Chapter 1426 Contact

Brick took the guards of Qingcheng around the Santo's Mansion of Panchi City for several times. In the end, except for the palaces, treasure houses and other relatively private places of the Santos of Yanshan and Yeshan, they did not go to find them. They looked at the place, but there was no trace of Ji Xiaoyan and Qing Gong!
Therefore, after researching for a long time, Brick and several guards of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion finally came to a conclusion: Ji Xiaoyan and the others must have left the City Lord's Mansion without the knowledge of the guards of the Panchi City City Lord's Mansion!It's just that Brick and the others don't know where and what they did after they left the City Lord's Mansion.
"Since this is the case, there is no need for us to stay here!" Brick looked seriously at the guards of Qingcheng who were with him, and said in a low voice: "Aren't we going to find the teleporter anyway? Well, we go directly Go out, look for the teleporter, and find Xiaoyan and the others at the same time... By the way, let's go to the city to find the post, no matter what, we must write back to Xiaoyan and the others! Let them know that we have arrived in Panchi City, Moreover, they brought Elder Qingmi here... and ask where they are now so that we can meet up!"

Several guards nodded immediately when they heard the words, and after expressing their agreement, they followed Brick and rushed to the gate of the Panchi City Lord's Mansion, and asked the guards of the Panchi City Lord's Mansion to go out.It's just that it's easy to get in and get out, but it's not as easy as Brick and the others imagined.

"Are you going out?" Several guards of the Panchi City Lord's Mansion frowned, glanced at Brick and the others, and then said to them with indifferent faces, with a businesslike look on their faces: "Everyone who cleans the city Guest, your city lord is also in this city lord's mansion, what are you going to do?"

Brick was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "Our Lord City Lord told us to go out." Judging from the meaning of these guards' words, Ji Xiaoyan and the others must have left without going through the gate!But where did they come from?There was a whisper in Brick's heart...
"Oh? What are you doing out there?" Panchi City guards were suspicious when they heard Brick's explanation.

Brick lifted his spirits, and said according to what he had discussed with the Qingcheng guards: "Naturally, I went out to find Lord Yeshan City Lord! Didn't Lord Yeshan City Lord ask our Lord City Lord to find something, so he sent me back to Qingcheng Is it? Now I have given the things to our Lord City Lord, but I heard that Lord Yeshan City Lord has gone out... So, our City Lord asked us to go to Lord Yeshan City Lord immediately..."

When the guards of Panchi City heard Brick's words, they murmured in their hearts for a while, and then looked at each other, and then a guard said: "Guests from Qingcheng, I think our Lord City Lord must be here soon. It will be back soon. Why don't you just wait in the City Lord's Mansion... As soon as our Lord City Lord returns, we will send someone to notify you immediately, how about it?"

Brick frowned, looking unhappy.He thought that the words have been said like this, and the guards of Panchi City should let them out directly!Could it be that the guards of the city lord's mansion in front of me are not the people of the city lord Ye Shan, but the subordinates of the city lord Ye Shan?
"Everyone, you must have heard that there is something wrong with us in the city lord's mansion. So we have sent people out to find the two city lords... There is no need for you to make another trip. Our city lord will definitely come back soon after he gets the news.” Several guards of Panchi City saw Brick’s expression, thought for a while, and explained to him: “Besides, none of your city lords in Qingcheng Leaving the City Lord's Mansion, if you leave, it's not very good, right?"

Brick glared at the guards.Hmph, if it wasn't for the city lord Ye Shan who refused to let Ji Xiaoyan leave, would they still be able to step out of the gate of the city lord's mansion?The guards of Panchi City in front of them just want to say that Ji Xiaoyan, as the city lord of Qingcheng, has been imprisoned in this city lord's mansion, and they can't leave.
But, if they couldn't leave, how would they tie up the teleporter, how would they find Ji Xiaoyan and the others?
Thinking of this, Brick couldn't help but gritted his teeth, looked at the guards of Panchi City with a stern face and asked, "Are you restricting our freedom? Huh, we came from Qingcheng, so it's you who The guests of Panchi City are the guests of your city lord! Is this how you treat guests? When did Ye Shan city lord say that we are not allowed to leave your city lord’s mansion? It would be nice to leave the City Lord's Mansion and go to find Ye Shan Lord, and they are very good, send our subordinates to look for it, don't you want to stop it?"

The guards of Panchi City were stunned, looked at Brick and said, "But, our Lord City Lord did say that you would not be allowed to leave."

"What do you mean not to let us leave?" Brick was a little angry. Looking at the guards, he suddenly realized that they seemed to have said something wrong. Panchi City healed the wounds! We are not prisoners captured by your Panchi City and brought to the City Lord’s Mansion! You keep saying that Lord Yeshan City Lord won’t let us leave, but does that mean what Lord Yeshan City Lord said?”

The guards of the city lord's mansion looked at me and I looked at you, but didn't make a sound.

"What Lord Yeshan said is, let us not leave your Panchi City until Xuan Mo is healed!" Brick roared angrily, "What are we going out of your City Lord's Mansion for? Not to do anything bad, but just to inform you Lord Yeshan that what he wanted has been found... Please come back quickly! At the beginning, Lord Yeshan himself said that as soon as I found something, I would tell him immediately! You let us waste time waiting here, are you going to trouble you when Lord Yechang City Lord returns?"

The guards of the Panchi City Lord's Mansion bowed their heads in silence for a few seconds, and then one of the guards said to Brick, "Then...Guests of Qingcheng, if you must go out...."

"We must go out immediately!" Brick interrupted immediately.

The guard nodded helplessly, and then said to Brick: "If you must go out, then either you let one of us follow; or you have to return to the City Lord's Mansion before dark. You choose one..."

Brick frowned, looked at the guard and asked, "Why must it be before dark?" The guards follow around around ah?But looking back, as long as they leave the city lord's mansion, it's up to them whether they come back or not?What's the use of these Panchi City guards adding such a time limit to them?Or, what's the catch?
The guard of Panchi City looked at Brick, and replied with a serious face: "Our Lord City Lord will definitely be back before dark. So, if you want to find them, you must come back before dark...... "

When Brick heard this, he was stunned for several seconds.He even couldn't help but silently guess in his heart whether the talking guard of Panchi City in front of him was here to make a joke.

"That's it?" Brick couldn't help but ask again.

The guard of Panchi City nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said: "However, I suggest that you let one of us follow. After all, we are very clear about the situation in Panchi City. If you go to our city lord If you get lost somewhere, it will be troublesome.”

When Brick heard this, he finally understood.What the co-author just proposed was not to send guards to monitor them at all, but to show them the way and forgive them for blackening the hearts of the guards of Panchi City in their hearts!However, after thinking about it, Brick also understood why people didn't worry about their whereabouts at all.In the minds of all the guards and maids in Panchi City at this stage, Ji Xiaoyan, the city lord of Qingcheng, and Chief Qing Gong are honestly staying in the room in the city lord's mansion. As long as they are there, the people of Qingcheng Can you go out and not come back?

Thinking of this, Brick sighed silently in his heart, and then said to the guards of Panchi City: "No need, we won't get lost. If you really accidentally go wrong, there are still people in your city." There are quite a few guards, we will know how to ask for directions..."

"Then you can do whatever you want!" The guards of the Panchi City Lord's Mansion nodded disappointedly at Brick, and then said, "Then, everyone, please remember that you must come back before dark. Otherwise, if you miss your City Lord Your lord's order, that's not very good..."

"Well, okay. Thank you!" Brick quickly smiled a little, said something to the guards, and then led the guards of Qingcheng, stepped out of the gate of the city lord's mansion, casually After choosing a direction and turning around the corner without seeing the City Lord's Mansion, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a little excitement: "Finally, we've come out. Next, let's go to the teleporter first?"

"No, Mr. Brick, we have to go to the post station first!" A guard thought for a while and suggested: "Since you can receive the letter from the city lord and the others, they must also be in the post station in Panchi City." The pigeons released... If we are lucky, we may meet the city lord and the others at the post station; if they are not there, it does not matter, we can send them a message and agree on a meeting place, right? At that time, there will be the city lord and the others Together, we can run things more smoothly. What do you think?"

Brick thought for a while, nodded in agreement and said, "Well, you're right, go to the station first..." After speaking, Brick looked around, and then said with a distressed face: "But, Pan Where is Chicheng's station?"

"Ask!" A few Qingcheng guards smiled and said to Brick, "We came out in an open and aboveboard manner now, and we don't need to hide. Naturally, we have to be open and honest."

"Hehe, you are right!" Brick nodded with a smile, and then said, "Anyway, Master Qingmi is also in Panchi City..."

Everyone nodded, looked at each other and smiled relaxedly, then directly chose a road, and began to ask someone for the location of the station.

Naturally, they asked for directions without needing to hide.Soon, Brick and the others found a post station in Panchi City, and quickly found out the letter from the Qingcheng guard that they had received, and Brick immediately sent him a message and threw the pigeon away. out.
At this moment, it is not long before it gets dark.

Ji Xiaoyan and the others were staring at the slowly yellowing sky with bored faces at the moment, silently in a daze.

"Pigeons... There are pigeons..." A Qingcheng guard who was squatting on the roof to read the news suddenly called out in a low voice, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "My lord, there is a pigeon flying towards us..."

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan regained his energy in an instant, stood up excitedly and looked towards the sky, then quickly called the guard who had gone out to release the pigeons to stand beside him, and then said: "Look quickly , quickly see if that pigeon is coming towards you?"

The guard stared at the sky for a second, and said with some surprise: "My lord, it should be. It should be the reply from Brick and the others..."

Sure enough, the next second, Manager Qing Gong watched the pigeon land on the guard's shoulder at an extremely fast speed.

"How about it, quickly take it apart and see what Brick said? Well, most importantly, see if the teleporter has arrived?" Manager Qing Gong also looked a little excited, looking at the The guard caught the pigeon, reached out and removed a small note from its leg, and silently handed it to Ji Xiaoyan.

"My lord, take a quick look..." Director Qing Gong immediately moved to Ji Xiaoyan's side.

"Yeah." Ji Xiaoyan nodded, happily opened the note and read it again, the expression on his face changed instantly.

"What's the matter? My lord, is it bad news?" Manager Qing Gong instantly felt an inexplicable big stone pressing up on his heart, as if his breathing became a little difficult.

Ji Xiaoyan sighed quietly, and then said: "It's not bad news. Anyway, our luck is not good, isn't it?" After finishing speaking, seeing Manager Qing Gong nodded in embarrassment, Ji Xiaoyan continued: "Brick has already entered Panchi City, we were a bit late in delivering the letter to his pigeon, and he didn't bring the teleporter here... However, he did bring Master Qingmi here! Well, there are also some city lords The guards of the Mansion and some adventurers. Brick said that they discussed it and joined us first, and then everyone went to grab a teleporter from Panchi City and left, asking our opinion..."

(End of this chapter)

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