The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1420 Sneak attack!

Chapter 1420 Sneak attack!
Ji Xiaoyan planned well!
They left the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City and went all the way to the small alleys in Panchi City. They must be able to avoid the large army of City Lord Yeshan, right?It's impossible for the city lord Ye Shan to take the guards into the alley with his identity as a city lord, right?If this gets out, how much will you lose?Right?Therefore, as long as they don't appear on the street, they can definitely avoid them, find a suitable hiding place, and quietly wait for the opportunity to leave the city and return to Qingcheng.

It's just that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is too surprising.

According to the normal situation, it is definitely impossible for the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan to take the alley, but the main street.But what is the situation like now?They brought a large group of guards from Qingcheng, their own guards from Panchi City, and many players, just to track down those so-called men in black, right?Therefore, following the route explored by the guards of Panchi City, City Master Ye Shan and the others never stopped at all, they all went into small alleys, it was like going wherever remote...
Not to mention, after searching like this, they really found some clues for City Lord Ye Shan and the others.

Several aborigines in Panchi City provided news that they saw a few men in black running towards the end of an alley, and the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan hurried over with the old man Qingmi and the others, and soon I found the entrance of the alley, and after sending people to guard the surrounding area, I looked at the old man Qingya and Lord Bessa and said, "How is it? Both of you, let's go in together now?"

"What's there to ask, why don't you just go?" Qing Mi glared at City Lord Ye Shan twice, and then said to them, "You guys are planning to procrastinate for some time, are you? Is there anything we can't know right now?"

"Elder Qingmi, what do you mean by that? Don't you know how we found it this way?" City Lord Yan Shan frowned, looked at old man Qingmi with some displeasure, and continued Said: "Ye Shan and I are just asking for your opinions, to see if you have anything else to prepare. Of course... I also hope that Elder Qing Mi and City Master Bessa can help more when they arrest people for a while Let me talk to Ye Shan... After all, if those men in black are really members of the fox clan, there are indeed too few people with some combat power here..."

"Don't worry!" Old Qingmi cast a sideways glance at City Master Ye Shan, and said to Lord Bessa: "As long as those men in black really arrest Xiaoyan girl and the others, I and City Master Bessa will definitely not let you go." Theirs. Lord Bessa, do you agree?"

"That's natural." Lord Bessa nodded, looked at City Lord Yeshan and Citylord Yanshan, obviously noticing that their expressions had changed slightly, and immediately frowned, suppressing the doubts in his heart.

"Elder Qingmi." The city lord Yan Shan quickly put on a helpless look, sighed at the old man Qingmi, and then said: "You are saying that if those men in black don't catch Ji For the words of the city lord and the others, you and Bessa will not help... People say that you will draw your sword to help when you see injustice, right? We have all been here, and we will really meet those men in black after a while. We may not be able to do it all at once. Catch them, if they are divided into several groups, if City Master Ji and the others are not caught here, don't you just stand by and let them escape to report to the other men in black and let them take City Master Ji and the others away Hide it?"

The old man Qingmi frowned slightly when he heard the words of the city lord Yan Shan, and thought about what he said seriously.

"That's good..." City Master Yan Shan was silent for two seconds, and continued while the iron was hot: "When arresting these men in black, as long as Elder Qingmi and City Master Besa are willing to help, even if I am Ye Shan, we Chicheng owes you a favor, how about it? When River Water City, Lord Bessa's, and the Fox Clan go to war, our Panchi City will definitely send someone to help..."

"Xu Shan, you said this alone, Ye Shan may not agree to it!" The old man Qingmi rolled his eyes and looked at the Lord Ye Shan, as if he wanted him to say what the Lord Yan Shan said. After saying it once, this will agree.

City Lord Ye Shan did not behave as usual, and immediately sang bad faces with the leader of City Yan Shan, but after looking at City Master Yan Shan indifferently, he suddenly smiled meaningfully at old man Qingmi, and then said peacefully: " Elder Qingmi, now is not the time for Ye Shan to act recklessly... I will naturally agree with what Yan Shan said. After all, these men in black are not good people. Catch it, I, Yeshan, am really worried that they will do something unfavorable in our Panchi City! So, Elder Qingmi, Lord Besa, as long as you agree to help, it will be considered that our Panchi City owes you a favor, In the future, it will naturally be repaid by me and Lu Shan..."

"Hehehe, it seems that the relationship between Ye Shan and you is quite harmonious now!" The old man Qingmi glanced at Ye Shan and Yan Shan with a little sarcasm, and after a few seconds of contemplation, this Only then did he look at Lord Bessa, and after seeing his slightly sullen face for a while, he nodded to himself, and then the old man Qingmi looked at City Lord Yan Shan and City Lord Ye Shan, and said to them: "Since you and Ye Shan Ye Shan has already said that, if Lao Tzu and Besa City mainly refuse to agree to help you with this favor, isn’t that too unreasonable?” At this point, the old man Qing Mi sneered, and then continued: “But , Huan, you have to promise me that I will let me see Xiaoyan girl as soon as possible later! If she is really captured by the man in black, no matter how much manpower and material resources are spent, I will find her! Come back...if she is not captured...then I also hope that you will not break your promise and find Xiaoyan as soon as possible so that I can see her..."

Hearing the words, the city lord Yan Shan took a deep look at the old man Qingmi, and although he was a little reluctant after a few seconds, he finally nodded.They have no choice!If it is said that those men in black who came to their Panchi City are really members of the Fox Clan, let alone some core leaders of the Fox Clan, there are only a few of them with the strength to take action in Panchi City, and the rest guards, it can only be used as a backup for crowd tactics!If old man Qingya and Lord Bessa could really join in, they would be more confident in capturing those men in black, wouldn't they?
Would rather make more preparations than underestimate the enemy, right?
Therefore, even if City Lord Yan Shan was unwilling to let Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi meet in his heart, he could only give up this idea in front of the interests of Panchi City. Nothing was as important as their Panchi City!

So, the old man Qingmi got what he wanted, and suddenly regained his energy, he went directly to explore the depths of the alley, and then urged the city masters Yan Shan and Ye Shan: "If this is the case, then we will Don't wait any longer, let's go. Just go in and find someone... If there is anything, San Francisco and I will definitely help you..."

City Lord Yan Shan nodded, and asked City Lord Ye Shan about the deployment of troops at the entrance of the alley, then he led old man Qingmi and the others into the alley softly, and began to search along the alley.

According to what the aborigines in Panchi City said, those men in black seemed to have entered the deepest part of the alley before disappearing.Therefore, City Lord Gu Shan and the others did not take it lightly, and went directly to every house in the alley and began to investigate quietly. After eliminating one by one, they finally reached the last two houses in the depths of the alley...

City Lord Yan Shan and City Lord Ye Shan looked at each other for a few times, then turned their heads and signaled to old man Qingmi and Lord Besa, asking them to follow each other and rush into two houses to find someone.Looking at the old man Qingmi and Lord Bessa nodding, and by the way assigning the guards and players of Qingcheng behind them, the Lord Yanshan nodded to the Lord Yeshan, and the two sides counted silently in their hearts One, two, three, the gates of the two houses were kicked open in an instant, and they rushed directly into the yard.

Sure enough, one of the two houses was occupied by those men in black, and several guards of Panchi City were lying unconscious on the ground...

"Ye Shan... this way!" The person who chose the rightful lord happened to be on the side of the city lord Yan Shan. After rushing into the yard and seeing the guards of his own Panchi City, the city lord Yan Shan immediately shouted behind him, vaguely listening After the response from City Lord Ye Shan and the old man Qingmi, he immediately looked at Master Bessa, and said quickly to him: "There is City Lord Lao Beisa..." Then, City Lord Yan Shan directly arranged for guards and The other players and the guards of Qingcheng rushed out of the room together, and looked at the man in black who was about to attack with obvious surprise. He glanced at the comatose Panchi City guards in the yard, but they didn't find Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and after hearing the words of City Lord Yan Shan, they started to help.After all, if in Panchi City, when he was chasing those black-clothed foxes, he could have someone to help him, he wouldn't be able to let those black-clothed foxes run away. care about.

The city lords Lushan and Yeshan said that as long as he and old man Qingmi are willing to help, he will be in debt to them in the future, and he will come to help when the Fox Clan and their river water city are at war.So, as long as he is really helpful now and catches these black-clothed men...and these black-clothed men are really members of the fox clan, then he will definitely use this favor to find the city lord Lu Shan and the others to exchange for a few The men in black from the fox clan brought them back to Panchi City, cleaned them up properly, and asked them to lure out all the black-clothed fox clan members who had been hiding in Panchi City for a long time.
"Where is the person? Where is the person? I am here!" Master Bessa was thinking, when he heard the old man Qingmi's question, he immediately regained his senses and pointed to the room, then said quickly: "Elder Qingmi You can go in and take a look first... Xiaoyan is not outside here, most likely inside. Go in and take a look to prevent those men in black from taking them away..."

"In the house? Alright, I'll go in and have a look right away!" The old man Qingmi glanced at the old man who was throwing spells all the time, Lord Bessa and City Lord Lushan who had no free time at all, nodded immediately, and went over there A few men in black with obvious strength took a look and rushed into the room.

It's just that, as soon as the line of sight dimmed, the old man Qingmi felt his face tighten before he had time to see clearly what was going on in the room. With a punch, a great force was greeted on the stomach at the same time... Then the body was lightened, and it flew up in an instant, and two seconds later, it fell directly to the ground
"I'll wipe it. Who the hell is so cruel?" Old Qing Mi covered his face, rubbed his belly and rolled on the ground, and cursed loudly.

"Elder Qingmi, how are you?" Lord Bessa immediately shifted his gaze to the old man Qingmi when he heard the movement, seeing him flying out of the room, rolling on the ground covered in blood, he couldn't help but feel Shocked, he quickly asked a question.What is the strength of old man Qingya? He was beaten like this before he even entered the room, and was sent flying out. How strong is the person who made the move in the room?

Thinking of this, Lord Bessa couldn't help but exchanged glances with the City Lord Lushan who was looking at him, and both of them frowned slightly.

On the other hand, the old man Qingya got up from the ground after grinning a few times, then wiped his face, rubbed his belly, freed his hand, and said indifferently to Master Bessa: "It's okay, It's okay... I was just attacked by surprise... Hiss... The people who attacked me in the room were really serious! They could only rely on the fact that the room was dark, and when I entered all of a sudden, their eyes couldn't adapt, and it took a while. I can't see where they sneaked in for a while..."

"Mm, Elder Qingmi, be careful." City Lord Yan Shan didn't immediately relax when he heard what Old Man Qingmi said, but instead told him: "Since these people dare to secretly lurk in our Panchi City To arrest people, they will definitely not be some righteous people, they must be playing tricks, you have to be careful, don't let them take advantage of the loopholes..." If the old man Qingmi was attacked by someone in the future or injured or If he died, that would be ridiculous.
"Okay, okay, I've been fooled once, can I be fooled a second time?" The old man Qingmi snorted, and said to City Lord Yan Shan unhappily: "Do you think I'm a fool? Do you still need to remind me of these things? I will naturally think of a way to get in, and beat the sneak attacker inside to death..."

(End of this chapter)

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