The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1424 Good luck, no way?

Chapter 1424 Good luck, no way?
Ye Guangmeijiu has never felt so disgusted with this man who has never met before
"Since you don't choose a camp, why did you talk so much just now? Isn't it a waste of time?" Ye Guangmeijiu looked angrily at the strangers, and then looked at Qing Yuxi, seeing that they were all expressionless After not feeling any guilt about what they said just now, Yeguang Fine Wine was really depressed! !Cooperating with them, as far as he took what Miss Qing Yuxi said seriously, did he seriously consider it?
Sure enough, after seeing other people looking at him with teasing eyes, Ye Guang Meijiu understood instantly!It turned out to be exactly as he had guessed! !

"Luoye..." Ye Guangmeijiu looked at Luoye Fenfei sadly and shouted, quickly grabbed onto Luoye Fenfei's clothes with both hands, then looked at him and said, "Luoye, let's not play with them anymore... You are totally bullying me..."

Falling Leaves Flying Hearing Yeguang Fine Wine's words, his eyes lit up instantly, and he began to think about it in his heart.Could he use Yeguang Meijiu's words to separate from Qing Yuxi and the others, and directly take Yeguang Meijiu together as a team and go straight to Panchi City's lord's mansion?In this way, won't Miss Qingyuxi be suspicious?
Flying Leaves was thinking about it, but the people in black beside him didn't have so much time to wait for him to think about it before acting!I saw that the few remaining people in black stood together, with the leader of the man in black standing in the middle, muttering a long sentence, Lord Bessa and the others looked at the remaining black people. The clothes of the people in clothes bulged instantly, and in this very short few seconds, everyone became a bit taller and stronger...

"NPCs can also go berserk?" Qing Yuxi looked at the men in black in surprise, and couldn't help saying something in a low voice. Seeing that everyone was looking at that side with piercing eyes, she frowned and turned towards the man behind her. The gate took a look.If it is said that the strength of those men in black has soared, and they really came up with a large-scale big move to kill all these players...

Qing Yuxi's face became more serious in an instant, and she glanced at her subordinates a few times to make them move closer to her, then looked seriously at the NPCs in the yard!
And just when the whole scene was so tense!When the battle between the two sides was imminent, the old man Qingmi jumped from the inside of the house to the outside of the gate, and then shouted loudly in the direction of Master Besa: "Master Besa, where are those men in black? I am in the house I searched every place in the city twice, but I didn't find Xiaoyan girl and the others at all! Even the guards in Qingcheng didn't see a single one, and there was no trace of anyone being imprisoned inside... Hurry up, Lord Bessa, ask Those people, where did they lock Xiaoyan and the others?"

When Lord Bessa heard the old man Qingmi's words, he immediately cast his eyes on the city masters Lushan and Yeshan, and then looked at the people in black who had already charged up in a very short time.However, before Master Bessa had time to ask something, he saw those men in black rushing towards them with a quick movement like an afterimage, "Defense!" City Lord Lu Shan immediately shouted at the guards With a cry, he quickly congealed a spell and threw it towards a man in black, only to find that the spell was actually empty.
City Lord Ye Shan obviously saw the situation on the side of City Lord Yan Shan, and couldn't help but shudder in his heart. He immediately understood what was going on, so he quickly shouted to the others: "Everyone pay attention to defense, defense! They The speed of the movement is too fast, all you see are afterimages, false images, and you can't attack... After they exhaust their energy, we will attack again..."

As soon as City Lord Ye Shan's words fell, many guards of Panchi City and Qing City were injured and fell to the ground in an instant.

Seeing this situation, old man Qingmi hurriedly shouted at the guards in Qingcheng: "Everyone back up, back off! Everyone in Qingcheng, back off..." After a pause, old man Qingmi looked directly at Fallen Leaves Flying Fly They shouted: "Falling leaves... What are you adventurers doing? Did I ask you to follow me in a daze? Hurry up and help!!"

"How can I help?" Yeguang Meijiu immediately asked after hearing old man Qingmi's words.I didn't see the lost expression of the falling leaves at all...
"Are you idiots? Naturally, you came up to help the guards of Qingcheng resist the attack!" The old man Qingmi also panicked, and hurriedly ran towards Luo Yefenfei and them, then yelled at Yeguang Fine Wine, and turned his head again Looking at the strangers and Yan Foil drifting away from them, he said directly: "What are you all doing here, hurry up and help! If you adventurers are killed, you will reappear in a while, our guards of Qingcheng If you die, you are really dead..."

Hearing the words, Yan Foil and the strangers were suffocated for two seconds, and looked at the old man Qingya speechlessly.In the end, I had to admire the thick skin of the old man Qingya in my heart!Such a matter that should have been relatively obscure, the old NPC dared to shout out like this, and said it openly, it was really intoxicating.
"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry over..." The old man Qingmi didn't care what Yan Buliu was thinking about at the moment, he directly kicked them all out of the yard impatiently. Then he roared: "Remember, you adventurers are here to protect the guards of our Qingcheng... You must protect them well! You would rather die than let them suffer any damage..."

"Then is this a mission for us?" Yeguang Meijiu couldn't help asking loudly when he was kicked out by the old man Qingmi.

"Of course it's a mission!" Old man Qingmi didn't think about it, and replied directly: "This is the mission I gave you! Otherwise, do you think that I called you all the way here to follow me to visit Panchi City? ?”

"Of course not, of course not!" Yeguang Meijiu grinned at the old man Qingmi in surprise, then pulled out his weapon and prepared to protect the guards of Qingcheng, and said to the old man Qingmi : "We just want to confirm...Elder Qingmi, don't worry, even if I die, I will definitely not let us guards of Qingcheng die..."

"Hmph!" Old man Qingmi only glanced at Yeguang Fine Wine out of the corner of his eye, and then concentrated on dealing with those men in black.

After being berserk, the strength of the man in black has indeed increased greatly. No matter in terms of attack power and speed, it is very different from the beginning.The city lord Ye Shan, who were still standing in a favorable position, was really in a bit of a panic at the moment, and because of the help of the players, the guards in Qingcheng were injured and died less than the guards in Panchi City...
However, they have been waiting for the men in black to run out of energy, and after fighting those men in black for a while, they discovered that according to normal circumstances, the men in black who should have been exhausted and lost their fighting power had no need at all. It means to stop.Generally speaking, people like this who suddenly go berserk basically can't last long, otherwise how unnatural would it be?Conquered the whole world with just one berserker, right?

"What's the matter? Lord Yeshan, why don't they seem to be exhausted at all?" Lord Bessa frowned, looked at the city lord Yeshan with some doubts and asked, seeing his response After shaking his head by himself, he had no choice but to turn his gaze to City Lord Yan Shan.

"They are very strange..." City Lord Yan Shan held back for a long time, only said these five words, but couldn't help frowning in his heart.He really didn't expect that these men in black would have such abilities!If they were revealed at the very beginning, then this is certainly not the case now!How many of them are going berserk right now?How many people are there in Panchi City, Qingcheng City and those adventurers?With such a confrontation of strength, those people in black clearly have the upper hand right now...
If he had really agreed to the terms of those people in black, then maybe he could really take Ye Shan and them down now!

Thinking of this, City Lord Yan Shan couldn't help but lose his mind for a second, and then quickly felt a burning pain in his arm.

"Xu Shan, what are you thinking?" City Lord Ye Shan glared at City Master Xi Shan, and immediately moved to his side, cursing at him: "You just thought you didn't choose to partner with them to rob us Chicheng, why do you regret it? Let me tell you, Panchi City belongs to the two of us. If we want to rob it, we will rob it ourselves in the city. We must not allow these people of unknown origin to get involved inexplicably... do you know?"

City Lord Yan Shan glanced sideways at City Master Ye Shan, and let him pull out a strip of cloth and tie a knot in the wound on his arm. The people in black who left only afterimages
"MD, I'm dizzy from shaking!" Old Qing Mi stared at the scene in the yard with some complaints, couldn't help cursing, and grabbed an afterimage before reaching out to grab it.The old man Qingmi who thought that he would definitely catch the air again found that he actually had something in his hand when he pressed his palm down.Taking a closer look, he actually caught a man in black... "I've caught, I've caught one!" the old man Qingmi yelled in surprise, and quickly punched the one in his hands. After he spit out a mouthful of blood from the man in black, he immediately sat down on his waist, grabbed the man's face towel, and pulled it off instantly.
"Fox Clan...they really are members of the Fox Clan!" Lord Bessa was concentrating on seeing that afterimage could be a real person, but he heard the movement from old man Qingmi, and quickly turned around to look over , Sure enough, seeing the severely beaten man in black with two hairy ears on his head, Lord Bessa's eyes sank a little in an instant.

The rebellious Fox Clan also appeared in their River Water City, and Panchi City also appeared. Why is this?What's the connection?
City Lord Ye Shan was not at all interested in whether those men in black were from the fox clan, so he just glanced in the direction of old man Qingmi and didn't care.On the contrary, City Lord Yan Shan is in a bad mood at the moment...
"Quickly tie it up, tie it up! Don't let them run away!" Seeing that no one praised him, the old man Qingmi threw the face towel on the ground in a bored manner, and then directly called for two Qingcheng guards After helping them tie up the fox family, he said to them in a low voice: "You take him over and interrogate him carefully. Where did they arrest Xiaoyan girl? Or, did they arrest her?" Xiaoyan girl..."

The Qingcheng guard nodded, and quickly pulled him aside with a sullen face.

After being silent for several seconds, Lord Bessa raised his head to look at old man Qingmi and asked, "Elder Qingmi, I remember that you have been to the Fox Clan, right? Then do you know something about them? They are here now. How long can the situation last? Do we have any way to break it?"

"Ask me?" Old man Qingmi pointed at himself in surprise when he heard Lord Besa's words, then rolled his eyes at him, and then said: "Castile Master Besa, we just went to visit the Fox Clan It’s just a circle, how can you know too much about them! You also know that the group of fox people are always talking about it, there are many things they know, and there are many things they don’t! As for what they can do, except They themselves, none of us know! Besides, they can’t tell me about their affairs without incident! Right?” And, there’s another point, just when old man Qingmi and Ji Xiaoyan went to the Fox Clan , They also belong to the unwelcome category. The fox family basically supervises them all the way, and there are even fewer things that can be known to them.
"Since you don't know anything, how did you catch that fox clan just now?" City Lord Ye Shan asked, looking at old man Qingmi suspiciously.

"It's just so easy to catch!" Old Qing Mi said to City Lord Ye Shan with a matter-of-fact look: "I'm lucky, can't I? What's the matter? Ye Shan, are you jealous?"

Upon hearing the words, City Lord Ye Shan gave old man Qing Mi a hard look, and stopped talking.

He knew that he was born to be incompatible with old man Qingmi!Sure enough, if he really takes over Panchi City in the future, he must put old man Qingmi directly on the blacklist of not being accepted!
City Lord Yan Shan actually smiled, turned to look at Old Man Qingmi and said, "Since Elder Qingmi is lucky, why not help us catch a few more foxes... just right, don't you want to ask about the whereabouts of City Lord Ji?" I think if you really want to know the whereabouts of City Lord Ji, only the guy in their lead will know..."

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Focus on np100 years"!Thanks to "Southern Lion Head" for starting coin!
(End of this chapter)

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