Chapter 1427 Discovery
Ji Xiaoyan never knew that Brick, who had always been gentle, had such an absurd and slightly domineering side.

"My lord, what do you mean, Lord Brick said, we didn't have a teleporter to leave this Panchi City, so we went to the city to grab one?" After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Director Qing Gong was also stunned for several seconds. Then he looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise and asked, "Master City Master, are you sure this is what Master Brick said? Could it be that someone is deliberately trying to punish us?"

"It must be impossible!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, and said to Manager Qing Gong: "I think the method Brick said is good! Manager Qing Gong, think about it! The only thing we lack now is It’s just a teleporter. As long as there is a teleporter, are you afraid that you won’t be able to leave Panchi City? Since Brick doesn’t have a teleporter, can’t we grab a teleporter to help? As long as we can leave here, let the teleporter Who is it! Are you right?"

"However, Lord City Master, he will definitely not be willing to send it for us!" Director Qing Gong sighed, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said.What he was worried about was not the punishment he would receive after robbing people. His only worry was that they robbed people, but they didn't want to, so they could spend their time wasting time.
Ji Xiaoyan frowned when he heard the words, and then Zhanyan smiled and said to Manager Qing Gong: "Oh, Manager Qing Gong, we haven't even found the teleporter yet, so I'm worried that it's too early? "

Manager Qing Gong was stunned for a moment, sighed helplessly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Yes, what you said, Lord City Master... Then we should worry about it after we catch the teleporter! Nabu Did Rick say in the Flying Pigeon Biography where they are waiting for us to meet up in the past?"

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then said; "The pigeons they released for us at the post station in the south of the city said they found a more suitable house there. They will hang a red piece outside the house. small pieces of cloth to mark us, and they'll be waiting for us in the house...."

"I thought they would be waiting for us outside the house?" Manager Qing Gong said with some doubts.

"It was hard for them to get rid of Lord Yeshan and the others." Ji Xiaoyan said to Manager Qing Gong, "Brick and the others are only slightly better than us in Panchi City, but it is also very easy. They were discovered. If they are caught by City Master Ye Shan and the others, they will no longer be able to walk around in Panchi City... So, it is better to be cautious."

"Yes, what you said, Lord City Master!" General Manager Qing Gong nodded understandingly, then glanced at the guards around, and then asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Then Lord City Master...we are going to leave now gone?"

"Let's go!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded without hesitation, and then said to Manager Qing Gong: "We don't have any point in staying here now, we should go to Brick earlier to be more practical. But, Elder Qing Mi It seems that we are not with Brick and the others now. If we find a teleporter at that time, we will have to find a way to contact Elder Qingya. Hey, I always feel that when we entered Panchi City, we got stuck, and then came in one, You can go out one... It's like the feeling of changing one person for another!"

Manager Qing Gong heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, but didn't say a word.They haven't left Panchi City yet, so they are all trapped in it! !
With a goal, Ji Xiaoyan and the others moved very quickly.

A few guards on the roof looking at the situation looked around, nodded to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, stretched out their hands and pulled the people back to the wall one by one, and then helped them turn them out. Then he jumped off the roof and followed Ji Xiaoyan and the others to the south of Panchi City.
Because everyone is not familiar with the situation in Panchi City, and they have to hide from Yeshan City Lord and Kaishan City Lord, Ji Xiaoyan and the others were very cautious when they marched, and only sent the flying pigeons to Brick. The guard of the city lord's mansion in the book went everywhere to ask for directions and directions, and everyone hid in a dark corner and waited at any time.

However, after all, Ji Xiaoyan and his team have a lot of people, no matter how cautious they are, they will still be discovered
In Panchi City, besides the aborigine NPCs, there are also many players.Because the opening of the city gate is imminent, many players will come out to the shops in the city to stroll around the day before the opening of the city gate, buy some special items exclusive to Panchi City, and then wait until the city gate is opened to take them out for sale !These are basically things that players who come to Panchi City must do.

After all, the gates of the city are only opened once in three days, and the special items of Panchi City do not allow players to use flying pigeons to mail and trade them. In the end, players can only buy them with packages and take them out.So, many players are doing this business... As a result, Ji Xiaoyan and the others carefully hiding in the shadows were quickly spotted by a reselling player.
"Hey, what are you doing?" A guard of the City Lord's Mansion who was walking at the end of Ji Xiaoyan's team was concentrating on looking at the surrounding situation when he suddenly heard a clear female voice, and was instantly startled. After a moment, he turned his head and looked over, and saw a fair and clean girl next to his face. He opened his eyes wide at the moment, looked at him curiously, and asked again: "Brother guard, What are you doing? Catching thieves?"

"You..." the guards of the City Lord's Mansion were stunned for a full two seconds, and then they screamed in a low voice, and after attracting the attention of the surrounding City Lord's Mansion guards, they shouted in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan and Chief Qing Gong: "Master Chief... ....My lord, there is an adventurer here."

"What's going on?" Manager Qing Gong reacted the fastest. When the guard of the City Lord's Mansion screamed, he turned his head and looked over, and then saw the blinking eyes looking at them curiously. The female player suddenly frowned and said in a low voice every day: "How are you on guard?"

"Subordinate... I don't know how she came out!" The guard of the city lord's mansion next to the female player stiffened, looked at Chief Qing Gong with an innocent and wronged face, and said to him : "The subordinate didn't see anyone just now, she... she suddenly appeared!"

"Then someone will come out of nowhere?" Director Qing Gong glared at the guard unhappily, then winked at the other guards, and said in a low voice: "Don't worry about her, catch her first, and make sure she There will be no sound... We can't afford any unexpected situation in our current situation."

"Yes!" A few guards quickly responded and rushed towards the female player.

"What's the matter? Hey, hey, what are you going to do?" The female player froze for a moment, her body's reaction speed was naturally not as fast as that of the guards of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, so she was caught by one before she could turn around and run away. He was right there, and was skillfully tied up with rope by several guards, and finally covered his mouth with a piece of rag

"Shut up!" The Qingcheng guard who had just been reprimanded gave the female player an unhappy look, and then said to her: "We are not bad people, and we will not do anything to you. You just need to promise not to Just make a sound and follow us obediently. At that time, when we leave Panchi City, we will naturally let you leave safely, understand?"

The female player's eyes widened and she looked straight at the guard without saying a word.

"Ask if you understand?" The guard shot the female player with some displeasure. After seeing her nod to him with tears in her eyes to show that she understood, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Ji Xiaoyan and Ji Xiaoyan. Seeing Ji Xiaoyan looking at him in the direction of the emotional manager, he quickly lowered his head in shame.

"What's going on?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong with some doubts, and asked inexplicably.

"It's nothing, Lord City Master!" Director Qing Gong replied in a low voice, glanced behind him, thought for a while and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I just caught a female adventurer..."

player?Ji Xiaoyan glanced behind him in surprise, and he saw a female player tightly tied up, looking at him with her mouth shut, so she looked at Manager Qing Gong with some doubts and asked, "Are you going to How to deal with her?"

Manager Qing Gong sighed helplessly, and then said: "What else can we do? Lord City Master, that is an adventurer!" Manager Qing Gong shook his head, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Since she met us Come on, if we let her go, in case she exposes us, it will not be so easy for us to leave Panchi City! Moreover, if we kill her, she can be resurrected, in case she runs to the city gate Going over there to inform the subordinates of City Lord Ye Shan, it will be difficult for us to get out of the city gate. So, we can only take her with us now..."

"Take her back to Qingcheng together?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned and asked Manager Qing Gong. After seeing him nodding silently, Ji Xiaoyan let out a sigh of relief and glanced at the female player again. Only then did he turn his face back.Just take it with you, it's better than they can't leave Panchi City, isn't it?

Soon, the guard who asked for directions ran back carefully, muttered to Ji Xiaoyan and the others for a while, and a group of people started to go directly to the post station in the south of Panchi City.However, before leaving, Director Qing Gong still did not forget to tell the guard at the end of the team: "Remember to take care of that adventurer..."

The guard grimaced, nodded to Manager Qing Gong, glared at the female player with a depressed look, then grabbed her, and said to her: "Remember what I just told you? Along the way you Just follow us and be honest, I will let you go when you leave Panchi City! Remember?"

The female player nodded without hesitation, and there was still a hint of excitement in her eyes after she recovered.Kidnapped by an NPC!What a strange experience!
Seeing the cooperation of the female player, the guard finally nodded in satisfaction, and grabbed her clothes and dragged her to follow Ji Xiaoyan and the others.Then, after walking around in circles and hiding in Panchi City for a while, I finally saw a place with two large characters of post station.

"Which house is Brick talking about?" Director Qing Gong was terrified all the way, finally saw the destination, and then he was greatly relieved, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.

"The one with the red cloth...I don't know exactly where it is! Let's look for it directly!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the houses around the post station from a distance, but did not find that Brick was in the book of Feige. The red cloth logo I was talking about, I had to sigh to Manager Qing Gong and said, "If we can't find it after searching for a while, we can go directly to the post station and release a pigeon for Brick..." , you can directly ask where the specific location of the house is; secondly, maybe the pigeon can directly lead them the way?Right?
Manager Qing Gong understood the meaning of Ji Xiaoyan's words, nodded immediately, and then said: "Okay, just do as you said, Lord City Lord." After finishing speaking, Manager Qing Gong immediately turned his head and gave instructions to the guard behind After saying a word, he watched several guards work together and went straight to the direction of the station.
"Woooooooo..." The female player at the end of the team was not honest at all at the moment, she kept fumbling to the guard who was guarding her, as if she had something to say.

The guard frowned and looked at her with displeasure on his face: "What's the matter with you adventurer? Didn't you just agree to be more honest? What do you look like now? Shut up quickly..."

"Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow each , all!" the female player beckoned to the guards, wanting him to take off the cloth strips from her mouths.

"Woo what! Shut up!" The guard patted the female player on the back of the head with a displeased face, and warned her: "Don't think that we won't kill you now, you just keep tossing here. Tell you to be quiet, don't you understand? Don't make a sound...I can tell you, adventurer, don't think that I don't know your name when you are like this now! I can tell you, if you are more dishonest If we turn around and leave Panchi City, I will tell the general manager to send you a wanted order to punish you, do you believe it or not?"

When the female player heard this, her eyes widened immediately, and she looked at the guard of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion in disbelief.Is this NPC threatening her?Is it is it?There is also a wanted warrant!Think about it, it seems that there are not many players who can be wanted in the entire game now, right?Could she really be lucky enough to be one of them?
Oh my god, if that's the case, wouldn't she be famous and popular in the whole game right away?

Thinking of this, the female player couldn't help feeling a little excited in her heart for no reason.

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "` ヅ Scar 々"!Thank you "Irreplaceable Little Demon" for starting coin!Thanks to "Snack King" for the two monthly tickets!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Missing You, Missing You, and Thinking of You Again"!

(End of this chapter)

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