The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1418 Inside Story

Chapter 1418 Inside Story
Facing City Lord Yeshan, Citylord Yanshan, old man Qingmi and others, even if Lord Bessa still wanted to hide something, it was probably impossible not to say something under the current situation, and continued to keep silent!What's more, if Ji Xiaoyan is really like what City Lords Ye Shan and Yan Shan said, and went to wander around in this Panchi City by himself, but was captured by this group of inexplicable men in black, wouldn't they want to Hurry to find it?Since those men in black were able to commit crimes in their water city of River, severely wounding Xuan Mo, knocking Xi Ye into a coma, and making Friesman and Jia Jia disappear, then it is also possible to chase after Ji Xiaoyan. Panchi City, take her away, right?
After all, Xuan Mo and the others are all Ji Xiaoyan's people. If it is said that those black-clothed foxes have nothing to do with Ji Xiaoyan, Lord Bessa is not convinced.After all...Ji Xiaoyan and the others came back from the Fox Clan!
Considering this, Master Bessa had to look at old man Qingmi and the others again, and after a while, he said quietly: "Are these black-clothed men in Panchi City the same as the black-clothed men we met in River Water City?" The people are from the same group, and if no one is found, it is impossible for the city lord to confirm, so I can only tell you who the people in River Water City are for your reference."

"That's natural." City Lord Yan Shan nodded immediately.

Then I heard Lord Besa say: "The men in black from the fox tribe who did the murder in River Water City were the ones who wounded Xuan Mo. Along with them, there were several other subordinates of City Lord Ji... Therefore, I guess, the people in black in Panchi City are most likely to follow City Lord Ji. It’s just that it’s not clear what they are for…”

"Castile Master Bessa, are you talking about the Fox Clan?" City Lord Yeshan frowned when he heard Lord Bessa's words, looked at him and raised his eyebrows and said, "Is that the Fox Clan that you declared war in River Water City?"

Lord Bessa nodded.

"So, your River Water City declared war on the Fox Clan not only because they committed crimes in your River Water City and hurt people?" City Lord Ye Shan glanced at Master Bessa instantly and asked in a low voice.Lord Bessa would declare war on the Fox Clan, most likely because of his relationship with Ji Xiaoyan as the Lord of the City, he wanted to show it in front of his fiancée, and by the way redeemed those who did not favor Ji Xiaoyan, so the City Lord of Bessa was right. The Fox Clan declared war, and by the way brought back their River Water City's face. Thinking of this, City Master Ye Shan couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Looking back, if the man, City Lord Bessa, knew that he was going to marry that girl Ji Xiaoyan first, he didn't know what his expression would be.Well, will they directly declare war on Panchi City?Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan woke up for a few seconds... Did he not think too carefully about the matter of getting married?
Lord Bessa heard the words of City Lord Ye Shan, glanced at Old Man Qingya and Brick from the corner of his eye, and did not answer him.

At this moment, the city lord Yan Shan couldn't help frowning, thinking about the fox clan in his heart.If it is said that the person who can put the letter on the table when he is not aware of it is from the fox clan, then City Lord Yan Shan thinks it is completely possible!The strength of the fox family is basically known on the mainland, but because of their secluded life, they gradually faded out of people's sight!It's just that there is one thing that the city lord did not understand!
The Fox Clan is known as the top race on all continents, and it is also a race that hides deeply, does not want to get involved in world affairs, and only lives in seclusion. Then why did they appear in River Water City and Panchi City?This is somewhat unreasonable!

After listening to Lord Bessa's words, the old man Qingmi frowned, and after a while, he snorted twice, and then said to everyone: "I said it when I was in the Fox Clan, those guys are wearing hypocrisy. He pretends to live in seclusion all day long, and on the surface it seems that he doesn't care about anything, doesn't care about anything, and doesn't fight. In fact, the idea of ​​​​robbing and plundering in his bones and wanting to dominate the mainland has never stopped! Hmph! , How long has it been, and they took their things back, and started to make trouble everywhere... If I had known, we would not have gone to the Fox Clan!!"

"Elder Qingya, what do you mean by that?" Lord Bessa frowned, and instantly sensed that there was some important information in Old Man Qingya's words, so he immediately asked, but he just looked at Qingya. Old man Mi frowned, as if unwilling to continue talking.

"Elder Qingmi, what do you mean by those words just now? Do you know the reason why the people from the Fox clan came to the mainland?" City Lord Yan Shan looked at the old man Qingmi with a hint of surprise in his eyes, seeing that he was not When he spoke, he just stared at himself, so he immediately frowned, and continued to say to him: "Elder Qingmi, since you know the inside story, why didn't you tell us? If you don't tell me, how do we know why those men in black came to us?" Panchi City captured City Lord Ji, why did you go to Ruifu Water City to hurt Xuan Mo and the others?"

The old man Qingmi gave a cold snort, rolled his eyes at the city lord Yan Shan, and then said: "Ji should tell me, you know why the fox people do these things, just Can you bring girl Xiaoyan to us immediately?" The old man Qingmi sneered with his lips curled up, looked at City Lord Yan Shan and the others and said, "Hmph, if you can really bring girl Xiaoyan to me right away, I will I will tell you the reason immediately! How is it? Can you do it, Yan Shan and Ye Shan? If you can’t, then don’t waste time here talking about it, hurry up and bring people with me, and immediately go after those The man in black, rescue Xiaoyan girl from me..."

City Lord Yan Shan frowned, and glanced at Lord Bessa, and seeing that he didn't speak any more, he turned to City Lord Ye Shan, and saw that he looked away from the old man Qingmi and looked at himself. After taking a glance and nodding his head lightly, he pursed his lips and remained silent for a few seconds, and said to the guard beside him, "Go and ask again, are those men in black grabbing people and walking towards that side? Immediately go after someone..."

"Yes!" Several guards responded immediately, turned around and ran into the alley.

The discussion of the NPCs here is over, and the discussion of the strangers on the other side is still going on.

"Hey, that girl Ji Xiaoyan was really captured by an NPC?" Ye Guangmeijiu looked excitedly at Falling Leaves Flying and the strangers and asked, "Thinking of it this way, are we following some mission plot? "

Thinking of this, Ye Guangmeijiu became excited again in an instant: "Think about it! Didn't you say Luoye? We are here to help Elder Qingmi, and this way into Panchi City is a roadblock and a barrier. Is it the same plot as a mission? Let’s take a look at the present....Finally met the two BOSS of Panchi City, and this time brought out some other NPCs, that girl Ji Xiaoyan also got involved ...So, this must be some kind of mission! Luo Ye, tell the truth, did Xiaoyan tell you some gossip, so you brought us to do the mission together?"

Falling Ye Flying frowned, just glanced at Ye Guang Meijiu, and didn't say anything.

After listening to the words of Yeguang Fine Wine, the strangers and Yan Foil drifted away and looked at the falling leaves with a sense of soberness.In the end, seeing that he had no intention of answering at all, after thinking about it, Yan Boliu asked, "Falling leaves... Is what Ye Guang said true? Did Xiaoyan come to Panchi City to do a mission?" No. What they heard back then was that they came to Panchi City to have a marriage contract with that city lord Yeshan, waiting for them to rescue them?

Falling Leaves Flying Stared at Ye Guang Meijiu again, and after a while, he said to Yan Buliu and the others: "I don't know about this! I have never received any news from Xiaoyan at all... I only received a message from Elder Qingmi." Pigeon pass book! The rest, I don't know..."

Ye Guang Meijiu obviously didn't believe it, but after looking at the expression of Fallen Leaves, he felt that he really had no motive to lie to himself, so he could only curl his lips and let it go.

Miss Qingyuxi followed Ye Guangmeijiu to Panchi City all the way. They were originally playing the role of transparent people, and they were going to help first, and then ask the reason after the matter was resolved.But now, she found that it should have been a relatively simple task of helping, and it seemed that there was something hidden in it... Looking at the expressions of Falling Leaves Flying and Nightmare Foil drifting away from them, it seemed that there were indeed some hidden things in it that they didn't know about. .
Thinking of this, Qing Yuxi glanced at Luoye Fenfei, then smiled and asked Luoye Fenfei: "By the way, Luoye, what is Xiaoyan doing recently? When the game was updated, I didn't contact her for anything..."

Luoye Fenfei looked at Qing Yuxi, not knowing how to answer for a while, so he immediately turned his gaze to the stranger, and then heard the stranger smiled, and replied: "Xiaoyan is doing well recently!"

"Oh? Su Su, have you been in touch with Xiaoyan recently? I thought her best friend was Luo Ye!" Qing Yuxi's eyes showed a trace of doubt, and his eyes swept over the strangers and Luo Ye Fenfei, obviously looking Seeing that there was some unnaturalness in their expressions, so after thinking about it, Qing Yuxi said, "It's okay..."

"En!" The stranger and Luoye Feifei responded in a rare tacit understanding, glanced at each other and immediately avoided their eyes.

Yan Foil Liuli clenched his palms, and slowly lowered his eyes.
"Hey, Flying Leaves..." But Brick didn't know what he thought of. He suddenly turned around and looked at Flying Leaves, and then whispered to him, "Wait a while until the people from City Lord Yanshan come back and know that Xiaoyan has been arrested." The direction you are going, you can arrange for you adventurers to divide into several groups, and then look in all directions to see if you can find Xiaoyan and their whereabouts..."

"Mm, okay!" Falling Leaves Flying hurriedly nodded.

"By the way, I will leave with some guards in a while, and go back to the City Lord's Mansion to have a look... At other times, if you find anything, report to Master Qingmi... If you have any trouble, you all go to Master Qingmi too! Brick thought for a while, and then gave an order to Flying Leaves.

"Back to the City Lord's Mansion?" Luoye Feifei looked at Brick strangely, and asked after a few seconds of silence: "Brick, why don't you go find Xiaoyan together? What are you going back to the City Lord's Mansion for?" Rick felt that he had no fighting power, so he went back to the city lord's mansion to wait for news?It's not like that either!
Brick was silent for a second, then sighed, and then whispered to the fallen leaves: "I always feel a little uneasy and disbelieving when I listen to the words of City Lord Yan Shan and City Lord Ye Shan. So I just talked to Qing Uncle Mi discussed it, and I took someone back to the city lord's mansion to have a look... When I left the city lord's mansion, Xiaoyan was in the city lord's mansion, and Ye Shan did not agree with her and Chief Qing Gong to leave the city lord's mansion... ...So, I think it is impossible for Xiaoyan to come and hang out in Panchi City under the leadership of the guards of the City Lord's Mansion!"

At this point, Brick was puzzled when Ye Shan led them out of the city lord's mansion.Judging from the situation of him, Ji Xiaoyan and the others in Ye Shan's treasury in the City Lord's Mansion, Ye Shan City Lord would not let Ji Xiaoyan out at all, because he was afraid that she would run away with Chief Qing Gong. He went back to Qingcheng to find the bellyband!However, at that time, seeing that Lord Bessa had wandered around the Panchi City's Lord's Mansion for several times without seeing Ji Xiaoyan, Brick suppressed the doubts in his heart.
It's just that, now this doubt has emerged with the so-called man in black incident!So, Brick thought about it. Anyway, he has no fighting power. If he really meets the Fox Clan, he might be caught by the Fox Clan and drag everyone down. City Lord Shan is not here, so go to the City Lord's Mansion to see if there is a possibility that Ji Xiaoyan has been locked up by City Lord Ye Shan!

Think about Ji Xiaoyan's side, besides Chief Qing Gong, there are also a large number of Qingcheng guards.It's impossible for Ji Xiaoyan and the others to be captured, and those guards were wiped out, right?None of their Qingcheng guards were smart enough to report the news?
After hearing Brick's words, Flying Leaves regained vigor immediately, looked at him and said, " you think Xiaoyan might be in the city lord's mansion? Has he been taken away?"

"I'm just going back to see if there's that possibility!" Brick said cautiously.

Falling Leaves Flying thought for a few seconds, looked at the strangers, and then smiled and said to Brick expectantly: "How about, Brick, I will follow you back to the City Lord's Mansion to see See? Don't worry, there are other adventurers here, and the matter of finding Xiaoyan will definitely not be delayed... What do you think? You go to the city lord's mansion to find someone by yourself, and you probably can't bring many guards, right? One person has more power, there are some things you can't think of, maybe I, as an adventurer, can help you with ideas..."

(End of this chapter)

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