The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1419 Just take the alley

Chapter 1419 Just take the alley

Brick was not at all happy about Falling Leaves' suggestion.

First of all, from the perspective of helping, Brick doesn't think that with one more Flying Leaves, they can really find the person they are looking for in the Mansion of the Lord of the Panchi City. If you give him a name or something, he will be able to locate the person immediately, right?Another point is that Brick thinks that even though he himself is an alchemist with no fighting power, he is probably much better than Flying Leaves!Instead of looking for Fallen Leaves to follow, he might as well go directly to old man Qingmi and bring another Qingcheng guard.
Thinking of this, Brick took a look at Luoye Fenfei, shook his head at him, and said, "Leaf Flying Adventurer, I don't need you to follow me when I go to the City Lord's Mansion... You and Uncle Qingmi and the others will fight against the night sky together." Chan, Chan Chan and the others go after those men in black. I personally think that if you really catch up with those men in black, maybe you adventurers will be more useful..."

"It's okay, it's okay! There are others, I'd better follow you!" Flying Leaves looked at Brick unwillingly and said.Since the NPCs are divided into two teams, why do their players have to choose a team to follow?Wouldn't it be depressing if something was missing?Therefore, Flying Leaves thought very clearly, no matter what, he must follow Brick.
What if Brick finds Ji Xiaoyan in the Panchi City Lord's Mansion?
Don't blame him for being dark and maliciously guessing!According to Falling Leaves Flying's thinking, since Brick is so determined to go to Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion to find Ji Xiaoyan, it might be that Ji Xiaoyan is really there!Otherwise, the City Lords Ye Shan and Jia Shan both said that Ji Xiaoyan might be captured by the men in black, why didn't Brick believe it?He must have a reason not to believe it!

However, after listening to Flying Leaves' words, Brick frowned immediately, looked at him with displeasure, and then said impatiently: "Flying Leaves, I've already said it, I don't need you to follow! Don't try to persuade me any more, I won't take you with me..." After finishing speaking, Brick turned his head to look in the direction of old man Qingya, and saw that he was looking in his direction with a puzzled expression on his face. , and then hurriedly said: "Master Uncle Qingmi, watch the fallen leaves fly a little... He must follow me!"

"No problem! Brick, you can rest assured! I must be optimistic about him!" Hearing what Brick said, the old man Qing Mi immediately squinted his eyes, glanced at Fallen Leaves Flying Flying, and assured him.

So Brick was relieved.

The strangers next to them looked at Brick suspiciously, and then looked at Flying Leaves. They didn't understand what he and Brick were talking about in the few minutes just now, so that Brick could see It seems to be very disgusted with him!On the other hand, Ye Guangmeijiu approached Luoye Flying Fei directly, and asked in a low voice: "Luoye, what did you do just now? It seems that you were hated by Brick?"

Falling Yefeifei pursed his lips tightly, looked in the direction of Brick and the others, and then said to Yeguang Fine Wine: "It seems that I said something wrong..."

"What did you say wrong?" Ye Guang Meijiu continued to ask.

"It's nothing... Maybe I didn't notice it..." Luo Ye Fenfei didn't want to say anything more, and slightly lowered his eyes to Ye Guang Meijiu to say something perfunctory, then stretched out his hand and pushed him in the direction of the big team of players. He said to him: "Let's go, let's go back there and wait for the news! Otherwise, those NPCs will be angry because we said something that shouldn't be said..."

Yeguang Meijiu glanced suspiciously at Old Man Qingmi and the others, and then at Flying Leaves. Seeing that his expression was not very good, he closed his mouth after thinking about it, and followed him to the player's team inside.

Soon, the guards sent by the city lord Gu Shan came back and reported that some residents had seen the whereabouts of those black people, so the city lord Gu Shan immediately turned to the old man Qingmi and Master Beisa and said, "City lord Beisa, Qing Elder Mi, shall we leave now?"

Lord Bessa nodded without any objection, anyway, he came alone, so he didn't need to ask anyone's opinion.

As for the old man Qingya, after he glanced at Brick and saw him nod his head in a reserved manner, he said to the Lord Yanshan: "Since there is already news, let's leave now." ... If something really happened to Xiaoyan girl in your Panchi City, I, Qingmi, will not let it go! No matter whether those people in black are from the fox clan that Lord Bessa guessed, they are always in the city. What happened in your Panchi City, I will not allow you to cover it up with a few casual words..."

"You don't have to worry about this, Qing Mi!" City Lord Ye Shan sneered and said to the old man Qing Mi, but he was not worried at all.He knew where Miss Ji Xiaoyan was right now.As long as he didn't send a message back, the guards in the City Lord's Mansion could only let Ji Xiaoyan and the others wander around, and it was absolutely impossible to let her out of the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City.Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan can only see him now in the city lord's mansion, waiting for them to go back safely.
"Then let's go." City Lord Yan Shan shouted, glanced at City Lord Ye Shan twice, turned around and let his guard lead the way, and followed the direction where the man in black left.

And Brick stood there silently watching all the people and the fallen leaves flying. They were all guarded by the old man Qingmi and the guards of Qingcheng. The guard of the city lord's mansion ran back in the direction he came.

However, as soon as he walked outside the city lord's mansion, Brick saw several guards from Panchi City's city lord's mansion rushing out. When he saw Brick and his party, his eyes lit up instantly, and then he stopped the guards. Rick and the others asked him, "Guests from Qingcheng... I want to ask you something..."

Brick stopped and looked at the guards several times with doubts on his face. After a while, he said, "Are you the guards of the Santo's Mansion? What do you want to ask?"

"Guests from Qingcheng, may I ask which direction our Lord City Lord went? We remember that when you left the City Lord's Mansion, it was Ye Shan City Lord who took you away..." The guards of the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City looked expectantly. Brick and the others said politely: "Have Lord Yeshan and City Lord Lushan met now?"

Brick looked at these guards with some doubts. He didn't know whether they belonged to City Lord Yeshan or City Lord Yeshan. , to chase some men in black who broke into Panchi City... Are you in a hurry to find them? We just came back, they are heading northwest, you can go and have a look..."

The guards of Panchi City Lord's Mansion looked in the direction Brick pointed at them, and after a few glances at each other, they turned around and thanked Brick, and then prepared to Go after someone.

However, Brick hurriedly kept a sentence and asked: "By the way, everyone, I also want to trouble you to ask something."

"Guests from Qingcheng, tell me!" Several guards nodded and said to Brick with a feeling of reciprocity.

"I want to ask, when did the Lord of our Qing City leave the Mansion of the Lord of the City, do you know?" Brick asked the guards after considering his words.He wanted to ask if Ji Xiaoyan was in the city lord's mansion, but then he thought about it, if people don't want to say it, just say she's not there, and then say they're going to chase Ye Shan and Yan Shan and leave immediately What?Why not ask directly, when did Ji Xiaoyan leave!
After listening to Brick's words, several guards just looked at him with some doubts, and then said directly: "Isn't the Lord of your Qing City always in our City Lord's Mansion? She never left at all, what are you talking about?" When did you leave?" At this point, the guards of the Panchi City Lord's Mansion smiled at Brick, and then said: "Guests from Qingcheng, if you want to find your Lord City Lord, go directly to her The room has been found... Not long ago, a maid was saying that your Lord City Lord said that you were tired and went back to the house to rest..."

"Really? That's really great! Thank you very much!" Brick was full of surprise, and sincerely thanked the guards twice. After watching them leave, he immediately turned to Qingcheng who was following him. The guards said: "Sure enough, City Lord Yeshan lied to us... Xiaoyan is really in the City Lord's mansion! Let me just say, City Lord Yeshan didn't get his bellyband, how could he let Xiaoyan leave easily? Hurry up, whoever of you immediately Go back to Elder Qingmi, tell him about this, and ask him to come back immediately... By the way, if possible, remember to ask Elder Qingmi to tell City Lord Besa as well! As long as we have the help of City Master Besa, we will leave Panchi City , it will definitely be easier..."

The guards of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion quickly nodded in response, and directly arranged for two guards to chase after the guards in Panchi City in the direction they left.But Brick took the rest of the Qingcheng guards into the Panchi City's Mansion, and ran directly to the house arranged by the then-City Lord Shan for Ji Xiaoyan and the others. However, at this time, Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong It is no longer in the city lord's mansion of Panchi City.

Things went smoothly over the poisonous thorn devil vine and the fence.After Ji Xiaoyan and the others waited for the poisonous effect of the poisonous thorny devil vine to pass, they quickly climbed over the wall. Fortunately, although the wall of the Panchi City Lord's Mansion is high, they can climb the intertwined vines of the poisonous thorny devil vine. As if they were given a new plant escalator, everyone helped each other, and quickly crossed the wall of the Panchi City Lord's Mansion, and jumped directly outside the City Lord's Mansion from above.
"Are we safe?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong with surprise, and asked excitedly in a low voice.

"Master City Lord, I'm afraid it's not good for you to be so optimistic!" Director Qing Gong couldn't help but sighed, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a trace of joy on his face: "We just escaped from Panchi City now. It’s just the city lord’s mansion, and there’s still a long way to go. We still need to avoid the search of the city lords Yeshan and Yushan, and then wait until the city gate opens tomorrow morning, and we have to find a way to get out of the city... After that, we need to be able to If someone teleports us away, then we are truly safe. Now, we have only achieved the first step... If we can't get out of the city tomorrow, we will have a lot of sad days in the future...More Don't say, go back to Qingcheng! If we brought a teleporter with us when we came to Panchi City, it would be perfect!"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but feel dejected.Yeah, if they have a teleporter in their team, what are they afraid of being discovered?If you rush out of Panchi City, you will definitely be able to leave.
But, now... hey!
"Master City Lord... I just poured cold water on you?" Manager Qing Gong came to his senses, and immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some anxiety and asked carefully.

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded unambiguously, and then sighed: "However, Manager Qing Gong, what you said is the truth, but I was too happy. You are right, I shouldn't be happy now It's too early, if you want to be happy, you have to wait until you return to Qingcheng..."

Upon hearing this, Manager Qing Gong quickly shut his mouth, not daring to say anything more.If he accidentally loses the confidence of their city lord, Ji Xiaoyan, how can he leave Panchi City later?

Ji Xiaoyan didn't notice Manager Qing Gong's expression at the moment, he looked around directly, and then said to Manager Qing Gong: "It's better for us to go that way now? Where is the gate of the City Lord's Mansion? Qing Director Gong, do you still remember? Why am I a little unclear..."

Director Qing Gong made a plan silently in his heart, and after verifying it again, he pointed to a direction and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It seems to be over there... Lord City Lord, we just need to avoid the direction of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion , just don’t go that way... Hey, if we can know the direction that Lord Ye Shan is going, it will be easier to go..."

"You're talking nonsense! If we knew, why would we need to be so frightened?" Ji Xiaoyan gave Manager Qing Gong a blank look, then pointed to an alley that ran in the opposite direction from the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and asked Manager Qing Gong: " Then let's go in that direction, Chief Qing Gong, what do you think? I think, we only need to drill into the alley, and the possibility of encountering City Lord Yeshan will be much smaller! Kind of people, if you want to go, you should take the main road, and you won't just go into the alley without any trouble, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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