessa smiled immediately: "City Master Yeshan, if you really lost your footing and it's not easy to find someone, forget it. We don't have to go with you. From here on, it's better to go with us." Let’s just separate for free activities... It’s really embarrassing to think about it! A large group of us are all looking for City Lord Ji, and in the end we have to bother City Lord Ye Shan, you took us around in Panchi City It's such a hassle..."

separate? !City Lord Ye Shan squinted at Master Bessa, and silently cursed shamelessly in his heart!dream!If Master Bessa was really willing to wander around Panchi City by himself, he wouldn't have wasted time following this man back then!Who is Santo Bessa?Is it okay to let him move freely?Maybe it won't be long before he can find the whereabouts of Miss Ji Xiaoyan in Panchi City, and then draw a picture of their guards in Panchi City by the way, and then take Miss Ji Xiaoyan and leave directly from their Panchi City!At that time, how will he realize the identity of the other half of the city lord of Qingcheng with Ji Xiaoyan?
Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan immediately looked at Master Bessa, and then said to him: "No need, continue walking from here, there are only a few directions to the end, I will naturally send someone to check carefully Yes. You just need to follow me all the don't have to worry about the rest!"

"Really?" Master Bessa looked disbelieving, and after glancing at City Lord Ye Shan, he continued: "This City Master is just worried that everyone is wasting time..."

City Lord Ye Shan glared at Lord Bessa, turned around and chose a direction to continue walking, and then said to the guards around him: "Take some people to look around immediately, and the people who are looking for us will look for them carefully. Find, see which direction that guy Tan Tan is going, and where he went! Tell them to come back quickly and answer..."

"Yes!" A personal guard nodded and glanced at City Lord Ye Shan. After seeing him indicating that he could leave, he quickly turned around, chose a direction, and ran directly into the alley.When they left the city lord's mansion, they didn't bring extra guards with them at all, so if they needed help, they had to go to the street to find their own people to help.
If I had known, I would have brought more guards when I came out of the City Lord's Mansion.

This point is not only regretted by the guards of Lord Yeshan, but also City Lord Yeshan himself is silently regretting it.

The old man Qingmi looked at the expression on the face of the Lord Yeshan, and after a few bursts of smug smiles, he turned his head to look at Master Bessa, gave him a thumbs up, and then happily followed Brick and the others, and continued to follow Walk in the direction of Ye Shan City Lord's walking.

And at this time, City Lord Yan Shan was not as happy as City Lord Ye Shan and Qing Mi had imagined.
Originally thought that after sending people to stay behind and capture the subordinates of City Lord Ye Shan, they would be able to reach the place agreed with the mysterious man smoothly.As a result, not long after he left, City Lord Xi Shan received bad news from his own guards.

"What's the matter? Didn't you catch Ye Shan's subordinates?" City Lord Yan Shan stared at the guard who had just whispered to the other guards. After seeing him looking at him with an ugly face, he stopped quickly and looked at The personal guard asked: "Or, Ye Shan and the others have already followed?"

The personal guard shook his head, with a hint of surprise and anxiety in his eyes, he looked at City Lord Yan Shan and said: "Master City Lord, the guards who have just been sent to arrest people, according to this time, they should have done things a long time ago. It's over, I have to come back to answer. But after we saw that something was wrong with the time, we immediately sent someone back to urge... But when the guards went back, they saw... saw that they were all hacked The man in clothes took it away!"

"The man in black?" City Lord Yan Shan frowned and looked at his personal guard.

"Yes, Lord City Master!" The guard nodded with certainty, and then continued: "Those men in black are very powerful. Several of our guards have been folded inside and have been captured again... Now there is only one The guards are following those men in black... Lord City Master, do you think we need to go and see?"

The personal guard lowered his eyes, quietly waiting for the answer from the city lord Yan Shan.He really hoped that the city lord Yan Shan could help to go and have a look together, and save everyone!But after thinking about it, the people they were taken away were all guards, and the city lord Yan Shan was the lord of the city!How could it be possible for the city lord to rescue their guards?

"Those men in black were created by Ye Shan's people?" City Lord Xi Shan didn't seem to understand the meaning of the guard's words, and continued to ask with a frown.

"It doesn't look like..." The guard thought for a while, and said to the Lord Yeshan with some worry: "Our people first captured Lord Yeshan's people, and then escorted them away. We met those men in black, and then we were captured by those men in black... So, it seems that those men in black are not the people of Lord Yeshan City Lord... On the contrary... ...On the contrary, they look like people from other forces..."

"Other forces!" City Lord Yan Shan's gaze sharpened immediately, he looked at his personal guards, and then said sharply: "You mean, in this Panchi City where there are only two City Lords, Ye Shan and I, and two forces, Now unexpectedly there is a third force out of nowhere, and I, the city lord, don't even know about Ye Shan?"

The guard's body trembled, but he didn't dare to answer.Because, that seems to be the case right now.
Seeing the attitude of the personal guards, the city lord Gu Shan suddenly lost the mood to meet some mysterious person.Regarding the connection with the mysterious person at the beginning, what City Lord Yan Shan actually thought was that maybe someone wanted to cooperate with him, so after careful consideration, he came out to meet this mysterious person.However, now that something like this has happened, City Lord Xishan is not in the mood to cooperate with anyone and do anything!

It's not a good thing for Panchi City, which I thought to be solid like a golden spoon, to have other forces appear without my knowledge! !If this force can't be cleared away, City Lord Xishan won't be in the mood to do anything.
Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan took a deep breath, then sternly looked at his own guards and said, "Send someone back immediately to see where City Lord Ye Shan has gone? Call them all over." , the city lord is waiting for them here..."

"My lord, what do you mean?" The guard couldn't help but look up at the city lord Yan Shan.

"Panchi City is not owned by the city lord alone. Now that something like this happened, it is naturally impossible for the city lord to handle the matter alone! Ye Shan also has to contribute, doesn't he?" Looking at the personal guard, he said, "Go, tell Ye Shan that the Lord of the city is waiting for him here, and then we will go and see what is going on with those men in black..."

"Yes!" The guard nodded immediately, stood up, turned around and ran towards the direction they came from.

I thought that as long as I kept looking along the way I came here, I would definitely be able to find City Lord Ye Shan and a large group of them.As a result, after the guards of City Lord Ye Shan ran a long distance, they found that it seemed that City Lord Ye Shan and the others had not followed them all the way.
"MD! Just when they were needed to follow, they didn't follow the right direction..." City Lord Yan Shan's personal guard couldn't help but cursed in his heart, then turned around and chose a direction, and started looking for City Lord Ye Shan. process.The good thing is that Ye Shan City Lord walked very slowly because he wanted to wait for his subordinates to find the whereabouts of Lu Shan City Lord's whereabouts before finding a way to go there and erase his shameful reputation. The personal guards of the city lord Yan Shan soon found them
"Your Excellency City Lord Ye Shan..." When the guards of City Lord Ye Shan saw their large team, they were overjoyed, and quickly shouted aloud, regardless of whether anyone heard it or not, they kept shouting He ran directly in the direction of Ye Shan City Lord.

"Who is it?" City Lord Ye Shan heard the yell, and immediately turned around unhappily to look at the source of the sound. After seeing that it was the person of City Lord Yan Shan, he frowned and whispered in confusion. Said: "This is the person from Yan Shan? What does he want to do by calling me the owner of the city? Could it be possible that Yan Shan has found out his conscience and sent someone to guide us?"

The guards shook their heads when they heard this.City Lord Yan Shan wished that his Lord City Lord would not have anything to do with him, nor would he meet him, how could he send someone to lead the way?Didn't the guards they sent to find the way in front of them be taken away by the city lord's people, so they couldn't find the mark, making them feel a little embarrassed now and seem to have lost their way?

City Lord Ye Shan naturally had the same thoughts as his personal guards, and what he said was just some sarcastic words, but he still had some doubts in his heart.Under normal circumstances, people who want to change the city lord will not do anything good to themselves
"Your Excellency City Lord Yeshan..." City Lord Yanshan's personal guard panted heavily, and finally rushed past many players and guards to the front of City Lord Yeshan. After taking a deep breath, he immediately opened his mouth and said to him : "Your Excellency City Master Yeshan, my Lord City Master asked me to invite you to join us..."

"What?" The expression on the city lord Ye Shan's face at this moment was shockingly wonderful!He was just talking about it just now, but he really didn't expect it to become a reality!The city lord Yan Shan really sent someone to lead him the way and let him pass. But, what's going on in this situation?

City Lord Ye Shan was very confused!There must be something wrong for the city lord to go out of the city lord's mansion, otherwise he wouldn't be able to go out easily!And they rushed over, they were following secretly!Even if Gu Shan knew it, he must find a way to get rid of them. How could it be impossible to send someone to call them, show them the way to let them pass, and meet him?Could there be some conspiracy in this?

At this moment, City Lord Ye Shan suddenly realized that what City Lord Yan Shan did contained too much thought and deep meaning, he couldn't reply easily...

 PS: Thank you for the "Rain, Sunny" monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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