The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1425 The remaining i1 questions

Chapter 1425 One question left

Because the maids and guards in the Mansion of the Lord of Panchi City have not noticed that Ji Xiaoyan and the others have disappeared, Ji Xiaoyan and the others soon waited for the guard of the Lord Mansion of Qingcheng who went to the City of Panchi to send a letter to Brick. return.

"How is it? Have you got a reply from Brick?" Director Qing Gong looked at the guard of the city lord's mansion after drinking a glass of water, and immediately asked: "I have made it clear to Brick that I must send one Is the teleporter coming?"

"Yes, Manager Qing Gong, my subordinates wrote it word by word according to your wishes." The guard of the City Lord's Mansion nodded with certainty, and after saying something to Manager Qing Gong, he looked at it with some embarrassment. Manager Qing Gong glanced at him, and then said to him: "It's just, Manager Qing Gong... Lord City Master, the subordinates haven't waited for Master Brick's reply!"

When Manager Qing Gong heard this, he immediately frowned unhappily, looked at the guard with some complaints and asked, "Why don't you come back after Brick's reply? At this time, it's still early before dark." ! Why did you come back so early?"

The guard of the city lord looked at Manager Qing Gong with some trepidation, then quickly lowered his head, and then explained: "Mr. After a long time, I did not see any reply from Mr. Brick, and then heard that something seemed to happen near the post station. The subordinates were worried that it was the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan, so they hurried back early ..."

"Then when you came back, did you see someone following you carefully?" Manager Qing Gong was shocked when he heard the words, and looked outside the room carefully. After seeing the guard nodded with certainty, he secretly said He breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "You said something happened in the station, what happened, do you know?"

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion shook his head.In the situation at that time, there was chaos everywhere, how could he run out to see it?If someone saw this accidentally, wouldn't he directly recognize him as a Qingcheng guard and cause unnecessary trouble?

After hearing the words, Chief Qing Gong couldn't help but let out a long breath, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Then, Lord City Master, what do you think we should do now? If there is no reply from Brick, we will never It is impossible to know whether there will be teleporters sent to Panchi City... At that time, if we really rush out of Panchi City, but are trapped in the teleportation array and then captured back, that scene..." already It doesn't mean that it doesn't look good. "Mr. Qing Gong, do you think the city master Ye Shan and the others have received the news at the station and are looking for us?" Ji Xiaoyan asked suspiciously.

"I think it may be that the guards in the Panchi City Lord's Mansion found the Yeshan Lord and the others in the city..." Manager Qing Gong thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I guess, the maids in the Panchi City City Lord's Mansion If you don't have anything special, it is definitely impossible to look for us in the house. However, if City Lord Yeshan and the others get the news and go back to the City Lord's Mansion to find out that we are gone, then... Lord City Lord, our hard days are terrible. Here we come!"

Ji Xiaoyan frowned.

Director Qing Gong also thought for a long time with a bitter face, and after a long time, he gritted his teeth and said to the Qingcheng guard who had sent Feige's letter: "You go out and see the situation... Go to the post station to see Look……"

The guard looked up at Manager Qing Gong in surprise, and then turned his gaze to Ji Xiaoyan.He was a little unsure whether he needed to go out and have a look!Think about it, if the people near the post station are really City Master Yeshan and the others, then he will definitely be caught when he goes out. When the time comes, people will see, huh? Aren't you the guard of Qingcheng?Aren't you supposed to follow City Lord Ji in Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion?Why did it appear in Panchi City, outside the City Lord's Mansion?Right?What will he say then?Besides, if it is true that City Lord Yeshan has discovered that they all escaped, and then captured himself, wouldn't it be easier to expose?
After Ji Xiaoyan listened to Manager Qing Gong's words, the thoughts in his mind were almost the same as those of the guards of the City Lord's Mansion, so he immediately said: "I don't want it anymore! Let's wait here until it gets dark... . . . "

"Master City Lord..." Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, and said puzzledly: "If we just stay here and wait, it may not happen that the surroundings of this house are surrounded by City Lord Ye Shan. We don't know anything yet... We can't really know nothing, can we? This is not conducive to our arrangement of some things..."

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, and after thinking for a long time, he said to Manager Qing Gong: "I know we can't be too closed. But, Manager Qing Gong, the weather is not good for us to inquire about news! If you are really afraid of being caught The Lord of Yechang found out that they should go to the roof for a while to watch in shifts, so that we can know in advance if there is anything going on! What do you think?"

Manager Qing Gong was a little dissatisfied.

So, Ji Xiaoyan continued: "Mr. Qing Gong, you forgot, when we came out, you always told me how to find a place to hide, and then wait until it gets dark or dawn? At that time, you also said that if the situation If it's not good, we may have to hide for many days..."

Director Qing Gong was choked, and curled his lips silently in his heart.When he said that at the beginning, didn't he want to comfort Ji Xiaoyan, lest she worry about it and accidentally cause some accidents?
The guard of the City Lord's Mansion carefully glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, then at Manager Qing Gong, and after deliberating for a while, he said, "This subordinate also thinks that it's better for us not to go least, we have to wait until You can only act after dark. And, if Master Brick has a reply, wherever I am, the pigeons will fly here... As long as we know if there is a teleporter coming, we can directly arrange the next thing, There is no need to go out and cause trouble now..."

When Manager Qing Gong heard this, he immediately glared at the guard.I have to say, what he said still makes a little sense. Who made the clothes of the guards in Qingcheng and the guards in Panchi City different!If you go out, it is indeed a bit eye-catching.
"Okay, since you said the same thing, Lord City Lord, then we'll just stay in the room and continue to wait... If there's no news from Brick after dark, we'll just go out and check the situation!" Chief Qing Gong sighed He said a word, thought for a while and then continued: "If there is any movement around, we also need to move immediately..."

"That's natural." Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately, smiled at Manager Qing Gong, and then sighed with a slight frown: "I just don't know what Brick did...why didn't you reply! "

What is Brick doing now?

After Brick found Ji Xiaoyan and the others' room in Panchi City, he immediately thanked the maid who led the way, sent her away, and then led the guards from Qingcheng directly into the room.I thought that after entering the house, I would be able to see Ji Xiaoyan directly as the maids in Panchi City said, but it turned out that the room they entered was an empty one.Moreover, as far as the guards of the city lord's mansion brought by Brick checked, basically someone has come in and lived here recently...

So Brick was instantly puzzled.

Could it be that Ji Xiaoyan really left the City Lord's Mansion freely and was arrested by those so-called men in black?Not right!Those maids in Panchi City clearly said that Ji Xiaoyan and the others just told them not long ago, did they all go back to the house to rest?How could it be absent?

"Master Brick, I don't know for certain. Lord City Master and the others knew that something happened in the Mansion of the City Lord in Panchi City, so they ran out to watch the fun?" A guard thought for a while and said to Brick.

"Impossible. Just now the guards and maids said that Xiaoyan and the others knew that something happened in the city lord's mansion, so they said they wanted to avoid suspicion and come back to rest..." Brick frowned tightly, saying to He said something to the guard, and after a pause for several seconds, he suddenly realized, and said to the guards, "Say, will Xiaoyan take advantage of the fact that the Lord Yeshan and the Lord Yanshan are not in the Mansion of the City Lord? , so you ran out?"

"What about Master Xuan Mo?" A guard immediately looked at Brick and asked.

Then, Brick was speechless for an instant.That's right, isn't it because they wanted to bring Xuan Mo over here that they were planted in Panchi City?What is the situation of Xuan Mo now, none of them know, how could Ji Xiaoyan abandon Xuan Mo and leave by himself?Thinking of this, Brick instantly became depressed!

Where did Ji Xiaoyan and the others go?
"Master Brick, there are pigeons..." Just when Brick was depressed, a guard pointed to a pigeon flying towards them in surprise, said something to Brick, and then looked at the After the pigeon landed directly on Brick's body in the next second, the guard immediately reached out to grab the pigeon, checked his feet, took off a rolled note, and handed it to Brick.

"For me?" Brick took the note with some surprise.

"The pigeon that fell on you is of course for you, Master Brick!" The guard nodded, said something to him, and then asked curiously: "Master Brick, what did you write on the note? Hurry up and take a look..."

Brick nodded quickly, his eyes fell on the note, and he regretted it instantly.

"What's the matter? Lord Brick, from your appearance, it seems that this is not a good thing..." The guards looked at Brick with some concern and asked, and then looked at Brick with a depressed expression on his face. To them, after a while, he shook his head silently, sat down on a chair in the room, and began to sigh.

Several guards looked at Brick curiously and worriedly, and then asked, "Master Brick, what did you say in the note?"

Brick took a deep breath and said after a while, "It's a message from one of Xiaoyan's guards...Xiaoyan told us to bring a teleporter here if we haven't come to Panchi City...but , we are all in Panchi City now... Where can I find the teleporter!"

"What do you want the teleporter to do?" the guards asked a little strangely.

"Of course it will be used when we leave Panchi City!" Brick sighed deeply, "Didn't you notice when we came here? Panchi City's teleportation array is outside the city, but there are no teleporters around... You also know about Ye Shan City Lord, he is making up Xiaoyan's idea. We just need to wait until Xuan Mo is healed, then we have to find a way to leave Panchi City! If there is no teleporter, we must be trapped here... Hey , I’m also to blame, I didn’t tell Elder Qingmi when I came here, and then discussed bringing another teleporter here... What should I do now?”

Several guards looked at each other after hearing the words, and after pondering for a while, they looked at Brick and suggested: "Master Brick, since the Lord City Lord needs a teleporter, we didn't bring it here... Why don't we just do it?" Go directly to Panchi City and grab one!"

"Catch one?" Brick was stunned for a moment, and looked at the guards of the City Lord's Mansion in shock.

"Yes, grab one!" A guard nodded to Brick seriously, and then said: "Since there is a teleportation array in Panchi City, there are naturally teleporters, and it is certainly impossible to have only one... Lord Brick, as long as we find a teleporter and arrest him, he will definitely be able to teleport us away."

"What if he refuses?" Brick asked immediately, naturally.

"Then let's catch one who is willing." The guard of the Santo's Mansion said to Brick without hesitation, "We don't believe that so many teleporters are so loyal to the City Lord Yeshan and the City Lord Yanshan, even their own lives. Don't want to, keep us stubbornly in Panchi City...Of course, Mr. Brick, you must be afraid of the worst situation. But don't worry, if you really can't catch a teleporter from Panchi City Help us, won’t Panchi City be able to open the city gates tomorrow and come in and out freely? At that time, we’ll just go back to Qingcheng to find it! If we can’t leave, can’t we find some adventurers to help us with this matter? Master Brick, you forgot that we brought so many adventurers here..."

When Brick heard this, he reacted instantly, looked at the guards in surprise, and said happily: "Yes, yes, yes, you are right! If you can't find it in Panchi City If we find a suitable teleporter, we will go back to Qingcheng to find... If we can't get out of Panchi City, at worst, let those adventurers help! At that time, as long as there is Xiaoyan's handwriting, those adventurers will be able to enter our Qingcheng The city lord's mansion is looking for a teleporter... No matter how bad it is, we can get them to bring a letter to our guards in Qingcheng's city lord's mansion, asking them to send a teleporter over..."

"Yes!" Several guards smiled and nodded to Brick, and then said: "Now, Mr. Brick, we only have one problem to solve. That is, where is the city lord?"

 PS: Thank you "Southern Lion Head" for starting coins!Thanks for the two monthly tickets of "`ヅ伤精々"!

(End of this chapter)

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